Monday, June 17, 2019

VIDEO: Voting for pro-abort candidates/parties is mortal sin, sez Bishop

Yesterday Walt commented on the disgraceful apology made by Most Rev. (but not "most Catholic") Michael Mulhall, Archbishop of Kingston, Canada, to the gay pride nazis.

The prelate reprimanded one of his diocesan priests for having the temerity to point out in a church bulletin that homosexual acts are contrary to Christian Faith and morals, and supporting or encouraging homosexuality is sinful. That's what the Catholic Church has always taught, and it is incomprehensible, to me, that an archbishop (no less) should back away from that teaching for the sake of "inclusivity", "diversity" or other politically correct nonsense.

Today, I'm pleased to report that there another bishop, closer to the South Pole than the North, who does not accept Pope Francis' "Who am I to judge?" philosophy, and has had the courage to speak plainly and publicly on another "controversial" sin, abortion.

Speaking on the Argentinian TV programme Keys to a Better World on Saturday, Msgr Héctor Aguer, Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of La Plata, urged the faithful not to vote for candidates or parties that support abortion. The prelate told his audience that "the abortion issue is one of the chief topics to consider," in choosing whom to vote for in Argentina's upcoming elections. "Opting for a pro-abortion candidate or for a party that includes abortion in its platform is a mortal sin." Here's the video.

Walt regrets that there are (as yet) no English subtitles, but hopes the message will register with Spanish-speaking Catholics and (more urgently) with priests and bishops like Abp Mulhall who are compromising with the secular humanists on matters of faith and morals, in the name of "accompaniment". Let us pray that Our Lord and His Blessed Mother will, by the example of Abp Aguer and others, set the modernists and those who are lukewarm in the Faith back on the right path.

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