Friday, January 15, 2021

Are ya ready for an all-American Reichstag fire?

"History repeats itself!" is bunk. It's an aphorism loosely based on an aphorism commonly attributed to George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." 

Strictly speaking, history cannot repeat itself exactly, because there can never be an exactly similar situation involving exactly the same people in exactly the same place. And even if that could be so, you can't predict that the same people would act/react in exactly the same way a second time. Human beings are, if nothing else, unpredictable. 

The most we can say, then, is that certain events occurring now, or which may occur in the future, put us in mind of events that have occurred before, and prompt us to speculate that the outcomes might be similar. That's all. 

So it is with the dire warnings with which the FBI, the Dumbocrats and the lickspittle controlled media are assaulting us every bloody minute, regarding the possibility of armed protests on the occasion of Sleepy Joe Biden's almost-secret inauguration on January 20th. 

White nationalists, Trump supporters and neo-Nazis [they tell us] are preparing for bloody insurrection, not just in Washington DC but in all 50 state capitals! 

 Here's a sample of the steaming load of bullshit being shovelled out by the likes of Business Insider: "Biden's inauguration rehearsal has been postponed because of security threats, report says". And how about this, from the TDS sufferers at Yahoo!: "'Cowboys for Trump' leader plans to bring guns to DC on the day of Biden's inauguration".

Scary, isn't it? Imagine that guy -- Couy Griffin, a New Mexico county commissioner and founder of Cowboys for Trump -- bringing "multiple guns" to Washington! He'll even have one on the front seat of his car [Yahoo! sez], while reminding us that DC law prohibits keeping a firearm in the passenger compartment of a vehicle and has tight restrictions on guns in the capital! The horror! The horror!

I have yet to hear weather-forecast-like phrases such as "the mother of all protests" or "rebelliomageddon", but clearly the lamestream media are whipping up hysteria! 

Why? I am reminded [Coming to the point at last! Ed.] of the Reichstag fire of 1933. For those who don't remember the history of Germany and WWII, the fire was an arson attack on the building housing the Reichstag, the German parliament, four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. 

The Nazis blamed the fire on Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist, saying it was the work of Communist agitators. The government used the fire as a pretext to claim that communists were plotting against the German government, and so it became pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

After searching the still-smoldering building, die Polizei arrested Mhr Van der Lubbe, who was found inside, along with four Communist leaders. Within hours, Chancellor Hitler urged President von Hindenburg to issue an "emergency decree" to suspend civil liberties and pursue a "ruthless confrontation" with the Communist Party of Germany. The Reichstag Fire Decree was passed the following day.

After the decree was issued, the government instituted mass arrests of Communists, including all of the Communist Party's parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rivals gone and their seats empty, the Nazi Party went from having a plurality to a majority, thus enabling Hitler to consolidate his power. 

Although the Nazis accused the Comintern (Communist International) of the act, many historians now believe, based on archival evidence, that the arson had been planned and ordered by the Nazis as a false flag operation, intended to make absolute their hold on power. Which it did.

Getting back to the events planned for next week, we have already seen evidence that some of the protesters urging the occupation of the Capitol building were actually Antifa and anarchists who had infiltrated the ranks of Trump supporters. There is also the suggestion that some law enforcement personnel didn't try very hard to stop the protesters from running amok. 

Could the events of January 6th be repeated two weeks later? Who knows? History doesn't repeat itself... does it?

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