Saturday, November 5, 2022

Waiting for the 8th - YouTube bans Remnant Underground... again!

Our old friend Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper and host of Remnant Underground, has sent us an email which confirms that the establishment media, the Alphabet People [not the LGBTQ+++, the other ones. Ed.] are silencing those who dare to suggest that all is not well in Brandon's America. 

If you don't believe me, search Google Images for "Michael Matt" or "Remnant Underground" and see how far you have to scroll down before you get to the champion of Traditional Catholicism. Anyway, here's what Mr Matt has to say, including a link to tomorrow night's pre-election Remnant Underground special, available only at

I’m proud to report that the insufferable fascists over at YouTube have banned us from posting any new RTV video until after the midterm elections.

What are they so afraid of? Well, apparently, last November we dared to suggest there may have been some cheating going on in the last presidential election. Perish the thought! One year later, they removed that video and restricted our channel. 

Do you feel safer, knowing Big Brother is protecting you from Remnant TV? I hope so!

We’re used to this, of course. Back in 2020, when RTV started hitting a million-plus views, YouTube started kindly "adjusting our algorithm" for us. Since that time and thanks to you, we built RTV back up again, and now that our videos are topping 100,000 views once again, YouTube is trying to rescue you. 

Thankfully, we don’t need no stinkin' YouTube! But please do spread the word that this Sunday night, our pre-election Remnant Underground special will be available at

Walt will be watching, for sure, and hopes that you, dear reader, will join us. Between now and then, I recommend that you read "COUNTERREVOLUTION: Pope Francis, Joe Biden Losing Control", published in The Remnant newspaper this past Sunday. I'll see you on the beach!

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