Sunday, May 12, 2024

"Modern society is revolting..."

Modern society is revolting against God and his created order. In some ways, there's nothing new: "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto his own, and his own received Him not." (St. John 1:10-11 DRV) 

In another way, the revolt seems to have arrived at its theoretical conclusion: we are the gods of our own creation. 

Society accepts that humans can become animals; which was preceded by the idea animals are persons too; which was preceded by a rejection of human dignity (physician assisted suicide); Preceded by the rejection of sexual differences of male and female (gender ideology); preceded by the rejection of the nature of marriage (homosexual "marriage"); preceded by the rejection of heterosexual normalcy (gay rights); 

Preceded by the rejection of the sanctity of human life (abortion); preceded by the rejection of the dignity of motherhood (feminism); preceded by the rejection of differentiated roles (women in the workforce); which was preceded by the rejection of the sanctity of marriage (legalized divorce); which was preceded by a rejection of the family as the unit of society (women's suffrage). 

The descent has not been slow -- all these things (except perhaps women's suffrage) happened within living memory -- but it has been sure. 

It only remains for the revolutionaries to eliminate the dissenters. Let them come. What can separate us from the love of God? 

Based on a message from Father Robert Novokowsky, FSSP, the Parish Priest of Saint Aloysius Parish in the Diocese of Saint Catharines, Canada. Click here to visit TLM in Thorold South, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter's YouTube channel.

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