Friday, May 17, 2019

VIDEO: Japanese precision walking champions -- really...

And now (as John Cleese would say) for something completely different...

This video has been on YouTube since November of 2011, but only came to Walt's attention today. [It's been a slow news day, thank goodness... Ed.] There are lots of videos of military drill teams, but I don't remember ever having seen a company of civilians. The differences seem to be that (a) they're not marching but walking and (b) not carrying weapons or flags, and thank goodness for that too. Amazing choreography -- that's certainly the right word -- here, including, near the end, a backwards crossover, which I'd have thought all but impossible.

I am not very knowledgeable about the ways of the inscrutable Orientals, and am left wondering... Are these people professionals? Is it possible to be a professional walker? Or are they merely talented amateurs? Do the Japanese have clubs or societies for this kind of thing? How often do they meet to practise? You couldn't get this good just getting together every couple of months for a bit of walking and some ice-cold Asahi... could you? Is there money involved? Do they have a yen for fancy walking? [Couldn't resist, could you? Ed.] Ah, the mysterious East...

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