Please, people, don't forget who brought "the world's only superpower" to this. It was Old Joe, and whoever's pulling his strings. That's not just my opinion. In this short (just under two minutes) video, David Petraeus, Leon Panetta, Jeh Johnson, Stan Crocker and others who served under the Prez and his successor but one give their opinions on what happened in Afcrapistan and why it happened. Produced by the Republican National Committee and presented by Walt as a public service.
Monday, August 30, 2021
VIDEO: "A Dunkirk moment", "a Saigon moment" - Obama/Biden officials speak the truth about the Afghanistan debacle
Ed. here. We hope our readers won't think that the uncivility north of the World's Longest Undefended Border (TM) or the landfall of Hurricane Ida will make us forget about Sleepy Joe Biden's shameful cut-and-run from Afghanistan. He and his handlers certainly want you to forget, which is why we see the lickspittle media devoting lots of time to showing him "doing something" (what?) about Ida, and looking reverential as the bodies of 13 dead American troops were offloaded.
Further reading: "Biden Drone Strikes White House After Vowing To Kill Those Reponsible For American Military Deaths In Kabul", Babylon Bee (you know what that means, right?) 28/8/21.
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