Sunday, July 9, 2023

The most dispiriting VIDEO I've seen in years

Remember when we were in school [You went to school? Ed.] and teachers or other kids would try to make you appear ignorant by asking a trick question or one with an obvious answer? Like: Who's buried in Grant's tomb? [How long ago was this? Ed.]

When they told you the answer you'd either go "Dohhh!" or "How could anybody not know that?", depending on whether you get it wrong or right. Fun, wasn't it? And so easy to mark the ignorance of the average American. 

In the 1990s, Canadian comic Rick Mercer did, "Talking to Americans", a series of bits mocking the ignorance of typical Americans. Click here to see a compilation. It's not that funny. Mr Mercer cheated, asking hypotheticals about fake situations and scenarios. He'd have done a lot better to ask simple, Grade-One-Level questions, to which anyone should know the answer.

That's what  the anonymous interviewer did in this frankly embarrassing streeter, posted by Jamel_AKA_Jamal just yesterday. 

Sad, isn't it? And think about this. These Americans are allowed not only to drive cars, but to vote! One commenter wrote, "The amazing part for me isn't that they don't know the answers (which is horrible), but the fact that they seems proud of it and think it's funny."

Some Canadian readers may think this is funny. [Well, it is funny! Ed.] But Walt doubts that typical Canuck Gen-Zers would to much better, except maybe on the questions about geography. If asked the question about how far you'd travel in an hour if you were driving at 60 MPH, a lot of them would probably say, "What's a 'mile'?"

Sad, isn't it?

Thanks to Arnie at Blazing Cat Fur for the lead.

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