Monday, January 31, 2022

Triple-vaccinated Trudeau comes down with Covid... or something

Today, through the magic of video and the Internet, the Rt. Hon. Blackie McBlackface, Prime Minister of Canuckistan, addressesd the nation. He explained the sceptical Canadians that he is "self-isolating" at an undisclosed location because he has come down with the Wuhan flu. This in spite of having had three (3) shots of Dr Death's Anti-Covid Elixir.

Nothing to do (he added) with being afraid to face down the 1000s of truckers and their supporters still waiting in the cold on Parliament Hill and downtown Ottawa. On being asked if he would go and listen to them when he's feeling better, Mr Socks said he only meets with peaceful protesters with whom he agrees. Like BLM. Not those "people with tinfoil hats."

Agent 3 scraped this photo and caption from Frank. Thanks.

恭喜发财!Happy Lunar New Year of the Tiger!

Walt and Poor Len [and Ed.] wish
all our Chinese friends and readers*

* We wish to point out that although WWW is banned in Communist China, we have we have Chinese readers in Taiwan, in the huge Chinese diaspora around the world, and (through VPN) even in Communist China itself. Our good wishes extend to the Chinese people... only!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

VIRAL VIDEO: Trudeau in his bunker, hiding from Canuck truckers

It was only a matter of time until someone did this. Burning up the social media across Canada. Congratulations to the creators, from Poor Len, Walt [and Ed.! Ed.]


1000s of people with "unnaceptable views" have vowed to stay put in the world's second-coldest capital until their demands are met. Even the lickspittle Canuck media are starting to say that Mr Socks isn't handling this well, and should at least say something, even from his bunker.

VIDEO: Michael Matt supports Canuck truckers' Freedom Convoy

As sun rises over the Shadow Laurier [Ed., please check spelling], tens of thousands of Canadian truckers and their supporters are still thronging downtown Ottawa, demanding freedom from control by the nanny state. 

So far the demonstration has been peaceful. The most the state-owned CBC could find to say against it was that (gasp!!!) a Confederate flag was seen! 

Support, both moral and financial, has been pouring in from outside the borders of the Great No-longer-white North. In this special edition of "The Remnant Underground", Michael Matt puts the massive rally for freedom into context, as it becomes a worldwide symbol of freedom and lockdown fatigue.

As the Prime Minister of Denmark takes a page out of Boris Johnson's playbook and lifts all mandates in that country, Mr Matt talks about the possibility that the globalist narrative is running out of diesel fuel. And if that happens, The Great Reset is DOA

Near the end of this episode, you'll see a touching montage of Canadian children thanking the truckers for standing for them, which more or less says it all. This protest really is "for the children", so let those truckers roll! 10-4!


Standing with the truckers, Michael Matt offers best wishes and pledges prayers for all Canadian freedom fighters. Resistance is NOT futile! God bless the Canadian truckers, their supporters and their families.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

VIDEO: Canuck truckers' Freedom Rally - raw footage

Here's a couple of minutes of footage posted on the Ottawa Citizen website. Lots of flags and signs saying what Canadians would like to do to Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface. The protesters don't look like "fascists" to me. They do look cold, though. Well, maybe not the blonde in the bikini top!


Seems the Mounties are taking the "Fuck Trudeau" signs seriously. It is reported that Mr Socks and his family have been moved from Rideau Cottage to an undisclosed location, for their safety. 

Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada, is there. "Where," he asks, "is 'Conservative' leader O'Tool? He should be with the people!"

Note from Ed.: Was that Poor Len Canayen dancin' up a (snow)storm?!

UPDATED: Toronto Star on the Canuck truckers' Freedom Rally

Of all the lickspittle libtard Canadian media, the Toronto Star is the leftist and the lamest -- bought and paid for by the Liberal Party back in the daze of Mackenzie King. Here's their editorial cartoon on the Freedom Rally being held today (and possibly for some time to come) in the second-coldest national capital in the world.

Dr Jordan Peterson tweets: Canadian. Fascists. Think about that. From the poison pen of the Toronto Star. Friend to the working class. Except when they have opinions.

No wonder that miserable purveyor of fake news is otherwise known as the Toronto Red Star

UPDATED at 1335. An assiduous reader has pointed out that this editorial cartoon was drawn by Michael Adder, for... wait for it... the Washington Post. Surprised? [Is he by any chance a puff adder? Ed.]

Here's how many of the trailers really look.

Babylon Bee on the Canuck truckers' Freedom Rally

Perfect. Just perfect! Not sure I'll be able to write anything more trenchant [or funnier! Ed.] today, but stay tuned anyway.

Click here to read the Bee's post. If you decide to subscribe, tell `em Walt sent ya!

Flags on display Canadian truckers' Freedom Rally

The big news today, for Canadians at least, will come from Ottawa -- the world's second-coldest national capital. Thens of thousands of truckers and supporters have descended on Ennui-on-the-Rideau for a Rally for Freedom. Read: freedom from vaccine mandates, freedom to invite as many people as you want into your home, freedom from vaccine passports, freedom from state control of your life... And the list goes on.

Ottawa's too cold for me at this time of year, but I'm keeping an eye on the proceedings via the Net and the Toob. If you're a vexillologist [and who hasn't dreamed of being one? Ed.] the Freedomo Rally's the place to be. Here are just some of the flags I've seen on display.

The Maple Leaf Flag - of course

The Red Ensign - predecessor to the Maple Leaf Flag
(much too British for many Canadians)

Le Drapeau des Patriotes
with Le Vieux de `37
(much too French for many Canadians)

The Gadsden Flag
Americans will understand this
(and Canadians get it! Poor Len)

No comment necessary

That's all ye know and all ye need to know.

Canada's lickspittle fake news media are featuring the usual libtards (Hello, Rosie Tucchus!) explaining that most Canadians don't share what Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface called the "unacceptalbe views" which some of these flags represent. But the videos tell the tale. One flag is worth 1000 four-letter words. Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

VIDEOS: Fed-up Canuck truckers' protest rolls on to Ottawa

It usually takes a hockey-related controversy to get the Canadian sheeple off  their duffs and into the streets, especially in the dead of winter. That happens about once in a generation. But this past weekend, the phlegmatic Canucks apparently reached the boiling point -- fed up with rising gas prices, inflation, Wuhan flu lockdowns, and, above all, vaccine mandates.

Worldwide Freedom day normally passes unnoticed in Canuckistan, but this year was different. The sixth edition of the Worldwide Rally for Freedom saw 1000s of people gathered at Parc Lafontaine in Montréal, in -30 C weather to march for freedom. We have video.  


Walt hopes you noticed, at about 4:00, the flag being waved by some marchers. It is the flag of Le Vieux de `37, aka Le Patriote, whose image you will find elsewhere on WWW. That flag is to Canadians -- French-Canadians at least -- what the Gadsden flag is to patriotic Americans.

In Toronto the Good, other flags were being waved, notably the Maple Leaf Flag (sometimes held upside down, the universal signal of distress) and banners reading "Fuck Trudeau", at a similar rally which began at Queen's Park. Again, we have video.

No mainstream politicians were sufficiently in favour of freedom to turn out, but our old friend Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada, joined the demonstrators in Toronto. Heeeeeere's Max!

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more. Much more! Last weekend saw the beginning in Canada's west of an "On to Ottawa" motorcade of Canadian truck drivers, incensed by the Trudeau Liberals' latest control freakery -- a mandate that all truckers entering or re-entering Canada, regardless of citizenship, be tested for the Kung flu. Without exception. And this in spite of the dire economic implications of further restrictions on cross-border traffic.

The Freedom Convoy [Walt made that up! Ed.] gathered steam [diesel, surely. Ed.] as it rolled eastward through the prairie provinces, but really made the libtard pols (including those in the the Cuckservative Party) sit up and whine when it hit Ontario yesterday. 

With the main group passing through Thunder Bay and heading across northern Ontario to the nation's capital, another group geared up [Geddit? Ed.] in southern Ontario, like a snowball starting in Windsor and gaining more and more participants as it headed east through the Niagara Region into the so-called Golden Horseshoe. Here's more video.

At first the lickspittle media (which includes all the print and broadcast media with the possible exception of the Post newspapers) poo-pooed the truckers' demonstration, claiming that they represented only a small fraction of those employed in the industry. 

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface went in front of the cameras to say that the demonstrators and the 1000s of supporters now lining highways and overpasses to show their support, don't represent the way most Canadians feel, but are just a "fringe minority" who hold "unacceptable views". No kidding. Watch this.


The nerve of it! The sheer unmitigated gall! But the truth will out. So scared is Mr Socks of this "finge minority" that he annouonced today that he had "been in contact" with someone who might have the dreaded virus that -- even though he had not tested positive -- he thought it better to isolate himself in his little cottage in the shadow of Rideau Hall, for the next five days.

That means that His Excellency -- loathed by Canadians even more than was his father -- will not be on hand to meet or listen to the truckers when they arrive on Saturday. Imagine that. But Max will be there!

If you're a fed-up frostback -- vaccinated or unvaxxed -- and can get to Ennui-on-the-Rideau this weekend, you're welcome to join the fringe. Masks will not be required. Bring your own flag. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Poor Len looks at the hapless Habs, Part 2

Our National Sports Editor, Poor Len Canayen (not pictured), continues his jeremiad anent the 2021-22 Montrèal Canadiens, aka the Hapless Habs.

When Ed. called "time" on me yesterday, I had just finished writing about the handful of Habs players who are doing not too badly this year. Sadly, they are a minority. 

In addition to defenceman Ben Chiarot, I should mention Alexandre Romanov. He was benched in November for not trying hard enough, and that appeared to teach him a lesson, although you wouldn't know it by Monday night's game in Mineesota. He's more engaged now, but still needs the defensive puck smarts that only experience will bring. 

Now to talk about some of the shoulda-coulda-woulda, and the "expendables" as I call them, picked up cheap by former GM Marc Bergevin because he was desperate.

Three years ago, Ryan Poehling, a  high draft pick, was going to be the saviour of les Glorieux, and proved it by scoring a hat trick in his first game wearing the bleu-blanc-rouge, which also hapopened to be the last game of the season. Since then, he's done next to nothing, languising in Laval. He was called up to the big team when the ranks were decimated by Covid, and has had flashes of brilliance, but nothing to write home about. Again, the problem is lack of consistency.

31-year-old David Savard, hired in the off-season to bolster the defence which was bound to suffer from the absence of Shea Weber and Joel Edmundson, is over the hill. He's been asked to play top-two minutes and has done his best, with 23 minutes per game, but the stats (see yesterday's post) are not his friend.

Québécois Jonathan Drouin is producing goals and assists, on track for 50 points, which makes him one of the Habs' top attackers. But I can't see him every reaching the super-star status which was hoped for when M Bergevin traded a good defence prospect to Tampa Bay to get him. He still seems fragile -- susceptible to injury, illness and (yes) the depression that sidelined him for the latter half of 2020-21.

Josh Anderson was a leading light last season. This year, on good nights, he's the best player on the team. With his right shoulder down, hurtling up the left side at full speed, he's a menace to the opposing defence. The trouble is that there aren't enough of such nights.   

Jake Evans, at age 25, gives the impression of being a steady and experienced player. In fact he has yet to play his 100th game. Lacking real depth at centre, Coach Ducharme gives Evans a lot of minutes, but he has yet to show any real offensive punch. He's getting enough chances, but can't seem to finish.

Speaking of centres, the biggest disappointment this year has been Christian Dvorak, who was supoposed to fill the very large hole left by M Bergevin's failure to resign Phillip Danault. Dvorak's style is nothing like that of Danault and he's had a hard time adapting to the Ducharme system. [Is that a system? Ed.]  He's not bad at faceoffs on the PK, but doesn't have the offensive instinct of, say...

Mike Hoffman, who can be a real threat, given enough time and space. Which means you can't look for him to do much close to the net, like Brendan Gallagher, who is sidelined by injury. And Hoffman's play in the Habs' end is not to be discussed. At all.

Back to the defence. When asked to name the Canadiens' top four defenceman, most fans would say Jeff Petry (which would be wrong, this year), Ben Chiarot, and Alex Romanov. Then they would dreaw blank. Brett Kulak is the one who's playing a lot but in such a way as to be easily forgotten. In spite of good skating and puck-handling skills, he's been a healthy scratch at least twice, in favour of complete unknowns. I can't figure it/him out.

The aforementioned Jeff Petry, who was terrific last year, still has his place in the top four D-men, but just seems to lack interest in keeping it. Maybe he's just getting old. Maybe he misses being with Weber and Edmundson [Who? Ed.]. Or maybe he just doesn't care any more. Look for him to be trade bait as we approach the deadline.

Three more defencemen who, but for the Wuhan flu, would be "surplus to requirements". Chris Wideman was the top-scoring D-man in the KHL last year. So what. The hard-hitting Habs take more penalties than they draw so what you do on the PK counts for a lot more than what you do on the power play.

Sami Niku was a real "expendable", acquired cheap because his previous team didn't need him. He has given exactly what you'd expect from a bargain basement pickup. A fancy skater who is more of a threat to his own team than to the opposition.

Then there's Kale Clague, who, like Niku, was hired on the basis of his résumé, but doesn't look as good on the ice as on paper. In his first game with the Habs he turned the puck over right in front of the goal. That pretty much set the tone for what followed.

Another big disappointment is Mathieu Perreault, who's played in just 14 matchs (of which only 6 in a row), and hasn't found his rhythm with the Tricolore. He's an experienced forward who should be able to contribue a lot, but has been sidelined by not just Covid, but injuries.

Un autre gars de chez nous who has failed to impress is Alex Belzile. To be fair, he was hired for a support role on offence, and that's what he has delivered -- a good and honest effort, but nothing more.

So also Cédric Paquette. On a healthy team he probably wouldn't see a lot of ice time. As it is, he's had his chances on the fourth line, but just can't seem to get untracked. At centre, he has won only 30% of the faceoffs he's taken, and seems destined for Laval if other forwards get healthy again.  

Brendan Gallagher certainly won't be looking back on this season as a success. Another victim of injuries and illness, he's played in only 25 games, racking up a mere 4 goals, in spite of having many chances from in front (or on top) of opposing goalies. Just bad luck. He's still the heart and soul of le Canadien, à mon avis.

The Canadiens are back at the (empty) Centre Bell tomorrow night. I'll be watching, because I cannot do otherwise. But the most I can hope for is a pleasant surprise.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Poor Len Canayen reports on the Habs: AAAAUUUUGGGH!

For the Montréal Canadiens, the NHL season is half over, and thank St-Jean-Béliveau for that. The 2021-22 iteration of the Habs is the worst in the very long memory of our National Sports Editor, Poor Len Canayen. Here is his mid-term report.

Tank youse, Hed. After watching last night's debacle in Minnesota (8-2 loss), I'm not happy to do write this terrible tale, but it is my duty, so here goes.

Let's start with some grim statistics. Le Canadien have played 41 games, with a record of 8-26-7, good [not very! Ed.] for 23 points out of 82 available (pct .280), and last place in their division and in the National Hockey League overall. Terrible.

But wait (as Vince Offer said), there's more. In 41 games the Habs have scored just 90 goals, but have allowed 154. Do the math. That's a goal differential of -64. Nick Suzuki, our leading scorer, is -18. David Savard, the only defenceman to play in all 41 games, is -17.

About all that fans of la Sainte Flanelle can hope for is for the team to finish in the bottom three, for a good chance to win the draft lottery and pick Shane Wright, a good Kingston boy (Hello, Don Cherry!) and a top prospect for sure. But if they get him, they'll have to develop him much more carefully then they have Cole Caufield, who has not responded well to the challenge of playing with the big boys. Spending the rest of this season in Laval should help him regain his confidence.

OK, let's talk about some additions to the team who have done well.



Hahaha, just kidding (sort of). There are one or two, starting with Michael Pezzetta, whose energy, combativeness and style of play have won him many fans. Not among his opponents though, who have made him a target for heavy hitting, as in the last minute of last night's game. It's OK. Pezzetta can give as good as he gets.

The Habs have now played four goalies, with Michael McNiven coming in to relieve Samuel Montembeault in the third period last night. He allowed 3 goals in 20 minutes, for a GAA of 9.00. That's pretty much the bottom of the barrel.

The good news is that Montembeault has grown into his present position as starting goalie, in the absence of Jake Allen, who held the job in the absence of Carey Price. Montembeault was used sparingly while Allen was healthy, usually in a cause already lost, but is doing better now. His save percentage of .932 is 12th in the league, for goalies who have played in at least ten games.

It should be noted that Allen was doing well enough, in spite of having little help from the defence, until he was injured. He is still the Habs' top goalie, and is likely to remain so, even if Carey Price is fit to play in the spring, which is becoming increasingly doubtful.

That I should begin the section on players who aren't doing too badly with a fourth-line guy tells you all you need to know. But let's continue. Laurent Dauphin hadn't played in the NHL for three years, so not much was expected from him when he was thrown into the deepo end on 7 December. He's been decent, if not spectacular, on attack, and good on the PK.

Then there's Artturi Lehkonen, who has appeared on our fecal roster in past years. Now that a lot is no longer expected of him, he has earned a place on the bottom six, especially on the PK. His 15 points make him the fufth-best scorer on the hapless Habs.

I didn't really mean to diss Nick Suzuki. He is without doubt le Canadien's offensive leader, and his creative play is lovely to watch. But this season has been hard for him for lack of reliable linemates. He's proved that he can be a top line guy. He just needs to be able to do so consistently.

I could say the same about Tyler Toffoli, one of my favourites. He'd be at the top of the honour roll if one looked only at his performance on the road this past week. But in the preceding weeks he was nearly invisible. I blame coach Dominic Ducharme for the constant juggling of lines (admittedly, due to injuries and the Wuhan flu), which means that Toffoli constantly had to adjust to new linemates. When he's out there with Suzuki, good things happen, as in a great short-handed goal last week.

Finally (for now -- running out of space), kudos to defenceman Ben Chiarot, who most fans regarded as the fourth guy last year, behind  Shea Weber, Jeff Petry, and Joel Edmundon. He was regarded as a defensive defenceman, not capable of contributing much in front of the blue line, but he has been good on the power play this year. And he's piling up a ton of minutes, because he's more reliable than the other d-men.

That's it for the list of good guys. We'll pick this up again tomorrow. À la prochaine...

Monday, January 24, 2022

UPDATED: The menace on Canadian highways

Readers outside Canada may not have understood the reference to Sikh truck drivers in "Canuckistan immigration: Refugees prioritized over skilled workers", WWW 23/1/22. Here's a true (but not funny) story.

6 April 2018 was a clear, sunny day in central Saskatchewan. Roads were bare and dry. Flat and straight too, as roads in that part of Canada tend to be. An 18-wheeler travelling at about 60 mph through a flashing stop signal at the intersection of Highways 35 and 335, and collided with a bus carrying the Humboldt Broncos, a junior hockey team enroute to a game.

16 people were killed. 13 were injured, some of them for life. It took the Mounties a full three months to charge the driver of the semi, 29-year-old Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, with 16 counts of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death and 13 counts of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing bodily injury. 

Mr Sidhu is a Sikh. (Not all Singhs are Sikhs, but all Sikhs are Singhs.) He had come to Canada as a "student", and been allowed to stay as a permanent resident under the forerunner to Immigration & Refugee Canada's TR2PR programme, explained in yesterday's post. 

Another six months passed before Mr Sidhu pleaded guilty to the charges. He appeared in court without the turban which religious Sikh men must wear, but kept his beard and (one presumes) his special holy underpants. Whether he was carrying a kirpan is unknown.

Mr Sidhu was sentenced to 8 years in prison -- 6 months for each life he took. Under Canadian law, a sentence of that length should lead to immediate deportation, once the convict has done his time. But Mr Sidhu's lawyer has already sent volumes of paperwork to the Canada Border Services Agency arguing that his client should be allowed to stay in Canada "on compassionate grounds". 

Somewhere along the line -- surely not while he was out on bail -- Mr Sidhu got married. It wouldn't do to deprive his wife and child of their husband and father. Moreover, his lawyer says, Mr Sidhu is suffering from PTSD. "This never leaves (Sidhu) so he's battling his own post-traumatic stress as are so many people who've been touched by this. He’s...really committed to making something positive out of a terrible situation."

One of those who were "touched", Chris Joseph, whose son Jaxon died in the crash, is one of several Broncos families who have written letters asking for Sidhu to be deported. He told the Red Deer Advocate that deportation is the law and laws are there for a reason. "I can appreciate how 29 families can feel different ways about him but, in my view, the matter of deportation is not about forgiveness. It's not about how you feel about a person. It's not about whether you think he made a single mistake. If he’s deported, I could maybe even toy with the idea of considering forgiveness. But if he’s not deported, then we're going to be even more hurt and I don't think I'll ever get to that place." 

A decision was expected in November, but has been delayed until "later". Nothing to do with the Liberal government's "diversity and inclusiveness" agenda, of course.

Even if Mr Singh Sidhu is deported -- and you are advised not to bet on that -- there will be 1000s of other turbaned truck drivers barrelling along Canadian highways, especially in the "Greater" Toronto Area, just as they would do at home in "Khalistan". That you can bet on!

UPDATE added 8/2/22. A 22-year-old man is facing charges after he allegedly stole a vehicle from a Mississauga ON residence, then struck two unmarked police vehicles while attempting to evade arrest. Inspector Knacker of the Peel Police says that the vehicle was taken from a residence in the4 morning of 4 February. 

Investigators located the occupied vehicle in Etobicoke ON a short time later. It is alleged that the driver attempted to flee but struck two unmarked police vehicles. He then tried to get away on foot but was taken into custody. A suspect, identified as Gursimranpreet Singh, is now charged with possession of stolen property and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Canuckistan immigration: Refugees prioritized over skilled workers

From the Great No-longer-white North comes a disturbing report of the overweaning wokeness of the Liberal government of Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface. "Diversity is our strength!", says Mr Socks, by which he apparently means that "diversity" and "inclusiveness" trump common sense, at least when it comes to immigration policy.

The Liberals' push to Build Back Better [Where have we heard that before? Ed.] is stalled, particularly in the real estate and housing sector, because there just aren't enough builders. Provincial governments from coast to coast to coast (as the saying goes) are crying for skilled workers -- electricians, carpenters, and (of course) the proverbial Polish plumbers. [British readers will get that. Ed.]

The federal bureaucracy in charge -- the name Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada says it all -- admits in a memo obtained by immigration lawyer Steven Meurrens and furnished to the National Post, that "an estimated 76,000" applicants are in the inventory for federal high-skilled worker (FSW) applications, which is more than the number needed to meet targets all the way out to 2023. Over 207,000 people are treading water in the so-called "express entry pool", which includes skilled workers, skilled trades and people with experience living in Canada.

However... Canada’s immigration system for such potentially useful immigrants is severely backlogged. Even though the labour shortage is critical, the wokesters in Ottawa are "pausing" new invitations because the department simply can’t process them quickly enough. Applicants nominated by provincial governments are still being "processsed", but other economic immigrants have been on hold since last fall. 

What (Walt hears you frostbacks asking) is the problem? Simple. The skilled workers aren't as important as these guys.

The Liberals' current immigration plan ["Is dis a plan?" Poor Len Canayen] forecasts bringing in 110,500 skilled workers next year, but the Immigration & Refugees department says in the same memo that could have to be cut by as much as half, because the department has so much other work.

Such as what? "These reductions are due to admissions space required to accommodate the TR2PR stream* and the resettlement of Afghan nationals to Canada." The Liberals initially pledged to bring 20,000 Afghans to Canada, but during last fall's federal election campaign doubled the pledge to 40,000. 

A new immigration "plan" will be tabled in Parliament when the House of Commons resumes in February. The department aims for a six-month processing time for FSWs, but the memo warns that processing times could rise dramatically. 

"Processing times are currently at 20.4 months (over three times higher than the service standard) and are expected to continue to grow as older inventory is processed. The FSW processing time is expected to rise to 36 months throughout 2022." Not much help there for the construction or other industries, but Sikh truck drivers will be easy to find. Pushtu-English interpreters too.

* TR2PR is another Liberal scheme to allow more unskilled third-worlders -- potential Liberal voters all! -- into Canada by the back door. Anyone who got into Canada in any way as a Temporary Resident -- for instance as a "student" (read: truck driver) -- can apply to become a Permanent Resident without further qualifications. 

True Stuff Dept: Feather Fanciers flock together

Knowing Walt's fascination with fowl [sp? Ed.] stories, Agent 78 has passed on an invitation to attend an upcoming meeting of the Niagara Feather Fanciers. It began, "Learn what it would like to fly with a flock of feather fanciers." Expecting this to involve some kind of deviant sex, I read on...

The Niagara Feather Fanciers, a group of hobbyists who raise poultry, will be hosting an open house,. Visitors will be taken through four stations that highlight some of the key points for those getting into the hobby.

Exhibition poultry is a popular pastime for thousands of people throughout North America. Members take part in shows on both side of the border. They also meet regularly to discuss things happening in the world of exhibition poultry and share tips and advice with each other.

The four stations at the open house will cover: nutrition, disease and health of exhibition poultry; how to set up breeding pens and record keeping; washing and preparing your birds for the show; and learning about the Standard of Perfection and how it is used to judge poultry.

It's being billed as a hands-on event, with various types of chickens and birds there for viewing. Registration is required and there will be cost of $10 per person to cover expenses. Visitors will receive a lunch.

Agent 78 wants to know if she should wear a feather boa. Want walts to know what's for lunch.

Footnote: The Buff Orpington is not just a figment of Chuck Jones' imagination. Here's a magnificant rooster and hen of that breed.

Friday, January 21, 2022

True Stuff Dept: clickbait seen on the Net today

I would believe what happens next. I used to do that kind of thing all the time, in my misspent youth. [Before the earth's crust cooled. Ed.]

Someone needs to learn not just how to spell, but the Rules of Capitalization. [Something to do with business finance? Ed.]

Note from Ed. to those who clicked on the "next" button to see what happens next... You don't really bite on these things, do you? Really??!!

VIDEO: Michael Matt on the Godless agenda of "good Catholics"

Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, has asked us to share his latest video: "THE GODLESS AGENDA: From Davos to the Vatican". He writes:

I start out with something that struck me about the escalating problem of President Joe "The Catholic" Biden and his war on "domestic terrorists”: Is this where Neo-Catholicism ends up? Sixty years after Vatican II, "reformed" Catholics will become the jailors of freedom-loving patriots? First they canceled God’s rights, and now they’re going to cancel ours? 

Biden calls us domestic terrorists, Pelosi wants us in jail, AOC wants to defund the police, Guterres over at the UN wants to force our kids to get vaxxed and brainwashed, Melinda Gates is trying to depopulate Africa, and Francis of Rome is cancelling our Mass. To a man, these disturbed people all claim to be "Catholics in good standing"!

Gavin Newsom, Tony Fauci, the Cuomo brothers – they all claim to be Catholic, and yet they’re hellbent on criminalizing anyone who disagrees with them. At the same time, Pope Francis's agenda lines up perfectly with that of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros. Houston, we’ve got a problem!

Using vintage testimony from William F. Buckley and Michael Davies, I explain why attacking the traditional Catholic Mass and Sacraments has always been key to the establishment of a new globalist political order, what some might call the Reign of Antichrist and others hail as the Great Reset.

Looking at all this, I can’t help but ask the question: How much worse does it have to get before we fall on our knees and beg God to return from His banishment to save this brave new burning world? As I explain in this video, the Covid narrative may be coming apart at the seams. But, even if it is, we have only a brief window of opportunity to prepare to do a better job defending our country and our Church from whatever these demon "Catholics" come up with next. 


Mr Matt concludes: Only God can save us now. So, let's bring Him back. Please join me in calling this crusade. This may well be our last chance... but at least we have a chance. God is good! 

Walt can only say "Amen!"

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Still more "Funny Business"

Happy New Year to Agent 34, who has forwarded this to our "True Stuff" editor, for inclusion in the "Funny Business" category.


Our assiduous editor did a fact check to make sure this is real enouogh for Walt's "True Stuff" section, and found that although Mr Archie never went to law school, he somehow passed the bar of North Carolina with flying colours. 

In the November 2018 elections, the lifelong Democrat (surprised?) ran for judge of the North Carolina 18th Judicial District. He won Seat 2 on said court, assumed office on 1 January 2019. He will be up for re-election this November. 

About race and politics in North Carolina, that's all ye know and all ye need to know.

Monday, January 17, 2022

More "True Photos", "Funny Business Section"

Some of the funniest True Things that Walt has collected over the years are clever business names and slogans, like this one.

New submissions are welcome and will be entered in Walt's "True Stuff" competition. (Agents and employees are not eligible for prizes.) Agent 6, who we believe is snowed in this morning, has sent this beauty.

Not that we doubt #6, but we'd like to hear from a licence plate collector who can identify the state/province/whatever in which this van is registered. The style of the plate would suggest Philippines or Mexico, which would explain why there's no mention of heating, just refrigeration and air con. Be cool, guys!

Note from Ed.: Send your submissions to the usual email address. We'll publish the good ones, but don't count on a prize, or even an acknowledgment. (But you never know...)

Sunday, January 16, 2022

UPDATED: "Allahu akbar!" in Texas - Hostage-taker was British Muslim

This is just a short report, since it's Sunday morning and I have better things to do. And I'm tired of these stories. Anyhoo... 

Around 1100 CST yesterday, police were called to Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville TX (a suburb of Dallas), where a man was reported to have interrupted the Shabbat service. 

A live stream of the service on Facebook (since deleted, for some reason) captured audio of a man talking loudly. He could be heard saying: "You get my sister on the phone," and "I am gonna die!" He was also heard saying: "There's something wrong with America." [No kidding! Ed.]

Four people, including the rabbi, were taken hostage. Others were evacuated from the area shortly after.

Apparently the attacker, who has not been named, but has been identified as a "Muslim citizen of Britain", was demanding the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani neuroscientist who is currently serving an 86-year prison term in the USA, having been convicted of trying to kill American soldiers while in custody in Afghanistan. 

The attacker claimed to be Ms Siddiqui's brother, but her attorney told the Clinton News Network that the hostage-taker was not her brother, saying Siddiqui's family condemned his "heinous" actions. [No kidding! Ed.]

Texas resident Victoria Francis, who was watching the livestream before it cut out, told AP that she heard the man rant against America and claim he had a bomb. "He was pretty irritated and the more irritated he got, he'd make more threats," she said. 

The cops sent in the SWAT team, while FBI negotiators spent hours talking to the assailant. Explosions and gunfire could be heard before the ten-hour stand-off ended and the hostages released unharmed. Not so the unidentified (so far) jihadi wannabe, who was sent to Paradise where he is presumably being serviced by 72 virgins.
UPDATE added at noon: Authorities have identified the Colleyville synagogue hostage-taker as 44-year-old Malik Faisal Akram, a British citizen. No more information about Akram has been provided. As to the late Mr Akram's motivation, FBI Special Agent in Charge Matthew DeSarno said "We will continue to work to find motives.... We believe that, from engaging with the subject, he was singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community." [Seriously? Ed.]

Further update added 17/1/22 @ 0600. Greater Manchester (UK) police announced yesterday that "Two teenagers were detained in South Manchester this evening. They remain in custody." Isn't that interesting! The FBI's field office in Dallas had earlier said there was "no indication" that anyone else was involved in the attack on the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue. And then this, mere hours later.

Innocent question from Walt: Mr Akram, a resident of the Blackburn area of Lancashire, UK, arrived in America just two weeks ago. Who let him in? Did anyone ask him his reason for coming to the USA? Just askin'... 

Apparently Mr Malik's brother, Gulbar Malik, wondered the same thing. "He's known to police," the brother told an interviewer from Sky News. "Got a criminal record. How was he allowed to get a visa and acquire a gun?" Good question, to which the FBI/DHS/CBP has no answers.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

MUSIC VIDEO: "He sings like a canary!"

Thanks and a tip o' the шапка to Agent 5 -- a man with a keen eye for musical talent -- for letting us know about Avio Focolari, a 62-year-old Italian who describes himself as a "freelancer". I'm not quite sure what that means, but do know that he has a great talent for polyphonic whistling. If you're not sure what that means, check out his performance on España Got Talent.


Sig. Focolari has also appeared on Italia Got Talent. We can't embed that clip, but you can click here to see it. I'm not sure if I could sit through an entire concert of this, but always like to share videos of gifted amateurs doing good things. Bravo!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

If you love(d) PEANUTS, check this out!

Hey kids! Do you remember the old daze, when Charles M. Schulz's PEANUTS comic strip was a must-read for all the gangs down at the sodium shop, and their mommies and workadaddies? Many found it on the leading edge of social commentary. Why, those kids thought and talked just like adults!

Ah yes. Then along came Vietnam and the worst of the hippy-dippy 60s. (The exact date on which the Golden Age of America turned to excrement was 9 February 1964. You can look it up.) Doonesbury appeared, then Bloom County, and suddenly PEANUTS was uncool. Not as bad as Family Circus, but still somehow tone-deaf to what was going on in the real America.  

Still, there are many of us (I include myself) who look back on PEANUTS and the times it represented with affection. Life was simpler and better then. If you are one of those who yearn for the good ole daze, and regret that you threw out your PEANUTS books, our dear sponsor has just put a couple of dozen in his online store. Click here to have a look.

The books are used, in good shape, and ridiculously cheap. If you decide to buy, tell `em Walt sent ya!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Pope Francis condemns "cancel culture"... but does he walk the talk?

"Every morning before breakfast, Pope Francis says three stupid things. Believe it or not!" It's an old joke, but not without some truth. Yet it's also true that sufferers from alcoholism and dementia occasionally have moments of clarity. [Even President Brandon? Ed.]

One such moment apparently happened to Pope Bergoglio yesterday, during an address to the Vatican diplomatic corps, when Francis warned against attempts to "cancel culture", decrying "one-track thinking" which, he said, attempts to deny or rewrite history according to today’s standards.

Francis told the assembled dips that there was a "crisis of trust in multi-lateral diplomacy" which has led to "agendas increasingly dictated by a mindset that rejects the natural foundations of humanity and the cultural roots that constitute the identity of many peoples."

He didn't actually use the words "globalist" or "one-world", but his statement seems pretty clear and pretty argument, even to those who, like my goodself, have little time for the man who calls himself "pope". 

I have even less time for "Peter the Roman", aka Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the author of the sell-out of Chinese Christians, but even he gets things right now and then. Last month he expressed "concern" over a draft European Union communications manual that suggested not using the term Christmas. The manual, which the Vatican saw as an attempt to cancel Europe's Christian roots, was later withdrawn for revision. 

Francis warned his listeners of "a form of ideological colonization, one that leaves no room for freedom of expression and is now taking the form of the 'cancel culture' invading many circles and public institutions." He used the two words in English in the midst of a long speech in Italian. Pretty heavy stuff. But wait (as Vince Offer used tosay), there's more.

Pope Bergoglio went on to say that the cancel culture controversy is particularly sharp in English-speaking countries, such as the United States and Britain. (He didn't mention Canada, where the cancel culture thrives under Emperor Trudeau II.) Those who subscribe to and promote this culture, he said, risked cancelling identity "under the guise of defending diversity." Yes, he really said that.

In the Excited States of America, there have been conflicts over such acts of iconoclasm -- the physical manifestation of the cancel culture -- as the removal or decapitations of statues of historical figures such as Saint Junipero Serra, Christopher Columbus, and of course General Robert E. Lee. 

In Canada, besides the removal of statues, some loonie lefties have demanded -- and got -- the changing of the names of institutions such as schools and hospitals named after such historical figures as Egerton Ryerson and Sir John Eh Macdonald, saying they played a part in the destruction of indigenous cultures. 

While Pope Bergoglio did not mention any such examples of cancel culture, he did say that any historical situation must be interpreted not by today's standards, but in the context of its times. 

Quite so! But here's the irony, or should I say hypocrisy. While he preaches respect for tradition, he had been for months now campaigning ruthlessly to wipe from the history and culture of the Catholic Church the traditional Latin Mass, which the Council of Trent decreed can never be abrogated!

That was then -- 1570 to be exact -- but this Pope Bergoglio's now. Last July,, Francis moved to stamp out the Mass of All Time, once and for all. He issued a Motu Proprio -- kind of like an Executive Order in the American governmental system --which virtually bans the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass in ordinary parish churches throughout the world. See "Traditional Catholics outraged: 'Pope Francis' nukes Traditional Latin Mass", WWW 17/7/21.

In Traditionis Custodes, Francis attempted to completely reverses the course set by Pope Benedict XVI, just fourteen years ago, in Summorum Pontificum, which specified the circumstances in which priests of the Latin Church could celebrate Mass according to the 1962 edition of the Roman Missal, in the form known as the Tridentine Mass or Traditional Latin Mass, and administer most of the sacraments in the form used before the liturgical "reforms" that followed Vatican II. 

He said at the time that he was reversing Pope Benedict's attempt at "reforming the reform" had become a source of division in the Church, and been exploited by traditional Catholics opposed to the Second Vatican Council and its thoroughly modern liturgy. Am I the only one who sees a cognitive dissonance there?

But wait... Unfortunately,  there's more. A week before Christmas, Francis doubled down on his efforts to quash the old Latin Mass, forbidding the celebration of some sacraments according to the ancient rite. The Vatican repeated the excuse that it was necessary to let go of history and tradition, and to embrace everything that's new, for the sake of promoting diversity and inclusion, yada yada yada. But isn't that exactly the cancel culture he now condemns? 

Pope Bergoglio's crackdown on the Latin Mass has outraged his conservative and traditional Catholics. Many have gone so far to accuse him of heresy and watering down Catholic doctrine with his focus on the environment, migrants and "social justice". Where will it all end? There was a time when heretics were burned at the stake, but that's a part of Church history which we should forget... I suppose.

Further reading and viewing: "The most radical thing Pope Francis has ever done", WWW 17/7/21. Includes video commentary by Dr Taylor Marshall.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

VIDEO: Ex-CBC staffer Tara Henley interviewed by Glenn Greenwald

One of Walt's first posts this year was "Journalist quits Canadian state broadcaster because it's too woke", 3/1/22. The journalist in question is Tara Henley, a white woman (yes, everyone has to have a race+gender label these days), who still describes herself as a progressive. 

Ms Henley just couldn't take the "wokeness" of Canada's state broacaster any more, and quit at the end of the year. In this interview on Glenn Greenwald's "System Update" vlog, she talks about why she left and how the "progressive" wokesters completely dominate the lickspittle media.

Using the example of Dave Chappelle, Ms Henley calls attention to the way in which the ultra-liberal left thinks and talks about things, and the way normal people (like me and thee) think and talk about things. Have a listen.

VIDEO: Matt Taibbi talks about "education" in Loudon County VA

I kind of lost track of Matt Taibbi, whose political analysis I always enjoyed, even when he was calling President Trump the "clown president". He can be found now on Rumble.

In this video he discusses the ongoing battle between the "educators" of Loudon County VA and the parents who don't want their kids to be brainwashed with Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other hard left propaganda. Mr Taibbi makes the case that if Democrats don't change their tune on parental influence in school curriculum, they're doomed in 2022.

Nice to be able to see and hear Mr Taibbi. I'm one of those who always wonders what the writers look like. That's why I put my picture on WWW, not because I'm vain. [??? Ed.] But I digest.... 

I want to recommend, highly, Matt Taibbi's 2019 book Hate, Inc, reviewed on WWW in "From the inside: Matt Taibbi explains why the media want to keep Americans perpetually at war...", 28/6/20. Mr Taibbi is mentioned in several other posts, which you can find by using the "Search this blog" window at the bottom right corner of this page.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

How two Schmucks became part of the best-ever women's hockey team

The following True Story was submitted by Poor Len Canayen, who, being our National Sports Editor, is disqualified from the competition

Some say it all began as a dare. In the first summer of the Great Depression, two girls -- 17-year-old Hilda Ranscombe and her younger sister Nellie -- from the western Ontario town of Preston, were looking for a way to keep together their local softball team, after a very successful season. A team member suggested the formation of a women's hockey team. When an onlooker scoffed at the idea and challenged them to follow through, that's just what they did!

So was born, in 1930, the Preston Rivulettes, a women's hockey team whose name was a feminized version of the term for a small river. No one could have dreamed how successful the team would become. 

The Rivulettes entered a league composed of teams from Toronto, Kitchener, Stratford, London, Hamilton, Guelph and Port Dover. They quickly rose to the top of the league, miles ahead of the opposition.

The players on that first team were Nellie Ranscombe in goal, Marg Gabbitass, Myrtle Parr, Toddy Webb, Pat Marriott and Helen Sault. The offensive stars were Hilda Ranscombe, and Marm and Helen, the Schmuck sisters. Really.

The success of the Preston Rivulettes was, and remains, unparalleled in the annals of Canadian sports history. The team played an estimated 350 games between 1930 and 1940, tying three and losing only two. In that ten-year span the Rivulettes were ten times the winners of the Bobby Rosenfeld Trophy that was presented each year to the champions of Ontario. 

They also won, all of the six times they competed for it, the Eastern Canadian championship and the Elmer Doust Cup that went with it. But the team's crowning achievement was their 1933 capture of the trophy donated by Roberte de Neuflize Ponsonby (better known as Lady Bessborough, wife of the then Governor-General), given to the best women's hockey team in all of Canada.

Poor Len adds that since Canada dominates women's hockey even now -- much more so than men's hockey -- it can truly be said that the Preston Rivulettes rank as the Best. Women's. Hockey. Team. Ever!

Further reading: This True Story was excerpted from the History of the Preston Rivulettes on the team's official website. Poor Len was inspired to research it after reading Chapter 16 of It's Our Game: Celebrating 100 Years of Hockey Canada, by Michael McKinley (Viking 2014). If you love hockey and are tired of reading about the National Hockey League (G. Buttman, Prop.), you'll love this book! 

Kamala Harris: 1/6 "worse than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor"

Kamala Harris, the Indo-Jamaican Vice-President of the Excited States of America, kicked off the Brandon administration's remarks on the first anniversary of the January 6, 2021 Capitol "riot" by comparing it to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

"Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault," she said. "Dates that occupy not only a place in our calendars, but a place in our collective memory. December 7th, 1941. September 11, 2001. And January 6th, 2021."

Here, in chronological order, are pictures of the events of those three dates. Which is the worst? You be the judge!

December 7, 1941

September 11, 2001

January 6, 2021

I mean... really?! Isn't all this never-Trump hysteria a bit much?! 1000s of Americans died during the attacks by foreigners on Pearl Harbor and the Twin Towers. The only person who died a year ago, during a demonstration by outraged American citizens, was one female protester, shot by a cop.

The Dumbocrats couldn't actually organize a Reichstag fire, but they can sure organize the lickspittle media to turn the legitimate protest of the stolen election into one! As I said... too much!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Святo Богоявлення

Today is the Holy Theophany, Святo Богоявлення, also celebrated by many who follow the Julian calendar as "Little Christmas" or "Ukrainian Christmas".

To all in the Ukraine and in the diaspora who are celebrating today, Walt and everyone at WWW send this special greeting.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Journalist quits Canadian state broadcaster because it's too woke

"To work at the CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation] in the current climate is to embrace cognitive dissonance and to abandon journalistic integrity. It is to sign on, enthusiastically, to a radical political agenda that originated on Ivy League campuses in the United States and spread through American social media platforms that monetize outrage and stoke societal divisions. 

"It is to pretend that the 'woke' worldview is near universal -- even if it is far from popular with those you know, and speak to, and interview, and read."

So says Tara Henley, a Toronto journalist who resigned today after over eight years with Canada's state-owned broadcaster.

Writing on the Substack platform, Ms Henley opened her piece on the Substack platform by revealing that she's been hearing more and more complaints about the house organ of Canada's governing Liberal Party. 

"People want to know why, for example, non-binary Filipinos concerned about a lack of LGBT terms in Tagalog is an editorial priority for the CBC, when local issues of broad concern go unreported. Or why our pop culture radio show’s coverage of the Dave Chappelle Netflix special failed to include any of the legions of fans, or comics, that did not find it offensive. Or why, exactly, taxpayers should be funding articles that scold Canadians for using words such as 'brainstorm' and 'lame'.

"Everyone asks the same thing: What is going on at the CBC?"

Ms Henley goes on to answer her own question. 

"To work at the CBC now is to accept the idea that race is the most significant thing about a person, and that some races are more relevant to the public conversation than others. It is, in my newsroom, to fill out racial profile forms for every guest you book; to actively book more people of some races and less of others. [Ahem. Less sugar, fewer people. Back to English class for you, young lady! Ed.] 

Ms Henley suggests that the focus on racial issues is resulting in less scrutiny of other issues that affect large numbers of people, such as the housing crisis, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, accumulation of wealth by billionaires and power by bureaucrats, and the rising total of overdose deaths. 

"It used to be that I was the one furthest to the left in any newsroom, occasionally causing strain in story meetings with my views on issues like the housing crisis. I am now easily the most conservative, frequently sparking tension by questioning identity politics. This happened in the span of about 18 months. My own politics did not change."

If working for a propaganda machine where newsreaders now must include not only vizmins but some who display their religious identity through their choice of headgear is too much for the not-quite-that-woke Tara Henley, Walt suggests she apply to CTV or Global, where things haven't gone quite that far... yet.

Further reading (added 4/1/22): Turns out Ms Henley landed softly at the new woke Globe & Mail, the Toronto elite paper that pretends to be Canada's national newspaper. Click here to read her reviews of six new books, including Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy, by Batya Ungar-Sargon (Encounter Books, 2021), which Ms Henley calls a must-read. I'll add that to my shopping list, but not from Amazon!

VIDEO: Best Babylon Bee sketches of 2021

About a year ago we did a year-end review, noting the passing of notable people in politics, sports, and so on. Nobody cared, at least not that we noticed. So we're not going there this year, except to say that the passing of Betty White, Archbishop Tutu, and Prince Philip -- all of whom died in their 90s -- makes me think that a certain president and a certain pope may not be on next year's list after all. I'm offering 5:2 on Bergoglio and 5:1 on Brandon. Get your bets down now.

So then... rather than focusing on people, let's just take a look back at the events which drew our attention in the Year of Woke 2021. Here's the Babylon Bee highlight reel.


Now for a look forward. As the sun rose today, I saw a robin -- a big fat robin -- sitting in the juniper amongst the pines behind my cabin. A sign of global warming? An early spring? The sight of the robin, in the brilliant sunshine, blue sky, dark green of the tree and gleaming white snow, gladdened my heart. 

After yesterday's divine liturgy, Father said that pretty soon everyone will have Covid, and then we can stop fussing about it. He wasn't being totally facetious. By this spring, I'm guessing, the virus will become endemic and we will be able to go back to something like the old normal. We will get through this winter and the coming year holds promise of real change. Am I right? You know it!