Sunday, November 1, 2020

UPDATED: 2 killed, 5 wounded in Québec attack; suspect NOT Muslim

Québec City, capital of la Belle Province and heart of French Canada, has two fewer residents this morning, killed in a horrific attack in the city's old town, near the iconic Château Frontenac and rue du Trésor.

Poor Len Canayen sends news that, besides the two Québécois killed, five were injured by a man dressed in "mediaeval costume" wielding a Japanese katana sword. After a two-and-a-half-hour manhunt, a man was arrested shortly before 0100 in the city's Old Port, about half a mile from the scenes of the crime.

It may be recalled that in January of 2017 six Muslims were killed and 19 others injured when a man opened fire just after evening prayers at a mosque in Sainte-Foy, a suburb of Québec. Alexandre Bissonnette, a white, native-born Québécois, was charged with six counts of first-degree murder. 

Prime Minister Just In Trudeau called the shooting a terrorist attack, but M Bissonnette was not charged under the terrorism provision of the Criminal Code of Canada, or described as such by terrorism experts. In February of 2019, he was sentenced to life in prison, with no possibility of parole for 40 years. So for sure he wasn't the perpetrator this time!

It may also be recalled -- if not see "'Allahu akbar!' in Paris - second Islamic terrorist attack in three weeks", WWW 18/10/20 and "Muslim yells 'Allahu akbar!' as 3 stabbed to death", WWW 29/10/20 -- that France has seen two [Make that three! There was another one yesterday! Ed.] attacks on "infidels" (read: non-Muslims), including a Greek Orthodox priest, in October alone. The attackers in each case were Islamic extremists (read: terrorists/jihadis) bent on making the French pay for publishing or looking at cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in an unfavourable light.

We return now to today's attacks in Québec. At 0400 local time, a spokesthingy for Ville du Québec police issued a tweet saying that although they had the assailant in custody, they could not at this stage release the identity or other details of the individual. "According to our initial information," Inspector Clouseau added, "there is no indication that the suspect may have acted on motives other than personal ones."

So, dear readers in Canuckistan, don't jump to conclusions. The truth will out, and you'll read about it first, right here on Walt Whiteman's World.

UPDATE ADDED at 1140: The suspect has now been identified as Carl Girouard, aged 24, a white, native-born Québécois from Ste-Thérèse, about 30 minutes north of Montréal. The official theory is that he was/is mentally ill.

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