Friday, November 27, 2020

Why Canucks are at the back of the line for Covid vaccine

Earlier this week, Just In Trudeau, Prime Minister of All Canuckistan, told virus-weary Canadians that they would have to wait for "a while" to get any of the Covid-19 vaccines that will soon be made available to Americans, Germans, cheese-eating surrender monkeys, Indians (the south Asian kind) and even citizens of Rumbabaland. Why so? Because, Mr Socks admitted, Canada "no longer" has any vaccine-manufacturing capacity of its own. Any vaccine which Canucks may get... later... will have to be imported. 

Agent 3 was puzzled by Hairboy's explanation ["excuse", shurely. Ed.] because he (3) remembers, as a young man, walking past an imposing building near the University of Toronto named Connaught Laboratories, which he understood to be a manufacturer of vaccines and other medicines. What (he wonders) happened to Connaught Labs? 

It turns out that Connaught Medical Research Laboratories was an early victim of... wait for it... globalization. 

The non-commercial public health entity was established in Toronto in 1914 in Toronto to produce the diphtheria antitoxin. Contemporaneously, the institution was likened to the Pasteur Institutes in France and Belgium and the Lister Institute in London. It expanded significantly after the discovery of insulin at the University of Toronto in 1921, manufacturing and distributing insulin at cost in Canada and overseas.

Connaught's non-commercial mandate mediated commercial interests and kept the medication accessible not just to Canadians but (as the map shows) to subjects of His Britannic Majesty around the world. In the 1930s, methodological advances at Connaught updated the international standard for insulin production. Efforts at Connaught to purify heparin for human clinical trials lay the foundation for various critical surgeries including vascular surgery, organ transplantation and cardiac surgery. 

During World Wars I and II, the Labs produced various antitoxins that became crucial due to increased risks of injury infection and exposure to diseases in other parts of the world, including the typhus vaccine and penicillin. Connaught's production technologies also enabled the mass-scale field trial of Jonas Salk's polio vaccine and its subsequent expansion. The institution played a particularly important role in restoring the faith of the American public in the polio vaccine after a production mishap at California-based Cutter Laboratories. 

Connaught Labs was taken over in 1972, during the reign of Emperor Trudeau I, by the Canada Development Corporation (CDC), a federally-owned corporation charged with developing and maintaining Canadian-controlled companies in the private sector through a mixture of public and private investment. Today,  the globalists and one-worlders would condemn such a move as "nationalist" or "protectionist", contrary to the spirit of free trade.

As surely as day follows night, the state-owned enterprise increased prices on its products and came under allegations of mismanagement and deteriorated manufacturing standards. In 1986, Connaught were transferred to private ownership as the CDC was dismantled as part of the neo-conservative Mulroney government's programme of privatization. 

Three years later, Connaught was "merged with" (read: sold out to) the French Institut Mérieux. In 19 1999 it was transformed into the Canadian component of "Pasteur Mérieux Connaught", owned by Rhône-Poulenc, another French outfit. A series of acquisitions since then have transferred ownership of what used to be the Connaught Laboratories to the global vaccine business of Sanofi, which distributes its output primarily to the people of, errr, France.

That's what happens, folks, when you declare that your country is "open for business again", which really means "for sale to the highest bidder". These days the highest bidder is likely to the country with all the money, and we know which one that is. Right?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

VIDEO: "The fight isn't over", latest voter fraud news from Simone Gao

On Monday we reposted one of Simone Gao's Zooming In videos, with details of Sidney Powell's claims that the Democrats have manipulated the counting of ballots to steal the 2020 election. Ms Powell and others have now launched new lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan to overturn the results in those states. Here's a follow-up, focusing on the incredible swings in vote counts in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

In this video, political theorist Darren Beattie asks how it could be that a large batch of 90,022 mail/absentee votes, suddenly added to the totals at 0909 on November 5th, could have yielded 95% for Sleep Joe Biden. Mr Beattie draws on statistics from the New York Times(!), which showed the total votes going up by only 9534, implying that in-person votes actually went down by 80,488! On its own, this is a very strange irregularity, as ballots cannot disappear, and in-person ballots cannot become mail ballots. In Mr Beattie's opinion, something is seriously wrong in the reported data; the only question is what.


"Zooming In is a weekly in-depth/investigative report programme hosted by the award-winning journalist Simone Gao. Zooming In focuses on US-China relations, American tradition and values, and critical questions that America faces today. It is known for never shunning tough, controversial issues or complex stories. Exclusive interviews and reports from China, insight from top experts on US and China, good storytelling, and engaging visual presentations make Zooming In one of a kind." Highly recommended by Walt!

Further reading (and viewing): "GOP Poll Watcher and Fraud Expert Gives Explosive Testimony About What He Observed Happen in Delaware County", by Leah Barkoukis, in Townhall, 26/11/20. Includes video.

Chinese dictator sends congrats to Sleepy Joe

The South China Morning Post passes on a report from Xinhua, the official news agency of the People's Republic of China (read: Communist China) that Chinese President (read: dictator) Xi Jinping has sent a warm message to Old Joe Biden congratulating him on being elected President of the People's Republic of America.  

Agent 78 has taken me to task, in the past, for calling Mr Xi a "dictator", but the fact is that the  constitution of the PRC has been amended to allow Mr Xi to remain president for life, without having to bother with sham elections. [What does a "sham election" look like? Can you give an example? Ed.]

And Mr Xi has long enjoyed dictatorial powers, including the power to silence critics and suppress mockery. Over two years ago, the Commies banned Winnie the Pooh -- the book, the film, the merch, everything -- after mischievous "enemies of the state" started drawing comparisons between the beloved bear and the rotund President Xi. Like this.
I don't know what all the fuss was about. The American media posted caricatures of Still-President Trump all the time, and were allowed -- nay, encouraged! -- to do so. And I'm sure that freedom will extend to "President-elect" Biden as well. After all, Democratic America isn't a dictatorship... right? I'm sure a caricature of Sleepy Joe will appear in WaPo or the Times any day now. Stay tuned???

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

"Let's not deal with the virus like fags!": Brazilian President Bolsonaro

Agent 1 holds an honorary position -- "Agent for Life" -- and is not required to contribute anything. But it seems 1 has nominated a sub-agent, who has sent us an interesting story from Barbados News

That little-known source reports that President Jair Bolsonaro (seen here with Still-President Trump) has warned the people of Brazil not to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic like "a country of fags"! Can you imagine Emmanuel Macron or Just In Trudeau saying something like that? I thought not.

But it's true! The popular right-wing president, who has consistently downplayed the Kung Flu, made the comment during a speech on tourism two weeks ago. "All anyone talks about these days is the pandemic," he said. "We need to stop that."

Sr Bolsonaro went on to say, "I regret the deaths. I really do. But we're all going to die someday. There's no use fleeing reality. We have to stop being a country of fags.... We have to face up to it and fight. I hate this faggot stuff!"

It was the latest in a long list of controversial statements on the pandemic from O Presidente, who has condemned the "hysteria" [same as "Dempanic". Ed.] around Covid-19, compared the new coronavirus to a "little flu" and asserted that Brazilians' immune systems were so strong they could swim in raw sewage and "not catch a thing." 

Sr Bolsonaro also took a swipe at Sleepy Joe Biden, who has irked him by urging his administration to do more to protect the Amazon rainforest. "Recently, a big-shot presidential candidate said if I didn't put out the wildfires in the Amazon he would impose trade sanctions on Brazil," he said, apparently referring to a comment Mr Biden made during the first debate in September. 

"How do you deal with that kind of thing?" President Bolsonaro asked rhetorically. "Diplomacy alone doesn't work.... You have to have gunpowder. You don't have to use it. But they have to know you have it." 

Interesting statement, but Walt will be surprised if Brazilian gunboats appear off the coast of Florida anytime soon. But come to think of it, maybe that's not such a bad idea. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

VIDEO: 1000s of votes flipped in 68 seconds?

Zooming In is a weekly in-depth/investigative report programme hosted by award-winning journalist Simone Gao. It focuses on US-China relations, American tradition and values, and the critical questions that America faces today.

In this episode, posted yesterday, Ms Gao reports on Sidney Powell's claim that during the counting of ballots in the hours and days following the election, tens of thousands of votes could have been switched to Sleepy Joe Biden from Still-President Trump.

Ms Powell didn't get into the specifics of whatever evidence she has found. Some Republicans on the Trump campaign team tried to distance the team from Ms Powell's claims, and the lamestream media pounced on their cavils to discredit Ms Powell and the substance of her allegations. Ms Gao presents comments pro and con from Tucker Carlson and others, and responses by Ms Powell.

We may not yet be seeing the fire, but the smoke is pretty sick.We're potentially looking at the biggest political crime in American history. Walt suggests it would be well for doubters to suspend their disbelief for another couple of weeks. Meanwhile, let's start planning for 2022 and 2024!

Further reading: "Natl. security source confirms 'piece of hardware' has been secured from Germany for voter fraud probe; report", BPR Business & Politics, 22/11/20. The smoking gun referred to in the video?

Saturday, November 21, 2020

VIDEO: Bill Burr explains why the kung flu isn't so bad after all

Funny how some stand-up routines stand the test of time. Two of my favourite comedians, George Carlin and Bill Burr, have had some good things to say, long ago, which are even more relevant today. In this short clip, from a performance in 2010, Bill tells us why he's in favour of the flu!

Friday, November 20, 2020

How the Kung Flu started

 While we await further developments in the ongoing voter fraud saga, let's consider something else.

You don't really think it was a conspiracy, do you?

I hope Gary Larson won't mind my putting up just one of his hundreds of fine one-panel cartoons. I miss my morning smile (or guffaw), and give him full credit for quitting while he was ahead. He made his money and retired while he was young enough to enjoy it. [Too bad you didn't think of that! Ed.]

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wayne Co. GOP Canvassers swear they were forced to certify vote

In yesterday's update to the continuing drama of the attempted theft of the November 3rd presidential election, Walt wondered what happened in the office of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers after the lights went out. Now we know!

Last night the two Republican members of the board swore affidavits saying they were bullied and coerced into certifying the election. They had voted against certification on Tuesday, but changed their minds in a darkened room Tuesday night.  It was then annoounced that the vote to certify the results was unanimous.

Townhall reports Board chair Monica Palmer and GOP member William Hartmann swore that the county's corporate counsel, Janet Anderson-Davis, advised board members that their job was "ministerial" and any concerns they expressed were outside of the board's authority.

In her affidavit, Ms Palmer swore that "After the vote, public comment period began and dozens of people made personal remarks against me and Mr. Hartmann. The comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family. The public comment continued for over two hours and I felt pressured to continue the meeting without a break."

Mr Hartmann, for his part, swore that "Late in the evening, I was enticed to agree to certify based on the promise that a full and independent audit would take place. I would have not have agreed to the certification but for the promise of an audit. Vice-Chairman Jonathan Kinloch then assured us that if we voted to certify the election, a full, independent, and complete audit of Detroit's election, would be undertaken. I relied on this assurance in coming to an agreement. Without this assurance, I would not have agreed to certify Wayne County on November 17th."

Click on the link above to read the rest of the Townhall story. Will the will of the people (real live people, not dead ones) be subverted? Will Democrats succeed in stealing the 2020 election? Will justice and common sense prevail? Watch this space!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

VIDEOS: Dominion Voting Systems connected with George Soros

Can you believe it?! Whoda thunk that Dominion Voting Systems, the vote tabulation company at the centre of several controversies surrounding the legitimacy of the presidential election, would be found sharing a Toronto office floor with the Tides Foundation. 

[Who dey? Ed.] Glad you asked. Tides, which recently changed its name to Make Way, is an extreme left eco-radical charity that directs cash supplied by George Soros to smaller groups and organizations to advance Curious George's globalist agenda. 

Dominion Voting Systems has come under fire after their vote tabulation machines created a 6000-vote swing in a single Michigan state county. (Scroll down to read the breaking news about Wayne County officials refusing to certify the November 3rd vote.) The same machines and software were used in every single county in Georgia and in several other swing states that just sent their electoral votes to Joe Biden (for now).

Canada's Rebel News was on location inside the building located at 215 Spadina Avenue in Toronto. Reporter Keenan Bexte and his camera crew were removed by a building manager, but not before learning that the building manager remove all signage and references to their shared building occupancy. Why would they do that? Check this out....


The close working relationship that Dominion Voting Systems and Make Way have raises all kinds of questions about the security of the November 3rd election. 

* Why would the counting of votes be outsourced [try "offshored". Ed.] to a Canadian company, especially one with a track record of "glitches" and errors? 
* Does knowing about this connection make you feel more or less confident that the elections were fair, and that only legal ballots were counted? 
* Who on earth thought this was the way to choose the next president of the United States?

Thanks, for the second time this week, to Agent 35 for sending us the URLs for this story. Keep `em coming, 35. With your help, the truth will out!

FURTHER VIEWING: One of Walt's favourite Canuck conservatives, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, posted this interview with Roger Landry of Liberty Beacon, who says that what's happening in the Excited States of America right now will determine the future of not just American society, but Western civilization. Check it out.


UPDATED: Wayne Co. GOP election officials flip-flop, certify vote

Cazart! Cracks are starting to appear in the "sure it was a fair election" stonewall. Officials in Wayne County MI - home to the city of Detroit, in whose cemeteries reside 1000s of voters -- have refused to certify the results of the November 3rd election.

In a vote along party lines, the Board of Canvassers deadlocked 2-2, which means the certification process cannot go forward. Just The News says that the decision (or lack thereof) "injects new drama into a legal fight waged by President Trump's campaign in several battleground states."

Both Republican members of the Board refused to certify the results after discrepancies were discovered in absentee ballot poll books. Similar problems were discovered in the county's summer primary and the November 2016 election but did not affect the board's vote then. But to have this happen three times? It's either incompetence or -- dare we name it? -- fraud!

The dramatic deadlock came just a week after a city of Detroit elections worker named Jessy Jacob submitted an affidavit saying she personally witnessed and was instructed by supervisors to backdate absentee ballots the day after the election to make votes look like they had arrived on or before November 3rd. Jacob testified she believed thousands of ballots had been altered.

Under Michigan law, a county that fails to canvass within 14 days after the election must yield its documentation to the Secretary of State's office and Board of State Canvassers to determine if the results should be accepted. If the state board follows suit, the Republican state legislature will select the electors. So stay tuned. The fat lady hasn't sung yet!

UPDATE ADDED 18/11/20: Bad news, campers. Late last night, when we were all in bed, the Republican canvassers flipped and voted with the Democrats, while the live video stream was down. 

The Detroit News reported that "After hours of angry responses from Wayne County residents, the change in course was approved by the two Republican and two Democratic canvassers with the demand that the Secretary of State's office conduct a 'comprehensive audit' of precincts with unexplained out-of-balance tallies."

It is not clear if the approval was conditional on the "comprehensive audit", or if the investigation was merely requested. Also unclear is what happened after the lights went out. In Motown, strange things happen in the dark.

"We are the new Drudge!" - Steve Bannon launches new website

Populist Press is Steve Bannon's new site. Here's how he and his colleagues describe it in the banner.

ANNOUNCEMENT: We're Ad Free, Big Tech Hates us, We don't use social media so they can't censor us. PLEASE bookmark us, visit daily and email our page to all your friends. SINCE DRUDGE SOLD OUT TO CHYNA...WE ARE THE NEW DRUDGE! 

Walt is having a look now, but notes lots of good reports -- stuff you won't see in the controlled media -- many guest writers, interviews, and more. Thanks to Agent 35 for giving us notice.

Monday, November 16, 2020

VIDEO: The Babylon Bee now does podcasts!

Guess what, campers! The good folks at the Babylon Bee, "your trusted source for Christian satire", are now doing podcasts, which you can access on YouTube or their own website. To me, it's like AM radio, the kind of thing you can half-listen to -- amusing, not too demanding. But still, it's "fake news you can trust", a nice change from the dreck you'll hear elsewhere. 

In this episode of The Babylon Bee Podcast, Kyle and Ethan talk about the week's biggest stories like the pandemic being officially over now that Old Joe Biden is President-elect, Biden’s secret list of cabinet picks getting leaked by The Babylon Bee, and the party against fascism -- the Democrats -- are creating a giant list of enemies because that always ends well. Running time 1:08:12 but you can kind of skim through it.


I can't help but be reminded of the McKenzie Brothers on SCTV. I prefer the print/text articles, but am still giving the BB Pocast (you can use that, guys!) a thumb half-way up. [How can a thumb e half-way up? Doesn't it have to be either up or down? How about sideways? Ed.] 

Tip: If you access the podcast by going through the BB website, you can read a point-form summary of what Kyle and Ethan are talking about. Takes about 2 minutes to read, 66 minutes less than if you listen.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

VIDEO: Advice on Covid from Scotland (translated)

Many thanks to Agent 6 for alerting us to this. Lang may yer lum reek!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ann Coulter muses: How about "Trumpism without Trump"?

I don't read Ann Coulter a lot, because I find her books and columns somewhat lightweight. And I've never heard her speak. Perhaps I should start paying attention, for it seems she delivered a thought-provoking speech Thursday night to the University of Texas at Austin's Young Conservatives of Texas.

Breitbart News reports that she strayed way off the announced topic of immigration, and argued that what America needs, in four years, is "Trumpism without Trump". Since most of the Breitbart report is quotes from Ms Coulter's speech, I trust they (and she) won't mind if I repost them, with just a few edits for brevity.

In Ms Coulter's opinion, the 2020 presidential election has produced "the best of all possible outcomes" for conservatives. "The reason I’m very happy that [President] Trump lost – and lost narrowly – is that a second term of Trump would have killed us," she said. "What we want, and what I think we can get in four years, is Trumpism without Trump."

What would that look like? Ms Coulter defined "Trumpism" as America taking care of its own people first. "The left behind, the working class, the middle class — they want jobs, they want safe neighbourhoods. They don't want to have to keep paying taxes for English as a Second Language classes and to pay for emergency rooms with a lot of illegal immigrants coming in with problems. We have to take care of our own first. That's Trumpism. And it hasn't been tried. It certainly hasn't triumphed."

Why not? Ms Coulter explained, "[Trump would] say these wild things that we'd get blamed for, he'd get attacked on, and then actually did nothing. Trump thinks, 'I tweeted it. Therefore, it's done.'... It's ironic...that he lost this election, very possibly because of cheating. Democrats cheat all the time. … Trump has been talking about 'mail-in ballots are dangerous, they're gonna steal this election.' He’s been talking about it probably all year. [But] talking about it isn’t the same as doing it."

"Much like as he tweeted out, 'Law and Order'," she added, "and yet cities are still burning across the nation. [He] didn’t do anything about it. It's like he didn't know he was president.... So, I think the Republicans' position [in the next four years] has to be: This is the new Republican Party. It will be Trumpism, but we're getting rid of the eight-year-old."

Ms Coulter advised Republicans to remain focused on populist issues. "But we're going to have someone who speaks well, who is articulate, who hates the media, hates political correctness.... It'll be a lot easier to push Trumpism without Trump."

"I'm glad he lost," she continued. "I'm glad it was very, very narrow. And I'm glad we seem to have held the Senate. … And we have definitely held the House [of Representatives]. That means they [Democrats] couldn't do anything terrible.

"My friends in California were warning me when I was totally, totally on the Trump bandwagon, actually in 2015, after he announced [his candidacy for president]. In California they were all saying, 'Ann, he’s gonna be like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He talks a good game, he'll get in, he'll become a liberal,'" Ms Coulter recalled. 

She speculated that a Trump second term would have been like "Arnold Schwarzenegger's second term, except even worse. Jared Kushner would be out releasing criminals, passing the amnesty.... It would have been an unmitigated disaster, and we'd never be able to get the MAGA agenda back."

Ms Coulter's conclusion? "Trumpism without Trump — that is the winning formula!" That's a great debate topic -- something Republicans and conservatives need to think about and discuss, starting on the day Still-President Trump concedes defeat. It would be nice if that day never comes, and I would be on board if The Donald decides to take another shot at the presidensity in 2024, but, as Ms Coulter suggests, there must surely be other options.

Note from Ed.: Am I the only one who sees the resemblance between Ann Coulter and Canada's Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson? Is that calculated, do you think?

Further reading: "Will Georgia Halt the Radicals' Revolution?", by Patrick J. Buchanan, in Taki's Magazine, 10/11/20.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Now for something completely different...

Ed. here. For the last month or so, Walt has been concentrating on the elections in the Excited States of America, and rightly so, since chaos in America inevitably means chaos in the Western world. But we do recognize (and appreciate!) that WWW is read by people in other countries, from Armenia to Zimbabwe. So, to give non-American readers (and `merkins too!) a break, here's a comment on politics north of the World's Longest Undefended Border (TM).

Scraped from Blazing Cat Fur, one of Walt's favourite blogs. We send our best wishes to Kathy. Keep fighting!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

VIDEO: Dinesh D'Souza analyzes what happened on November 3rd

Twice last month I mentioned Dinesh D'Souza: political commentator, filmmaker and author Obama's America, from which I quoted in "Kamala Harris: about as Black as Barack Obama", WWW 22/10/20. I also reposted the trailer of his movie Trump Card

In this interview with EWTN's Raymond Arroyo, posted two days after the election, Mr D'Souza asserts that Still-President Trump would have won in a walk, were it not for the Dempanic over the Covid "crisis", for which he got blamed, fairly or not. There were other factors, of course, which resulted in the contest being a virtual draw.* It runs just under 20 minutes and is a calm and measured explanation of what happened, well worth watching.


* In case you haven't heard, the election is far from decided yet, no matter what the lamestream media tell you! Even the likes of CNN are now admitting that Georgia and Arizona are "toss-ups", too close to call. That explains why the Democrats, not being taken by surprise this time, are busy manufacturing ballots. Stay tuned, and if you bet on President Trump, don't pay up unless and until Sleepy Joe is sworn in! Walt's guess is what Mike Pompeo said today: it's not gonna happen! Lifetime pct .981.

Further reading: "Why Trump Shouldn't Concede", by David Catron, in The American Spectator, 10/11/20. Subhead: "It's a contested election, and neither candidate has been officially declared the winner."

Want to see the smoking gun? Look here!

This is the to part of the first page of the summons in Constantino and McCall v. City of Detroit and Detroit Election Commission et al. Click here to read the entire document, particularly the affidavits (don't worry, it's black on white, not reversed as you see it in the scan), and tell me if you don't think there was "widespread fraud" in the counting of ballots in Michigan. You be the judge.

Breitbart News reports that Attorney General William Barr yesterday authorized the Justice Department (DOJ) to look into voting irregularities in the 2020 presidential election. Mr Barr's memo (which you can read in the Breitbart article) was addressed to US Attorneys, the assistant attorneys general for the DOJ's criminal division, civil rights division, the national security division, and Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI.

"Now that the voting has concluded," the memo said (in part), "it is imperative that the American people can trust that our elections were conducted in such a way that the outcomes accurately reflect the will of the voters."

Mr Barr's action comes after 39 House Republicans pressed him in a letter on Friday to allow available DOJ resources to look into allegations of voting irregularities across the country in several key battleground states. The Trump campaign has filed lawsuits in some of those states. Constantino and McCall v. City of Detroit and Detroit Election Commission et al is one of those suits. Stay tuned.

Further reading
"It's possible that 2020's election fraud is way bigger than we thought", by Andrea Widburg, in American Thinker, 9/11/20.
"Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI: Media Still Demands 'Evidence'", by Megan Fox in PJ Media, 9/11/20.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

"Beloved game show host died at home on November 8, 2020"

Answer: "Who was Alex Trebek, host Jeopardy?"
Farewell then, Alex. We'll miss you. RIP+.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

President-Elect(?) Biden heads for the White House

I got this one "second-hand" so don't know which editorial cartoonist deserves the credit, but well done, whoever you are.

Further reading: "What Is Happening is Shocking and Horrifying", Gen Z Conservative, 4/11/20. When we all went to bed on Tuesday night, Trump had won the election. He was up substantially in Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and was only behind by a few votes in Nevada. But then, once we were all fast asleep, something happened and the brazenness of it was absolutely shocking.... To me, the brazenness of that was shocking. They did not even try to hide the voter fraud that was going on. They just cheated and expected Americans to sit and be quiet about it."

One thing Still-President Trump got absolutely right

There are many Americans [but surely not 50%! Ed.] who absolutely refuse to give Still-President Trump credit for a single thing that he did or tried to do to Make America Great Again. If he walked across the pool at his Florida estate they'd say he doesn't know how to swim! It's a pity that more Americans, especially the anti-Trumpers, didn't read The Expendables, by Jeff Rubin (PenguinRandomHouse 2020).

Ed. says that maybe the book didn't make a big splash in the Excited States of America because Jeff Rubin is a Canadian, and Americans just don't listen to Canadians. But Mr Rubin is not your typical Canuck milquetoast liberal. He is a world-leading expert on trade and energy, and former chief economist and chief strategist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce World Markets, and recently served as a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. 

So Mr Rubin knows a thing or three about economics, and about the adverse effects of globalism and globalization, as promoted by George Soros and all the other Volvo liberals behind the campaign to turf President Trump out of office. They think globalism is wonderful, and why wouldn't they... it made them rich! But Jeff Rubin begs to differ.

The subtitle of The Expendables says it all. It reads: How the middle class got screwed by globalization. Our Agent 17, a member of said middle class, complained to me years ago (BT) that "China is eating our lunch." He was right. And the liberals made that happen! 

Through the World Trade Organization and trade deals like NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership -- all endorsed and promoted by the Prez and Mr and Mrs Clinton -- tariffs were lowered to the point of being non-existent, and millions of well-paying manufacturing jobs were off-shored to places like Mexico ("that great sucking sound"), Vietnam, Bangladesh and, of course, China.

What happened? The owners of multinational corporations like Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Walmart, etc etc, got rich beyond the dreams of avarice, while the American (and Canadian and OECD) middle class actually shrank. 

But, the liberals say, the poor people -- below middle class -- became better off. Not true, says Mr Rubin. More people than ever are working in McJobs and the gig economy, rather than steady well-paying jobs in industry. And because wages have been stagnant while profits grow, their standard of living has actually declined, as witness the growing numbers of those "experiencing homelessness" -- living in cars and RVs even in supposedly prosperous areas like Silicon Valley.  

What Donald Trump did right, but gets little or no credit for, was to put the brakes on globalization, by getting the US of A out of rotten trade deals like NAFTA and the Obama-sponsored TPP. He also lowered taxes to encourage the multinationals to bring their manufacturing plants back to America, while at the same time raising tariffs to make it less profitable to import cheap manufactured goods from countries which are America's enemies.

Is it any wonder that the business interests for whom Sleepy Joe Biden fronts wanted to put Mr Trump out of office? The President was throwing a monkey-wrench into the machinery of  globalization. He was upsetting the plan of  Soros & Co. to make America second-rate, economically as well as politically. He was trying to Make America Great Again! 

In closing let me quote one short passage from The Expendables

History warns us that when monopolistic control falls into the hands of the few (who make massive fortunes as a result), someone is getting scrwed.

Some commentators have suggested that the CEOs of today's tech giants -- Apple's Tim Cook, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon's Jeff Bezos, to name a few -- are the robber barons of our age. Their modern-day uniform of jeans and T-shirts may not scream "money" the way the three-piece suits and top hats of Rockefeller and his cohort did, but their enormous wealth dwarfs the riches of their nineteenth-century predecessors....

All of these CEOs are good at what they do. And what they do best is manipulate public governance in ways that the early twentieth-century global oil industry could only dream of. In the United States, where most of them are based, they have supported the establishment wing of the Democratic Party -- the same wing that was in power for eight years under President Obama [and Vice-President Biden. Walt] 

They've been outspoken on climate change, racial tolerance, gender equity, and all of the other hot button issues of American liberalism. But at the same time, the efforts to prove their liberal bona fides have helped protect this group from something they care far more deeply about: government regulation of the monopolies that have made them all multibillionaires.

"Gee, Walt," I hear some of you say, "Why didn't you tell us this before we voted?" Unfortunately I didn't start reading The Expendables until yesterday. But it's not like others weren't warning that the good works of the Trump presidency would be undone by the Democrats, once the likes of Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and the Squad get their hands on the levers of power.

Old Joe Biden himself promised that he would take care of the Obama administration's unfinished business, reverse the tax cuts, put America back in the Paris Accord and other globalist institutions, and generally turn back the clock to 2008. If you weren't paying attention and voted for him, you're about to learn, the hard way, why changing leaders and policies in the middle of an economic crisis was a baaaaad idea.

Friday, November 6, 2020

How many more cases like this does it take to challenge the legitimacy of mailed-in ballots?

The following story, by Alison Langley, appeared in the Niagara Falls [Canada] Review today.

A U.S. postal worker has been arrested at the Peace Bridge with more than 800 pieces of mail — including several absentee ballots for the American election.

"This office is committed not only to ensuring the integrity of the mails, but also of individuals’ rights to vote in a free and fair election," said U.S. Attorney General James Kennedy. "The criminal conduct with which this defendant is alleged to have engaged, undermined both of those interests." 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Peace Bridge [which connects Buffalo NY and Fort Drearie ON] questioned a motorist Nov. 3 — the same day as the U.S. election — and referred him for an inspection. Officers discovered a United States Postal Service mail bin in his trunk. The bin contained numerous pieces of mail, postal service uniform items and the driver’s USPS identification badge.

According to the Attorney General’s Office, the man initially claimed the mail belonged to him and his mother. However, he could not account for additional names printed on the mail. He subsequently told officers he intended to deliver the mail, but had forgotten to return the items to the post office.

An inventory of the mail revealed three absentee ballots and 106 political mailings. Cancellation dates on the mail was between Sept. 16 and Oct. 26. Charged by with delay or destruction of mail is Brandon Wilson, 27, of Buffalo. The charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Sleepy Joe Biden's handlers say that "there is no evidence" of fraud in connection with the mail-in ballots, which Walt says means "They haven't caught us yet!" How many more cases are there of the mail-in ballots being tampered with, not delivered, or coming from the Big Barrel of Biden Votes which the Dumbocrats kept in reserve in case the day-of count went against them.

You think there's no such thing as the BBBV? A report out of Michigan, which is so far unverified, says that in the wee hours of November 4th, just before dawn, a crate of 138,000 ballots was handed to election officials for counting. Of those, not a single one was for Still-President Trump, or for any third-party or write-in candidate. Nor was any ballot spoiled. All 138,000 were counted for Old Joe. A computer "glitch" perhaps? Ha! Seems to me the Dems are over-egging the pudding waaaay too much.

Vote-rigging in progress

Ballots mailed in by non-citizens and residents of cemeteries are still being counted.

Major networks will call states for Biden as soon as his lead reaches 0.1%.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

VIDEO: Michael Matt: Time to talk about reality - a country in chaos

Much as I admire and agree with Dr Taylor Marshall's call to not give up, to stand up and fight -- see our last post yesterday -- I think it's time to take a long hard look at things in the cold light of dawn. As I write -- the sun has not yet come up -- it seems as if Still-President Trump needs to win Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina (where mail-in ballot fraud threatens to overturn his narrow lead) and one of Nevada or Arizona.

The lamestream media declared Arizona for Old Joe just past midnight November 4th, even though hundreds of thousands of ballots hadn't been counted and there were long lines of Trump supporters waiting to vote. That shows you what a tough fight this has been and will be.

So let's say, for the sake of argument, that Vice-President Biden gets to delete the "vice" from his title -- leave the vice to his minions -- and moves into the White House on January 21st. Is it the end of the world? No. The Republicans still control the Senate, and there is a conservative/originalist majority on the Supreme Court, so there will be checks on the socialist, one-world, secular humanist craziness of Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and the Squad. Thank God for that.

But we can't stop fighting and leave the protection of Christian values and Western freedoms to the Senate and SCOTUS. Dr Taylor was not wrong to say we must go on fighting, not just until the theft of the election is confirmed, but for at least the next four years, until the American people see their mistake and get a chance to rectify it at the polls.

In this video, streamed late last night, Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, reflects on what happened and what comes next.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

VIDEO: Dr Taylor Marshall: The "fake election" is not over; don't give up

Walt is watching and waiting. So should you be. Dr Taylor Marshall says "Be a Maccabe!" Or, for those men who don't get the Biblical reference: grow a set! Don't go out and get yourself hurt (or worse) but do stand up and join the fight. Here's a video live-streamed earlier today, before President Trump's press conference. Don't give up!


VIDEO: 2020 election: "The people have spoken" (Sky TV Oz)

It's now Wednesday night in the Land of Oz. Chris Kenny, reporting on Sky News Australia, says the American people have spoken. And they've decided to side with Still-President Donald Trump.


Walt is holding his breath, hoping that the Aussie media have it right. Fingers crossed!

Footnote: As of dawn today, Mr Biden has 50% of the popular vote, thanks to huge leads on the Left Coast, and Mr Trump has 48.4%. If Mr Trump wins anyway, cue cries of, "It's Trump who stole the election. Biden won the popular vote so he should be President! The whole system is systemically racist yada yada yada..."

Further reading from outside America: "Whatever the final result, Democrats lost the 2020 U.S. election", by Konrad Yakabuski (no conservative, he), in the Globe and Mail, 4/11/20. Quotes: "Had fate, in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, not intervened, Mr. Trump would likely have been handily re-elected on Tuesday." 

"That so many Americans were willing to cast a ballot for Mr. Trump in spite of his egregious handling of the pandemic and his moral corruptness says something about the disconnectedness of Democratic elites. By pushing their party ever further to the left, and embracing identity politics, they alienated millions of moderate voters." And there's more....

How an election was stolen

The events in this true story took place not in the Excited States of America, but in the Land of Bambazonke, aka Zimbabwe, a southern Afican shithole where I lived and worked in the 1990s. I left Zimbabwe on the Flying Dutchman in 2001, but kept in touch with an ever-decreasing number of colleagues and friends, until they too left... or died.

The People's Republic of Zimbabwe had been ruled since its independence in 1980 by Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe, a neo-Marxist anti-colonialist dictator who tolerated the presence of an opposition party so he could say his country wasn't a one-party state, although in fact it was.

Having an opposition means you have to have an election every now and then, just for show, and Uncle Bob decreed that his people should vote for him again in March 2008. Because of Zimbabwe's dire economic situation, the elections were expected to provide the incumbent and his ZANU-PF party with their toughest electoral challenge to date. 

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change, led by Morgan Tsvangirai, accused the government of planning to rig the election. Human Rights Watch said that the election was likely to be "deeply flawed", and so it was. As election night, March 29th, wore on, unofficial counts showed MDC-T building up big leads in the cities of Harare and Bulawayo, but the more populous rural areas were slow to report. In the wee hours of the morning of March 30th, counting was halted, with no explanation.

No official results were announced for more than a month thereafter. The failure to release results was strongly criticized by the MDC, which unsuccessfully sought a court order to force their release. After a recount and "verification" of the results, the government-controlled Zimbabwe Electoral Commission announced on May 2nd that Mr Tsvangirai won 47.9% of the vote and President Mugabe 43.2%, necessitating a run-off, to be held on 27 June 2008.

Political violence ensued, for which  ZANU-PF and MDC each blamed the other's supporters. On June 22nd, Mr Tsvangirai announced that he was withdrawing from the run-off, describing it as a "violent sham" and saying that his supporters risked being killed if they voted for him. The second round of elections went ahead with President Mugabe as the only actively participating candidate, although Mr Tsvangirai's name remained on the ballot. 

Comrade Bob won the second round by an overwhelming margin -- 85.3% to 9.3% -- and was sworn in for another term on 29 June 2008. He remained President until November of 2017, when, at the age of 93, he was ousted by his own party in a bloodless coup.

Any similarity between the events described above and last night's goings-on in Philthydelphia and Allegheny County PA and Atlants and Fulton County GA is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

"Allahu akbar!" in Vienna: Islamic terrorist kills four before shot dead

Walt didn't hurry to post this story yesterday, when it broke, because it would be embarrassing to cast suspicion on Muslims, only to have the attackers turn out to be, errr, non-Muslim, twice in one week. So I waited until my suspicions were confirmed.

Yes, it's another terrorist attack on innocent civilians. This time it happened in Vienna, the civilized and delightful capital city of Austria, where Islamic extremists rampaged through the entertainment district on Monday night, killing four people. One of the attackers was shot dead by police, but a personhunt [the PC term for "manhunt". Ed.] is on for others. 

After the customary dithering over whether to utter words like "Islamic" or "Muslim", the polizei identified the Muslim who is now in Paradise being serviced by 72 virgins. He was 20-year-old Kujtim Fejzulai, a dual citizen of Austrian and North Macedonia [Where dat? Ed.], seen in this selfie taken shortly before the attack.

In April of 2019, he was sentenced to 22 months in prison for trying to travel to Syria to join ISIS. He was released in December because, hey, he was just a juvenile. Boys will be boys.

Dressed in white coveralls and armed with an automatic rifle and a fake explosive vest, the late Mr Fejzulai ran through Vienna's cobblestone streets, firing off bursts at random. Two men and two women died from their injuries. A police officer who tried to get in the way of the attacker was shot and wounded, and another 14 people were wounded.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz told the meeja, "It is now confirmed that yesterday's attack was clearly an Islamist terror attack," Kurz said. "It was an attack out of hatred -- hatred for our fundamental values, hatred for our way of life, hatred for our democracy in which all people have equal rights and dignity." Note: not "Western values" or "Christian values", just "fundamental values". But at least he called out Islamism.

Monday, November 2, 2020

What happens tomorrow? Signs and portents

Watching the Sunday Funnies (political TV programmes), I am a bit surprised (and much encouraged) by the way the lamestream media pundits are backing off their earlier predictions of a Biden landslide. What I heard yesterday was a lot of "too close to call" iffery. 

Very Important Reporters are out of the studios, doing standups in places like Florida, Pennsylvania and (ughh, brrr) Michigan, explaining away the crowds and enthusiasm at the Trump events and lack of same at Mr Biden's gatherings of a few parked cars. 

Did you see the clips on Sunday? 1000s of people turned out in miserable weather (in MI at least) to cheer on Still-President Trump. Sleepy Joe stood at the edge of a carpark pretending to orate, while we heard the sounds of silence. See "1000s attend Trump FL rally, crickets heard at Biden rallies", WWW 14/10/20.

The lefties are nervous, friends, and well they might be. So are the pollsters. Have you ever heard so much talk about margins of errors and the "hidden Trump vote"? Just last week, notorious anti-Trumper Michael Moore told Rising that the polls predicting a Biden win were almost certainly wrong. Click here to see the video, posted on WWW 29/10/20

Just a few days prior, Robert Cahaly, chief pollster for the Trafalgar Group -- one of the handful who got it right in 2016 -- told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he sees President Trump being reelected. Mr Cahaly cited the aforementioned "hidden vote" which he said is predominantly missing from polling showing Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading nationally and in most swing states. Click here to read the report on The Hill, 21/10/20.

Let's talk about the all-important swing states. As noted above, Michael Moore already concedes that President Trump could win Michigan again. Florida looks like being close, as usual, but Mr Biden's idea of a big and prolonged lockdown isn't playing well in a state where tourism and having fun is essential to economic survival.

The lamestream media are saying Texas is in play, for the first time in decades, and that's why the Dumbocrats sent noted Indo-Jamaican politician Kamala Harris there to stump for Creepy Joe. I don't believe for a minute that TX will vote for the anti-oil party.

So also Pennsylvania, where Old Joe pulled out his rusty service revolver and shot himself in the foot with a promise to end fracking. That may have played well in Philthydelphia [so well described by Bill Burr in "The Philadelphia Incident". You can look it up. Ed.], but that city is already notorious for providing the Dems with "votes on demand" as the results roll in. "Just tell us how many you need!"

The extent of the damage Mr Biden did to himself and his campaign can be seen in the endorsement by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of... wait for it... Still-President Trump. See "The man and the record", PP-G 31/10/20. This is the first time since 1972 that this respected newspaper has come out for a Republican. 

To me, the most telling part of the their editorial is this paragraph:
Mr. Biden is too old for the job, and fragile. There is a very real chance he will not make it through the term. Mr. Trump is also too old but seemingly robust. But in Mike Pence, Mr. Trump has a vice president ready to take over, if need be. He is a safe pair of hands. Sen. Kamala Harris gives no evidence of being ready to be president.

In Philadelphia (and other Democrat-run cities), there is tangible evidence of fear of what will happen in the aftermath of a Biden win. Business owners big and small are closing their shops, boarding up the windows, hunkering down for the rioting and looting which (they must think) are inevitable. 

Are they afraid of pissed-off conservatives burning down the town if Mr Trump loses? Don't think so. They're afraid of the BLM and Antifa mobs which Biden-Harris refuse to condemn, and will be unable to control once the police are "defunded" and prosecutors are instructed to ignore the "antics of mostly peaceful protesters". See the video "'Black Looters Matter': Aussie Sky News looks at Pennsylvania", WWW 29/10/20. 

Time for a prediction, then? I'm still hoping President Trump will be re-elected, and am cautiously optimistic, but not willing to put down any serious money on it. So if you're a Biden fan (Hello, Agent 17!) and/or a sufferer from TDS, and want to get your bet down, Las Vegas oddsmaker-turned-conservative talk-show host Wayne Allen Root will be happy to accomodate you. 

Writing in Townhall, 1/11/20, he predicts a Trump landslide! His observations are much like those I've just written, so -- although I won't use the word "landslide" -- I don't see how we could both be wrong!  Lifetime pct .985,
Further viewing: "Can we still win this?", stream of consciousness from Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, recorded on Sunday night. Can't resist posting this cartoon shown at about 2:55.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

VIDEO: "Countdown to D-Day 2020: America on the brink": Michael Matt

This doesn't need a long introduction. In his last video before Election Day, Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, takes one last look at the 2020 presidential election.
  •  Are the polls wrong again?
  • Can Still-President Trump pull it off again?
  • Why is Bill Gates pointing to a second pandemic?
  • Why is Dr. Fauci predicting COVID restrictions through 2022?
  • What about Vatican interference in the U.S. election?
  • What issue prompted the Trump team to invite The Remnant on a Press Call?
  • Did Steve Bannon just out himself as a traditional Catholic?
  • What happens if Donald Trump loses next Tuesday? 
All that and much more!


Americans! More than at any time since, say, 1864, the fate of the nation depends on the re-election of President Trump! If you haven't already voted, get out there PDQ and do the right thing!

Further viewing: "The Real Reason They Want You to Hate Donald Trump", another Michael Matt video, posted by Jeremy Kappell on Facebook. "Stand with America or fall with the New World Order". Thanks to Agent 6 for the link.

UPDATED: 2 killed, 5 wounded in Québec attack; suspect NOT Muslim

Québec City, capital of la Belle Province and heart of French Canada, has two fewer residents this morning, killed in a horrific attack in the city's old town, near the iconic Château Frontenac and rue du Trésor.

Poor Len Canayen sends news that, besides the two Québécois killed, five were injured by a man dressed in "mediaeval costume" wielding a Japanese katana sword. After a two-and-a-half-hour manhunt, a man was arrested shortly before 0100 in the city's Old Port, about half a mile from the scenes of the crime.

It may be recalled that in January of 2017 six Muslims were killed and 19 others injured when a man opened fire just after evening prayers at a mosque in Sainte-Foy, a suburb of Québec. Alexandre Bissonnette, a white, native-born Québécois, was charged with six counts of first-degree murder. 

Prime Minister Just In Trudeau called the shooting a terrorist attack, but M Bissonnette was not charged under the terrorism provision of the Criminal Code of Canada, or described as such by terrorism experts. In February of 2019, he was sentenced to life in prison, with no possibility of parole for 40 years. So for sure he wasn't the perpetrator this time!

It may also be recalled -- if not see "'Allahu akbar!' in Paris - second Islamic terrorist attack in three weeks", WWW 18/10/20 and "Muslim yells 'Allahu akbar!' as 3 stabbed to death", WWW 29/10/20 -- that France has seen two [Make that three! There was another one yesterday! Ed.] attacks on "infidels" (read: non-Muslims), including a Greek Orthodox priest, in October alone. The attackers in each case were Islamic extremists (read: terrorists/jihadis) bent on making the French pay for publishing or looking at cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in an unfavourable light.

We return now to today's attacks in Québec. At 0400 local time, a spokesthingy for Ville du Québec police issued a tweet saying that although they had the assailant in custody, they could not at this stage release the identity or other details of the individual. "According to our initial information," Inspector Clouseau added, "there is no indication that the suspect may have acted on motives other than personal ones."

So, dear readers in Canuckistan, don't jump to conclusions. The truth will out, and you'll read about it first, right here on Walt Whiteman's World.

UPDATE ADDED at 1140: The suspect has now been identified as Carl Girouard, aged 24, a white, native-born Québécois from Ste-Thérèse, about 30 minutes north of Montréal. The official theory is that he was/is mentally ill.