Saturday, June 29, 2024

VIDEO: This is not a "cheap fake"; this is real!

Ad released by the Trump campaign a couple of hours after the so-called debate ended.


Even the White House's DEI press secretary abandoned the "cheap fake" defence before the evening was over. 

This is real. If you vote for Senile Joe -- you wouldn't really do that, would you? -- this is who you'll put in charge of America's future for the next four years... or possibly less. Don't say you weren't warned.

Friday, June 28, 2024

VIDEOS: Dems in damage control after debate disaster

It wasn't a good night for Sleepy Joe Biden. In spite of having everything set up to give him an advantage -- unfriendly network and hosts, no audience, only one live mic at a time, etc -- he has been revealed as not just "sleepy", but suffering from senile dementia. Millions of people must be saying "I didn't realize it was that bad."

Before we get to the videos, a comment about the debate as a whole. The strictures imposed by the Democrats and the format notwithstanding, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. The anchors refrained from arguing with the candidates, and only pointed out that they weren't answering the questions a couple of times.

The anchors needed some coaching on the rules of order. In a proper debate of this kind, you put a question or a proposition to one party, let him answer, then let the other party reply. The first party might get a rebuttal, and that closes the topic. What you don't do -- as was done to President Trump twice -- is to pose a different question instead of letting him challenge the first speaker's answer.

Not a big deal, really, because the candidates stopped answering questions (or even pretending to do so) almost from the get-go. They had talking points they wanted to get out -- President Brandon even told us the number, "1 - 2 - 3" several times -- and said what they wanted, no matter what question was asked. After a while, the moderators didn't even bother to ask questions at times.

The "debate" -- quote marks are appropriate here -- wasn't really about the issues anyway. It was about image, about which one had the alertness, confidence and mental acuity required of someone who aspires to be the leader of the free world.  

That, dear readers, is where Joe Biden let himself and his party down. And badly! President Trump repeatedly attacked President Biden on the economy and his foreign policy record, while the latter took aim at his rival's criminal conviction and alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. 

The candidates accused each other of lying, and both were right. But the Donald was in "rally mode" -- as if addressing a friendly audience -- whereas Senile Joe gave a performance which can be called stumbling, at best. Democrats expressed concern at the President's weakness, with party insiders saying his early answers triggered panic. His supporters told the BBC his campaign team overworked the president -- a week of rest at Camp David is tough, eh -- and senior White House officials said they are meeting to discuss options. 

OK, let's go to some video. You've probably already seen this first one. President Biden opened the debate with a raspy voice and disjointed, rambling answers, reigniting Democratic concerns about his age and cognitive ability. Many of his answers were hard to follow. At one point, seemingly losing his train of thought, Brandon says, "we finally beat Medicare," -- his own policy on earned benefits. 


In text messages with Politico, Democrats expressed confusion and concern as they watched the first minutes of the event. One former Biden White House and campaign aide called it "terrible", adding that they have had to ask themselves over and over "What did he just say? This is crazy." 

But wait (as Vince Offer used to day), there's more! Here are some highlights [or lowlights? Ed.] from Sky News Australia.


And, from the same source, here's what you didn't see....


Cue the Warner Bros cartoon finish: Th-the-th-the-th-the... that's all folks! As in, the election is over. Joe Biden lost, right there. Walt's lifetime pct .987.

Further reading
"NYT editorial board calls on Biden to drop out". By Lauren Irwin, on The Hill, 28/6/24. Thanks to BCF.
And from the Babylon Bee: "Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN", 27/6/24. Hilarious!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A slogan for the coming elections

If you're white (like Walt!) and have children and grandchildren (like Walt!), you're probably worried (or should be!) about what the future holds for your progeny... and offspring too. 

Pierre-Nicolas Nups of le Parti de lad France (the Party of France), a rightist grouping allied with Marine Le Pen in Sunday's election, has unveiled a poster which you may want to adapt for use in the November election for the presidensity, and the next election in Canuckistan. (It's got to happen sometime.) How do you like this?
For those4 unfamiliar with the language of Molière, the text reads "Let's give a future to white children". 

The pinko mayor of Neuves-Maisons, where M Nups is running, calls the poster... wait for it... "racist" and has threatened M Nups with persecution prosecution. To which the candidate replied, "I approved this poster. It is neither sectarian nor exclusive. On the contrary, it delivers a positive message, a message of hope for our youth, and nothing else. And if anyone sees anything else in it, it would be a malicious interpretation."*

Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance!

* Reported in the (UK) Daily Mail.

Note from Ed.: Walt is making popcorn in anticipation of tomorrow's rigged non-debate. CNN has nailed the puck firmly to Senile Joe's still, but can Hunter's dad remember the shtick? Walt will give his thoughts on Friday, if he's awake by then.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Good dog! Good dog!

A message for all the municipal politicians who voted to waste taxpayers' money on painting LGBS flags on crosswalks.

Monday, June 24, 2024

UNCENSORED VIDEO: RTV's Michael Matt on the events of a busy week, including the latest on COVID and the Great Reset

Michael Matt's "Underground" is still on YouTube, but to keep it there he's had to edit certain parts/subjects heavily to avoid offending YouTube's woke "community standards". When we repost Michael's vids -- it's hard to resist the temptation to repost all of them -- we get the feed directly from RemnantTV. Walt suggests you bookmark the link and check `em out for yourself; they're always worthwhile!

Here's this week's "Underground": "A Papal Meltdown: Vigano Accused, Rupnik Excused". If you want to see the contents before you watch, look below the window.

In this episode, Mr Matt looks at the COVID aftermath and how the wheels are coming off the Great Reset. 

With influential cultural figures such as future hall-of-fame quarterback Aaron Rodgers, speaking out against the global surveillance state, it becomes easy to see that "we’re not in Kansas anymore" where conspiracy theories are concerned. The Wizard is fake news, and everyone knows it! 

Speaking of Kansas, Bishop James Johnston of Kansas City has joined Bishop Thomas Paprocki in enthusiastically supporting Harrison Butker’s clarion call for bishops to "man up" and start behaving like Catholic bishops again. 

Mr Butker blasted the bishops for closing the churches during Covid and, what do you know, several bishops just seconded the motion. Go figure! 

So, with the EU elections scoring big wins for Europe’s populist/nationalist parties – a stinging indictment of Pope Francis the Globalist – is this Reign of Terror finally running out of steam? Francis seems desperate. A case in point: With the world teetering on the edge of war, Pope Francis is putting his paranoia on full display by ordering Archbishop Vigano to come to Rome to face charges of schism. 

Yes, you read that right! He’s not trying to excommunicate MISTER Ted McCarrick – one of the worst sexual predators in Church history. Nope! Francis is going after the whistle blower. You just can’t make this stuff up! 

And, finally, with nothing better to do, the obsessed (with traditional Catholics) pontiff finds himself at the center of swirling rumors that claim Team Francis is about to launch a "Final Solution" to permanently ban the Latin Mass. Is there anything to the rumors, and what’s really behind this Vatican witch hunt?

Watch and learn!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bonne fête Saint-Jean-Baptiste...

À tous nos amis et lecteurs d'expression francaise. 

Une pensée pour ce jour saint. Le peuple canadien gît dans la misère, dans la décadence et le péché. Notre patrie fut jadis grande parmi les nations catholiques. Maintenant, elle est à l'avant-garde de ce qu'on appelle la Révolution, c'est-à-dire le renversement de l'ordre naturel établi par Dieu. Nous disons non à ce déclin et nous supplions le Ciel de sauver le Canada. 
Récitez dévotement cette prière adressée au saint patron de notre peuple

Ô Saint Jean-Baptiste, 
illustre Précurseur du Messie, 
vous que le Sauveur a proclamé 
le plus grand parmi les enfants des hommes, 
et que Notre Saint Père le Pape Pie X
a donné pour patron spécial aux Canadiens;
vous avez merveilleusement préparé, 
par votre vie austère, pénitente 
et tout angélique, les voies au Règne de l'Agneau Rédempteur. 

Nous vous en supplions, 
daignez nous obtenir la grâce
de marcher sur vos pas glorieux, 
de conserver la foi de nos pères, 
de défendre avec zèle les intérêts 
de la Sainte Église catholique, 
et de réaliser les desseins de la Divine Providence sur chacun de nous, 
afin qu'après l'exil de cette vie, 
nous puissions nous retrouver 
dans la Céleste Patrie, pour y chanter les louanges du Roi éternel de tous les peuples, 
pendant les siècles des siècles. 

Ainsi soit-il.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

On the collection of horse semen for artificial insemination

Some time ago, Walt visited a farm where racehorses are bred and raised, and witnessed the procedure by which semen is collected from studs without the necessity of having to get them to mount a likely filly. The ejaculate is collected in an artificial vagina (AV). 

Several well-designed AVs are available, each with its own pros and cons, so AV selection is based on specific requirements and personal preference. AVs have also been homemade by users to meet their specific needs. 

Someone who should consider buying or making an AV is Cirilo Castillo, of Hidalgo County, Texas. Court records shared bv Breitbart News revealed that sheriff’s deputies arrested  the 54-year-old US citizen [noted to avoid comments about those damn border-jumpers. Ed.] at a ranch near Edinburg TX, after the owner caught him standing in a chair having sex with a white mare. 

He faces two counts of criminal trespass and two counts of bestiality. Walt wonders if he would have got away with it had the mare been coloured.

The ranch-owner said she recognized Senor Castillo immediately, as he had broken into her property in the past to have sex with her horse. At that time, the property owner caught him on video as he fled the ranch while trying to pull his pants up after raping another mare.

Senor Castillo has form (as we say at the track) for that sort of thing. He is currently awaiting trial on a separate bestiality charge from 2022 when the Texas Southwestern Cattle Association arrested him for allegedly breaking into a ranch in a rural area between the cities of Alamo and San Juan, where the property owners claim he sexually assaulted their mares, on several occasions. 

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more! Way back in 2015, Breitbart Texas reported that the same man tried to rape a horse only to be kicked by the animal. When the property owner said she went to feed her animals, she found Castillo on the floor with a broken leg. Authorities arrested him and took him to a local hospital for treatment. 

And there's still more! In 2013, Senor Castillo broke into a local ranch in Edinburg several times and sexually assaulted a mare named India. Sheriff’s office officials revealed to Breitbart Texas at the time that Castillo performed various deviant acts on his equine victims, including kissing them on the mouth and performing oral sex on them before getting on top of a chair and having intercourse with them.

Further reading: Those interested in bestiality may enter the word in the WWW search window. There you will find a number of posts showing that animal lovers (in the worst sense of the phrase) may be found all over the world. One man with a fondness for miniature ponies was convicted in Canada just under two years ago. Not wanting to harm an animal, the man had brought an AV with him!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Judge Judy says hush money show trial should haver have happened

Agent 3, who reckons that "Judge Judy" Sheindlin must have gone to law school about the same time as he did, saw her on CNN's "Who's Talking With Chris Wallace" a couple of hours ago. "It's too bad [he writes] that President Trump wasn't tried by America's favourite judge, rather than Judge Doom Merchan."

Why does 3 say that? Because Judge Judy thinks that the hush money show trial should never have happened.

"You gotta twist yourself into a pretzel," the learned judge told Mr Wallace, "to figure out what the crime was. [D.A. Alvin] Bragg doesn’t like him. New York City didn’t like him for a while. 

[But] I would be happier, as someone who owns property in Manhattan, if the district attorney of New York County would take care of criminals who were making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway, to use his efforts to keep those people off the street, than to spend $5 million or $10 million of taxpayers’ money trying Donald Trump on this nonsense."

It's not that Judge Judy is a big fan of President Trump. She campaigned for Nikki Haley in the Republican primaries earlier this year. In an op-ed written at that time, she said, "I have carefully stayed away from politics for 50 years, except to vote. But times have changed in our country, and I believe the moment has come for me to step out from behind the curtain. I want to speak honestly and from the heart — regardless of the consequences."

Speaking from the heart (we presume) about D.A. Braggart, the judge told Mr Wallace "I, as a taxpayer in this country, resent using the system for your own personal self-aggrandizement."

Agent 3 supposes that Judge Judy's opinion of the first anti-Trump show trial won't be heard officially during the appeals now working their way through the legal system [Is dis a system? Mr Natural], but the judges of appeal will certainly have heard about what she said. "The mills of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine."

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Babylon Bee aces it again!

Ed. here. We (Walt and I) hope you realize how hard it is for us to refrain from reposting all of the hyugely funny satirical pieces which appear on the Babylon Bee. The Bee is a must-read for us, especially on days when America seems headed in the wrong direction... which is like today and yesterday and the day before... you get the picture. 

To be fair to the Bee (and out of respect for the laws of copyright) we content ourselves with posting headlines or excerpts from pieces which are just too good not to share. Here's one.
Trump Polling At 100% After Hosts Warn 
He Would Cancel 'The View'

According to pollsters, Trump now holds a one hundred point lead in every single state since the news broke. "We now project Trump winning literally every single vote in Seattle and San Francisco," said pollster Mark Allen. "Despite millions of voters maintaining strong disagreement with Trump about policy issues, the chance to get The View off the air is simply too good to pass up. It has turned every person in America into a single-issue voter."

That's just the third paragraph, of five. To read the rest, click here.

Monday, June 17, 2024

A hidden gem spotted in Hereford, England

Those who remember My Fair Lady, the movie version of George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, may recall hearing the phrases "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" and "In Hertford, Hereford, and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen". 

Those lines are not in the original version of Pygmalion, but are heard in the 1938 movie version. According to The Disciple and His Devil, the biography of Gabriel Pascal by his wife Valerie, it was he who introduced the famous phonetic exercises into the script of the film. Both were4 later used in the song in My Fair Lady.

[Where are you going with this? We haven't got all day! Ed.] OK, OK... I wanted to mention Hereford because Agent 34 has sent us an interesting photo from All Saints Church, which has been a focus of Hereford life for over 800 years.

When you visit -- and I know you'll want to -- be sure to look carefully at the interior decorations, which include this gem of medieval carving.

According to 34, this went undiscovered for centuries, until five years ago a  higher floor was built to accommodate a restaurant, with new, bright lighting added to dispel the medieval gloom. He didn't say if there's a dimmer switch!

Friday, June 14, 2024

"Poor, wandering one..."

That's an aria from The Pirates of Penzance, my favourite Gilbert & Sullivan operetta. If I were more skilled at creating videos, I'd dub part of it onto Senile Joe's performance at a sky-diving show in Italy yesterday. Check this out. 

According to the respected Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera, this group of dignataries was watching a demonstration by the Italian Air Force, when the Leader of the Free World (TM) started to wander off to gawd-knows-where. 

"Doctor" Jill Biden apparently didn't notice, so it was up to the horrible right-wing Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, to turn Senile Joe back t the group. Why she bothered is anyone's guess.

Remember when you vote on November 5th that what you see is what you'll get!

Further reading: "Biden’s condition shocks allies at G7 summit, with one saying it’s ‘worst he has ever been’", by Josh Christenson, in the New York Post, 14/6/24.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

This is NOT a joke in Kansas!

Here's one for the insurance law casebooks! GEICO General Insurance Co. v. M.O., argued today before a three-judge panel of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. What follows is based on a report on the Fox News website.

FACTS: An arbitrator in Missouri found that M.O., a Missouri woman and her partner, Martin Brauner, had sex in his 2014 Genesis at least once in December 2017. M.O. asserted that Brauner negligently failed to tell her that he was infected with HPV and failed to use adequate protection to take proper precautions to prevent its transmission to M.O., who contracted the disease which eventually resulted in brain cancer.

In February 2021, M.O. filed a $1 million claim for "past and future medical expenses" and "mental and physical pain and suffering" against Brauner and his insurer, Maryland-based GEICO, claiming she should be compensated for bodily injury under the car's insurance policy. GEICO refused to pay the claim, arguing that the injury did not occur in the "normal" use of the automobile. 

LOWER COURT DECISION: In March 2023, U.S. District Judge Fernando Gaitan Jr. ruled in favour of GEICO, as follows. "Upon review of the parties' arguments, the court finds that consensual sexual relations inside a car do not constitute a 'use' of the automobile within the meaning of the subject policy."

ARGUMENT ON APPEAL: M.O. and Brauner appealed that decision to the Eighth Circuit, contending that the language of Brauner's insurance policy is so broad as to justify M.O.'s bodily injury claim. They cited the arbitrator'si award of $5.2 million to M.O. after finding Brauner liable for negligence. "Under the Geico Auto Policy, 'bodily injury means bodily injury to a person, including resulting sickness, disease or death.'"

They argued that since Brauner's insurance policy was issued in Kansas, any ambiguity in the policy should be decided in favour of the insureds, according to state law. "If the Policy is ambiguous, the Kansas law requires it be interpreted in favor of Brauner and coverage."

Attorneys for GEICO disagreed. "The Auto Policy does not cover liability for injury caused by the transmission of a sexually-transmitted disease merely on the basis that a covered vehicle was used as a shelter for, or as the situs of, sexual activity."

QUESTIONS FROM THE COURT:  U.S. Circuit Judges Steven Colloton, Michael Melloy and Raymond Gruender heard these arguments in court today. They questioned M.O.'s attorney, David Mayer, on whether his client's argument would make GEICO responsible for every unwanted pregnancy that might have occurred in an automobile. "I don't believe that's a cause of action but that's a good question," he responded, suggesting that pregnancies may not be "bodily injuries" but STDs and cancer are. "This was a bodily injury. This poor lady received cancer and it's terrible. It's a bad situation." 

GEICO attorney Douglas Beck told the court the insurance policy should only apply when "using an auto as an auto… for vehicular purposes." He pointed to case law in Kansas that denied people coverage for injuries that were "not identifiable with the normal use of an auto." 

But the panel was concerned that the meaning of "normal use of an auto" is ambiguous. "It's foreseeable that people are going to have sex in the car, I mean, that's clearly foreseeable, right?" one of the judges asked. Beck argued that a covered incident must be related to the "foreseeable and reasonable" use of a car, which is "not the same thing as conceivability." 

People hypothetically could use a car to have sex, he said, but that does not mean it is an appropriate use of the vehicle that should be covered by insurance. And by quibbling over the meaning of what is an "appropriate" use of a car, Beck told the judges, "you are turning what is an automobile policy into a general liability policy without restriction." 

The arguments concluded with no indication of when the Court may issue a decision.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

What's doing at YOUR church?

Agent 34, PBUH, sent these along to show us why Catholic churches generally avoid installing advertising billboards.

We meant to run these on Sunday but were preoccupied with events in Europe. Entries to Walt's True Signs and Other Stuff competition are always welcome:

Monday, June 10, 2024

European elections: the rise of the Right!

"Today Europe, tomorrow the world!" Ed. vetoed that headline, which he says has been done before. Cut to the news, which is that George Soros, Francis the Talking Pope and all the other "progressive" one-worlders are soiling their silkies today following right-wing parties' near sweep of European Union Parliament elections this weekend.

The victory of the Right was nowhere as convincing than in France, where Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN) crushed the centrist coalition of President Emmanuel Macron. Projections for the final count put them at between 14.8% and 15.2% in the European poll, less than half the 32%-33% tally booked by RN.

So upset was Mama's Boy Macron that he called -- very rashly, IMHO -- a snap election for the French parliament, to be held within the next 30 days. M Macron won re-election in 2022, and cannot stand in the next presidential elections due in the spring of 2027.

Analysts have long predicted that M Macron would face severe difficulties in parliament in the wake of a heavy defeat to RN in the European elections, potentially including censure motions and the collapse of the government. But if his coalition loses at the new polls, he will be an even lamer duck, and Mme Le Pen will have even more power. 

M Macron has presented it as an existential choice for French voters: do you really want to be governed by the "far right|? Walt predicts he will be surprised when they answer, "Mais, si!"

France wasn't the only country whose people have finally come to their senses and voted to save their Western Christian societies... if that's possible. Although right-wing and nationalist parties have made gains, centre-right parties came out top in Germany, Greece, Poland and Spain, and made significant advances in Hungary. 

In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz decided against calling an election, although his three-party coalition suffered heavy losses on the weekend. The alliance between the Social Democrats, Greens and liberals was already tricky, but Russia's invasion of Ukraine meant breaking economic and energy ties with Russia and renouncing former pacifist feelings. This alienated some core supporters, created party rifts, and overall rattled voters. 

The ongoing surge in migration has also put strain on the resources of local councils. While the government has managed to boost military spending and pivot away from cheaper Russian energy, money is tight, so voters are responding to rightist parties' promises of a quick return to peace and prosperity: The conservative CDU topped the polls with impressive 30% of the vote.The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) came second with 15.9%. That means that almost half of all German voters rejected the centre-left coalition. Herr Scholz's social democratic SPD got just 13.9% of the vote.

In HungaryViktor Orban’s Fidesz party won both the European and municipal elections, as expected. The even-better news for rightists is the emergence of Peter Magyar, a 43-year-old lawyer whose centre-right Tisza party replaced the old opposition. Fidesz got 44% and Tisza 30% -- that's nearly three-quarters of the vote for the Right.

Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni boosted her popularity by putting her name at the top of her Fratelli d'Italia party's ballot. The Brothers of Italy increased their share of the vote to 29%. Forza Italia, the party founded by late Silvio Berlusconi, won slightly more votes than the once-mighty League party, headed by Matteo Salvini. The centre-right coalition now looks good for at least another couple of years.

It appears that public opinion in the Netherlands hasn't changed much since November, when Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-immigration Freedom Party (PVV), won the national election. 

Although Green-Left parties secured the most seats in the European Parliament, the Freedom Party made the greatest gains, while centre-right parties had a strong showing. In a notable breakthrough the new BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) (Farmer-Citizen Movement) won two seats, becoming the first farmers political group to succeed in challenging the greenscam orthodoxy.

In Austria, Herbert Kickl, leader of the Freedom Party (FPÖ), told a crowd of cheering supporters that his party's victory in the European elections marked "a new era in politics." The irhgtist and conservative parties garnered close to 50% of the votes cast, with the FPÖ winning 25.7%  and the People's Party 24.7%. 

The Social Democrats got 23.3%, the Greens 10.9%, the liberal Neos 10.1%. For the FPÖ, the next step will be parliamentary elections in the autumn. Neither of the past two leaders of FPÖ, Hans Christian Strache or Jörg Haider, were able to deliver first-place for their party. But now that fears of a return to Nazism have been dispelled, the party is feeling confident of victory. 

What does it all mean? In a Europe-wide elections, dominated by immigration, inflation and the breakdown of social cohesion, law and order, a wave of anti-woke, anti-liberal, anti-incumbent fever swept the field. 370 million people were eligible to vote across 27 countries, and they handed a massive payback to liberal and Green parties. Is Europe headed "back to the future"? Will the USA, or even Canada, follow? Stay tuned!

Friday, June 7, 2024

BREAKING: "Allahu akbar!" in Copenhagen?

I don't want to be accused [again. Ed.] of jumping to an Islamophobic conclusion, so will just give you what little we've heard via the mojo wire about a dastardly attack in Denmark on the eve of this weekend's elections to the European parliament.

Today in Copenhagen, an otherwise unidentified "male attacker" assaulted Mette Frederiksen, the Prime Minister of Denmark, in Kultorvet Square in central Copenhagen. Given the rather public locale of the attack, we assume it was not a sexual assault. Most likelyit was politically motivated.

Ms Frederiksen, who was out on private business (not campaigning) was said to be "shocked" by the incident, but her office has yet to give any details of her condition. 

In the kind of statement usually associated with the politically correct suppression of news of terrorist attacks, Copenhagen police said, "There has been an incident at Kultorvet this evening involving the prime minister. We have an arrest in the case, which we are now investigating. We currently have no further comments or observations on the matter."

We are left to wonder why, if the coppers already have their man, they are so tight-lipped about his name, ethnicity, religion and possible motive. What kind of person would assault a popular and plain-spoken politician like Ms Frederiksen?

Here's a clue. In September of 2022, Ms Frederiksen said she wanted to close Muslim independent schools and distribute them to state schools. Why? Because they don't promote integration, and have anti-Semitic and terrorist leanings.

Ed. is searching the archives for the meme we usually run with such stories, and will post it as soon as our suspicions are confirmed. Meanwhile, check out our featured stoy, in the sidebar at right.

35 years ago, in China, this happened...

and this...

Lovers of freedom and liberty rightly condemn The People's Republic [sic] of China abuses of human rights such as the Tiananmen Square massacre. Such abuses continue today, particularly in Xinjiang and Tibet. China doesn't tolerate mass protests any more. Is that so wrong? 

Agent 78 returned recently from a lengthy trip through China. She reports that there no demonstrations or protests like those currently to be seen in just about every Western country, where students, professional malcontents and foreign agitators are in the streets in support of Hamas terrorists,gay "rights", trans "rights",BLM,safe injection sites, yada yada yada. The list of things these scum are in favour of... or fighting against... is a long one, laden with bullshit.

Agent 78 reports that China has no such protests. There are many other things that China doesn't have: 
  • massive encampments of the "unhoused" (read: homeless) 
  • parks and schoolgrounds littered with needles and other drug paraphernalia
  • media which promote and glorify perversion and decadence 
  • daily reports of gun violence, looting (read: "reparations shopping"), and mayhem
  • houses that cost 50 or 100 times what an average worker can afford
  • masses of illigal immigrants swarming through open borders             
and the list goes on. Western society is falling apart. Look around your town or city, dear reader, and ask yourself if a little less "human rights" and a little more law and order wouldn't make things better. Any party or any politician who makes a credible promise [Is there such a thing? Ed.] to clean things up has my vote! MAGA!

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Great Replacement is a fact... a CANADIAN fact...

and it's too late for you hosers to do anything about it! The damage has already been done by the extreme-woke Liberal government of Justin "Junior" Trudeau. It's all part of the Soros-authored Great Replacement plan, which is now a fait accompli.

So says Canadian advocate and writer Chris George, in "Trudeau Liberals’ immigration policies purposefully altering Canada", posted in the Niagara Independent on 31/5/24. Thanks to Agent 3 for capturing the URL! Let's begin with Mr George's list of disturbing statistics, which the Liberals can no longer conceal. Emphasis and parenthetical comments are Walt's.

The government’s open border policies are changing the ethnic composition of the country. Government data from Statistics Canada and the department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada tell us a number of things. 

1. In 2022 and 2023 Canada’s population grew by a record amount, more than one million-plus people each year.

2. In 2022 the country’s population growth rate was 2.7%, which is the highest rate in the world outside African countries. In 2023, it was even higher at 3.2%

3. Canada’s population has not grown at the current pace since the baby boom years in the late 1950s. Almost all (98%) of that growth came from migration.

4. According to the Canadian census, prior to 2015, immigration consisted of 28% coming from the UK/Europe, and today this number is only two per cent [That's right, only 2%.]

5. Today, Canada has the world’s largest intake of Third World migration – mostly from the continent of Africa. Nearly 98% of immigrants now come from India, China, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria, and various African countries.  

6. First- and second-generation immigrants now account for 44% of Canada's population, according to the 2021 census. 

7.  On 1 July 2015, Canada’s estimated population was 35,851,800.vOn 16 June 2023, Canada’s population surpassed the 40 million mark. Nine months later, on 28 March 2024, it surpassed 41 million.

The main point of Chris George's well-researched and well-argued article is that the Liberals’ immigration plan comes with an untold cost.

Marc Miller, the minister who's supposedly in charge, has commanded center stage in Ottawa over the past few weeks making a rash of new policy announcements. The changes being made to Canada’s immigration system will make it easier for newcomers to come into the country – seemingly without regard for either the costs to taxpayers or the strain placed on Canadians’ social contract

Last week, the government tabled legislation that extends birthright citizenship, allowing Canadians who live abroad to pass down "Canadian citizenship" to their children who may have been born outside the country and live abroad. This allows for a person who never has set foot in Canada to hold Canadian citizenship based on the citizenship of just one of their parents.

Also last week, M Miller announced that the government was increasing the temporary resident visa program for extended Palestinian family members in Gaza from 1000 to 5000 applicants. The special measures allow Gazans [including Hamas jihadis] who have relatives in Canada to move and stay in the country for up to three years.

[But wait, there's more...] M Miller then revealed that the federal cabinet is considering permitting migrants and illegal immigrants currently in Canada to gain permanent residence. This includes migrants without valid documents, including asylum seekers ordered to be deported, as well as former international students whose study permits have expired. This initiative will provide all current illegal immigrants an unconditional free pass. 

These latest policy announcements are an extension of the Trudeau government’s open border approach to attracting increasing numbers of newcomers to Canada. The latest immigration schedule announced in fall 2023 has Canada officially welcoming 485,000 new permanent residents this year, 500,000 in 2025, and another 500,000 in 2026. 

This is less than half the story, though, as government figures reveal 1,160,000 temporary residents came to Canada in the last 18 months and there may be more than 2,200,000 in the country. And in addition to this, Canada has accepted an increasing number of refugees and asylum seekers.

The Liberals’ immigration plan comes with an untold cost. Aside from the increased pressure on Canadians’ housing, health care and social services, which are hard to quantify, there are a host of associated costs required to support the newcomers and their daily living. Taxpayers never get a complete picture of costs, only snippets of details such as: Blacklock’s Reporter reported that room and board for illegal immigrants is costing a daily average of $224 per person, $81,760 per person per year, according to government records. 

Couple that news with the Migrant Rights Network estimating the number of illegals living in Canada could be anywhere between 20,000 to 500,000, and we can factor the annual cost of room and board for illegals from $1.6 billion to $40.5 billion.

Blacklock’s Reporter was the only news source to headline Statistics Canada data that reported in March of 2022 that "more than a third (35%) of government-assisted refugees remain on welfare a decade after landing in Canada."

An analysis of the data showed “higher welfare rates followed landmark 2001 changes to immigration law” when the Trudeau government dropped the requirement for foreigners to show proof of work skills and economic independence. Separate Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada data reveals that "Only 56% of government-assisted refugees were directly participating in the Canadian labour market." [That's government-speak for "only 56% were working or looking for work."]

Credit again goes to Blacklock’s Reporter for publishing government data that revealed, of the 2015 Syrian refugees brought into Canada by the Trudeau Liberals, half the total (50.4%) were still relying on social assistance after five years. Of the 2016 Syrian refugees the government welcomed, seven of ten (69.5%) refugees were still relying on social assistance four years after landing.

As expensive as financially supporting migrants is for taxpayers, Canadians are paying a greater cost with the societal disorder newcomers are bringing onto the streets of Canada’s cities. The Liberals’ commentary around Miller’s announcement regarding bringing thousands from Gaza into the country has been met with grave concerns about Canadians’ security. This has been underlined in the last few days with bullet-ridden schools in Toronto and Montreal, violent protests on campuses, and rallies that display open threatening hate-speech and rallying cries to "globalize the Intifada."

[Yesterday in Toronto, one person was killed and four wounded in a shooting "incident" in the Rexdale "hood". Today the University of Toronto will begin its commencement exercises. Graduands will have to walk around a pro-Hamas "encampment" which has occupied the front campus for weeks, while U of T's admin and police do nothing.]”

It is reasonable for Canadians to fear that the Hamas-supporting newcomers will join the growing street protests and make an already toxic situation worse, leaving all citizens compromised and Canadian Jews in an even more vulnerable position. (Consider why all other countries, including Arab neighbours, keep their borders closed to these people.) 

Just as the Trudeau Liberals remain unfazed by the crises in housing and health care caused in part by the growing numbers of immigrants, they remain unapologetic with their intention to bring more Gazans into Canada. Political pundit Spencer Fernando bluntly assessed, "The Liberals are knowingly importing radicalized anti-Semites, many of whom also despise the Western world and oppose Canadian Values….  If you are someone who loves Canada and believes in Western Values, Marc Miller has chosen to be your Enemy."

The National Citizens Coalition posted on X the following observation: "You don't bring in a million people during a housing shortage crisis, where we don't have enough family doctors, and say you're fixing the problem… For every day that Trudeau and Miller's desperate pivot to unchecked mass immigration grows more reckless, exploitative, and debilitating for generational problems of housing and healthcare, more and more Canadians are realizing they’ve had enough."

Quite apart from the chaos of the Palestinian-Hamas protests, there are daily news stories of around-the-block food bank lines, new tent cities being pitched, carjacking and street crimes, bank foreclosures, and overcrowded and closed ERs. The strain being applied on Canadians' social contract is now palpable.

Miller tells Canadians the government is extending citizenship, permitting illegals to stay in the country, and bringing in more Gazans. He’s signaled there will be more than a million newcomers ushered into the country again this year. Miller reassures us it’s all in the Trudeau Liberals’ immigration plan. 

[Another name for the Liberals' "immigration plan" is "Great Replacement plan". It's the one thing the Trudeau government has done as promised. But the promise wasn't made by Junior. It was made by his father, Emperor Trudeau I, when he seized the reins of power in 1968. "You won't recognize Canada when I'm done with it," was what he said. That one time (only), he wasn't lying.]

Further reading: "Trudeau's mass immigration policies are crushing Canada", by Cory Morgan, in the Western Standard, 2/6/24.