Monday, July 4, 2022

True Facts Dept.: What's your sign?

For those who've decided to skip the Fourth of July festivities for fear of getting into a fistfight, we present a couple of True Signs -- examples of what can happen when some of the lights go out.

Our American readers may not get this one. Ask Dr Google for help. According to Agent 34, who sent this along, Thwaites Brewery, located in the beautiful Ribble Valley, in Lancashire, England, laid off 60 workers due to a downturn in business. This is how the company's electrical engineers responded.

Being one of Walt's Agents, 34 is disqualified from the True Facts competition, but thanks all the same.

Agent 3 is disqualified for the same reason, but we appreciate his submission of a similar entry. He says he didn't actually see this sign, but saw one just like it near Bellingham WA back in the `80s.

Agent 3 says he didn't want to seem like a racist, so ate there anyway, and thought the steak was pretty good.  

In times like these, when everyone is snarling at everyone else over real or perceived grievances, we need all the help we can get to preserve our sense of humour. Keep those True Facts coming in!

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