Sunday, October 29, 2023
The reality of mass immigration
Friday, October 27, 2023
Say it ain't so, Buffy! CBC outs beloved Pretendian
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Walt congratulates Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
"Because his name is Mohammed?" Another Air Canada story
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Yet another Air Canada story, with a special twist
Saturday, October 21, 2023
10 ways to improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at your workplace
Thursday, October 19, 2023
VIDEO: Is wind power really the way to a clean, green future?
The "progressives", including the recently arrested Saint Greta Thunberg, keep telling us that to rid the world of all the pollution caused by oil and gas, and save the world from burning up, we must convert to "green power", aka renewable resources, NOW.
Solar power and wind power are just what we need (they keep saying) because they're clean, efficient, non-polluting, and above all safe. Is eco-wienie putting up a forest of wind turbines in your back 40? What could possibly go wrong? Check out this video taken recently in Adair County, Iowa.
The video, from Des Moines TV station KCCI, shows smoke billowing from the wind turbine, and a giant blade crashing to the ground in flames. Emergency crews could only watch as they didn't have ladders tall enough to reach the top of the turbine.
Authorities said they were investigating the cause of the fire. I'm waiting for Hellery Clinton to blame those deplorable MAGA terrorists.
Footnote: That black stuff dripping down the pole looks to me like molten plastic. Plastic?! Are the blades and other fittings made of PLASTIC?! Don't the greenies know that plastic is made of, errr, oil?
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Poor Len Canayen's Habs report: Déjà vu all over again
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Thomas Gallatin asks: Is the Pope Catholic?
The following essay by Thomas Gallatin* appeared in The Patriot Post today, 12/11/23. Walt hopes the author won't mind our passing it along.
Trust demands consistency, yet what has come out of the Vatican recently is anything but consistent. Indeed, much of the confusion is due to the pontiff himself, as Pope Francis has repeatedly made statements that appear to challenge long-held church doctrine.
The issues most concerning to many Catholics are those surrounding the ongoing sexual revolution that has effectively taken over the whole of western culture and is now proliferating throughout the Christian church, both Protestant and Catholic.
Recently, five conservative cardinals from five continents sent five questions to Francis seeking clarification. These formal questions, known as “dubai,” [sic - should be "dubia". Walt] Latin for “doubts,” included a question on liberal priests, predominately in Germany, giving blessings to same-sex couples.
According to church doctrine, marriage is only between one man and one woman, in accordance with God’s intended design for marriage. Anything that deviates from this God-given design is viewed as sinful, and in the case of homosexuality, disordered. Therefore, since the church does not bless sin, and since homosexual relationships are recognized by the church as sinful, how can priests issue blessings to inherently sinful unions?Francis responded to the question by reiterating church doctrine. Marriage is an “exclusive, stable, and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to conceiving children,” he said. “For this reason, the Church avoids all kinds of rites or sacramentals that could contradict this conviction and imply that it is recognizing as a marriage something that is not.”
However, rather than leave it there, Francis proceeded to muddy the waters. Concern for pastoral charity requires a “defense of the objective truth,” but that “is not the only expression of that charity, which is also made up of kindness, patience, understanding, tenderness, encouragement,” he said.In other words, Francis will not rebuke priests who have been blessing same-sex unions, while at the same time claiming to uphold the church’s doctrine. The problem is that just two years ago, Francis was explicit on the issue, denying that same-sex unions were permissible. Now he’s says that “pastoral charity should permeate all our decisions and attitudes” and that “we cannot be judges who only deny, reject, and exclude.”
If anything, it appears that Francis is trying to have it both ways. He’s clearly gotten soft on the issue, and appears frustrated by the conservative faction of the church, that keeps pressing for clarity and consistency with long-established doctrine. In short, the conservatives want the church’s practice to match its orthodoxy.
And this is where the rub is. According to recent reporting, Francis criticized the U.S. church for developing “a very strong, organized, reactionary attitude,” which he called “backward.” “Doing this,” he warned, “you lose the true tradition and you turn to ideologies to have support. In other words, ideologies replace faith. The vision of the doctrine of the church as a monolith is wrong. When you go backward, you make something closed off, disconnected from the roots of the church."
So, in an apparent effort to reinforce his views, the Vatican is holding a “Synod on Synodality” this week. National Review’s Michael Brendan Dougherty contends, “The aim of the Synod, rather plainly, is for a large group of bishops [led by the Vatican's "lavender Mafia" - Walt] to debate each other about survey material they guided some small number of lay Catholics through in their home diocese, and whether this pile of papers gives sufficient cover for the pope to begin chucking certain moral and dogmatic teachings of the church overboard in favor of newer understandings.”
He adds that Francis is “basically … going to ask a bunch of bishops to write up a document showing that the church in general has come to a new understanding of itself.” There is a clear divide developing in the Catholic Church, with the current pontiff siding with the liberal faction. One wonders how the church will bridge this growing theological gap. And this is no shallow ditch, but a deep crevasse.
*Thomas Gallatin is a history teacher and a staff analyst at The Patriot Post.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
When you lie down with dogs...
Music video: Something appropriate for our times
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
True Facts: Brands that are no longer with us department
Of course nothing like that happens nowadays. In the first quarter of the 21st century, the mind-altering substances which fuel scenes like this are more likely to be opioids than beer, wine and hard liquor.
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Saturday, October 7, 2023
"Allahu akbar!" in Israel; whose side are you on?
So, it begins. Or, as President Trump said, "Here we go again!" I'm sure you've heard the news, so won't refry it. From here, the Hamas attacks -- already being described as "sneak attacks" or "Pearl Harbor-style attacks" -- on Israel look like just the beginning of the latest phase of a decades-long conflict.
This chances of a quick resolution of any war between Muslims and Jews -- for that's what we have here, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 00 are slim and none. While we wait, I'm watching to see how the (((controlled media))) are playing this.
Without exception the lickspittle media are taking the side of Israel, and all progressive, correct-thinking people are expected to see things that way. If you don't, you're an anti-Semite, just like those people who hung this banner from a bridge over Toronto's Gardiner Expressway earlier today.