Saturday, January 4, 2020

Canada finds 400 "asylum-seekers" ineligible... out of over 12,000

Believe It Or Not Dept: The Toronto [Red] Star, not owned but still controlled by Canada's Liberal government, reported this week that "New asylum laws to restrict flow of migrants from US yield few results". Believe it or not!

In June of 2019, with a federal election looming and anti-immigrant (and especially anti-"refugee") backlash mounting, the alleged government of Just In Trudeau put into effect measures (buried in April's "omnibus budget") which were supposed to prevent refugees from seeking protection in Canada if they have made similar claims in other countries. That was supposed to discourage Nigerians, Haitians and other bogus refugees from jumping across the World's Longest Undefended Border (TM) at such notorious crossing points as Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle QC.

The Honourable Bill Blair, "Minister of Border Security" and former chief of the Toronto Police "Service" told the meeja, when the changes were introduced, "We've been working very hard over the past several months to significantly reduce the number of people who are crossing our borders irregularly." That was, of course, a steaming load of horseshit, since the Liberals depend on 1000s of "instant Canadians" to vote for them in places like Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver.

The government's own figures, revealed now in the Star's exclusive, put the lie to Mr Blair's statement. Since Still-President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, more than 50,000 "irregular migrants" (government-speak for "illegal border jumpers") crossed the land border at places like Lacolle and Emerson MB, claiming asylum in Canada. As of September 2019, there were still 29,000 claims to be heard and determined.

Statistics from the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship [sic] show that some 12,000 asylum claims were made from January to September of this year alone. The number of claimants deemed ineligible since 21 June 2019, when the "new" rules took effect, is... wait for it... 400. That's right -- four hundred out of 12,000.

The Star says the Ministry for Refugees did not track asylum-seekers who had made claims in other countries, so the new policy did not set a target. However, 400 is a much lower number than that anticipated by "migrant rights" groups who were critical of the policy change. "We were surprised to see the low number," said Janet Dench (no relation to Judy), of the Canadian Council for Refugees. "It is not clear how [the policy] helps by denying refugees access to the Immigration and Refugee Board. From our perspective, this is for the government to send the message that you are not welcomed here and we don't want you here."

Well yes, that's the message the Canadian people want to see given out, and that's what the Liberals are pretending to be saying. But, as with almost everything M Trudeau and company say, the truth is something quite different.

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