Wednesday, February 9, 2022

VIDEO: True Facts about Canada's Freedom Convoy

Walt realizes that for the last couple of weeks our posts have been almost exclusively devoted to reporting and commenting on the Canadian truckers' Freedom Convoy, now in its second week of making hard the ways of Canada's politician transgressors (Hello, Mr Socks!). 

Dear readers, this is important. This protest against Covid totalitarianism, which is taking away the freedoms which we have taken for granted, is making news all over the world. And the fact that Canadians -- the most obedient, sheep-like people on earth -- have actually taken to the streets against their arrogant, elitist masters has informed similar protests now springing up in other countries, as far away as New Zealand!

But the evil empire of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, "Pope Francis" and all the Karens of Canada and the Disunited States is fighting back, to save the Great Reset from being consigned to the dustbin of history. [Nice phrase. Did you make it up? Ed.] 

Their controlled media are pumping out lies, lies and more lies, 24/7, trying to tell you that the protesters are funded and controlled by "foreign agents", including Qanon and American white supremacist groups. 

They tell us that "symbols of hate", like Confederate and Nazi flags, have been seen amidst the 1000s of Maple Leaf flags flown by the protesters. For the record, I've watched hours of footage of the protests, and have seen just one (1) Confederate flag, carried by someone who was outed as a leftist provocateur. I've seen one (1) Gadsden flag -- "Don't Tread On Me" -- which I always understood symbolized resistance to the tyranny of the government of King George III. I have seen no (0) swastika flags. 

So I think this is a good time to present an in-depth review of what's happened, and is still happening in Ottawa and other cities across Canuckistan. Here's a video by John-Henry Westen, of LifeSite News, which tells the truth you won't find in the lickspittle media.

If you hold the same "unacceptable views" as the truckers and their supports (and us here at WWW!) and wish to donate something for the support of the protest -- to replace the $9 million stolen by GoFundMe -- you'll find a link at the end of yesterday's post of the letter from Archbishopo Carlo Maria ViganĂ².

Most Rev. Joseph Strickland, Bishop of Tyler, Texas

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