Friday, September 11, 2020

Let us not forget

Yes, I know what day this is. It's the 19th anniversary of the dastardly, scurrilous, infamous attack on America, which was now call simply "9/11".

On this solemn anniversary, let us not forget who did this. The attackers, who came to the USA to learn to fly just well enough to crash into their targets, were Islamic terrorists -- nationals of Saudi Arabia for the most part -- Muslim jihadis bent on killing as many "infidels" as possible. They are now in Paradise, presumably, being serviced by 72 virgins. But there are hundreds of thousands of them still out there.

The threat of Islamic terrorist attacks is higher today than it was 19 years ago, if for no other reason than that Western politicians (Hello, Angela Merkel! Hello, Justin Trudeau! Hello, Barack Hussein Obama!) have stupidly welcomed millions of Muslims into their countries. See "Merkel reveals she has no regrets over 2015 migrant influx, claims she would let 1 million into Germany again", 28/8/20.

But surely (I hear you say) they can't all be fanatics. In reply I say, is there any such thing as a moderate Muslim? Those who follow the news from Europe can read every day stories about gangs of Muslim immigrants, "refugees" and asylum-seekers raising hell in the countries that took them in. See, for example, "Sweden's right seizes on crime to warn of 'second pandemic'", 30/8/20.

But (I hear you say) that's Europe, not America (or, by extension, Canada). Foolish Norte Americanos, take a look around you! Mosques are springing up everywhere, even in the small communities of "flyover country". Parts or all of large American and Canadian cities are majority Muslim, at risk of turning into the no-go zones which already exist in Sweden, France and the Disunited Kingdom.

Right now we are preoccupied with the nonsense of BLM and "anti-Black racism", but when all the pandering is over and the police defunded, who will protect us when the jihad comes to our streets? And who (let me ask you) would you rather have in the White House when the next wave of Islamic terrorist attacks begins?

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