Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Bookmark it! President Trump launches personal website

Yesterday, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump launched a new website,, for the express purpose of opening a direct line of communication with the tens of millions of Americans [and foreigners! Ed.] who support him and are working towards putting him back in the White House in 2024. 

The website hosts information about the former president and first lady, but and features ways to communicate online with the president. Supporters are encouraged to "share your thoughts" with the Trumps. In the words of the official annoouncement, "President and Mrs. Trump are continually strengthened by the enduring spirit of the American people, and they look forward to staying in touch."

Les mots prescients du Général de Gaulle

On 5 March 1959 -- over nine years earlier -- the war hero turned president of France, Charles De Gaulle, had some prophetic words to say about the problem of increasing Muslim immigration to his country. 

C'est très bien qu'il y ait des français jaunes, des français noirs, des français bruns. Ils montrent que la France est ouverte à toutes les races et qu'elle a une vocation universelle. Mais à condition qu'ils restent une petite minorité. Sinon, la France ne serait plus la France. 

Nous sommes quand même avant tout un peuple européen de race blanche, de culture grecque et latine et de religion chrétienne. Qu'on ne se raconte pas d'histoire! 

Les musulmans, vous êtes allés les voir? Vous les avez regardés avec leurs turbans et leurs djellabas? Vous voyez bien que ce ne sont pas des français. 

Ceux qui prônent l'intégration ont une cervelle de colibri, même s'ils sont très savants. Essayez d'intégrer de l'huile et du vinaigre. Agitez la bouteille. Au bout d'un moment, ils se sépareront de nouveau. Les arabes sont des arabes, les français sont des français. 

Vous croyez que le corps français peut absorber dix millions de musulmans, qui demain seront vingt millions et après-demain quarante ? Si nous faisions l'intégration, si tous les arabes et les berbères d'Algérie étaient considérés comme français, comment les empêcherez-vous de venir s'installer en métropole, alors que le niveau de vie y est tellement plus élevé? Mon village ne s'appellerait plus Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, mais Colombey-les-Deux-Mosquées. 

Prophetic words, but the people of France have not yet fully realized the danger posed by the hordes of of foreigners who have turned large areas of many French cities into slums like those of Rabat, Baghdad and Algiers. 

Les mots de Walt aux Français!
Est-ce que vous avez eu assez de...
l'Europe? la globalisation? 
la diversité? l'inclusivité?
la connerie!

Confiance au Rallye National!
Confiance à Marine Le Pen!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

White Jewish girl says she didn't know she was racist until...

I don't like to think that any of our readers actually read the fake "news" squeezed in among the "sponsored" stories and other clickbait featured on Yahoo!'s landing page. Why would you even go there? So I imagine you won't have see this item...

The happily married lady in the picture is (((Genevieve Roth))), newly hired as a "strategist" by the Prince and Princess of Woke. According to the Yahoo! story, she claims "all white people are 'rife with internalised racism and unconscious bias.'" Unconscious bias... that's the worst kind, eh!

Ms Roth  [Is that her name or her husband's? Ed.] said she realised she was racis” after marrying her husband who is... well, no need to say it. "Race is an issue in our marriage because as a white woman of privilege, I have racist tendencies written in at a cellular level," she said. 

The comment echoes an observation made by Prince Hairy, who said his own upbringing and education meant he had been ignorant about the widespread nature of racism until he met Meghan Markle, who is... well, no need to say it.

Ms Roth's chief claim to fame is that she founded "Invisible Hand" -- a "female-led, diverse team" based in New York that is now advising the Royal Woke Couple's Archewell Foundation. And here we thought the Invisible Hand was another organization, with only a branch office in New York. Learn something every day.

Footnote: I wasn't sure how to describe (((Genevieve Rot))) other than as a "Jewish girl". My mother, who was born in the 19th century, used words like "Negress" and "Jewess", to describe singers like Mahalia Jackson and Ethel Merman. Later came the term "JAP" (look it up) to describe Barbra Streisand. I understand such terms are unacceptable nowadays.

"Allahu akbar!" at Vancouver, Canada?

 Everyone knows that mass shootings happen regularly in the Excited States of America, right? And they're always the work of deranged white supremacists, right? Oh... wait... Boulder. Yeah. Well, that's still the fault of President Trump, somehow. If you don't believe me, read the WaPo or tune in to the ladies of The View.

But I digest... Everyone knows that mass attacks on innocent civilians happen only in the US of A, right? Never in liberal, progressive countries like Canada, where diversity and inclusivity are embraced by all, from Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface on down. In Canuckistan, there is no hate, only love and peace and rainbows and unicorns and choruses of "Kumbaya" wafting on the spring breezes. 

No indeed. Something like the mass killing at Boulder could never happen in the Great No-longer-white North. Oh... wait... Seems something similar happened in North Vancouver BC yesterday. But it wasn't a mass shooting. It was a mass stabbing! So that's all right, then...

Seen in the photo being taken to hospital is the alleged perp, whose name, ethnicity, status in Canada and (above all) religion, are not likely to be released any time soon. Not that the police don't know these things, as the man, aged 22, is "known to police", with whom he has "had interactions" before. So why don't they tell us the rest? Hint: M-106.

Whoever he is went on a rampage in and outside of Lynn Valley Library, in North Vancouver, on Saturday afternoon, stabbing one woman to death and wounding six (6) others before being taken into custoday. 

Inspector Clouseau of the local constabulary said the attacker appeared to be acting alone. Why did he do it? They have no idea... nor will they have, unless he blames the systemic racism for which Canada is notorious. Walt will bring you an update if our suspicions are confirmed, but don't hold your breath!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson unpacks Sleepy Joe's first press conference

The septuagenarian who the American people (well, half of them, more or less) elected as their 46th President gave his first press conference on Thursday. Those who watched the whole thing, as opposed to the tightly edited clips on the evening "news", thought it was a pretty revealing performance. 

Slowly, painfully, and with the aid of carefully scripted, and with the aid of a crib sheet, Sleepy Joe Biden had difficulty hitting fungos tossed by obviously sympathetic "reporters" (read: shills) from the lickspittle media. 

In this short video (just shy of 10 minutes), Tucker Carlson analyses what Mr Biden said... and didn't say... The implications are disturbing. But Walt can't help but snicker, especially at Mr Carlson's reference to the millions upon millions of Americans Of Colour who have no government ID. Check it out.


For those who didn't quite get the reference to IDs and voting rights... Even as Old Joe was fumbling for words, George Governor Brian Kemp signed into law a bill imposing a new ID requirement on those wishing to vote by mail, and tightening deadlines on mail ballots. 

It also restricts mail ballot drop boxes, bans provisional ballots for votes cast in the wrong precinct, and perhaps allows the state to take over election administration from county election boards if it deems such intervention necessary. 

While the new law is hardly the "Jim Eagle" that Mr Biden called it, it should ensure that there won't be as much electoral fraud next time was there was last November. Still, it's a classic case of locking the barn door after the horse has fled. And Americans will have to endure at least two years of Dumbocratic misgovernment before things can be put right [Geddit? Ed.] again.

Further reading: "Press Conference Confirmation -- The US Is Now Like China and the CCP, a Nation Run by a Party and Not an Elected Leader", RedState, 26/3/21.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Does a "climate change" tax make sense?

And here's a thought posted in a "comments" forum by a reader of Canada's self-styled "national newspaper", the Groan & Wail.

Canada may need the Trudeau Liberals to take our economy to the abyss during another term before voters realize that social justice isn’t the most pressing issue in our largely peaceful country, that the coldest developed nation in the world may not be the best choice to lead the charge on climate change, that we will need fossil fuels for many years yet, that mass immigration is not a magic fix for economic malaise, that China really is our enemy, that the USA isn’t, and that common sense can be a wonderful thing.

Well said, anonymous reader! Sadly, the sheeple of Canuckistan seem to be even less endowed with common sense than those of, say, California. [Is that possible? Ed.]

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

UPDATED: "Allahu akbar!" at Boulder?

Here are the bare bones of this horrendous story. 
Yesterday in Boulder, Colorado, a gunman entered a King Sooper supermarket and shot dead ten (10) people, including one policeman. 

Boulder police had now identified the sole suspect, taken into custody after being wounded, as Ahmad Al Aliwi Al Issa, pictured at left. 

Police have not released a motive. Nor have they said anything about the suspect's nationality, ethnicity, status in the USA or religion. 

Whether or not they will divulge any of this information is uncertain. Mustn't stoke the fires of Islamophobia, you know. Meanwhile, Americans are drawing their own conclusions. 

Walt awaits comment from the Face in Front of the Curtain at the White House. Behind the curtain, the puppeteers are working feverishly to devise a way to blame this (as they have blamed last week's mass shooting of Asian "masseuses" in Atlanta) on President Trump. Stay tuned.

One further comment: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

UPDATE ADDED at 1600: Walt is watching the lamestream media spin the story to avoid giving any details that would suggest that the shooter is a follower of the prophet. 

Here are the first two paragraphs of the AP follow-up posted about an hour ago: 
"Police on Tuesday identified a 21-year-old man as the suspect who opened fire inside a crowded Colorado supermarket, and court documents showed that he purchased an assault weapon less than a week before the attack that killed 10 people, including a police officer. 

"Supermarket employees told investigators that Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa [sic] shot an elderly man multiple times Monday outside the Boulder grocery store before going inside, according to the documents. Another person was found shot in a vehicle next to a car registered to the suspect’s brother." 

CBC News, Canada's Liberal government-owned broadcaster ran the first paragraph, but skipped the second, going straight to the names of the victims! Wonder why... Might have something to do with not giving the shooter a "platform" for whatever views he might hold. (Can you say "jihad", boys and girls?) 

Then comes a piece from the Daily Caller, headlined: "Facebook Confirms It Deleted Account For Suspected Boulder Shooter Containing Posts About Islam, Trump". How about that... But the Caller says it "did not identify any content on the Facebook page that suggested a motive for the shooting Monday during a review of the account prior to its removal." So Mr Al Issa was a Muslim, OK, but not one of those nasty ones intent on killing all infidels. He was just a little mixed up, is all. 

For a more realistic portrait of the killer, you need to go to Jihadwatch, which reported this afternoon "Brother of Boulder jihad mass murderer detained, along with other family members". 
Robert Spencer writes: " is noteworthy that the establishment media continues to spell the killer's name 'Alissa', which of course is a common first name for women in the U.S. and thus gives the impression that he is an American non-Muslim, when the shooter himself spelled it 'Al Issa'. Are 'journalists' trying to obscure the fact that he is a Muslim migrant ISIS sympathizer? Of course they are."

To here Sleepy Joe and the Democrats [sounds like a 60's folk group. Ed.] talk about the "incident", it all proves the urgency of passing laws to take away Americans' guns. All of them. Right now. And that's all there is to it....

Sunday, March 21, 2021

VIDEO: By request: Biden meme of the week

Ed. again. Yes, as noted in the introduction to Poor Len's piece (below), we do get mail. An assiduous reader asks why we didn't post a meme making fun of poor Old Joe Biden's triple fall up the stairs to Air Force One. The truth is we didn't see one that was particularly funny, until yesterday. Here `tis.

Do we need to tell you that's from the Babylon Bee? It accompanies the article headlined "Mexico Installs Stairs To Keep Biden Out".

Yas, yas, it's Lent, and we shouldn't make fun of the old and infirm. Hey, we're old and infirm outselves. So take this as an expression of our concern about how much longer it will be before Kamala Harris asks the Cabinet to invoke Amendment XXV to the Constitution of the United States. 

But we're not the only ones putting up memes. Here's Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX), speaking in the House, with a poster mocking Sleepy Joe's forgetting the name of his Secretary of Defense.

VIDEO: faits saillants du match Canadiens c. Vancouver d'hier soir

Ed. here. We count a number of hockey fans amongst our dear readers. Every now and then, after we run a report by our National Sports Editor, Poor Len Canayen, one of them writes to know why there are no pictures of Canada's team (the Montréal Canadiens!) in action, or better yet, a video! Here, as an experiment -- let's see how long before YouTube deletes it -- are the highlights of last night's game. Poor Len comments...

Tank youse, Hed. Going into last night's matchup against the Vancouver Canucks, les Glorieux had played 30 games of the shortened 2021 season, with a record of 13-8-9, just barely good enough for the fourth and last playoff spot in the NHL's Canadian/Northern Division.

About that 9 -- single points awarded for losses in overtime or a shootout -- the Habs had a dismal record in those tie-breakers, managin to lose all 6 overtime contests and all 3 shootouts. Moreover, they had lost all 5 games played in their bleu-blanc-et-rouge "reverse retro" sweaters. 

Last night's game was meant to be the last in those, fans like YVT were almost afaid to watch. But, as you will see, things turned out fine. Les Canadiens ont remporté la victoire! 


Nick Suzuki, Tomas Tatar, Joel Edmundson and Brendan Gallagher scored in regulation time for the Canadiens, who outshot the Canucks 40-18. Corey Perry and Tomas Tatar scored in the shootout, which went six rounds. After Tatar scored, Carey Price stopped the Canucks’ Nils Höglander on the final shot for the victory.

Les 3 Étoiles de Poor Len: Brendan Gallagher, Tomas Tatar et Phillip Danault. Honourable mentions to Corey Perry -- did you see that shoulder fake on his shootout goal? -- and Carey Price, who was better than the stats suggest.

La Sainte Flannelle are now 2 little points ahead of Vancouver for fourth place, but have 4 games in hand on the Canucks. They are also just 5 points behind Toronto and Edmonton, who are tied for first place. I renew my prediction that Montréal will get into the playoffs, and my wish that they will meet (and beat!) Toronto! Lifetime pct .984.

Friday, March 19, 2021

"Olympig", mascot forTokyo Olympics?

Hey, sports fans! Our National Sport (Especially Hockey) Editor, Poor Len Canayen, reminds us that the Tokyo Olympics are coming up. We're talking Summer Olympics here, not to be confused with the Winter Olympics, which will be held in the Peaceful and Democratic Republic of China. Or not.

The Olympic Games are a celebration of sports, athleticism and general fitness. So you'd expect that the people selected to appear in visuals promoting the games would be, errr... how to say this... somewhat more svelte than Naomi Watanable, seen here holding a sign encouraging people to book their tickets now, to avoid disappointment.

Ms Watanabe is a Japanese comedienne who might be described as "plus-sized" or "BBW" or "the kind of girl you could put your arms around... and around... and around..."

Those weren't the words used by Sasaki Hiroshi, the creative director for the event, who announced he would resign after suggesting Ms Watanabe (or at least her character) should be called the "Olympig".

According to the English-language Japan Times, Mr Hiroshi made the politically incorrect remark during a meeting with staff last yeare, floating the idea of Ms Watanabe, descending from the sky during the opening ceremonies, dressed in a "cute pink" costume, complete with pig ears.

Ms Watanabe didn't think much of the idea. She is known for her "body positivity" (read: "fat is fine") advocacy work. According to the BBC, "in recent years she has spearheaded a body positive movement called 'pochakawaii', which translates to 'chubby and cute'." In a statement released yesterday by her agent, the chubby and cute comedienne said she hopes "for a fun, more harmonious world in which we can all respect each other and our unique ways of thinking."

Japan has one of the thinnest of all the world's populations, with only about 20% percent of its women considered overweight and only 3.2% classified as obese. (Those, of course, are round figures.) Japan has government ordinances that require nutrition and exercise counselling for people whose waist size exceeds certain limits. All the same, there is a small (???) but passionate fat-acceptance movement. Ah, those inscrutable Orientals.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

VIDEO: Happy Saint Patrick's Day... again!

Apparently some readers were not impressed with the Saint Patrick's Day greeting which we posted yesterday (a day ahead of schedule, but it was already the 17th in east Asia). Here's a video with a somewhat stronger message.


Happy Saint Paddy's Day to all of yez, then, from Walt, Poor Len [and Ed.! Ed.]

VIDEO: Michael Matt on the cancel culture in America AND the Vatican

It's been a while since we reposted a video by Michael Matt, editor the Remnant newspaper. Mr Matt is by way of being one of my favourite commentators on matters political and religious, because he doesn't sugarcoat the truth. And when so many of us are getting discouraged, he remains positive that we can stand up against the forces of the New World Order, and that eventually, with the help of our Lord and His Blessed Mother, we will prevail.

In this video, Mr Matt argues that the cancel culture began with the cancellation of the traditional Catholic religion. Our Lady of Fatima warned Sister Lucia that this would happen. Sister Lucia wrote down the warning and sent it to the Vatican, with instructions that it be revealed in 1960 "because it will be better understood then."

The Vatican sat on the Third Secret and has yet to divulge the full contents of the warning. But it is apparent now... or should be, even to the doubters... that the prophecy of the destruction of the Church and of Western society is progressing, exactly as predicted. 

Mr Matt asks what John Lennon, Pope Paul VI and Margaret Sanger have in common. The answer is that traditional Catholics were at war with them all, long before anyone had ever heard of Cardi B, "Pope" Francis or Bill Gates. The Great Reset is nothing new. What is new is the fact that nobody's laughing at traditional Catholics anymore. Listen and learn.


Dear friends, we can defeat the New World Order! Stop being afraid! Start wearing the Brown Scapular -- it will protect you more than any mask -- and praying the Rosary. Even if you're not Catholic, you can still pray to God and His Son for the restoration of Christian civilization. Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Matt Taibbi: the Sovietization of the American Press (link)

Sometimes Walt finds it difficult to follow the numerous commentators on matters political, religious [and hockey! Poor Len] who I ought to read regularly. One such is Matt Taibbi, sometime writer for Rolling Stone, and creator of his own Substack blog, TK News.

I've been waiting to read Mr Taibbi's analysis of 2020's stolen election, but if it has appeared, or is in the works, I haven't heard about it. I should keep up with Mr T, and have now resolved -- my Saint Patrick's Day resoluytion -- so to do.

Thanks to Agent 3 for giving me the wake-up call [e-mail actually. Ed.]. What prompted him to do so was  Mr Taibbi's March 12th column, headed

 "The Sovietization of the American Press".

The subhead is: The transformation from phony "objectivity" to open one-party orthodoxy hasn't been an improvement. This photo pretty much sums up the content.

Lack of space [and lack of permission! Ed.] constrains us from reposting the entire piece, or even excerpts. Suffice it to say that Walt recommends strongly that you click on the link above and read the article for yourself. 

You'll find it isn't just your imagination. The lamestream press really has become the lickspittle press. Mr Taibbi concludes thus: "What is this all going to look like in four years?"

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Walt, Poor Len [and Ed.! Ed.]

wish all our readers, Irish or Irish wannabes


May the wind at your back

always be your own.

VIDEO: Fed-up teacher slams Loudon VA school board's insane racism

Meet Lilit Vanetsyan, a self-described "educator" [Is "teacher" too simple a word for "educators"? Ed.] and reporter with Right Side Broadcasting Network. In only one minute, Ms Vanetsyan exposed the insanity of Marxist critical race theory, as embraced by the Loudoun County (VA) Public Schools.

This "extreme wokeness" (or "woke extremism?") teaches that hidden racism permeates American society, and encourages students to deconstruct the world around them to find hidden racism. Here's what Ms Vanetsyan thinks of it.


Critical race theory is the ideology which fueled the violent Black Lives Matter and antifa riots last summer. "Woke" school districts across the Excited States of America have rushed to get on the reverse racism bandwagon, but few more so than Loudoun County Public Schools, in the suburbs of Virginia, northwest of Washington DC.

For the sake of combatting perceived "systemic racism", the LCPS adopted curriculum from the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and removed the still-popular Dr. Seuss books from its library shelves. See "Walt wishes Dr Seuss a Belated Happy Birthday" and "'The Cat in the Hat' tops Amazon's US best-seller list", and , both WWW 4/3/21.

The LCPS plan also includes the obligatory "anti-racism training' (read" brainwashing) for teachers. Walt has heard that one of the "modules" is entitled "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty", with the text being a book of the same name by Garry Trudeau.  [Ed., you'd better check this.] 

It is also rumoured that "educators" will be required to instruct their impressionable pupils on how to draft and circulate petitions calling for the renaming of the Loudoun County seat, which happens to be, errr... Leesburg... named after... you know who.

Don't be misled by the self-proclaimed good intentions of the SJWs. In the name of promoting "sensitivity" and "tolerance", critical race theory promotes racism and division

It's not just whites who are targetted. In a statement released on 23 February, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York declared, "Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud. One way or another, CRT wants to get rid of ​too many Asians​ in good schools. Asians are over-represented.​ CRT is today’s Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real ​hate crime​ against Asians....

"CRT appears in our workplaces under the cover of ​implicit bias/sensitivity​ ​training​. It infiltrates our schools pretending to be ​culturally/ethnically responsive​ ​pedagogy​, with curricula such as the New York Times' ​1619 Project​ and Seattle’s ​ethnomathematics​. From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive."

Friday, March 12, 2021

VIDEO: Canadians are asking themselves... whose tune is this "Chinese foreign student" in Canada dancing? Answer below.

Answer: This gender-fluid individual is dancing to the tunes played by the Pied Piper of Peking, Xi Jinping. Didn't you know that?

Thursday, March 11, 2021

UPDATED: Two more countries (European & Asian) ban the burqa

Can you guess which peaceful, prosperous, European country has voted to ban full facial coverings in public places? Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands and Sweden all have full or partial bans on religious (read: Islamic) and non-religious face coverings. This Sunday, they were joined by... wait for it... Switzerland.

Following years of debate, a referendum showed 51.2% of the conservative Swiss in favour of a ban. Why so? Here are quotes from three Swiss "influencers". 
  • "In Switzerland our tradition is that you show your face. That is a sign of our basic freedoms." — Walter Wobmann, member of the Swiss People's Party, the biggest political party in Switzerland.
  • "Some Muslims also understood that the niqab is a clear symbol of radical Islam." — Jean-Luc Addor, member of the Swiss People's Party.
  • "Saying yes to the ban on veiling is saying no to a totalitarian ideology that has no place in a democracy." — Saïda Keller-Messahli, founder and president of the Forum for a Progressive Islam (!!!)

The referendum reflects the determination of a majority of Swiss voters to preserve Swiss traditions and values in the face of runaway multiculturalism and the encroachment of political Islam.

Although the refernedum was known as "the burqa initiative", the ballot question didn't specifically mention burqas or niqabs, the face-coving garments worn by some Muslim women. Indeed, the face covering shown in the poster, appears to be a niqab. See "Hijab, niqab, burqa -- what's the difference?" WWW 28/7/10.

The ban encompasses most face coverings, including the bandanas and masks sometimes used by violent street protesters [Really? Can we get such a law here? Ed.], and applies to all public spaces, including parks, restaurants, shops, and public transport. 

The measure allows for some exceptions: health (anti-Covid masks); weather (scarves), safety (motorcycle helmets) and local customs (carnival costumes). Face coverings may also be worn inside houses of worship. In line with the Swiss system of direct democracy, the country's constitution will now be amended to incorporate the ban. The government has two years to draw up the necessary legislation. 

Further reading (and viewing): "'Ordinary Muslim' sez banning the burqa makes sense", WWW 18/1/19,

UPDATE ADDED 13/1/21BBC News reports that Sri Lanka -- a country dear to Walt's heart -- has taken a significant step towards banning the burqa and other face coverings in public. The Asian country's Public Security Minister Sarath Weerasekara told the BBC that he had signed a cabinet order which now needs parliamentary approval. 

Officials say they expect the ban to be implemented very soon. The move was made for reasons of public safetey, nearly two years after a wave of co-ordinated attacks on hotels and churches on Easter Sunday of 2019.

Poor Len looks at the Canadiens' season, so far

We're nearing the halfway point of the appreviated 2021 National Hockey League schedule, so it's time to let our National Sports Editor (Canadian Division), Poor Len Canayen, assess the performance to date of Canada's Team, the Montréal Canadiens. Over to you, Len. 

Tank youse, Hed. As our readers know, I had high hopes for la Sainte Flannelle as the season got under way. In "Habs off to a good start" (WWW 17/1/21), I wrote that I had trouble seeing a weak link anywhere on paper or on the ice. And for the first 11 games, it looked as if I was right, as the team posted a 9-0-2 record. Then came February.

From a couple of days at the top of the Canadian Division (aka "Scotia North" divison, but who cares), the Canadiens fell to fourth place, still good for a playoff spot if the playoffs started today. Here's how the standings sit [geddit? Ed.] after last night's impressive 5-1 win over the Vancouver Canucks.

How did this happen? For most of February, the Habs, who'd been scored almost at will over Vancouver in their first trip out west, seemed unable to find the back of the net. Their goals +/- stat is back up to +15 after last night, but had slipped into the single digits. Disturbingly, much of the goal production came from the blue line corps. Jeff Petry is one of the top 3 defencemen in the NHL when it comes to scoring. Fortunately he's also playing well in his own zone, and is in the conversation for this year's Norris Trophy.

Coach Claude Julien kept juggling his forward lines to see if he could get the right chemistry. It didn't help that Joel Armia and Josh Anderson were both out with injuries, although not for all that long. But when you have a good team that isn't winning, the coach's job is in danger, and sure enough, Julien was made to walk the plank a couple of weeks ago, along with assistant Kirk Muller.

I felt bad for both of them. Julien is reputed to be the salt of the earth, well liked by players and fans. Muller knows his job, and likely would have been promoted, except for his failure to learn French -- a must for a coach who has to deal with the French-Canadian presse. 

Assistant coach Dominic Ducharme got the head job instead, and Alexandre Burrows, just retired from the Canucks, was brought in to help him. Those changes seem to have helped, as the club's record has improved. The first line (Tatar-Danault-Gallagher) has been reunited and have found the old magic, even Phillip Danault, who scored his first goal of the season last night. 

Two of the two young centres, Nick Suzuki(pictured) and Jesperi Kotkaniemi, are getting more ice time and have rewarded the new coaches' confidence with better performance. 
Arturi Lehkonen has been rewarded for his non-performance with a holiday in beautiful downtown Laval, leaving another young centre, Jake Evans, as the only forward who needs to pick up his game. 

And let's not forget the old pros -- Josh Anderson, Tyler Toffoli and Corey Perry -- who are all making GM Marc Bergevin look like a genius for having acquired them in the off-season. Toffoli, in particular, has turned out to be a scoring machine, particularly when he plays against Vancouver!

Which brings us to the defence. The top four (average 6'3.5") have been throwing their weight around, with mixed results. Petry, as noted, is playing well, and newcomer Joel Edmundson, is solid if unspectacular beside him. Captain Shea Weber is -- let's face it -- getting old and slowing down. His partner, Ben Chiarot, is spending too much time in the penalty box. So is third-pair guy Brett Kulak. His partner, Alexander Romanov, is a very talented rookie who has shown no lack of confidence, but said confidence is occasionally a bit misplaced as he learns the hard way the things that only experience teaches. 

And then there's the "situation in goal". In theory, signing Jake Allen, an experienced goalie whose name is on the Stanley Cup, to back up Carey Price seemed like a smart move. Price would get some rest -- he's getting older too! -- and the team would have confidence in Allen, the best backup they've had in years. 

In practice, it seems that having Allen, who's playing very well, breathing down his neck (so to speak) has messed with Price's head. He looked very ordinary in his last couple of starts under Julien, but in this week's two games against Vancouver seems to be back to his old "two goals is all you get" form. 

All in all, I give the Canadiens a B-minus rating for the season to date, and predict (lifetime pct .986) that they will make the playoffs. If the standings in the Canadian division remain as they are today, that would pit them against the Toronto Maple Leafs in a playoff series, for the first time in decades. No matter the outcome, Canadian hockey fans would be thrilled!

Fashion footnote: Nick Suzuki is pictured wearing the Habs "reverse-retro" sweater, the latest wheeze dreamed up by (((Gary Bettman))) to prize more pennies out of fans' pockets. The sweaters look good, but they are a jinx! The team hasn't won a single game while wearing them. Let us hope they won't be seen again!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Something else that made Walt laugh today

Further to the Jehovah's Witnesses video (scroll down), Walt was tickled pink and pleased as punch to see this notice on the Net today.

For those who aren't keeping up with the doings of the lickspittle leftie Media, HuffPost Canada is the poor country cousin of Huffington Post. BuzzFeed is the parent of both of them, and of other spawn of Meeja Satan. 

And now they're closing the Canuckistan operation and laying off 23 workers as part of a broad "restructuring plan" for the company. Translation: Last year's bailout by Verizon isn't working out as hoped, because now that the fake election is over, even the veriest anti-Trumpers at the CBC have stopped reading HPC's leftist drivel.

Speaking of "the verieset anti-Trumpers at the CBC", Walt sends his condolences [not! Ed.] to the high-foreheaded Althea Raj, who presumably will be among those looking for another gig. But she will probably continue to push the liberal agenda on "At Issue", which will never be cancelled as long as Canada's Liberals (and their "Conservative" alter-egos) are in power. So that's all right then.

Apology from Ed.: Yeah, I know the screen grab is blurry. I'm still a bit behind the curve on all this graphics stuff. Anyway, you don't need glasses. Fault is mine.

VIDEO: When the Jehovah's Witnesses came calling


Just a little innocent fun. Thanks to Agent 6, who we understand keeps a baseball bat beside his door, for just such occasions.

Monday, March 8, 2021

VIDEO: An unfashionable homily from Fr Roman Galadza

In the modern, post-Vatican II Catholic Church, you don't hear much about the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell. Francis, said by some to be Pope, prefers to "dialogue" with the enemies of Christianity about social justice, saving the planet, and other fashionable topics. 

It is left, then, to good bishops and priests, who hold fast to the Faith of Our Fathers, to warn up about what will -- not might, but will -- happen to all of us, sooner or later. Mitred Archpriest Roman Galadza, pastor of Saint Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church, in Brampton ON, is such a priest.

In this short homily, preached yesterday, the Sunday of the Last Judgement, he uses the example of the ugly pictures which dentists used to hang in their offices to show what will happen to your teeth if you don't look after them. So also, if we don't take care of our souls, so that, like the Prodigal Son, we come home to Heaven, we will surely spend eternity in Hell. Please listen and think.

Divine Liturgies, Matins and Vespers from Saint Elias are live-streamed to YouTube. Click here for more information about scheduled services and the parish. 

UPDATED: Walt confesses he watched That Interview

I have to admit to watching Oprah Winfrey's interview with the Prince and Princess of Woke, last night. Well, most of it, as Family Guy was on at the same time as the last half hour. This episode, dubbed "Peterminator", was so incomprerhensible that I considered switching back, but didn't want to risk throwing up... again.

As for the Royal Drama, let's just start with the premise. How anyone could have imagined that a divorced C-list actress from California would be a good diversity hire for the "Institution" (as Meghan called Britain's royal family) beggars belief. 

When the inclusive, globalist love match of the century went off the rails, the wreck was a natural for Jimmy Kimmel or Dr Phil, but Oprah signed them up and is said to be several million dollars richer for having put this drivel on the air. Good for her!

I imagine the ratings for last night's cry-and-tell were as high as Harry in his party mode. It's always fun to watch multimillionaires complain about their "hardships" and all the challenges of life amonst the plebes. 

The part the lamestream media have seized on, of course, was Meghan's heavily veiled accusations of racism. Without naming names -- "It would be damaging" -- Meghan alleged that there had been "conversations" concerning the possibility of their child being, errr, of a darker persuasion. Oprah (indignant): Whaaat?!

Said Prince Harry, who unfortunately inherited his mother's brains without her good looks, "This is how it's meant to be. You cant change it. What was different for me was the race element, because now it wasn't just about her, but it is about what she represents." Anyone who can clarify that statement is invited to send a translation to Walt at the usual address.

The usual suspects in Not-so-great Britain and elsewhere are clamouring for an investigation into "racism at Buckingham Palace." Vicky Ford, the Cuckservative government's Minister for Children [Really. I looked it up. Ed.], told the BBC that while she hadn't actually seen the full interview, the allegations of racism were "unacceptable. There is absolutely no place for racism in our society and we all need to work to make sure that doesn’t happen."

Kate Green, a Labour (read: leftist) MP, told Sky TV the comments were "shocking and distressing. I'm sure that the palace will be thinking very carefully about that, and I certainly think people will be wondering what is going to be said. But there's never any excuse, in any circumstances, for racism, and I think it is important that action is taken to investigate what are really shocking allegations."

Let's think about that. Suppose there is a thorough and independent investigation, conducted by (let's say) Baroness Amos ['n' Baron Andy? Ed.] which concludes that, like the vast majority of "humankind", Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth and her large brood prefer to associate with persons of their own race. What then? Would the Queen be asked, ever so politely, to step down to be replaced by a diversity hire like, say, the Princess Meghan and her besotted ginger-haired spouse?

I venture to say that, beyond this week, That Interview will be little noted nor long remembered. [Clever turn of phrase! Ed.] The only thing I found interesting is that the  royal eco-wienies are keeping a flock of "rescue chickens". Really. They have a cute little house called "Archie's Chick Inn". Really. I imagine they'll taste jes' fine fried, with a side of collard greens.

Further reading, added 9/3/21: 
"Meghan Markle Inspires Millions Of Young Girls With Message That No Matter How Famous, Rich, And Powerful They Are, They Will Always Be Oppressed", Babylon Bee, 8/3/21. Walt can't resist giving you this snippet: "Oppression is inescapable," said Markle, who is married to a prince and worth approximately $50 million. "If you are a woman-- especially a woman of color, oppression will follow you all the days of your life and you will never really be happy."

Sunday, March 7, 2021

VIDEO: Dr Taylor Marshall: Free book on Saint Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church. An immensely influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist in the tradition of scholasticism, he is also known as the Doctor Angelicus, the Doctor Communis, and the Doctor Universalis.

His two masterpieces, the Summa theologiae and the Summa contra gentiles, form the basis for the classical systematization of Latin theology. His doctrinal system and the explanations and developments made by his followers are known as Thomism. Saint Thomas Aquinas is thus recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as its foremost Western philosopher and theologian. 

 As Dr Taylor Marshall says in this video, Saint Thomas was also something of a mystic and a poet. He wrote some of the most gravely beautiful eucharistic hymns in the liturgy of the Church. For traditional Catholics, today is the saint's feast day. In his honour, Dr Marshall offers a FREE .pdf version of Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages. This video tells you how to get it.


Get the book for FREE at Tell `em Walt sent ya! And God bless you and Our Lady guide you as you read....

Thursday, March 4, 2021

"The Cat in the Hat" tops Amazon's US best-seller list

If only Dr Seuss had lived to be 117, he might have written something like this...

But get this... We the "unwoke" are making our voices heard. Breitbart News reports that books by Dr Seuss have soared to the top of Amazon's bestseller list after it was announced that six of the author's publications were cancelled by the loony lefties for being "racist". The Cat in the Hat is currently topping the Amazon list.

Walt wishes Dr Seuss a Belated Happy Birthday

All the fuss about the cancel culture's latest victim, the beloved Dr Seuss, is very timely. March 2nd was the late author's birthday. He would have been 117. He didn't quite make it, but his memory and thoughts live on in the children's books beloved by millions... until now.

Born (((Theodor Seuss Geisel))), Dr Seuss was an American children's author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker. He is known for his work writing and illustrating more than 60 books, including  many of the most popular children's books of all time, selling over 600 million copies and being translated into more than 20 languages by the time of his death in 1991.

His first children's And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street was published in 1937. During World War II, he took a brief hiatus from children's literature to illustrate political cartoons. Naturally those were both anti-Nazi and anti-Japanese. The latter are now being criticized by the PC police for depicting racist stereotypes -- short near-sighted people with snub noses and buck teeth. Of course they were! That was the way we thought our enemies (at the time) were supposed to be portrayed. You can find the same tropes in Disney and Warner Bros. cartoons of the era.

After the war, Dr Seuss returned to writing children's books, writing classics like If I Ran the Zoo (1950), Horton Hears a Who! (1955), If I Ran the Circus (1956), The Cat in the Hat (1957), How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1957), and Green Eggs and Ham (1960). His books during his career, which have spawned numerous adaptations, including 11 television specials, five feature films, a Broadway musical, and four television series.

Now, however, the triumph liberal fascists have cancelled the good doctor, banning [and burning? Ed.] some of his most-loved books (including those titles shown in red above) because (they say) they have "strong racial undertones".

I'm not sure of the difference between an undertone and an overtone, but there you are. The Jewish author and illustrator is a racist, and everything he wrote or drew, even 60, 70 or 80 years ago is suspect. Take down those statues! Erase those murals! Burn those books! Let him be read, spoken of or remembered no more! 

The Loudon County VA school system, which started the current clutching of pearls, has provided "guidance" (read: a diktat) to schools to "not connect Read Across America Day with Dr. Seuss' birthday exclusively."

On Tuesday night, ABC's late-night host Jimmy Kimmel (not known for his conservative views), warned that such acts of cancel culture could propel President Trump to re-election in 2024! "This is how Trump gets reelected, by the way," Mr Kimmel told his audience. "Cancel Dr. Seuss, cancel Abe Lincoln, melt down Mr. Potato Head's private parts and throw them at the Muppets. That is his path to victory the next time around."

HBO Real Time host Bill Maher has similarly warned liberals that cancel culture is "real" and "coming to a neighborhood near you." His actual words, as reported by Breitbart News: "Liberals need a Stand Your Ground law…for cancel culture, so that when the woke mob comes after you for some ridiculous offense, you'll stand your ground, stop apologizing. Because I can’t keep up with who's on the shitlist."

Walt hopes [and prays! Ed.] that the "woke mob" will succeed in devouring themselves. Keep this up (I warn them) and pretty soon people, even moderates or progressives like Messrs Maher and Kimmel, will start laughing. When you get talked about in the late-night monologues, you're doomed!

As for me, I'm going to rummage through the attic and see if I can find any of the Dr Seuss books my parents bought for me when I was knee-high to a cat in a hat. [I know you have Babar and Little Black Sambo! Ed.] I see his books have rocketed to the top 50 Amazon best-sellers; I'm going to put mine on eBay quick, while they can still be sold! I'm sure some senior citizen will snap up Solid, Liquid or Gas!

MUSIC VIDEO: Susanna Heystek fiddlin' around: Foxtrot Rag

There's still snow on the ground around Walt's cabin in the pines, but I heard a cardinal when I made my way out to the little house this morning. Makes the ole heart beat just a bit faster. Here's something cheerful for a grey end-of-winter day: fine fiddle music from a young Susanna Heystek.


Susanna and her family are Boers, and proud of it. They left the "New South Africa" some years ago for what they thought was the Great White North. How disappointed they must have been if they arrived at, say, Toronto. But they followed Horrors Greeley's advice and made their way west to Alberta -- Canada's version of Texas -- where they are doing well. 

The Heysteks are the kind of immigrants Canada needs... but not the kind the Liberal government of Blackie McBlackface wants. In recent years the major source country for legal immigrants to Canada has been... wait for it... India. 

That's why the so-called Greater Toronto Area and parts of British Columbia's Lower Mainland have become Liberal strongholds. But just to be sure, Mr Socks has directed his minions to find another 400,000 of them this year to swell the ranks even further. If you're a white Sef African or European, his plans for Canada don't include you!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Liberal pro-queer agenda working; 1000s of young peoople converted!

For years now, Walt and many others have been saying that the liberal elites and their lickspittle media have a not-so-secret "pro-queer agenda".

Every day, susceptible young people are bombarded with the message that it's not just OK, but cool to be gay. That's why you have characters like Raj and Howard in Big Bang Theory, the most pervasive... and unfunny... sitcom on TV. 

The point seems to be to reduce the white population of the West, by swelling the ranks (f not the members) of the heterosexual populace. Whities are, of course, the only ones swallowing this falling for this since nonsense.

But falling for it they are. According to a Gallup survey published last week, 5.6% of Americans now identify as LGBTQ2Setcetc, up from 4.5% in a survey done in 2017. But it's not oldies like Walt and Poor Len [and Ed.! Ed.] who are pushing the numbers up. Gallup says liberals, young people, and women skew more heavily towards LGBT identity. [That would explain Ellen and Rachel. Ed.]

While only 2% of Boomers identify as queer, that number increases to 15.9% among Gen Z adults, which includes people ages 18 to 23. Similarly, political affiliation has a strong correlation to LGBT identity. 13% liberals identify as LGBT, compared with only 2.3% of those self-identifying as conservatives. 

As anyone who's been to a rally for Pete Buttigieg [Who he? Ed.] can attest, when one examines both age and political identification, young people who are politically liberal identify as LGBT at astronomic rates. Never before has such a large proportion of an American generation intended -- like Sheldon -- to  avoid a heterosexual relationship. And no generation has been so set on foregoing biological children, making this a change that threatens to reorient the central social experience of family in the United States.

Ellie Gardey, writing in The American Spectator, presents a theory that LGBT identity is socially conditioned, and that over 30% of young liberals adopt gay or transgender identities at least in part because those identities are celebrated within "young progressive" communities. 

Young liberals today treat LGBT identity as a protected class, grant greater social status to those who are gay and transgender, and even devote an entire month of the year -- Pride Month -- to parades and celebrations promoting LGBT identity. That's how young people are encouraged to form a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender identity. 

And then there's the feminazis, rightly reviled by Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys. Liberal politics includes skepticism of the traditional role of women in marriage and motherhood, with a heavy admixture of man-hating. Men represent the patriarchy -- a society in which only men can be the leaders of commercial, political, religious, and cultural life. Resentment towards this leads women to seek new ways of life (read: lesbianism) where they are free from the "domination" of men.

In today's open, inclusive, diverse etc etc Western society, there's enormous pressure to conform. That explains the increasing numbers of young females who are identifying as transgender. A 2018 study from Brown University found that "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" among young women could be linked to friends who identify as LGBT. We're seeing a "social contagion", something that is copied by those exposed to abnormal behaviour.

But wait, there's more. Ms Gardey adds that  the queer agenda is pushed on young people by "celebrities" who promote bisexual or queer identities, and encourage their young fans to freely express their LGBT identity as well. They promote their queerness as a point of pride and receiving adulation from their fans and media attention for their identities.

We come now to the key point of Ms Gardey's analysis. The growing number of non-heterosexual people, makes LGBT identity and issues increasingly important politically. The Biden administration is already pushing the queer agenda through the Equality Act, recently passed by the House. 

If the Senate passes it without amendment, the Act would make sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes in the same way that race is protected. That would certainly please young progressives who want religious schools and adoption agencies to recognize same-sex marriage, transgender men to be free to use female bathrooms and compete on women’s sports teams, and doctors to be mandated to perform sex-reassignment surgeries.

Dear reader, if you think those things are morally wrong, if you're not looking forward to the triumph of the alphabet people, that's too bad, because the only hope now is that the Equality Act will be substantially amended (or even defeated) in the Senate. The chances of that happening are slim and none. (Lifetime pct .982.)

But take heart. Any Act of Congress can be repealed. Let the campaign to restor normalcy (and God's law) to America begin now!

Further reading: Have you noticed that the less-than-sympathetic gay characters who used to appear in South Park and Family Guy, have been downplayed (or "disappeared") entirely, in the last couple of years? Walt can imagine the Queer Lobby saying to Seth MacFarlane, "Hey, c'mon! We'se not all pedophiles, like Mr Herbert!" And then there's Mr Slave and Big Gay Al, from South Park. What happened to them?!
Last gay toon standing? - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, all on WWW, 24/11/14.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

YouTube "disappears" gun safety video recommended by Walt

 The "cancel culture" really is getting out of hand. YouTube is riding [how about "pushing"? Ed.] the wave of censorship of anything posted on the Internet that could by any stretch of the "woke" imagination be considered offensive, politically incorrect, or even "not woke enough".

Case in point: One of our readers posted a video on YooToob several months ago which was nothing more than a compilation of people having close calls or injuring themselves while using... gasp... firearms. Getting in a little target practice or popping bottles just for fun. The clear message was that if you're careless with an around guns, you'll pay the price. Gun safety, ya see?

The video was up for months and we posted a link to it here on WWW. It got some views, not a lot, and a few likes. And then, a few days ago, it was "vanished"... made to disappear... stuffed into Orwell's memory hole. Why? YT sent our reader this notice.

The funny thing is, if you copy the title and paste it into the YT search window, you'll get lots of "hits" on the subject of gun safety and what happens if you fail to practise same. But not this one. How come? Wonder if it had anything to do with being recommended by Walt...

Note from Ed.: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you!"

Monday, March 1, 2021

VIDEO: March is OUR month!

OK, we're done with Black Everything Month. Now it's our turn...

All us boys at WWW are white... and proud of it!  And so is this guy...

"Be less white!", boys and girls, as sung by Buddy Brown... really...