Sunday, February 14, 2021

VIDEOS: The real reason why YouTube banned LifeSiteNews

The Great Censorship that was certain to follow the fraudulent victory of the "Democratic" candidate in the 2020 fake election is picking up steam. Having deleted hundreds of thousands of politically incorrect videos and "demonetized" channels like Remnant TV, YouTube has now started "nuking" -- permanently banning -- news and commentary channels who don't toe the liberal party line.

The first major site to fall is LifeSiteNews, a popular pro-life channel which had well over 300,000 subscribers. LSN is not only pro-life but also a strong voice for traditional Catholicism* -- a double whammy, as it were, in the fight to preserve the Christian values on which our society was founded.

Of course YouTube wouldn't say that the channel's politics informed their decision. LifeSiteNews editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen told the Catholic News Agency that YouTube did not provide "a specific reason for the deletion of the account." In this video, Mr Westen shows you the videos that got LifeSiteNews booted from YouTube.

CNA said yesterday that Google, YouTube's parent company, declared it had banned LifeSiteNews for "violating its coronavirus misinformation policy", including "content that promotes prevention methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO." They were apparently referring to a video posted in December but quickly deleted, in which a Canadian pathologist, Dr Roger Hodkinson, protested the "unfounded public hysteria" surrounding the coronavirus. You'll see that clip in Mr Westen's video. Check it out.

But was giving a platform to someone who told the truth about the Dempanic LSN's Really Big Sin? Nooo... If you didn't watch Mr Westen's video (above), you missed this clip (below) of a comment by Fox News host (pro tem) Tucker Carlson, who said on February 11th that the banning of LifeSiteNews was the latest move in "the most sweeping mass censorship campaign in the history of this country." Why did Google do it? Because, Mr Carlson says, "Google supports abortion. A lot of big corporations do."

Now that Sleepy Joe Biden, who has the temerity to call himself "Catholic" while at the same time supporting the funding of Planned Parenthood and the killing of unborn babies, has been elected -- and it's not just God that knows how! -- the "cancel culture" of the intolerant, undemocratic "liberals" and "progressives" has free reign to censor any and all voices of dissent.

The Italian Catholic journal Il Timone called YouTube's decision to ban LifeSiteNews a worrisome example of "a real campaign of censorship and blackout by internet giants" targeting conservatives and, in particular, pro-life voices. Il Timone called the cancelling of LifeSiteNews a "sensational example" of this campaign, because the pro-life site is so well established and "scores a huge number of visits every day from all over the world."

Dr Edward Furton, an ethicist at the National Catholic Bioethics Center, said the Center "condemns the arbitrary decision of YouTube to censor content simply because they find it disagreeable or in opposition to their own political views. YouTube is not staffed by scientists, but by engineers and technicians who understand little to nothing about scientific matters. Far worse, they favour a liberal ideology that supports abortion not only here at home but throughout the world. They believe that there is a universal right to kill the unborn. Such a view revokes their claim to moral superiority over others." 

The sad thing is that LifeSiteNews won't be the last to be killed by the Masters of the Internet Universe. NTD, Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov, TheRemnantVideo, and Dr Taylor Marshall are all in the cross-hairs. If you watch these channels (as Walt does), you'd better keep your eyes open for alternative points of access. Meanwhile, if you're still able to see them on YouTube, be sure to click "like" every time you watch! If you can subscribe, so much the better! The more viewers they have, the less likely it is that they'll fall victim to cancel culture!

* Footnote: The pro-life movement has many supporters who aren't traditional Catholics -- evangelical Christians, for example. LifeSiteNews maintains both a Catholic Edition and a Standard Edition, for those who are not as interested in the crisis in the Roman Catholic Church.

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