That sentiment is in line with the teaching of the "new and improved" Roman Catholic Church, which says, in its "new and improved" Catechism, that "the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person."
Our old friend Christopher A. Ferrara, whose words have been quoted here many times, says that statement is wrong, contrary to 2000 years of Church teaching based on Divine Revelation. He quotes from Genesis 9:6: "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in His own image."
As regards the Fifth Commandment, to which I referred, Mr Ferrara points out that the Catechism of the Council of Trent teaches that capital punishment of murderers defends human dignity. "The use of the civil sword, when wielded by the hand of justice, far from involving the crime of murder, is an act of paramount obedience to this commandment which prohibits murder."
Since the Council of Trent, unlike Vatican II, was a dogmatic council, its interpretation must be understood to be the true teaching of the One True Church. I therefore stand corrected.
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Mr Ferrara's thoughts on capital punishment are taken from a newly published article (in the Fatima Crusader, Summer 2021) headed "3000 Days to Flatten the Curve"
The reference is to the almost 3000 days which have passed since Jorge Bergoglio began his reign of error as Pope Francis, and to the almost 3000 days remaining until the 100th anniversary of the instruction of Our Lady of Fatima to Sister Lucia during the apparition at Tuy, Spain, on 13 June 1929.
The moment has come [Our Lady said] when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.
So numerous are the souls that the justice of God condemns for sins committed against Me, that I come to ask for reparation. Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.
Mr Ferrara argues that today, as the failure of a line of Popes to heed Our Lady's request nears that 100th anniversary, why Sister Lucia said that the Third Secret of Fatima should be revealed not later than 1960 -- just before the commencement of the Second Vatican Council -- because it would be "more clear" then.
The Second Vatican Council caused a revolution in the Church, more terrible in its consequences than the French Revolution or the Communist Revolution in Russia. In "3000 Days to Flatten the Curve", Christopher Ferrara give examples of the poisoned fruits of Vatican II, under these headings:
- Chaos in the aftermath of the Council- Francis' papacy abandons Catholic tradition- The prophecy of Fatima is ever more urgent
The article is too long for us to repost, or even excerpt here. But we will gladly send you a .pdf file if you will send an e-mail to Ed. requesting it. There is no charge. It's FREE. And we promise not to use your e-mail address for any purpose whatsoever, not even to send you notices of other articles of interest. We're just not set up to do anything that sophisticated.
As our old friend Michael Matt pointed out in a recent video, even if you're not Catholic, you should be concerned about the very real crisis in the Roman Catholic Church. The Third Secret of Fatima contains a vision of a world destroyed by war with a "bishop in white" being murdered by alien enemies.
If the Church falls, Western civilization will fall with it, just as our enemies intend. Read the article to find out what you can do, in the next 3000 days, to keep this from happening!
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