Thursday, June 29, 2023

VIDEO: Recommended for Canadians, a great independent newspaper

"A paper by the people, for the people!" What a novel idea, especially in Canada where the "legacy media" is overwhelmingly controlled by the Laurentian elites who in turn are controlled by the WEF and part of the New World Order.

If you've had enough of the Groan & Wail, the Toronto Red Star, and (sad to say -- see footnote), the Notional Pest, there is an alternative, a real newspaper that you can hold in your hands to read the news and information that the mainstream media won't give you. It's called Druthers. Check this out!

For more intformation, click here to go to the Druthers website. If you decide to donate or (even better) subscribe, tell `em Walt sent ya!

Footnote: The newspapers named (you know the ones I mean) are funded by millions of tax dollars paid by the Canadian sheeple to their federal government (J. Trudeau, prop.), yet claim to be "independent". Remember the old adage: He who pays the piper calls the tune. 

In spite of the subsidies received from Blackie McBlackface, they are losing money hand over fist, particularly the Red Star, which is now the print/digital version of the CBC. The Star is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Since the Gliberals can't be seen to own the alleged newspaper directly, its owners are now in talks with Postmedia to merge with the National Post

The Canadian Press* calls the plan a "Hail Mary pass". If it comes off, the editorial policies of either the Star or the Post will have to be "adjusted" so as not to flatly contradict each other, as they sometimes do now. Guess which one will have to change? If I were Conrad Black, John Ivison, Terry Glavin or Rex Murphy, I'd learn the lyrics to that fine old gospel song, "I Don't Wanna Get Adjusted".

* Torstar (an owner of the Toronto Star) holds an investment in The Canadian Press as part of a joint agreement with subsidiaries of The Globe and Mail and MontrĂ©al’s La Presse. See what I mean?

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