Thursday, November 15, 2018

Moroccan girl writes about "the moral collapse in Islamic societies"

Ed. here. There are 1000s of blogs out there, some with their own websites, some who post on Blogspot, as we do. Checking them all out would take forever. In fact, you'd never get done because new ones pop up every day, like mushrooms after a spring rain. So we're grateful to our agents and readers who alert us to blogs that stand out from the general run of drivel and insanity.

One such is
Moroccan Girl, written by Hafida Bouhmid, who is... well... you geddit, right? She has some controversial things to say about the society in which she lives, and its predominant religion, which is Islam. Here, edited for grammar (English is not Ms Bouhmid's first langauge), is her essay on "The Moral collapse in Islamic societies", 29/8/18.

Many people consider religion the basis or source of what we call ethics. They believe that without this systematic organization human beings would never recognize civilization or achieve everything they have today. Thus, these people cannot see the possibility of having another ethical source apart from religion. Moreover, they brutally fight any attempt that starts in this direction or any thought that supports this idea even if it's all for their personal/social benefit and could save the future of the coming generations.

This is basically the core of the underdevelopment of Morocco and the majority of countries with an Islamic background. It's a genuine crisis here since we know that secularism is the solution. As well, we have western societies as a great example, since they're morally, economically, politically and culturally more advanced.

The problem with Islam is that it is considered to be a totalitarian system, seen by Muslims as a perfect exception that everybody else is incapable of understanding, and which therefore must be enforced. [Islamists] reject and attack any criticism, even if it is constructive! These creatures believe they can advance by reviving the past. They turn societies into uncivilized groups that sanctify ignorance and see violence and segregation and hate as a solution for their problems.

Thanks to Salafism, which dominates our societies, the concept of morals has become completely formal in our society. For this movement, it doesn't matter if you are completely despicable or a criminal or a hooker, as long as you have a huge beard, praying at the mosque, wear the hijab, etc. Here, ethical standards are more about what you show people rather than what you actually think and consider to be right.

Muslims go further actually as they do not respect the rejection of this thought by some minorities -- women, for instance -- and they take it upon themselves to make everyone behave in the same way through guardianship. They actually attribute their success or their failure and even the weather to how women wear their clothes. This makes people do things in secret, while claiming virtue, which can make them unconscious hypocrites.

The problem that we are facing lately is that anyone can defraud people (politically speaking) by using religion. For instance, anyone can grow a beard and promise people that if they vote for him, he'll shut down bars and cut off thieves' hands, or force all women to wear the hijab. Since democracy is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting, these people will easily win elections, but of course they won't do as promised.

Instead, they continue ruining the economic/political system by corrupting, embezzlement and restrictive laws that can keep media and general opinion confined. These same people use the "divide and conquer" policy, stirring up the majority against minorities in order to keep them busy.

These politicians are not stupid, since they always defend their religious beliefs by enacting laws that penalize those who criticize religion. It's always the same. People are led by their religious passion and always vote for anyone who plays the "religion card" without questioning his plans or his party platform. For them, it is enough that he said he will work according to the law of God.

Morocco today is undergoing massive transformation. The internet and globalization have enabled thousands of young people, including me, to study and to enlighten themselves despite the social differences, economic difficulties or geographical boundaries. Now everything is available for free, and it's also safe, since we can benefit from the easy access to information without anyone knowing about it.

We now understand that the ethical or moral system in our country is completely destroyed due to poverty and ignorance. To say so, however, triggers those who benefit from this common retardation, and they are now using their last weapons against us. We accept difference. I can even say that we welcome it! And we are hoping to convince other people to separate ethics or morals from religious beliefs or political orientation in order to co-exist without harming one and other.

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