Monday, May 16, 2022

"Summer of rage" = Civil War v 2.0? - NOT a new idea!

This morning's headlines... 
1 dead, 5 critically wounded after shooting at church in gun-controlled California 
2 killed, 3 injured after shooting at busy Houston flea market 

And so it begins... No. That should be: And so it continues.
President Brandon, and all the other liberal loonies acting like this weekend's mass murder in  Buffalo is something new (and obviously the fault of President Trump!) seem to have forgotten about "race riots" (as they were called in more innocent times) in:
Detroit - June 1943 - President FDR (Democrat)
Watts - August 1965 - President LBJ (Democrat), the great champion of equal rights and "freedom now"
Newark - July 1967 - President LBJ (again)
Detroit - July 1967 - aka the 12th Street Riot, aka the Detroit Rebellion - President LBJ (yet again) 

I don't remember the 1943 event very well, but the Detroit Rebellion is clear in my mind. You could see the smoke from across the river in Canada, which is where sensible Americans went to wait it out. And of course there was the TV news. Images of mobs of black people (they weren't "Black", back then) in the streets, protesting discrimination and racism, demanding equality and justice...

...and maybe doing a bit of "reparations shopping". Of course it wasn't called that, in those more innocent days. It was called "looting", `cause that's what it was! Martin Luther King would be horrified, I think, to see what's being done nowadays, in his name and in the name of "justice".

"No justice, no peace!" That's what they're yelling now. In the long hot summer of 1967, it was "Burn, baby, burn!" The point of yesterday's  post was to predict another long hot summer, a "summer of rage". Lifetime pct .991. 

I think now that I should have added "and riots" to that phrase. But the message was clear enough for our sponsor to call to let us know that a civil war between blacks and "others" was predicted in  the January 1980 "Fantasy Issue" of National Lampoon, "the Humor Magazine for Adults". Check this out!

This excellent piece of satire, written by John Hughes and superbly drawn by George Evans, could never be published today. The editors would probably report the creators to the Department of Homeland Security's new "Disinformation Governance Board", so they could be re-educated in a pleasant summer camp somewhere in Alaska.

Fortunately, the DHSDGB has not yet been able to destroy the archives of National Lampoon and other politically incorrect publication. Our sponsor has made a .pdf file of this prescient piece, which you can buy for only $2.00. Hard copy is also available. Tell `em Walt sent ya!

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