This morning Walt told you about the growing backlash against the new pro-queer sex education -- read "indoctrination" -- curriculum being foisted on the people of Ontario by their Liberal government and lesbian premier, Kathleen Wynne. "How Ontario's pro-LGBT sex education plan could derail Justin Trudeau's election bid" explains how parental outrage, especially in the "ethnic" ridings surrounding Toronto, could work against the federal Liberals in the election due later this year. A Liberal is a liberal, eh.
Now Agent 3 has sent us the link to a related story: Lesbian: I use math class to teach young kids about homosexuality so I can 'hide' it from parents.
LifeSite reporter Pete Baklinski wrote a few days ago that a lesbian teacher "married" to another woman -- like Ontario's premier -- told a pro-gay teachers' conference earlier this month how she teaches grade 4-5 students to accept homosexuality through what she called "social justice" math.
Alicia Gunn, an elementary public school teacher in Mississauga ON, told attendees at the April 10th conference in Toronto's City Hall that injecting LGBTQ issues into the classroom, especially in math, helps students as young as nine "disrupt the single story that many of our kids have about LGBTQ families."
"Social justice math happens when students are solving problems using real, engaging, and meaningful numbers. Social justice issues happening in their school, community, or even globally become the context for the math that the students are doing," she said.
If all that liberal bafflegab sounds reasonable and (of course) progressive to you, here's a quote which reveals Ms Gunn's true intentions. "If you don’t want to send your kid to school on the Day of Pink, that’s OK. But they’re going to get it all the days before."
The "Day of Pink", in case you didn't know, was another arrow from the quiver of the pro-queer lobby. Kids were supposed to wear pink sweaters/shirts/pants/whatever to school to show their support for the "anti-bullying" campaign, which is a thinly-disguised ploy to get people -- even impressionable children -- to believe that "it's OK to be gay!"
You think Walt is kidding? The LifeSite report -- which includes a video as proof -- says that Ms Gunn told attendees in her workshop how she used the situation of students calling a young female student "lesbian" as a springboard to introduce the class into what she called "conversations about gay stuff".
Gunn, who is featured in a teacher resource put out by ServiceOntario (an agency of the Liberal government), related how she first spoke with the female student, telling her that it was "OK to be gay." Ms Gunn told attendees, "And when I spoke to her about it, what she kept saying to me was, 'Mrs. Gunn, I swear I’m not gay. I’m not gay!' And I kept saying back to her, 'I don’t care if you’re gay. It should be OK to be gay.'"
So there you are. That's the kind of propaganda for "alternative" -- read "DEVIANT" -- lifestyles, being crammed down the throats of Ontario pupils in every class, every day, by "progressive educators" like Alicia Gunn and her bosses, Lez Sandals and Kathleen Wynne. Taking the kiddos out of sex ed class won't keep them from learning that "it's OK to be gay"...and worse.
THIS JUST IN: Walt has just (this afternoon) received a phone call from an agent in Peel Region, which has seen the biggest and loudest protests against the pro-queer sex education curriculum. My agent reports that the Minister of Education has agreed to some sort of meeting with the region's public school board to "clarify" the content of the curriculum, and the difference between the curriculum itself and what Ms Sandals now calls "prompts" given to tell teachers how to respond to questions about things like anal sex, should such questions arise. Whether parents will be allowed to attend the meeting is unclear. Looks to me like the government has blinked!
Note from Ed.: Walt told me to print the preceding paragraph in shocking pink. Isn't that clever?
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