Tuesday, June 15, 2021

UPDATED WITH VIDEO: CBC admits Canucks pushing back against their "woke" propaganda, shuts down Facebook commenting

Cazart! The state-owned Canadian Broadcorping Castration (CBC), the font of endless torrents of liberal (and Liberal) propaganda, admitted today that (1) they do pay attention to comments on the social media, (2) they know thousands of readers/listeners disagree with their constant and cloying "wokeness", and (3) their "journalists" ["stenographers", shurely. Ed.] are cracking under the strain. 

In a remarkably self-serving "Editor's Note" published today, Editor Brodie Fenlon complains that some of his poor dears are suffering from stress and anxiety caused by "the vitriol and harassment many of them face on social media platforms and, increasingly, in the field."

He quotes one of his typists, AndrĂ© Picard, who calls "platforms like Twitter...a cesspool of hatred." Then he tells us that Catherine Tait, the president of CBC/Radio-Canada [who probably signs his paycheque. Ed.] "has also written about the increased abuse of journalists on social media, especially women and journalists of colour." 

Could it be that some Canadians don't like being talked down to by Toronto-based hijab-wearing Muslims? Could be! But to Ms Tait, attacks on her diverse and inclusive propagandists are nothing less than a "threat...to free speech and democracy." That's pretty rich coming from the head of a media outlet which deliberately denigrates and "de-platforms" anyone to the right of Sleepy Joe Biden! 

Am I being unfair to the Corp(se)? After all, by suppressing the criticism of folks like us, they're only trying to protect their sensitive, easily-triggered audience. So says Mr Fenlon, who says it's unaaceptable "for our audience members who try to engage with and discuss our journalism to encounter it on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, where they are almost guaranteed to be confronted by hate, racism and abuse." Horrors!

So what is the CBC going to do to promote social justice, inclusivity, diversity, yada yada yada on the social media? Answer: "beginning on Wednesday and for the next month, we will close comments on all news links and video posts to the Facebook pages belonging to the journalism division of the CBC (News, Current Affairs and Local)."

But why? Try to keep a straight face as you read this.... "As the conversation has degraded on these platforms, we find ourselves limiting what we post there. We know certain stories will draw out obnoxious and hateful comments. The truth is we spend a considerable amount of attention and resources attempting to moderate our Facebook posts. It takes a mental toll on our staff, who must wade into the muck in an effort to keep the conversation healthy for others."

Can you believe it? Facebook sets the standard by silencing Donald Trump, to protect those who still use it from the Donald's hateful thoughts. [He incites riots, you know. LOL. Ed.] So the anti-Trumpers at the CBC (that would be about 99.9% of them) are going to shut down Facebook, to protect readers from pro-Trumpers!

But fear not. In the interests of promoting social discourse, freedom of speech, yada yada, comments on the CBC News website will remain open, subject to "moderation" of course, for any articles that don't involve immigration, refugees, black crime, or the scandals and ineptitude of the Liberal government, which (by the way) funds the CBC to the tune of hunreds of millions of beaverbucks every year.

As I write this, readers were still being allowed to comment on Mr Fenlon's drivel. Here's what two readers had to say:

"Bob Evans" - "This is how dictatorships work. Speech is suppressed and the excuse given is they are 'protecting' people from harmful speech.

"Chantal LeBouthi" - "In 1934, it was illegal to criticize the German government. Even telling a joke about The government was considered treachery. People in Germany could not say or write whatever they wanted. Controlling what news appeared in newspapers, on the radio, and in newsreels. Textbooks are a good example of how propaganda and censorship worked together in the Nazi regime back in the 1930s I feeling we are going back to this and is extremely scary when is coming from so call democratic nations."

"Davide Richard" - "Perhaps if there was even a whiff of even handedness you may not anger taxpayers who pay for the cbc as much. Constantly presenting biased left wing favouring causes and opinionated news has a way of irritating us centrist thinkers."

"Jacques Untel" - "Maybe if the CBC was less 'woke', less intent on pushing the liberal agenda, you wouldn't be taking so much flak. The many Canadians who are fed up with your editorial stance, but can't comment directly on this website because of the heavy 'moderation', take their shot on Facebook."

Hm. Wish I'd said that! Here's my final comment.

UPDATED ADDED 16/6/21: Rebel News got their hands on some of CBC's internal e-mails showing how the "moderators" of the Comments section on their website. (Comments are not allowed if the subject of the story -- e.g. refugees and asylum-seekers -- is likely to attract anti-liberal feedback.) The "moderators" are now proven to have deleted "negative" comments on such subjects as Donald Trump, Wendy Mesley's use of the "N-word" and the January 6th Capitol "riots". Here's the video.

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