Tuesday, August 20, 2024

VIDEO: "Who should I vote for? Trump? Harris? Neither of them?" Michael Matt on the American Catholic dilemma

Walt has received an e-mail from our old friend Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, as follows.

In this week’s Underground I attempt to make the case that the sensus Catholicus must ultimately trump everything else, even politics. I think most traditional Catholics would normally agree. So, why are so many of them tearing each other apart over the upcoming U.S. presidential election? Because we’re being manipulated.

When it comes to the so-called “ruling Elite,” we're all at the mercy of madmen, or baby killers, or narcissists, or outright haters of everything we believe. Wanna break their stranglehold? Take a step back, breathe, and stop anathematizing your brothers in Christ who are also trying to do the right thing.

I realize St. Thomas Aquinas made provisions for voting for the lesser of two evils, but I suspect the Angelic Doctor never imagined a Godless political regime like the one in which we find ourselves incarcerated today. So, I don’t blame good people – even those who love Aquinas as much as I do – for struggling with this even still. 

So, how about this? If you can’t in good conscience vote for the lesser of two evils because you don’t want to vote for evil at all -- even when it’s described as ‘voting for the good' – then don’t! I get it! Keep the Faith, and you’re welcome at my fire anytime. If, on the other hand, you believe you must in conscience vote for the lesser of two evils to protect your family and your country as best you can, then vote! I get it. Keep the Faith, and you’re welcome at my fire anytime. 

Only God knows your heart. We are talking about deeply personal matters of the soul and conscience here – matters that can and must be discussed, but on principle – not personal judgment. Virtue-signaling Karens on both sides, in other words, only contribute to the polarization, especially when sound moral guidance from our shepherds is practically nonexistent.

In my new Underground, I attempt to discuss big (Catholic) picture. Whether you agree with me or not, I hope you share my desire to at least try to put an end to this circular firing squad. After all and whatever happens in November, we’ll still be sharing this same foxhole long after the election has come and gone. Please watch this video (especially to the end) and let me know what you think.


Dear Catholic friends, please pray for all faithful Christians struggling to make us their minds. And on November 5th, do the right thing, according to your informed conscience. God bless us all! Viva, Cristo Rey!

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