Friday, August 24, 2018

VIDEOS (2): What happens when black Africans turf out white farmers

The day before yesterday, President Trump (Yes, lefties, he's still POTUS!) tweeted that he had directed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to investigate the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and large-scale killing of farmers.

The lamestream media, not to mention the gliberal media (Hello Clinton News Network and MSNBC) are having a field day (no pun intended) saying that the President is doing this only to deflect attention from the supposed problems created for him by the legal embroglio into which Messrs (((Cohen))) and Manafort have sunk or been dragged. The rabid anti-Trumpers at Vox call the dispossessing and murder of South African farmers "a virulent, racist conspiracy theory that has been a pet cause of hardcore white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the alt-right."

In fact the reports are true. Walt, who has considerable experience of southern Africa, called attention to them months ago. See "Aussies welcome Boers fleeing South African land grab", WWW 14/3/18, and "South Africans won't slaughter white farmers... at least not right now", WWW 3/3/18.

Since I posted those, a number of videos have appeared which tell the truth about what's happening in South Africa, and why its far-left government (not to mention its hungry people) will soon regret turfing out the boers (= farmers) responsible for the majority of SA's food production. Here's the first of them, asking a very good question.

And here's the second, produced by an Australian news team, in which we learn that Zimbabwe (known in more prosperous days as Rhodesia), where the landgrab idea was applied at the turn of this century, is now begging the "white settlers" to come back and restart its moribund agricultural sector.

The speaker in the first video asks if the South Africans have learned nothing from the example of their neighbours to the North. Walt answers: apparently not, but they will learn... the hard way. While they're learning, millions of dollars in food aid will be supplied by the western democracies, because to let them starve would be, errr... you know... racist... wouldn't it.

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