Saturday, February 23, 2019

New Danish law: refugees will no longer become immigrants!

As Walt told you in "Why the Danes are the happiest people in the world" (WWW 17/3/16), the blonde, blue-eyed people of Denmark have, almost alone among western Europeans, discouraged dark, brown-eyed "refugees" from the shithole countries from entering their little country. There are many more cows than asylum-seekers in Denmark, and the Danes like it that way. That's why they're happy!

The Danes are much happier than their neighbours to the south -- the Germans -- who have been forced by the barking mad Angela Merkel to accept nearly two million asylum-seekers, who are now settling in nicely, apart from a few terrorist attacks, mass rapes, patrols of Sharia law police. Having got their noses in the German tent, the "refugees" now intend to get all of themselves in... forever... leaving real Germans in the minority. Although there are only a few thousand migrants in Denmark, the prospect of the same thing happening in their country is starting to worry the Danes.

To keep Denmark for the Danes, the country's government, with the assistance of the right-wing Danish People's Party and (surprisingly) the Social Democrats, has passed a law which is described as a "paradigm shift" in Danish refugee and asylum policy. Under the new policy, refugees should be sent home when conditions in their countries of origin are deemed safe enough. The integration allowance -- a financial handout to the newcomers -- will be reduced, and opportunities for them to bring their large families for "family re-unions" will be further limited. As well, residence permits will become temporary as the default, and it will become easier for the government to withdraw or not extend them.

As Danish Finance Minister Kristian Jensen put it, Denmark will no longer have a system where "refugees become immigrants." The new legislation is aimed at drastically reducing the number of refugees who stay in Denmark indefinitely by shifting the focus from integration of refugees to sending them back to their home shitholes. The message to immigrant wannabes is clear: Don't get too comfortable here; you're not going to be staying long!

Immigration and Integration Minister Inger StĂžjberg of the centrist Venstre party stressed that it is yet to be seen how many refugees will be sent home as a result of the new legislation, but promised a concrete effect. The bill was backed by the right-wing anti-immigrant Danish People's Party, as well as Denmark's largest opposition party, the Social Democrats, who previously criticised parts of it, such as the reduction of social welfare benefits for people who have been granted asylum. The socialists' immigration spokesthingy said he supported the general shift towards a temporary status for all refugees.

Further reading:
"Politically incorrect Denmark bans burqa, niqab", WWW 31/5/18.
"'Ethnic cleansing' of Europeans opposed by Danish parliament", WWW 17/2/17.

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