Monday, July 24, 2023

VIDEO: Tim Hortons jumps the woke shark

Looks like Tim Hortons, the most Canadian of all brands to the point of being "iconic", has failed to learn any lessons from the Bud Light or other work débâcles south of the world's longest undefended brother. Here's the latest recruitment ad from Timmie's.

What more proof do you need that the Great Replacement has begun? Got a young hijab-clad Muslima here, clearly a "racialized" person too. But does she have a disability? I'm sure she must enjoy serving the typical Tim's customer -- an old white geezer like Walt. The customers may not appreciate it so much.

This is already happening, by the way, in the big cities of Canuckistan. Anyone who's been into a Tim's in Vancouver, Montréal or Toronto knows that white staffers are thin on the ground, there. So are staffers who can understand orders given in English without asking the customer to "say again". [That's not a problem in Montréal, as long as they can understand French. Oh... wait... Ed.]

I should point out to those real Canucks who didn't know that Tim Hortons is not Canadian-owned any more. If you want a piece of the action, you can buy Restaurant Brands International (RBI) on the TSX. The largest shareholder of RBI is 3G capital, a venture capital firm founded by Brazilians, now based in New York. In addition to Tim's, RBI owns Bugger King, and Poopeyes, and is fully committed to DEI.

Mr Natural reminds RBI: "Get woke, go broke." Just wait....

Saturday, July 22, 2023

MUSIC VIDEO: "Serenade for Strings"

Ed. here. Every now and then Our old buddy Arnie, over at Blazing Cat Fur, posts a "musical interlude" to give readers a break from the steady stream of news of the woke and ridiculous. It's a good idea but it's been a while since we put one up, so here's the calming and cheerful "Serenade for Strings".


Yes, dear hearts, that was the Spike Jones version. You were expecting maybe the Philadelphia Orchestra? Looks like it's a clip from a movie. Uncle Waldemar, who posted this, puts the date "1947" on it, but gives no other information. Anyone who can identify the source is asked to leave a comment.

Friday, July 21, 2023

VIDEO: Priest accuses "Pope" Francis of TEN heresies

I hope non-Catholic readers will forgive me for dwelling on the crisis in the Catholic Church. Jorge Bergoglio, the man who calls himself "'Pope' Francis", by embracing secular humanism, globalism and wokeism, has brought the Church to the brink of open schism. 

The destruction of the Church will be welcomed by the one-worlders of the WEF because it will be followed, as surely as night follows day, by the downfall of Western civilization, which is founded on the truths and teachings of the Christian Faith.

For this reason, everyone -- not just Catholics -- should be deeply concerned about the push by Francis and his James Martinesque [= homosexual] friends -- the Lavender Mafia -- to substitute for the the Faith of Our Fathers ideas and teachings which are anti-Christian and heretical.

In this video, published yesterday, our old friend Dr Taylor Marshall analyzes an open letter to Francis penned by a faithful priest -- Father Jesusmary Missigbètò, from Côte d'Ivoire -- who (like the late Father Nicholas Gruner) was suspended in March of 2021 after criticizing Francis’s change to the theology of of matrimony.

Father Missigbètò accuses Francis of preaching and teaching no fewer than ten heresies, which Dr Marshall explains in detail.

Make no mistake. In promoting these heresies as authentic teachings of the Magisterium, which Catholics are obliged to believe and follow, Francis is leading us to hell. It is the duty of faithful Catholics, like Father Missigbètò, to resist Francis to his face, to stand up and say "This is wrong!" It is also our duty to pray for the Church (and for ourselves), in words like these.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

VIDEO: Suffering from cancer? The Saint to call on is...

St. Peregrine Laziosi -- one of many saints that we can turn to in times of need and suffering. Despite his pains, sufferings and difficulties, he endured and turned to the Lord for healing and grace. Through his faithfulness, St. Peregrine turned his suffering into a means of proclaiming the Gospel. 

St. Peregrine (AD 1260-1345) is the patron saint of cancer patients and all illnesses. He was an Italian priest, and a member of the Friar Order Servants of Mary. His life included a conversion to the Faith at a young age, commitment to the vocation of service as a priest, serving the poor and even performing miracles. 

Later in his life he developed cancer in his right leg. A day before the surgery to amputate the leg, St. Peregrine dragged himself to the chapel before the crucifix where legend has it that Jesus descended from the cross and healed his leg. He was fully healed. He lived his life seeking to help all those in need. 

It is said that the scourge of cancer affects everyone, directly or indirectly, sooner or later. At this very moment, three people near and dear to us, including one of Walt's agents, the spouse of another, and Father Roman Galadza, for whom your prayers have been asked previously, are battling cancer. 

Please join us in asking St. Peregrine to intercede for them, for ourselves, and our loved ones. May they and we realize the healing grace of God’s love. Amen.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

VIDEO: Is there any point in fighting back? Michael Matt answers

We received an e-mail just now from our old friend Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, letting us know that he's posted a new video on Remnant TV.

In this edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael explains why the FBI is so obsessed with the Latin Mass movement. Far from fading into obscurity, the Traditional Catholic movement is the talk of the most powerful people on earth, even on the floor of the United States Senate.

There's lots here. See Tucker Carlson end Mike Pence's presidential aspirations with one devastating question. And watch the antics of the "Catholics" at Saint Joan of Arc "Catholic community" in Minneapolis, which "Pope" Francis has chosen to play a key role in the Synod on Synodality. 

You'll learn the truth about World Youth Day -- so disturbing that even Bishop Robert Barron is speaking out against what Cardinal Gerhard Müller calls a "hostile takeover of the Catholic Church." No wonder the proponents of the New World Order feel threatened by the Latin Mass communities, to the point that an FBI memo, which Director Christopher Wray called "the Richmond product", recommended surveilling -- read, targetting -- us "rad trads".

But wait... there's more! Mr Matt reveals the "ultimate crime" (as far as the globalists are concerned) for which Pope Benedict XVI was forced to resign.

Michael Matt says it is essential for us all to keep hope alive and stay totally committed to the final victory. On the evidence of the clips included in this video, the bullies, perverts, idiots and lunatics at the Vatican, the White House, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, etc, are trying to destroy not just the Catholic Church but the entirety of western civilization. 

Let us join Mr Matt and Member of the European Parliament, Christine Margarete Anderson, in saying to them, "We will bring you down. And we will not tire until we have done just that!"

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

VIDEO: Good news about Father Roman Galadza

At the beginning of this month, Walt asked you to pray for Father Roman Galadza, the Pastor of Saint Elias Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Brampton ON. I'm happy to share this health update. 

Father Roman has transitioned from a "crisis" to more of a steady pace of care and treatment. He underwent five rounds of radiation therapy and expects the benefits — less pain! — to continue for the next while. He has also seen specialists in pain management and of course the oncologists. The system is working as it should and Father is in great hands. 

Walt and Agent 78 are on their way to the Great No-longer-white North to visit Father Roman. We will not be the first! A couple of days ago, Father Roman had his own personal concert from the Fun in the Sun with the Angels and Saints campers. All his favourite tunes!! Here's a sample.


The whole Galadza family is extremely grateful for your support and prayers. They are a source of comfort and support. Please keep Father Roman in your prayers. They are being heard and answered!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Happy Bastille Day

To Emmanuel Macron and all the other post-national Frenchmen and dames, our old friend Jacques Untel says: Are you happy now?

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Oh noooo! Another dumb American kids VIDEO!

Ever heard the saying that things happen in threes? Jamel_AKA_Jamal is closing on a MILLION YouTube subscribers with his vids of himself reacting to the incredible stupidity of young Americans, interviewed at the Los Angeles County fair, who can't answer simple questions like "What country is the Great Wall of China in?" 

We've reposted two of these. Here's the third. If you don't know whether to laugh or cry, try laughing. Crying won't do any good.


For more stupid answers to simple questions, hunt up yesterday's appearance before the House Judiciary Committee of FBI Director Christopher Wray. See if you can figure out what he means by "the Richmond product", and which religious group has every right in the world to be both afraid and offended by it.

"American yoofs knows nuthin'" - another dispiriting VIDEO

"The most dispiriting VIDEO I've seen in years" (WWW 9/7/23) got a good response, and not just because the commenter, Jamel_AKA_Jamal is a person of the darker persuasion, as are a lot of the ignorant Gen-Zers interviewed. If you liked it, you're sure to enjoy this follow-up, posted just today.

Time to bring the 3 R's back to our schools. 

The province of Ontario (in Canuckistan) announced a couple of weeks ago that it's going to start teaching cursive handwriting [Wozzat? Ed.], starting this fall. The teachers' unions -- responsible for the abject failure of the educational system [Is dis a system? Mr Natural] immediately objected, saying that they needed time to be trained in the lost art... and more money for lessons, materials, preparation, yada yada yada. Are ya surprised?

Time to start teaching the 3 R's again: Walt's suggestion

"The most dispiriting VIDEO I've seen in years", posted last Sunday, demonstrated the ignorance of some young (Gen-Z) Americans of arithmetic, geography, and history. If, as it seems, they are typical products of American education, I would guess they spent few (if any) hours studying reading, writing and spelling. I would be surprised if any of them could write a simple sentence without making errors of spelling and grammar. 

When I went to school [just after the earth's crust cooled. Ed.], we were taught to spell, from grades 1 through 8. Every Friday we had a spelling test, and if you couldn't pass those and other tests of literacy, you were "held back", or, in some places, "failed".

I think it's high time that American (and Canadian) schools resumed the teaching of the 3 R's -- readin', writin' and `rithmetic -- if they can find any teachers who are competent in these subjects. And I think spelling should be taught again. I suggest holding spelling bees at the local, state and national levels, with prizes for those who can spell "antidisestablishmentarianism" (that was worth $12,000 back in 1955) and other words now considered too difficult for American students.

I will go further, by publishing "The Dream of a Spelling Bee", a poem by Charles C. Bombaugh*, which could be used as the ultimate spelling test. The winner would be the one who could transcribe the text, from a recording, with the fewest mistakes.

Menageries where sleuth-hounds caracole,
    Where jaguar phalanx and phlegmatic gnu
Fright ptarmigan and kestrels cheek by jowl,
    With peewit and precocious cockatoo.

Gaunt seneschals, in crotchety cockades,
    With seine net trawl for porpoise in lagoons;
While scullions gauge erratic escapades
   Of madrepores in water-logged galloons.

Flamboyant triptychs groined with gherkins green,
    In reckless fracas with coquettish bream,
Ecstatic gargoyles, with grotesque chagrin,
    Garnish the gruesome nightmare of my dream!

Off to your dictionary, then, dear reader....

* Source: The Best, Worst & Most Unusual, by Bruce Felton & Mark Fowler, Galahad Books, New York, 1994.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The most dispiriting VIDEO I've seen in years

Remember when we were in school [You went to school? Ed.] and teachers or other kids would try to make you appear ignorant by asking a trick question or one with an obvious answer? Like: Who's buried in Grant's tomb? [How long ago was this? Ed.]

When they told you the answer you'd either go "Dohhh!" or "How could anybody not know that?", depending on whether you get it wrong or right. Fun, wasn't it? And so easy to mark the ignorance of the average American. 

In the 1990s, Canadian comic Rick Mercer did, "Talking to Americans", a series of bits mocking the ignorance of typical Americans. Click here to see a compilation. It's not that funny. Mr Mercer cheated, asking hypotheticals about fake situations and scenarios. He'd have done a lot better to ask simple, Grade-One-Level questions, to which anyone should know the answer.

That's what  the anonymous interviewer did in this frankly embarrassing streeter, posted by Jamel_AKA_Jamal just yesterday. 

Sad, isn't it? And think about this. These Americans are allowed not only to drive cars, but to vote! One commenter wrote, "The amazing part for me isn't that they don't know the answers (which is horrible), but the fact that they seems proud of it and think it's funny."

Some Canadian readers may think this is funny. [Well, it is funny! Ed.] But Walt doubts that typical Canuck Gen-Zers would to much better, except maybe on the questions about geography. If asked the question about how far you'd travel in an hour if you were driving at 60 MPH, a lot of them would probably say, "What's a 'mile'?"

Sad, isn't it?

Thanks to Arnie at Blazing Cat Fur for the lead.

Friday, July 7, 2023

VIDEO: White (!) immigrant tells why he's sorry he moved to Canada

From the website promoting his e-book, Why You Should Not Immigrate to Canada, it appears that the creator, who does not state his nationality, is a Russian who came to Canada "for the milk and honey" (as Don Cherry famously said), and was disappointed. 

In the book, which he summarizes in this video, he describes how he immigrated, his impressions in his first year in the Great No-longer-white North, and how they changed later.

To say he was disappointed is not to say that he's wrong. Poor Len and most of Walt's  Canadian friends say that Canuckistan is a great choice if you're a "refugee" or asylum-seeker fleeing Biden's America. If you're white, from Europe [or the USA! Ed.], not so much. 

If this guy had been from Africa or the Middle East, everything he desires would have been handed to him by Emperor Trudeau, in the name of DEI. That's all ye know and all ye need to know about "post-national Canada".

Further reading:
"Housing and health crises eroding Canada's pro-immigration consensus", by Sabrina Maddeaux, National Post, 8/7/23.

VIDEO: "The first anti-Catholic pope in history" - Fr James Altman

Jesus is the Truth. Father Altman speaks the Truth. That's why God's children listen and understand.


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Walt's message for the Glorious (?) Fourth of July

I trust the import of Ed.'s remark about a bang-up Fourth of July (especially in Baltimore) was no lost on our readers. What can one say about a country in which there have been, on average, ten (count `em, 10) mass murders every July 4th for the last five years.

What can one say about a country whose large cities -- almost all run by Democratic "administrations" -- are unsafe for straight, law-abiding citizens? What can one say about the "blue states" on the east and left coasts whose sane people are fleeing to the unwoke heartland, where there is a chance of living in peace, without having to keep one eye open while sleeping?

Demented Joe Biden's America is broken (and broke, too). You know it. I know it. Even President Brandon -- "God save the queen, man!", his cronies and arse-kissers, and the lickspittle media know it, although they keep pretending everything is OK. 

Walt, Poor Len [and Ed.! Ed.] 
wish our American readers and friends 
Happy Independence Day.

Please join us in prayer...

Footnote added at 0845: "Five people killed, two children injured in Kingsessing mass shooting; suspect in custody". Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/7/23. Walt's comment: Didn't take long, did it.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Reported on BN: The Neiman Marcus "shoplifter"

Full disclosure from Ed. - Walt is resting up ahead of what he expects will be a bang-up 4th of July (and not just in Baltimore!), so hasn't written anything. But you, dear reader, deserve something to tickle your funny bone, so we've scraped this story, in its entirety, with the photo, from Breitbart News

Chicago Police: Man Named Neiman Marcus Shoplifted from Neiman Marcus

A Chicago man by the name of Neiman Marcus Collins is charged with shoplifting and identify theft for using a stolen credit card at, you guessed it — Neiman Marcus. 

The 35-year-old man allegedly walked into the department store on Wednesday and picked out a backpack with a price tag of $1213 and a $364 sweatshirt, CWBC Chicago reported. 

Collins dropped the sweater on the ground while at the checkout counter, and he gave the cashier a stolen Discover card belonging to a 60-year-old woman unbeknownst to the cashier, according to Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Sorrentino. 

A security guard was watching Collins through the store’s security camera during the transaction. [Wonder why? Ed.] 

After paying for the backpack, Collins allegedly picked up the sweater off the ground and stuffed it into his backpack. He was stopped at the door by another guard. 

The loss prevention office realized that Collins paid for the merchandise with a stolen credit card. He is charged with aggravated identity theft of a person over 60 and a misdemeanor of retail theft. 

Collins already has five outstanding arrest warrants including one in Florida and one in Georgia, and he has been convicted of felonies six different times. Three of his outstanding warrants are for violating his probation. Collins is being held without bail.

Footnote: We note the charge of "retail theft". Maybe there's no such thing as "shoplifting" any more. How about "reparations shopping"?

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Song for Canada Day

Only Canadians will understand! Just in time for Canada Day! We hope you enjoy all the weird and wonderful things that make real Canadians what they are! 
À bas Canuckistan! Vive le Canada!

Walt and Poor Len Canayen [and Ed.! Ed.] 
wish all our Canadian friends and readers