Tuesday, April 13, 2021

New poll shows Marine Le Pen would trounce leftists in 2022 election

In "Les mots prescients du Général de Gaulle" (WWW 31/3/21), Walt addressed these words to our many French readers: Est-ce que vous avez eu assez de... l'Europe? la globalisation? la diversité? l'inclusivité? la connerie?! If the answer is "Yes!" (I wrote), get up and stand with Marine Le Pen and the Rallye National!

Of course I'm not the only one saying such things. All those (and we are many) urging the people of the AABC countries and western Europe to reject globalization and multiculturalism, and vote for nationalism and the restoration of western civilization, will be happy to know that the people of France (at least) are listening, and preparing to do the right thing in 2022.

French lefties (and they are many) are soiling their pink-hued shorts today after the releast of a poll showing that in a second-round run-off of the 2022 French presidential elections, Marine Le Pen would defeat nearly all of the proposed left-wing candidates.

The poll, conducted by the polling firm Ifop, revealed that the leader of the Rallye National would soundly defeat several left-wing candidates such as far-left Jean-Luc Melenchon who would only score 40% of the vote if facing Mme Le Pen.

Europe1 reports that Environmentalist candidate Yannick Jadot would also lose to Mme Le Pen, while Anne Hidalgo, the left-wing mayor of Paris, was even -- 50-50 -- with the popular populist leader. The strongest candidate against Mme Le Pen would seem to be the centre-right (read: cuckservative) prospective candidate Xavier Bertrand, polled 59% to Mme Le Pen's 41%.

While the poll examined a variety of possible match-ups for the second round, it also revealed Marine Le Pen and incumbent Président Emmanuel Macron are most likely to advance to the second round in 2022, which means they would face each other once again in the run-off. The Ifop poll says that if the run-off were held today, Macron would beat Mme Le Pen, 55% to 45%.

As Walt sees it, French voters have a full year, yet, to recognize the threat to France and to western civilization posed by the continuation of rule by the one-world elites. Let me repeat... "Soulevez-vous! Confiance au Rallye National! Confiance à Marine Le Pen!"

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