Monday, March 18, 2019

VIDEO: Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson speaks up for school dress codes

During the run up to the recent by-election in the Canadian electoral district of Burnaby South (BC), Walt reposted some videos featuring Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, the candidate for the People's Party of Canada. See "People's Party candidate kills at Burnaby South debate", WWW 16/2/19, "PPC's Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and NDP's Sikh leader in heated debate on immigration and 'racism'", WWW 22/2/19, and "LLTT tells why she ran for the People's Party of Canada", WWW 26/2/19.

Ms Tyler Thompson did pretty well in her first run for a brand new party of the right, finishing a respectable fourth. People voted for her because of her strong public positions against abortion and in favour of Christian values. Good for her! And I'm so happy to see that she hasn't retired from the field, or biding her time until the general election due in October. No. She's back on the video stump, speaking out on an issue which is dividing communities in the BC community of Chilliwack (as well as the rest of Canada and the USA).

The issue is that of whether schools should have dress codes which require students (read: girls) to dress with respect for modesty and decency, rather than the slutty look encouraged by the lamestream media and the wimmin's lib crowd. The issue was debated recently by Chilliwack school trustees. The local CTV outlet covered the debate, giving it the usual "progressive" slant. LLTT found the CTV report and the debate itself shocking, and decided to put her comments together with several clips from the debate to make her point.

Ms Tyler Thompson characterizes the actions and perspectives of the "pro-removal of dress code" trustees and BC Teachers Federation President Glen Hansman, "extremely creepy and dangerous!" She accuses them of wanting to bring in the SOGI agenda: a sex-positive culture where social norms, values and morals don't exist. Those who promote this new agenda want to remove a dress code that protects young women from harassment and being objectified. They want to bring in a policy that makes it perfectly acceptable to allow teenagers' bra straps, cleavage, short shorts and their underwear to be showing.

In this video, LLTT calls it "very disturbing and sick" for an adult female (Board Vice-Chair, Willow Reichelt) and her male colleagues to be pushing for the removal of all semblance of modesty, appropriate attire and protection for young vulnerable women. She calls this incessant push to make what's right wrong, and what's wrong right, "social terrorism". Good phrase, that.

I like the way Ms Tyler Thompson ends this commentary. She reminds Canadians -- and not only Canadians -- that in an election year they should vote for those who stand for "justice, truth, integrity, values and principles." And, she concludes, "God help us all!" Amen.

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