Friday, April 28, 2023

VIDEO: Specsavers scoops coveted Wally Award

Just because I'm not posting much this year doesn't mean I've given up. When it comes to my three favourite topics -- religion, hockey and politics [not necessarily in that order. Ed.], it just seems that we're in a lull, or a calm before the storm -- just waiting for something truly blogworth to happen.

The National Hockey League playoffs are upon us, and since the Montréal Canadiens are out, our Sports (read: Hockey) Editor, Poor Len Canayen, has gone fishing. See below?

As for religion, the crisis in the Roman Catholic Church continues. Just before Easter, it looked like God might finally intervene and do something about Jorge Bergoglio, the man who calls himself Pope Francis. But no. Pope Bergoglio is back to his usual routine of saying three woke things before breakfast, while we "Rad Trads" wait for something providential to happen.

Then there's politics. In Canada, Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface can't be dislodged since he has a deal, in writing, with the socialists to prop up his minority government no matter what. He could break wind in King Charles' face and they'd still support him. The deal expires in 2025, so forget about Canuckistan until then.

The Excited States of America is disintegrating in front of our eyes as well as behind our backs. Later today I'll review Colin Woodard's American Nations, a 2011 book containing some scary analysis of the state of the Disunion, along with a dirfe prediction. 

All that Mr Woodard foresaw is happening, in spades. Cooked Joe Biden has announced that he will run for re-election, and that's fine with the New York Times, which opines that the US of A can get along without a fully functional president. Why? Because (although the NYT doesn't say so) the Deep State is running everything, for better or worse... mostly worse.

So... I've been watching a lot of non-news TV, wallowing in the wokeness and other stupidity, which is relieved occasionally by a clever commercial. I'm not going to wait until the end of the year to announce the winner of the coveted Wally Award for Excellence in TV Advertising. It goes to the agency who created this fine piece of work for Specsavers.

I do wonder if this was created by Canadians. Perhaps Steve Smith and Rick Green, the chief writers for the old Red Green TV show. Sure looks to me like Red and his nephew Harold! Well done, whoever you are.

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