So... Michael Matt to the rescue! We can always count on Mr Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, to produce thought-provoking (and passionate!) commentaries on the crises in the Roman Catholic Church and the world at large. (There is no crisis in the US of A. If you doubt that, just read the lickspittle media and see if you can find one.)
In this week's video, Mr Matt asks (and answers) some very pertinent (and impertinent) questions, such as:
What's the connection between the October 2019 Amazon Synod and the global lockdown that took place a couple of months later?
Is there a connection between Traditional Catholicism and the Pope's move to rein in the "rigid" Catholics [That would include Mr Matt and me! Walt] worldwide?
The G7 plan to reset the whole world with the help of the Vatican is no longer just a Republican vs. Democrat issue. So, what is it?
Will a New World Order come with a New World Religion? If so, what happens to Christianity?
Protestant ministers were fighting for a constitutional amendment proclaiming Christ king over a hundred years ago. In 1925, Pope Pius XI proclaimed the doctrine on the Kingship of Christ to the entire world. So, what happened, and is there a connection between the abandonment of the King and the reign of chaos through which we're living today?
With a little help from Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Eric Clapton, Mr Matt answers all those questions in this riveting video. You'll want to watch every minute!
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