Wednesday, November 22, 2023

VIDEO: "Allahu akbar!" at Niagara Falls??? Questions arise

One of Walt's agents says that nothing ever happens in Niagara Falls NY. All the action, he claims, is on the pretty side of the river. Today was different. For those who missed it, we have some video from security cameras at the US side of The World's Longest Undefended Border (TM) crossing, timestamped about 1120 EST today.

What, dear reader, was your initial reaction to that video. Did you think it was probably just an accident? No biggie! Nothing here to see, folks!

That's the official party line [the Liberal Party and the Democratic Party. Ed.], which was rushed into print and onto the Web within a couple of hours of the "serious incident". The Powers That Be had to start the gaslighting PDQ because "right-wing" media had already starting using the T-word -- T as in Terrorism.

The T-word has been scrubbed from all the early reports in the lickspittle media, because in recent years people in Europe and North America have, for some strange reason, come to associate terrorism with the Religion of Peace (TM), Muslim jihadis, and, since last October 7th, Hamas. 

In Canada, the bought-and-paid-for media have been enjoined (by Bill M-106) from saying or writing anything that would stoke the fires of Islamophobia. See "If Canadians are Islamophobic, perhaps there's a reason", WWW 27/7/21. Most of the American media are no better.

But I digress. Here's what is known [admitted? Ed.] about what happened. The vehicle came from U.S. side of the border, travelled along Main Street at speeds estimated at 100 MPH, then became airborne and crashed into a US Customs and Border Patrol booth before bursting into flames. 

Two people in the vehicle that exploded were declared dead at the scene, and officials have said a third person believed to be a border employee was injured and taken to hospital, but has since been released. One of the occupants of the vehicle has been identified (but not named) as "a resident of western New York." 

Karen Kathy Hochul, the Democratic Governor of the Empire State, had this to say about that, "At this time there is no indication of a terrorist involved attack here at the Rainbow Bridge in Western New York." (My emphasis. Walt)

Later, Governor Hochul amplified her analysis. "If you can imagine this vehicle basically incinerated. Nothing is left but the engine. The pieces are scattered over 13, 14 booths. So it is a large scene, and it's going to take a lot of time… to be able to piece together the real story... It has not been determined to be an accident. You don't know whether the driver was intentional in how they drove… All I know is there was a horrific incident. A crash, an explosion, loss of life, but at this time, no known terrorist connection." 

I have some questions I'd like to ask.

* If the car wasn't "packed" with explosives" (as a law enforcement officer said before being silenced), what caused it to burst into flame? Even an EV wouldn't do that.

* How did police identify the "resident of western New York" whose body parts were "scattered over 13, 14 booths" by the force of the blast? And if his identity is known, why hasn't his name [not "Mohammed", surely! Ed.] and other information been released? 

* First reports said the vehicle was trying to get into the USA. It's clear from the videos that the opposite is true. So, if the occupants of the vehicle were trying to get out of the USA, why was that? 

* Were they on the run? From what? Or were they trying to get into Canada, to terrorize its famously Islamophile prime minister?

* Is it possible the deceased weren't Muslims, but Jews? (Just kidding.)

That's enough questions for today. Fortunately for Governor Hochul and all the other Authorities, whose ability to secure the World's Longest Etc border now seem even more suspect, the promised investigation will now have to wait until after the holiday weekend. Happy Thanksgiving, everone!

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