Yes, Virginia, yesterday's smarmy and self-serving speech notwithstanding, Blackie McBlackface is still Prime Minister of the Great No-longer-white North. If a document -- e.g. an immigrant visa for an Islamic terrorist or a cheque to the President of Rumbabwe -- requires his signature, he'll still be there at Rideau Cottage.
"But," you may ask, "didn't Elon Musk say 'Trump won, Trudeau resigned!'?" Indeed he did, but he was only half-right.
Desperate to get rid of Little Potato, hopeful Canucks didn't listen carefully to his words of farewell. What he actually said was, "I intend to resign as party leader [and] as prime minister, after the party selects its next leader through a robust, nationwide, competitive process."
Geddit? Not "I am resigning today" but "I intend to resign...after..." Future tense throughout. The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau is still Prime Minister of All Canuckistan, and there's not a damn thing any of you frostbacks can do about it.
To ensure that corruption business will be carried on as usual until such time as he actually resigns, Junior took the precaution of asking the compliant Governor-General (whom he appointed), to prorogue (read: suspend) Parliament until March 24th, at which time a new session will begin. Until then, there will be no annoying questions asked or challenges made to the supremacy of M Trudeau, his Liberal Party, and the liberal elites who run what is left of Canada.
The Big Question to be answered is: who will replace the Greatest Narcissistic Procrastinator in Canadian history. Walt will now give you the morning line and predict the likely result of the race nobody wants to win. Early entries are:
Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of Canada and, more recently, the Bank of England. Born with a silver sppon in his mouth, educated at private schools, member of the Toronto liberal elite. Has the backing of Big Business and (especially) the Big Banks, since he's "one of us". Like former Liberal Leader Michael "Iggy" Ignatieff, but without the charm. Vulnerable to the sasme attack ad: "He didn't come back for you!"
Chrystia Freeland, rebarbatvie former journalist whose farewell party at the Groan and Wail was held in a phone booth. Most recently Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister (an office not recognized in Canada's constitution) until she quit last year when told she was about to be demoted. Another resident of Toronto's toney Rosedale enclave. Has Ukrainian heritage but the Ukrainians never vote Liberal. Speaking style reminiscent of an Anglican missionary declaiming the Articles of Faith to a congregation of fuzzie-wuzzies. Will have the backing of the Sikh bloc as the most easily manipulable. Oh, she's a woman too, the darling of the feminists, both female and male.
Dominic LeBlanc, the latest to hold the dreaded Finance portfolio, because no-one else would take it after Ms Freeland quit. Son of a Governor-General, friend of the Trudeau family since childhood. "I've known Justin since he was a baby!" Bilingual (unlike the other two) and from New Brunswick/Nouveau Brunswick so won't upset the Québécois or the Toronto elites. Congenial (read: bibulous) and "a safe pair of hands", meaning he can be trusted to do nothing and depart gracefully following the spring election disaster.
And the winner will be... Dominic LeBlanc. Since the Gliberals face certain defeat in the election which will be called within days of the opening of the new session of Parliament, none of the other candidates will be trying too hard. They will be focusing on what happens after M LeBlanc resigns. He, however, will be happy to retire with the title of Prime Minister -- he's been everything else! -- and the pension and other perqs that go with it.
You read it here first. Walt's lifetime pct: .987.
Further reading: "Justin Trudeau goes out blaming and betraying Canadians one more time" - Tasha KHeiriddin, in the National Post, 6/1/25. Lede: "In classic narcissistic fashion, Trudeau on Monday blamed his party — and everyone else — for his problems"
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