Thursday, July 14, 2022

"New year, new me!" - Annual gender change OKd for German trannies

Ever wonder what it would feel like to have your gender changed? Not physically, necessarily, just legally, just for fun, to see what it would be like... you know... before undergoing the "procedures".

For instance, if you were a man sentenced to hard time in the crowbar Hilton, you  could become a woman and do your time in a more comfortable P4W (prison for women). Or you could flash your new ID card when challenged for lurking in the ladies' restroom.

In Germany, boys (and girls), it's possible. With the stroke of a pen -- hocus pocus mucus pucus! -- you can have your gender reassigned, legally. And you can do it once a year, if you feel like it. At least that's the proposal (according to LifeSite News) of the German Minister of Justice, Marco Buschmann, and Family Minister Lisa Paus. (They are memberes of the left-wing FDP and the far-left Green Party, respectively. Surprised?)

The new "self-determination act" proposed by the new coalition government of which the two libtards are a part, would replace a 1980 law dealing with transsexuality. Herr Buschmann and Frau/Fraulein (?) Paus called the old law, which stipulated that those wishing to legally change gender would have to produce psychological assessments to determine, among other things, how long they had wished to change genders, "degrading." 

The new law would permit people to change their gender on paper once a year. If they wake up one morning (New Year's Day?) feeling like being a new person, all they have to do is go to the local registry office and have their first name and gender amended. And get this! Anyone who “deadnames” them -- call them by their old given names -- will be fined!

The law will apply to anyone 14 or older. Any minor wishing to "transition" against his/her parents' wishes can take them to family court, which will determine the way forward based on what the cout thinks is "the well-being of the child." Given the premise that transgenderism is a Good Thing, the outcome of a court challenge is pretty much guaranteed to be politically correct. Parents who disagree with the new fashion could find themselves designated a danger to their own children, with the all-powerful state -- this is Germany, remember -- stepping in to make sure that Hans can become Hannah or vice versa.

Minister Paus called the introduction of the new legislation "a good day from freedom and diversity. Minister Buschmann emphasized that the proposed law "keeps the promise of equal freedom and equal dignity of all people." Neither of them said anything about the risk of susceptible young people choosing to transition based on a peer contagion. Or about morality or sanity.

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