Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Brandon, Trump cinch nominations... big deal... change subject

Looks like we're in for a rematch - repeat, not a repeat! - of the stolen 2020 election. Surely American patriots won't let the biggest, riggedest fraud in history happen again! Walt will have more to say on that subject as the next eight(ish) months pass. 

Then comes R-Day -- "R" for "revenge". For today, let's change, let's change the subject and think for a bit about greenscam. An article on the state of China's economy reveals that the CCP's biggest market for wind turbines and solar panels is... the US of A. 

While the Chinese keep building more and more thermal power plants (powered by coal, oil and natural gas), they're selling billions of dollars worth of this junk to followers of Al Gore, Deluded Joe et al who keep telling us to "Go electric, go green!" 

Here's the latest green craziness.

ICYI: Why did Walt call wind turbines etc "junk"? See the VIDEO in "Is wind power really the way to a clean, green future?", WWW 19/10/23.

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