Monday, September 11, 2023

VIDEO: Catholics starting to say the S-word out loud

The S-word word is "schism". It means a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief.

Can you say "schism", boys and girls? If you're Catholic, you should know what it means, if only because you have heard about the Great Schism, which started in 1054 AD with the excommunication of Michazel Cerularius, the Patriarch of Constantinople. 

That created the split, the division between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox church. Catholics refer to Orthodox Christians as "our separated brethren" for that's what they are, good Christian people who have separated themselves from Rome.

Now Roman Catholics, from lay people up to and including Cardinals -- but not "Pope" Francis -- are starting to talk, not just whisper about the very really possibility of a new schism which may be provoked by Francis' "Synod on Synodality" which is set to start in October.

In this video, Dr Taylor Marshall talks about the de facto schism which has persisted since Vatican II. The synod puts the Church at risk of making that de facto schism "de jure"... official... as believers are forced to choose whether they wish to hold fast to the Faith of our fathers, or join the Francis' New Church of the World Order. 

My dear Catholic friends, be prepared to be asked "Which side are you on?" Dr Marshall says, and I repeat, "Do not leave the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church." Outside the Church there is no salvation, so stay in the boat! The Holy Spirit will sort it out. So let it be.

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