Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Canada to be closed to immigrants in polygamous/forced marriages?

Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Minister today acknowledged ["admitted", surely. Ed.] that there "at least hundreds" of cases of immigrants in polygamous marriages being admitted under Canada's notoriously PC ["lax", surely. Ed.] immigration system. Polygamy, Chris Alexander said, is "incompatible with Canadian values", so letting polygamists into the Great Not-so-white North has to stop!

What neither he nor the Minister for the Status of Wimmin failed to mention is that Islam is the only one of the three Abrahamic religions that allows polygamy. Just an oversight, obviously. What this means is that Muslims with more than one wife won't be allowed to immigrate. Unless, that is, they lie about the status of those "other women" who are named on their applications, which is what happened in the notorious Shafia multiple murder case.

The Shafias -- father, son and second wife -- were convicted in 2012. That it took nearly three years for the "conservative" government of Steve Harper to make any adjustment in its immigration policies shows you the strength of the multicultists in Canada and elsewhere. Yes, we must be tolerant of Muslims. If their beliefs and practices seem barbaric to us, it's our fault for being racist, Islamophobic, etc etc.

While they're at it, the Canuck government is going to tweak its immigration policies to protect women and girls who seek to escape polygamous or forced marriages. This was promised in the 2013 Speech from the Throne, which said, "Sadly, millions of women and girls continue to be brutalized by violence, including through the inhumane practice of early and forced marriage. This barbarism is unacceptable to Canadians."

Mr. Alexander said that the legislation he's introducing today would eliminate early and forced marriages from Canada's immigration system and the country as a hole ["whole", surely! Ed.] The targets here are not just Muslims, but Hindus and Sikhs, all of whom routinely send home to India/Pakistan/Bangladesh for suitable brides/grooms for their children, lest the kiddos be tempted to "marry out" and thus integrate themselves into Canadian society.

The changes to Canada's "system" will take effect only if the legislation is passed. There is less than a year left in the Harper government's mandate. If Mr. Alexander's bill is subject to prolonged liberal hand-wringing, as Walt expects, it could well die on the order paper. How Canadian would that be!

1 comment:

  1. How did you miss the name of the proposed new law? It's to be called the "Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act" !!!
