Monday, August 5, 2024

Entering Week 2 of British race riots.

Well, that's what it is, eh. The polite term is "ethnic conflict", a phrase which British meeja politicans (except for Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson) have difficulty uttering. To them, uncontrolled mass immigration is something to be celebrated, a core value of all correct-thinking Britons, not to be politicized, challenged, or even discussed. 

It must be accepted, without question. But now the common people of Not-so-great Britain have started to do more than ask questions. They have roused from their slumber and started to act to make their objections not just heard but seen. 

This all started, you may remember, with the killing of three innocent little white girls by a yoof whom the police and meeja refused to identify, except to say that he was English, born in Wales. (That would make him Welsh, of course, but never mind.) When the truth finally emerged -- see "'Allahu akbar!' in Southport, England" (WWW 29/7-1/8/2024) -- the stabber turned out to be, errr, black -- the "emotionally disturbed" child of immigrants from Rwanda. 

Meet Axel Rudakubana, portrayed in the lickspittle media as "just a kid", as in the schoolboy photo shown at left, not the grinning golliwog pictured at right. Even before the recent photo appeared, when the accused's name was revealed after a judge's order, people began to ask (as they now do every time somethingn like this happens), "How did he get into this country?!"

The answer of course is the political choice of successive British governments, both liberal-socialist (Labour) and Cuckservative, to put out the welcome mat for the wretched flotsam and jetsam washing up on Britain's shores, without regard to their suitability or willingness to join British society. 

British politicians are not alone in this, of course. The borders are being opened in Canada (and how!), Germany, France, the Excited States of America, and every country apart from Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Australia. It's all part of the Soros-backed One-Worlders' Great Replacement strategy.

The pinko globalists who dominate British media and politics intend to transform Once-great Britain into a specifically multi-ethnic -- rather than multiracial -- society. Ethnic identities, of which being British was framed as one among many, are to be embraced, within the parameters of the newly multicultural state and immigration restrictions lifted to achieve this goal.

Of this multicultural bullshit, patriotriotic Britons, proud of their race and culture, have had enough! Clashes between white Englishmen, on one side, and Muslims, gypsies, Africans and the police (!) on the other have broken out in cities across the "Sceptered Isle", and showed no signs of abating over the weekend.

In Rotherham, a hotel used to house asylum seekers was set ablaze, and another in Tamworth was targeted by anti-immigration protesters. In Bolton, Muslim groups shouting "Allahu Akbar!" clashed with people who Sir Keir Stürmer, Britain's new leftist Prime Minister called "far-Right rioters". 

Sir Keir didn't call them "racists", but nowadays it's understood by all correct-thinking, progressive people that "far right" and "racist" are synonymous.

In Middlesbrough, a mob shouted "Smash the Pakis" and "There ain't no black in the Union Jack", while targeting the homes of migrants. They're the "racists", of course, not the Asian men attacking white men in footage from elsewhere in the city seen on social media.

Yesterday, more than 200 hooded rioters [shades of the KKK! Ed.] descended on the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham, which has previously been used to house asylum seekers. After smashing several ground floor windows, the attackers then attempted to set the hotel on fire, torching bins and then using them to blockade the exits.

In Bolton, there were scuffles in the town's streets between anti-immigration protesters and Muslim counter demonstrators. By early afternoon the counter-protesters, who were mostly Asian and many in Muslim dress, outnumbered the anti-immigration protest by two to one.

Also yesterday, the Home Office announced that extra police and security forces will be deployed to protect mosques (!), after they were targeted by anti-immigrant demonstrators.  

In an emergency address from Downing Street, Sir Keir Starmer warned the rioters would regret taking part and vowed to do “whatever it takes to bring these thugs to justice as quickly as possible”.He added: “This is not protest. I won’t shy away from calling this what it is – far-Right thuggery... The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand. Charges will follow. And convictions will follow."

In his statement, Sir Queer [= weird. Ed.] opened the door to tougher prison sentences for rioters, and announced suspects will be held on remand and locked up immediately after being charged. These were the authoritarian actions he took in 2011, when he was Director of Public Prosecutions, to tackle "ethnic conflict" and quash dissent.

Whether that strategy will work this time is an open question. Doubts have been raised over whether there are enough jail places available for Sir Keir to mount a 2011-style response to the unrest. Britain's prison system is running at almost-full capacity, with only around 700 spaces available in "male prisons" around the country. 

Unless some of the transgendered protesters are sent to "female prisons", a researcher at the Institute for Government told the meeja that locking up all the rioters was "not an option" unless more prisoners are released. "The situation in prisons is desperate," she said. "We simply don’t have the prison spaces available for mass arrests like we saw in 2011."

Walt sez: Political action -- like voting -- isn't working. Only mass protests get the attention of the elites that, through our inaction, rule us.  Have at them!

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