On 10 January 2023, Walt wrote: I see a bad year ahead.
The woke AABC countries and western Europe are one gigantic insane asylum, and the craziest inmates are in charge. Things will get worse unless one of the following predictions comes true.
I predict that at least one of the three following heads of government will be out of office by Christmas, as a result of resignation, revolution or death.
"Pope" Francis
Demented Joe Biden
"F*ck" Trudeau
The ousting of any one of them would not necessarily make things better in their domains. In fact it would be followed by a period of instability verging on civil war, from which a better church or country might emerge.
Let's see how we did.
Francis's Church of the One World Religion, the Paranoid States of America and the Great No-longer-white North are still in business, although arguably going downhill (or down the toilet) fast.
The only thing that will save any of those institutions is a dramatic change of leadership, followed by cataclysmic changes of policy. Or, in the case of what was once the Catholic Church, a reversion to the 2000-year-old Faith of our fathers.
As for their "leaders"...
As of this morniong, Francis the Talking Pope is still in the Vatican, dreaming up new novelties [That's a redundancy. Ed.] to distract his followers from any thoughts of guilt, repentance and salvation.
Corrupt Joe Biden is hiding -- Biden is hidin' LOL -- in his basement in Delaware, trying to keep the walls constructed by The Boy from closing in and crushing him. As of this morning he is not in the Oval Office.
Justin "Fuck" Trudeau is on holiday in Jamaica, having burned tons of avgas to get there, and so contributed more to "global warming" than yer average frostback. Before he left, he emitted a substantial amount of CO2 telling the lickspittle media that everything's OK in Canada and he will never, ever quit. Never. Ever. Today, at any rate he is not in his office on Parliament Hill.
So Walt's score is 2 out of office out of 3 predicted. 2 for 3 = .667 on this one. Lifetime pct .977.
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