I've been waiting for months now to see which country's native-born citizens would be the first to take to the streets in revolt against open borders policies that allow the invasion of their country by hordes of mostly Muslim, mostly non-white asylum-seekers and "refugees".
I knew it wouldn't be Canada, because Canucks are so damn passive that the only thing that riles them up is losing (or winning) a hockey championship. And I figured it wouldn't be the Excited States of America. Since the election of President Trump, there's at least a faint hope that the wall might get built, and POTUS has kept his promise to close the borders to at least some of the Islamists, so protests like this months Unite the Right rally have kind of fizzled out.
So that left Europe and the Disunited Kingdom, the latter being (supposedly) on its way out of the EU. It's hard to think of a western European country that isn't struggling to assimilate 1000s of "irregular migrants", who keep washing up (literally) on the shores of the Mediterranean, assisted by do-good weenies and discredited policies like Angela Merkel's "Willkommenskultur".
As President Trump has pointed out, crime rates in such tolerant societies as those of Sweden, Britain, France and Germany have spiked since the migrant tsunami of 2015. Welfare payments and other social costs have gone through the roof. Who would be the first to say "We've had enough!"?
Answer: It's the Germans of Saxony who this week had the courage (I don't know the German word for "cojones") to get up on their hind feet and into the streets of the state's third-largest city, Chemnitz, to protest Willkommenskultur and the Merkel government's pro-refugee, anti-German policies.
"Ausländer raus!" -- "Foreigners out!" -- sums up perfectly the sentiments of the majority of Germans -- feelings with the Fatherland's politicians ignore at their peril. Chemnitz is very close to the border with Czechi (aka the Czech Republic) where they have virtually no problems with Muslim migrants because... well... because they don't let them in! The Germans of Saxony have not been slow to notice the difference between their country and those to the east, but are stuck with daft rulers obsessed with political correctness to the point of proscribing the naming in the media of those accused of crimes, for fear of stoking Islamophobia and/or xenophobia.
Which brings us to the cause of this week's riots in Chemnitz. Late last week there was a fatal stabbing in the city. The victim was German. Die polizei arrested two men, who they would not identify, but the news leaked out that the perps were both Muslims, both "refugees", one Iraq and one Syrian. When outraged citizens took to the street, the government's response was predictable. Martin Dulig, the deputy premier of Saxony, told the called the leak of the arrest warrant (most likely from a police or judicial source) a scandal. "We have a bigger problem to deal with there," he said Martin Dulig, without specifying the nature of the problem.
When Herr Dulig's statement failed to calm the unrest, his boss went into damage control mode. Saxony's premier, Michael Kretschmer (for it was he) vowed to deal firmly with... wait for it... not foreign criminals, but with "extremists" who dared to raise their voices (and arms -- the old Nazi salute is verboten in Germany). "The fact that we have a Syrian and an Iraqi suspect is no reason -- no reason at all -- for a general suspicion of all foreign residents," he said.
Is it any wonder that the right-wing, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and the Pegida movement are strong in Saxony, and getting stronger. Both groups, along with a local right-wing group called Pro Chemnitz, united for a rally on Sunday. Just as in the USA, a counter-rally was organized by SJWs and antifa extremists, but, unlike in the USA, the 1000 or so lefties were outnumbered by some 6000 patriotic Germans determined to get their country back.
Chemnitz is braced for fresh protests this weekend, with local authorities (like Herr Kretschmer and Herr Dulig) calling in federal police to help. Walt heard one of them -- not sure which -- interviewed on TV last night. He said that, in Germany, violence is reserved exclusively for the government. Something similar was said some 85 years ago by officials of the Weimar Republic. Stay tuned.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Good news from South Africa, thanks to President Trump
It's very rare that there's any good news out of Africa, but Walt does have some to pass on, and it appears to be due to the intervention of President Donald J. Trump. (Eat your hearts out, gliberals.)
Only six (6) days after POTUS warned the government of South Africa that he had instructed the Secretary of State "to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and the large scale killing of farmers", the SA government has withdrawn its white farmland redistribution (read: land grab) bill, passed by its parliament in 2016, for "further consideration".
The fact that land seized from the Boers (= "farmers", in Afrikaans) would almost certainly have been handed over to friends of the ruling African National Congress, who would have let it go back to bush, just as happened in neighbouring Zimbabwe (see "What happens when black Africans turf out white farmers", WWW 24/8/18 - includes two videos), probably had something to do with the decision as well, but for now Walt will give credit not just to President Trump but to the new South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who seems to have a degree of sense uncommon to the Big Men of Africa.
Further reading: "Land reform in South Africa has been slow and inept", The Economist, 23/8/18.
Only six (6) days after POTUS warned the government of South Africa that he had instructed the Secretary of State "to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and the large scale killing of farmers", the SA government has withdrawn its white farmland redistribution (read: land grab) bill, passed by its parliament in 2016, for "further consideration".
The fact that land seized from the Boers (= "farmers", in Afrikaans) would almost certainly have been handed over to friends of the ruling African National Congress, who would have let it go back to bush, just as happened in neighbouring Zimbabwe (see "What happens when black Africans turf out white farmers", WWW 24/8/18 - includes two videos), probably had something to do with the decision as well, but for now Walt will give credit not just to President Trump but to the new South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who seems to have a degree of sense uncommon to the Big Men of Africa.
Further reading: "Land reform in South Africa has been slow and inept", The Economist, 23/8/18.
Payback for the Lady in Red - Trump set to stick it to Canada
As the picture above shows, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Minister of Global/Foreign/External/Whatever Affairs, is a natural-born diplomat. So much so that, last June, Foreign Policy magazine, the voice of the one-world crowd, gave her its Diplomat of the Year award, which she travelled to Washington to accept.
Today, even as I write, the talented and fragrant "Lady in Red" is jetting down to the nation's capital [It's not in Richmond any more? Ed.] for an emergency meeting with... well... whoever in the American administration is willing (or obliged) to talk to her about free trade. Yesterday, President Trump (hahaha, liberals!) announced the demise of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the beginning of a new US-Mexico trade agreement. Canada is to be shut out of what was supposed to be a three-way deal, and now it's up to Ms Freeland to get America's second-biggest trading partner back in there.
Ms Freeland's skills as a negotiator are well known, and have been discussed in WWW before. As reported here in October of 2016, her ass in the hole [Please use your spell-checker. Ed.], played at a meeting to discuss a Canada-EU trade agreement, is throwing a hissy fit and storming out of the meeting room to tell the meeja "These people are impossible! I'm going home to my children!" Amazingly, the obstreporous Belgians (the objects of her feminist wrath) went for it and got the meeting going again, although the agreement in principle has yet to be ratified.
That's just one example of Ms Freeland's fine feminist SJW form. Like Hellery Clinton, she does not hesitate to diss anyone who disagrees with the enlightened and progressive principles which she shares with her boss, Canuck Prime Minister Just In Trudeau. It was the lovely Chrystia who insisted that gender equity, indigenous rights and climate change be included in any new North American free trade pact. Why the Americans and Mexicans didn't put anything in their new agreement about those important issues is undoubtedly a mystery to her.
Like Mrs Bill Clinton, Ms Freeland is one of those who lay the blame for all the world's troubles at the feet of President Trump. Without actually calling him "deplorable", she managed to infuriate him by the foreign policy speech she delivered while accepting the award mentioned above. In the speech, she directly addressed Americans in the room, raising "concerns" about the direction the United States has been taking under the Trump administration. She criticized America's approach to international relations, including NATO, tariffs and trade.
According to people who should know, both President Trump and Robert Lighthizer, the lead American trade negotiataor, viewed the speech as an insult, not only targeting administration publicly but doing so on their turf in Washington. Worse, the speech came hard on the heels of the acrimonious and unproductive G7 meetings in Charlevoix QC. It will be remembered that in the closing presser, M Trudeau said he'd had good meetings with President Trump et al. Then, only minutes after Mr Trump's plane had lifted off, Mr Socks said Canada would not be bullied, yada yada yada!
The White House was not fond of Chrystia Freeland even before her speech. The President's staff and allies dislike her, her policy positions (gender equity???), and her negotiating style ("These people are impossible!"). So they made Canada pay for Ms Freeland's feminist rants, by disinviting the Canucks from recent meetings. See "While Canuck minister plays SJW, USA and Mexico near NAFTA deal", WWW 11/8/18.
Senior government officials in Ottawa insist they're not worried about Ms Freeland's having got her tits in the wringer, saying the deal is far bigger than personalities. In their liberal smugness, they actually think the "Lady in Red" is only disliked because she has been so relentless in bluntly pushing forward Canadian interests, such as, errr, indigenous rights and, errr, gender equity, and [That's enough Canadian interests. Ed.]
The Liberal government and its apologists in the state-owned CBC are telling worried Canadians that this could be the most critical week yet in NAFTA negotiations and that a deal could be done by the end of the week. Walt will take that bet. Lifetime pct .989.
Further reading: "Questioning the CBC's love affair with Chrystia Freeland", WWW 8/10/17. Spoiler alert! The link to Ms Freeland's disastrous appearance with Bill Maher, in which her biases and ignorance were revealed to an incredulous public, doesn't work. YouTube has deleted that video. Any suggestion that pressure from the Trudeau government had anything to do with its disappearance is, of course, completely unfounded.
Monday, August 27, 2018
RIP John McCain, patriotic American
Farewell then, Senator John McCain. You spent 65 years of your life serving the United States of America with honour and with distinction.
It is interesting (but idle) to speculate on what America might be like today, had you won the presidential election of 2008. Those who opposed you vilified you for being an older white male. It was time for someone quite different, they said. After eight years of misrule by the token they chose, the people opted for an older white male. And here we are. Rest In Peace.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Who reads Walt Whiteman's World?
Ed. here. An online comment to which I won't provide a link asked, "Who reads Walt Whiteman?" That bit of snark prompted me to check the analytics for the 9+ years we've been blogging, and I thought I'd share some of the stats with you, just FYI.
Here's a map showing where our readers live -- the top 10 countries at least.
Leading the list -- no surprise -- is the Excited States of America, 27.8%. Second place is something of a shocker, considering how little Walt writes in French or about France. Yes, France, at 23.6%. Russia is a solid third at 15.7%, and don't tell me it's all hackers trying to influence US elections! Canada's in fourth with 11.0% and Not-so-great Britain comes fifth at 10.0%.
Then there's a considerable gap until you get to number six, Germany, 2.9%, followed closely by Italy with 2.8%. The Italians are rising fast, though, with a lot of interest in Europe's migrant crisis. Brazil has eighth spot, with 2.3%. Belgium and Ukraine occupy the last two places, with 2.0% and 1.9% respectively.
As you might expect, the overwhelming majority of Walt's readers are running Windows (67%). 11% are Mac lovers, taking a break from designing and other graphic endeavours, no doubt. 8% are in the Linux world, and 3% use Unix. Yes, some folks are getting to us on their iPhones (3%) and iPads (1%). And there are still a few (less than 1%) using Blackberries.
When it comes to browsers, Chrome is the frontrunner, with 39% of WWW readers preferring the Google product. So do we. We switched from Internet Explorer (in third place with 18%) long ago, even before we made the leap from Windows XP to Win10. Firefox is in second place with 29%. Safari comes fourth with 6%, about the twice the number as users of Opera, 3%. Half a dozen other browsers follow, with 1% or less.
Getting back to our readers themselves, the stats give the lie to the canard that Walt Whiteman's World is only for white anglophones. We have readers of every race, in every corner of the world, except for perhaps Antarctica. Following on the top 10 come scads of hits from China (using a VPN, Agent 88 says), south Asia, Australia, sub-Saharan Africa (not just South Africa), parts of the Middle Eastern sandpit, and the Spanish-speaking parts of Latin America (including Texas). Truly, then, Walt Whiteman's World encompasses the whole world.
Here's a map showing where our readers live -- the top 10 countries at least.
Leading the list -- no surprise -- is the Excited States of America, 27.8%. Second place is something of a shocker, considering how little Walt writes in French or about France. Yes, France, at 23.6%. Russia is a solid third at 15.7%, and don't tell me it's all hackers trying to influence US elections! Canada's in fourth with 11.0% and Not-so-great Britain comes fifth at 10.0%.
Then there's a considerable gap until you get to number six, Germany, 2.9%, followed closely by Italy with 2.8%. The Italians are rising fast, though, with a lot of interest in Europe's migrant crisis. Brazil has eighth spot, with 2.3%. Belgium and Ukraine occupy the last two places, with 2.0% and 1.9% respectively.
As you might expect, the overwhelming majority of Walt's readers are running Windows (67%). 11% are Mac lovers, taking a break from designing and other graphic endeavours, no doubt. 8% are in the Linux world, and 3% use Unix. Yes, some folks are getting to us on their iPhones (3%) and iPads (1%). And there are still a few (less than 1%) using Blackberries.
When it comes to browsers, Chrome is the frontrunner, with 39% of WWW readers preferring the Google product. So do we. We switched from Internet Explorer (in third place with 18%) long ago, even before we made the leap from Windows XP to Win10. Firefox is in second place with 29%. Safari comes fourth with 6%, about the twice the number as users of Opera, 3%. Half a dozen other browsers follow, with 1% or less.
Getting back to our readers themselves, the stats give the lie to the canard that Walt Whiteman's World is only for white anglophones. We have readers of every race, in every corner of the world, except for perhaps Antarctica. Following on the top 10 come scads of hits from China (using a VPN, Agent 88 says), south Asia, Australia, sub-Saharan Africa (not just South Africa), parts of the Middle Eastern sandpit, and the Spanish-speaking parts of Latin America (including Texas). Truly, then, Walt Whiteman's World encompasses the whole world.
Pope has known about gay sex scandals in US Church for years
A staunchly conservative Roman Catholic prelate, Archbishop Carlo Viganò, formerly an apostolic nuncio to the USA, has accused Pope Francis -- "the most progressive pope in history" as the lamestream media call him -- of knowing for at least five years of the gay sex abuse allegations against disgraced Cardinal theodore McCarrick, now wearing his dog collar in the dog house for "allegedly" (LOL) abusing scores of priests and seminarians.
The accusation comes as Francis tours Ireland, playing the old humble card yet again as he begs for forgiveness for decades of Catholic abuse, not just in America but in Eire, Chile and... well, if you're part of the Gay Mafia, the world's your playground.
Archbishop Viganò stated his case in an 11-page letter published today. In his testimony, the prelate said he told the pope, "Holy Father, I don't know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation of Bishops, there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance."
Abp Viganò goes on to say that he was surprised, shortly thereafter, to see that instead of being sent into seclusion, the cardinal molester began travelling on missions on behalf of the Church. He reportedly went to China, and was known to have been one of the Vatican's intermediaries involved in talks between the US and Cuba talks in 2014.
A cascade of child sex abuse scandals dating back to 2002 have shaken the foundations of the Roman Catholic Church. The latest revelations came just this month in Pennsylvania, where a grand jury report found that 300 priests had abused more than 1000 children, mostly boys, in six dioceses for a period of some seven decades.
Abp Viganò's "Testimony" is highly substantiated and charges other important cardinals, from Pietro Parolin (aka "Peter the Roman") to Sean Patrick O'Malley to Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga. It is absolutely a must-read, and you can access it, in its entirety, by clicking here.
Archbishop Viganò's letter railed against "homosexual networks present in the Church", with the word "homosexual" appearing 18 times. For more on the PA scandal and the Gay Mafia in the Vatican, see "After PA revelations, Cardinal Burke decries 'gay culture' in Church", WWW 17/8/18. And if you're Catholic, don't miss "Catholics! Help stop 'Synod on Young People'!", WWW 22/8/18.
Further reading:
"Pope Francis covered up McCarrick abuse, former US nuncio testifies", by Diane Montagna, in LifeSite News, a blog highly recommended by yr obdt servant, 25/8/18. Includes official text.
"Former United States Nuncio on the McCarrick Scandal: 'Francis Knew. He Should Resign'", by Sandro Magister, Settimo Cielo, 26/8/18.
The accusation comes as Francis tours Ireland, playing the old humble card yet again as he begs for forgiveness for decades of Catholic abuse, not just in America but in Eire, Chile and... well, if you're part of the Gay Mafia, the world's your playground.
Archbishop Viganò stated his case in an 11-page letter published today. In his testimony, the prelate said he told the pope, "Holy Father, I don't know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation of Bishops, there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance."
Abp Viganò goes on to say that he was surprised, shortly thereafter, to see that instead of being sent into seclusion, the cardinal molester began travelling on missions on behalf of the Church. He reportedly went to China, and was known to have been one of the Vatican's intermediaries involved in talks between the US and Cuba talks in 2014.
A cascade of child sex abuse scandals dating back to 2002 have shaken the foundations of the Roman Catholic Church. The latest revelations came just this month in Pennsylvania, where a grand jury report found that 300 priests had abused more than 1000 children, mostly boys, in six dioceses for a period of some seven decades.
Abp Viganò's "Testimony" is highly substantiated and charges other important cardinals, from Pietro Parolin (aka "Peter the Roman") to Sean Patrick O'Malley to Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga. It is absolutely a must-read, and you can access it, in its entirety, by clicking here.
Archbishop Viganò's letter railed against "homosexual networks present in the Church", with the word "homosexual" appearing 18 times. For more on the PA scandal and the Gay Mafia in the Vatican, see "After PA revelations, Cardinal Burke decries 'gay culture' in Church", WWW 17/8/18. And if you're Catholic, don't miss "Catholics! Help stop 'Synod on Young People'!", WWW 22/8/18.
Further reading:
"Pope Francis covered up McCarrick abuse, former US nuncio testifies", by Diane Montagna, in LifeSite News, a blog highly recommended by yr obdt servant, 25/8/18. Includes official text.
"Former United States Nuncio on the McCarrick Scandal: 'Francis Knew. He Should Resign'", by Sandro Magister, Settimo Cielo, 26/8/18.
Friday, August 24, 2018
Zimbabwe "con court" upholds election result -- surprised?
On August 2nd, Walt reported that Comrade Emmerson "ED" Mnangagwa (pictured with his crocodile smile) won the presidential election in the banana Republic of Zimbabwe by a slim majority -- 50.8% -- just enough to avoid a run-off election.
The result, attributable to massive vote-rigging and intimidation, was challenged by the major opposition party, the MDC, who moved in the country's Constitutional Court (aptly nicknamed the "Con Court") to set aside the result.
This morning Deutsche Welle reports that the Con Court upheld the results of the election. Encore une surprise, non? Expectations of any change in the ultra-left ruling party's disastrous social and economic policies -- e.g. the land grab that dispossessed hundreds of white farmers, as mentioned below -- should therefore be set aside. Mother Africa Wins Again!
The result, attributable to massive vote-rigging and intimidation, was challenged by the major opposition party, the MDC, who moved in the country's Constitutional Court (aptly nicknamed the "Con Court") to set aside the result.
This morning Deutsche Welle reports that the Con Court upheld the results of the election. Encore une surprise, non? Expectations of any change in the ultra-left ruling party's disastrous social and economic policies -- e.g. the land grab that dispossessed hundreds of white farmers, as mentioned below -- should therefore be set aside. Mother Africa Wins Again!
VIDEOS (2): What happens when black Africans turf out white farmers
The day before yesterday, President Trump (Yes, lefties, he's still POTUS!) tweeted that he had directed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to investigate the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and large-scale killing of farmers.
The lamestream media, not to mention the gliberal media (Hello Clinton News Network and MSNBC) are having a field day (no pun intended) saying that the President is doing this only to deflect attention from the supposed problems created for him by the legal embroglio into which Messrs (((Cohen))) and Manafort have sunk or been dragged. The rabid anti-Trumpers at Vox call the dispossessing and murder of South African farmers "a virulent, racist conspiracy theory that has been a pet cause of hardcore white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the alt-right."
In fact the reports are true. Walt, who has considerable experience of southern Africa, called attention to them months ago. See "Aussies welcome Boers fleeing South African land grab", WWW 14/3/18, and "South Africans won't slaughter white farmers... at least not right now", WWW 3/3/18.
Since I posted those, a number of videos have appeared which tell the truth about what's happening in South Africa, and why its far-left government (not to mention its hungry people) will soon regret turfing out the boers (= farmers) responsible for the majority of SA's food production. Here's the first of them, asking a very good question.
And here's the second, produced by an Australian news team, in which we learn that Zimbabwe (known in more prosperous days as Rhodesia), where the landgrab idea was applied at the turn of this century, is now begging the "white settlers" to come back and restart its moribund agricultural sector.
The speaker in the first video asks if the South Africans have learned nothing from the example of their neighbours to the North. Walt answers: apparently not, but they will learn... the hard way. While they're learning, millions of dollars in food aid will be supplied by the western democracies, because to let them starve would be, errr... you know... racist... wouldn't it.
The lamestream media, not to mention the gliberal media (Hello Clinton News Network and MSNBC) are having a field day (no pun intended) saying that the President is doing this only to deflect attention from the supposed problems created for him by the legal embroglio into which Messrs (((Cohen))) and Manafort have sunk or been dragged. The rabid anti-Trumpers at Vox call the dispossessing and murder of South African farmers "a virulent, racist conspiracy theory that has been a pet cause of hardcore white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the alt-right."
In fact the reports are true. Walt, who has considerable experience of southern Africa, called attention to them months ago. See "Aussies welcome Boers fleeing South African land grab", WWW 14/3/18, and "South Africans won't slaughter white farmers... at least not right now", WWW 3/3/18.
Since I posted those, a number of videos have appeared which tell the truth about what's happening in South Africa, and why its far-left government (not to mention its hungry people) will soon regret turfing out the boers (= farmers) responsible for the majority of SA's food production. Here's the first of them, asking a very good question.
And here's the second, produced by an Australian news team, in which we learn that Zimbabwe (known in more prosperous days as Rhodesia), where the landgrab idea was applied at the turn of this century, is now begging the "white settlers" to come back and restart its moribund agricultural sector.
The speaker in the first video asks if the South Africans have learned nothing from the example of their neighbours to the North. Walt answers: apparently not, but they will learn... the hard way. While they're learning, millions of dollars in food aid will be supplied by the western democracies, because to let them starve would be, errr... you know... racist... wouldn't it.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Max Bernier quits Tories, will form new "truly conservative" party
Maxime Bernier, whose tweets that diversity is killing Canada are resonating across the Great No-longer-white North, has just announced that he is leaving the so-called Conservative Party.
He said he will, in the next few weeks, will discuss with real conservatives the founding of a new party prepared to stand up for conservative and Canadian values.
This is a breaking story. I'll have more within the next 24 hours. Right now I'm going to visit M Bernier's new website. If you're a Canadian conservative (note the small C), I urge you to do the same. Tell `em Walt sent ya!
Further reading: "Why I Am Leaving the Conservative Party of Canada", by Maxime Bernier, published just a few minutes ago.
He said he will, in the next few weeks, will discuss with real conservatives the founding of a new party prepared to stand up for conservative and Canadian values.
This is a breaking story. I'll have more within the next 24 hours. Right now I'm going to visit M Bernier's new website. If you're a Canadian conservative (note the small C), I urge you to do the same. Tell `em Walt sent ya!
Further reading: "Why I Am Leaving the Conservative Party of Canada", by Maxime Bernier, published just a few minutes ago.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Catholics! Help stop "Synod on Young People"!
Some people, like your obdt. servant, write about problems in the Roman Catholic Church. Some people, like Michael J. Matt, editor of The Remnant, try to do something about them. I have just received a letter from Mr Matt concerning Synod 2018, a gathering of young people from around the world to meet with Pope Francis and the many gay bishops and priests of the Vatican's "mauve Mafia", scheduled for this October. See "Drinking from the Fountain of Youth will not save the modern Church", by Jim Bannister, Fatima News & Views, 11/6/18.
Michael Matt writes:
Dear Friends in Christ the King:
I need your help with an important piece of Catholic action. We need to stop the Synod on Young People that is scheduled to take place in Rome this coming October.
Inviting young people from ages 16-29 to come to Rome to discuss vocations with bishops and cardinals who may have covered for predators or who may be predators themselves is offensive to the victims, dangerous to the young people, and a scandal to faithful Catholics.
The full extent of the clerical predation in the hierarchy will take years to uncover. This Synod must be cancelled while the civil authorities and law enforcement fully investigate the breadth and depth of the clerical predation.
Therefore, The Remnant has launched a petition demanding that the Synod be postponed indefinitely, and I'm hoping I can count on your help to spread this petition far and wide.
We are done playing games. This evil occupying force in the Catholic Church must be exposed and expelled. Sign the Petition TODAY to Stop the Synod.
The battle is raging, dear friends. No time for despair or to grow despondent. Our Church -- the true Church of Christ the King -- needs all her sons and daughters to come to her aid, to keep the Faith, to pray the Rosary and to fight like soldiers of Christ have always done in times like these.
Join us, and let’s go to war together and let them know: We have not yet begun to fight, and we know Who wins in the end.
In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt
Further reading and viewing -- both posts contain Remnant TV videos:
"Catholics! Into the new catacombs! Keep the Faith!", WWW 22/1/17
"Best Remnant TV VIDEO... ever!", WWW 19/12/17
Michael Matt writes:
Dear Friends in Christ the King:
I need your help with an important piece of Catholic action. We need to stop the Synod on Young People that is scheduled to take place in Rome this coming October.
Inviting young people from ages 16-29 to come to Rome to discuss vocations with bishops and cardinals who may have covered for predators or who may be predators themselves is offensive to the victims, dangerous to the young people, and a scandal to faithful Catholics.
The full extent of the clerical predation in the hierarchy will take years to uncover. This Synod must be cancelled while the civil authorities and law enforcement fully investigate the breadth and depth of the clerical predation.
Therefore, The Remnant has launched a petition demanding that the Synod be postponed indefinitely, and I'm hoping I can count on your help to spread this petition far and wide.
- Share this email with friends and family
- Post the link to the petition on your social media platforms
- Use word of mouth to let people know of The Remnant Petition to stop the Synod!
We are done playing games. This evil occupying force in the Catholic Church must be exposed and expelled. Sign the Petition TODAY to Stop the Synod.
The battle is raging, dear friends. No time for despair or to grow despondent. Our Church -- the true Church of Christ the King -- needs all her sons and daughters to come to her aid, to keep the Faith, to pray the Rosary and to fight like soldiers of Christ have always done in times like these.
Join us, and let’s go to war together and let them know: We have not yet begun to fight, and we know Who wins in the end.
In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt
Further reading and viewing -- both posts contain Remnant TV videos:
"Catholics! Into the new catacombs! Keep the Faith!", WWW 22/1/17
"Best Remnant TV VIDEO... ever!", WWW 19/12/17
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Do you have a vagina or a "front hole"?
Ed. tells me to think twice about following a serious piece (see today's first post) with something silly, but this piece of loony left idiocy is so great that it must be shared immediately!
A blog (new to us) called The Caldron Pool reports that an online newsletter called HealthLine, in an article headed "Why we need an LGBTQIA-inclusive safer sex guide", claims that "health disparities" and higher rates of HIV and STIs observed in "LGBTQIA communities" [How many more letters can they add to the old "LGBT"? Ed.] are due to discrimination in the sex education world. So, the California based health information provider has adopted the gender-inclusive term "front hole" in place of the medical term, "vagina" in their latest LGBTQIA safe sex guide.
Really. [Really???!!! Ed. Looks like a hoax to me.] OK, Ed., you chase this down but it looks like the kind of thing that Dr Benjamin Levin [Is he out of jail yet? Ed.] or some other pervert might have written.
Meanwhile, Agent 78, who knows about these things, says that anatomically speaking, "front hole" is incorrect. She supplied a graphic to explain what she meant, but considerations of space preclude us from publishing it. Sorry.
A blog (new to us) called The Caldron Pool reports that an online newsletter called HealthLine, in an article headed "Why we need an LGBTQIA-inclusive safer sex guide", claims that "health disparities" and higher rates of HIV and STIs observed in "LGBTQIA communities" [How many more letters can they add to the old "LGBT"? Ed.] are due to discrimination in the sex education world. So, the California based health information provider has adopted the gender-inclusive term "front hole" in place of the medical term, "vagina" in their latest LGBTQIA safe sex guide.
Really. [Really???!!! Ed. Looks like a hoax to me.] OK, Ed., you chase this down but it looks like the kind of thing that Dr Benjamin Levin [Is he out of jail yet? Ed.] or some other pervert might have written.
Meanwhile, Agent 78, who knows about these things, says that anatomically speaking, "front hole" is incorrect. She supplied a graphic to explain what she meant, but considerations of space preclude us from publishing it. Sorry.
New poll: record numbers of Canucks against more immigration
The official party line of Canada's Liberal government, dutifully parroted by the state-owned Canadian Broadcorping Castration, is that the majority of tolerant and progressive Canadians support immigration, and all the benefits that admitting hordes of Third-Worlders will bring to a grateful country. Just a few days ago, the Ministry of Immigration and Refugees [sic] released the results of a poll, taken in March, that said that although Canucks have some reservations about the asylum-seekers crossing the US-Canada border "irregularly", they still welcome the world's poor huddled masses.
Walt and others called BS on that one. The truth is that, outside of the chattering classes of downtown Toronto and Parliament Hill, most Canadians have been dubious for decades about the merits of higher levels of immigration, now closing on 300,000 per year not counting the illegals. Today's National Post reveals the truth about popular sentiment, according to a poll taken in late July by the respected Angus Reid organization. Walt trusts that Angus Reid and Postmedia won't mind our reposting part of the article by Brian Platt and the main graphic, which shows clearly the growth of opposition to immigration over the past few years. [Memo to Postmedia: Walt doesn't make any money from this blog! It's a public service. Thank you! Ed.]
The report from the Angus Reid Institute analyzes polling data going back to 1975. It shows that throughout that period a relatively constant number of Canadians — around one in four — have always said they think immigration levels should be decreased, while support for keeping levels the same has tended to be slightly higher. Only about 10% of Canadians have supported increasing the levels during that time. But the latest poll shows a spike in opposition to immigration, which the organization says coincides with "more frequent and increasingly fraught conversations about policy regarding immigration and migration to Canada."
This year's survey shows 49% of respondents think immigration levels should be decreased, compared to 36% in 2014. 31% think levels should stay the same, compared to 48% in 2014. Only 6% think levels should be increased, compared to 9% in 2014. This brilliant bit of satire, scraped from Blazing Cat Fur, explains why so many Canucks feel that way.
Walt wonders if King Trudeau II is pleased with his handiwork. Turns out his constant virtue-signalling and shaming Canadians who disagree with him (see "What happens when Canadians exercise their right to speak freely about illegal border jumpers and diversity", WWW 20/8/18) has had the effect of poking the bear. We'll see the results in 14 months... or sooner, if Mr Socks decides to call a snap election before things get worse.
But chances of a snap election are, IMHO, slim and none. (Lifetime pct .991.) Junior doesn't read the polls, or the comments section on those CBC articles where commenting is allowed (as long as M-103 is respected).
Just yesterday, Saddam Hussesn, the Somali-born Minister for Refugees &c, announced that the Gliberals are dropping the controversial lottery system for reuniting immigrant families and moving to a first-come, first-served online system. Under the family reunification programme, they will admit 20,500 parents and grandparents -- many of them illiterate and suffering from chronic illnesses -- in 2019, and 21,000 in 2020. Those numbers are more than double the figure for the first year of JT's government, 2016, in which 10,000 applications were approved. Talk about listening to public opinion! The Liberals are stone deaf... and in 14 months will be stone dead! (Lifetime pct still .991.)
Further reading: Never thought we'd see the day when Walt would recommend a piece by the CBC's resident anti-Trumper, Neil Macdonald, but "Maxime Bernier is challenging orthodoxy. He deserves a civil reply", dealing as it does with freedom of speech, is worth reading. The comments section is open too!
Walt and others called BS on that one. The truth is that, outside of the chattering classes of downtown Toronto and Parliament Hill, most Canadians have been dubious for decades about the merits of higher levels of immigration, now closing on 300,000 per year not counting the illegals. Today's National Post reveals the truth about popular sentiment, according to a poll taken in late July by the respected Angus Reid organization. Walt trusts that Angus Reid and Postmedia won't mind our reposting part of the article by Brian Platt and the main graphic, which shows clearly the growth of opposition to immigration over the past few years. [Memo to Postmedia: Walt doesn't make any money from this blog! It's a public service. Thank you! Ed.]
The report from the Angus Reid Institute analyzes polling data going back to 1975. It shows that throughout that period a relatively constant number of Canadians — around one in four — have always said they think immigration levels should be decreased, while support for keeping levels the same has tended to be slightly higher. Only about 10% of Canadians have supported increasing the levels during that time. But the latest poll shows a spike in opposition to immigration, which the organization says coincides with "more frequent and increasingly fraught conversations about policy regarding immigration and migration to Canada."
This year's survey shows 49% of respondents think immigration levels should be decreased, compared to 36% in 2014. 31% think levels should stay the same, compared to 48% in 2014. Only 6% think levels should be increased, compared to 9% in 2014. This brilliant bit of satire, scraped from Blazing Cat Fur, explains why so many Canucks feel that way.
Walt wonders if King Trudeau II is pleased with his handiwork. Turns out his constant virtue-signalling and shaming Canadians who disagree with him (see "What happens when Canadians exercise their right to speak freely about illegal border jumpers and diversity", WWW 20/8/18) has had the effect of poking the bear. We'll see the results in 14 months... or sooner, if Mr Socks decides to call a snap election before things get worse.
But chances of a snap election are, IMHO, slim and none. (Lifetime pct .991.) Junior doesn't read the polls, or the comments section on those CBC articles where commenting is allowed (as long as M-103 is respected).
Just yesterday, Saddam Hussesn, the Somali-born Minister for Refugees &c, announced that the Gliberals are dropping the controversial lottery system for reuniting immigrant families and moving to a first-come, first-served online system. Under the family reunification programme, they will admit 20,500 parents and grandparents -- many of them illiterate and suffering from chronic illnesses -- in 2019, and 21,000 in 2020. Those numbers are more than double the figure for the first year of JT's government, 2016, in which 10,000 applications were approved. Talk about listening to public opinion! The Liberals are stone deaf... and in 14 months will be stone dead! (Lifetime pct still .991.)
Further reading: Never thought we'd see the day when Walt would recommend a piece by the CBC's resident anti-Trumper, Neil Macdonald, but "Maxime Bernier is challenging orthodoxy. He deserves a civil reply", dealing as it does with freedom of speech, is worth reading. The comments section is open too!
Monday, August 20, 2018
VIDEOS (2): What happens when Canadians exercise their right to speak freely about illegal border jumpers and diversity
The anti-immigrant tide is rising fast in Canada, triggered (if you'll forgive the expression) by the waves of bogus "refugees" and asylum-seekers jumping acorss the border at Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle QC illegally (or "irregularly", to use the government-approved jargon). It's costing Canuck taxpayers a fortune (even when converted into real dollars) to these economic migrants -- mostly black people from shitholes like Nigeria and Haïti -- free food, clothing, housing and other benefits while their phoney claims are being processsed.
As you'll see in the first video, one Québécoises is fed up, enough so to gatecrash a Liberal "summer corn roast" at Sainte-Anne-de-Sabrevois, in Québec's Eastern Townships, hoping to put a couple of pointed questions to le Roi Just In Trudeau. After all, Canada's a free country, EH, where one need not be afraid to say what's on one's mind. Here's what happened.
The irate taxpayer said, "I want to know when you are going to refund the $146 million we paid for your illegal immigrants!" She repeated this several times before being shouted down by the crowd of card-carrying Liberals. But Mr Socks did manage to reply without answering the question. "This intolerance towards immigrants has no room in Canada," he said. And then he played the liberal trump card, "Racism has no place here."
That's the liberal way. If someone disagrees with your "progressive" views on, say, immigration... or crime... or anything, call them a racist! Then, while your supports cheer and wet their pants in admiration of your virtue, sic security on them. So much for freedom of speech.
Which brings us to Maxime Bernier's now-famous six tweets in which he said that diversity was destroying Canada. See "Top Conservative says diversity will destroy formerly Great White North", WWW 13/8/18. As the Toronto Sun's Anthony Furey explains in our second video for today, M Bernier did no more than say what hundreds of thousands of dismayed Canucks figured out months and months ago. For his pains, he was denounced as... wait for it... a racist, an Islamophobe, the whole litany of leftist epithets.
What M Bernier said is right on the money, IMHO, but very few Canadians have the cojones to agree with him in public, let alone speak out themselves, for fear of the PC police, not just in the lamestream media but, in the case of Canada's so-called Conservatives, in their own party. Andrew Scheer, who beat M Bernier for the Conservative leadership in a rather fragrant election, would say only that M Bernier was speaking for himself, not the party. As for himself (Scheer), he can't tolerate intolerance, or racism, or Islamophobia, etc etc etc. What a wimp!
Further reading: "Is diversity really good for us? An American professor's view", WWW 18/8/18.
As you'll see in the first video, one Québécoises is fed up, enough so to gatecrash a Liberal "summer corn roast" at Sainte-Anne-de-Sabrevois, in Québec's Eastern Townships, hoping to put a couple of pointed questions to le Roi Just In Trudeau. After all, Canada's a free country, EH, where one need not be afraid to say what's on one's mind. Here's what happened.
The irate taxpayer said, "I want to know when you are going to refund the $146 million we paid for your illegal immigrants!" She repeated this several times before being shouted down by the crowd of card-carrying Liberals. But Mr Socks did manage to reply without answering the question. "This intolerance towards immigrants has no room in Canada," he said. And then he played the liberal trump card, "Racism has no place here."
That's the liberal way. If someone disagrees with your "progressive" views on, say, immigration... or crime... or anything, call them a racist! Then, while your supports cheer and wet their pants in admiration of your virtue, sic security on them. So much for freedom of speech.
Which brings us to Maxime Bernier's now-famous six tweets in which he said that diversity was destroying Canada. See "Top Conservative says diversity will destroy formerly Great White North", WWW 13/8/18. As the Toronto Sun's Anthony Furey explains in our second video for today, M Bernier did no more than say what hundreds of thousands of dismayed Canucks figured out months and months ago. For his pains, he was denounced as... wait for it... a racist, an Islamophobe, the whole litany of leftist epithets.
What M Bernier said is right on the money, IMHO, but very few Canadians have the cojones to agree with him in public, let alone speak out themselves, for fear of the PC police, not just in the lamestream media but, in the case of Canada's so-called Conservatives, in their own party. Andrew Scheer, who beat M Bernier for the Conservative leadership in a rather fragrant election, would say only that M Bernier was speaking for himself, not the party. As for himself (Scheer), he can't tolerate intolerance, or racism, or Islamophobia, etc etc etc. What a wimp!
Further reading: "Is diversity really good for us? An American professor's view", WWW 18/8/18.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Is diversity really good for us? An American professor's view
Maxime Bernier, a Conservative member of the Canadian Parliament, made this week's news bigtime by posting a series of six tweets in which he dared to suggest that the "diversity" preached incessantly by Canuck PM Just In Trudeau has gone far enough, even too far. Canada is diverse enough, said M Bernier, and more diversity will destroy what was a great country. "The Great White North"... no more.
That M Bernier dared to say what hundreds of thousands of Canadians are thinking has led to his being pilloried in the lamestream media, particularly the state-owned Canadian Broadcorping Castration. Just today they are seeking to connect him to the cutting down of a sign in a Winterpeg park which, for some bizarre reason, was renamed to honour the Pakistani leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who insisted on the partition of India, at the end of the British Raj, into separate Hindu and Muslim states, which resulted in a bloodbath in which millions were killed.
But I digress. Here are a couple of excerpts from the now-famous Bernier tweets.
Having people live among us who reject basic Western values such as freedom, equality, tolerance and openness doesn’t make us strong. People who refuse to integrate into our society and want to live apart in their ghetto don’t make our society strong....
Trudeau's extreme multiculturalism and cult of diversity will divide us into little tribes that have less and less in common, apart from their dependence on government....
More diversity will not be our strength, it will destroy what has made us such a great country.
Click here to read all six tweets, in their entirety.
Such views are not often aired in Canada, especially since the Liberal-majority House of Commons adopted bill M-103, which is a thinly veiled warning to anyone thinking of challenging the progressive narrative. Political incorrectness will be punished! In the USA, however the First Amendment to the Constitution still protects freedom of speech, although sometimes you really have to fight for it.
One person who has had the courage to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy is Edward J. Erler, Professor Emeritus of political science at California State University, San Bernardino, and co-author of The Founders on Citizenship and Immigration: Principles and Challenges in America. On 11 April 2018, Prof. Erler delivered a speech to a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Colorado Springs. In it, he raised points very similar to those raised three months later by Maxime Bernier. Like these...
Our progressive politicians and opinion leaders proclaim their commitment to diversity almost daily, chanting the same refrain: "Diversity is our strength." This is the gospel according to political correctness. But how does diversity strengthen us? Is it a force for unity and cohesiveness? Or is it a source of division and contention?
Does it promote the common good and the friendship that rests at the heart of citizenship? Or does it promote racial and ethnic division and something resembling the tribalism that prevents most of the world from making constitutional government a success? When is the last time we heard anyone in Washington talk about the common good? We are used to hearing talk about the various stakeholders and group interests, but not much about what the nation has in common.
This should not be surprising. Greater diversity means inevitably that we have less in common, and the more we encourage diversity the less we honor the common good. Any honest and clear-sighted observer should be able to see that diversity is a solvent that dissolves the unity and cohesiveness of a nation -- and we should not be deceived into believing that its proponents do not understand the full impact of their advocacy!
The emphasis is mine. For the full text (adapted for print) click here to read "Does Diversity Really Unite Us? Citizenship and Immigration", in Imprimis, July-August 2018.
Footnote: While researching this piece, Ed. stumbled (aided by Ma Nifkins' jellied gin, perhaps) on a truly ridiculous "Table of Diversity", devised by "diversity leaders" to help in "hiring, retaining, and developing diverse talent". Click on the link to evaluate how the intersectionality of your diversity qualifies you for a highly-paid position in the human rights industry... or welfare.... As long as you're not a straight, white, born-in-the-USA male, the choice is yours!
That M Bernier dared to say what hundreds of thousands of Canadians are thinking has led to his being pilloried in the lamestream media, particularly the state-owned Canadian Broadcorping Castration. Just today they are seeking to connect him to the cutting down of a sign in a Winterpeg park which, for some bizarre reason, was renamed to honour the Pakistani leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who insisted on the partition of India, at the end of the British Raj, into separate Hindu and Muslim states, which resulted in a bloodbath in which millions were killed.
But I digress. Here are a couple of excerpts from the now-famous Bernier tweets.
Having people live among us who reject basic Western values such as freedom, equality, tolerance and openness doesn’t make us strong. People who refuse to integrate into our society and want to live apart in their ghetto don’t make our society strong....
Trudeau's extreme multiculturalism and cult of diversity will divide us into little tribes that have less and less in common, apart from their dependence on government....
More diversity will not be our strength, it will destroy what has made us such a great country.
Click here to read all six tweets, in their entirety.
Such views are not often aired in Canada, especially since the Liberal-majority House of Commons adopted bill M-103, which is a thinly veiled warning to anyone thinking of challenging the progressive narrative. Political incorrectness will be punished! In the USA, however the First Amendment to the Constitution still protects freedom of speech, although sometimes you really have to fight for it.
One person who has had the courage to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy is Edward J. Erler, Professor Emeritus of political science at California State University, San Bernardino, and co-author of The Founders on Citizenship and Immigration: Principles and Challenges in America. On 11 April 2018, Prof. Erler delivered a speech to a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Colorado Springs. In it, he raised points very similar to those raised three months later by Maxime Bernier. Like these...
Our progressive politicians and opinion leaders proclaim their commitment to diversity almost daily, chanting the same refrain: "Diversity is our strength." This is the gospel according to political correctness. But how does diversity strengthen us? Is it a force for unity and cohesiveness? Or is it a source of division and contention?
Does it promote the common good and the friendship that rests at the heart of citizenship? Or does it promote racial and ethnic division and something resembling the tribalism that prevents most of the world from making constitutional government a success? When is the last time we heard anyone in Washington talk about the common good? We are used to hearing talk about the various stakeholders and group interests, but not much about what the nation has in common.
This should not be surprising. Greater diversity means inevitably that we have less in common, and the more we encourage diversity the less we honor the common good. Any honest and clear-sighted observer should be able to see that diversity is a solvent that dissolves the unity and cohesiveness of a nation -- and we should not be deceived into believing that its proponents do not understand the full impact of their advocacy!
The emphasis is mine. For the full text (adapted for print) click here to read "Does Diversity Really Unite Us? Citizenship and Immigration", in Imprimis, July-August 2018.
Footnote: While researching this piece, Ed. stumbled (aided by Ma Nifkins' jellied gin, perhaps) on a truly ridiculous "Table of Diversity", devised by "diversity leaders" to help in "hiring, retaining, and developing diverse talent". Click on the link to evaluate how the intersectionality of your diversity qualifies you for a highly-paid position in the human rights industry... or welfare.... As long as you're not a straight, white, born-in-the-USA male, the choice is yours!
Friday, August 17, 2018
After PA revelations, Cardinal Burke decries "gay culture" in Church
In the aftermath of the release of the names of the hundreds of Roman Catholic clergy guilty of the sexual abuse of minors, and the Vatican's delayed and limp-wristed "shame and sorrow" response -- things have got to the point where someone in authority needs to come clean about the Church's dirty hyuge secret. American Cardinal Raymond Burke has done so in an interview with Catholic Action, published yesterday.
The fundamental problem, said the prelate, is not so much pedophilia as homosexuality within the ranks of the clergy, right up to the very highest levels. The existence of the Gay Mafia in the Vatican has been an open secret for years. See, for example, "Second sex scandal in Rome! Pope asks forgiveness... from whom?", WWW 14/10/15. After this week's revelations of sexual abuse, the Cardinal called for "open recognition" of the Church's homosexual culture. "I believe that there needs to be an open recognition that we have a very grave problem of a homosexual culture in the Church," he said, "especially among the clergy and the hierarchy, that needs to be addressed honestly and efficaciously."
A prominent canon lawyer, Cardinal Burke is often perceived as a voice of traditionalism and orthodoxy among prelates of the Catholic Church. In recent years, he has clashed publicly with Pope Francis, vigorously opposing attempts by Francis and other bishops to relax Church attitudes towards gays and people who have divorced and remarried outside the Church, and has spoken of the need to "formally correct" the Pope in relation to Amoris laetitia.
In this week's interview, Cardinal Burke said it was already "clear after the studies following the 2002 sexual abuse crisis that most of the acts of abuse were in fact homosexual acts committed with adolescent young men. There was a studied attempt to either overlook or to deny this," he said, referring to the lamestream media cover-up of the homosexual nature of the abuse as well as such denial within the church itself. "Now it seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root."
What do you think are the chances of the clergy and hierarchy being purified? Walt sez: somewhere between slim and none. Lifetime pct .992.
Further reading: "Cardinal Burke: U.S. Catholic Church in 'possibly the worst crisis that it's ever experienced'", by Claire Chretien, LifeSite News, 16/8/18.
The fundamental problem, said the prelate, is not so much pedophilia as homosexuality within the ranks of the clergy, right up to the very highest levels. The existence of the Gay Mafia in the Vatican has been an open secret for years. See, for example, "Second sex scandal in Rome! Pope asks forgiveness... from whom?", WWW 14/10/15. After this week's revelations of sexual abuse, the Cardinal called for "open recognition" of the Church's homosexual culture. "I believe that there needs to be an open recognition that we have a very grave problem of a homosexual culture in the Church," he said, "especially among the clergy and the hierarchy, that needs to be addressed honestly and efficaciously."
A prominent canon lawyer, Cardinal Burke is often perceived as a voice of traditionalism and orthodoxy among prelates of the Catholic Church. In recent years, he has clashed publicly with Pope Francis, vigorously opposing attempts by Francis and other bishops to relax Church attitudes towards gays and people who have divorced and remarried outside the Church, and has spoken of the need to "formally correct" the Pope in relation to Amoris laetitia.
In this week's interview, Cardinal Burke said it was already "clear after the studies following the 2002 sexual abuse crisis that most of the acts of abuse were in fact homosexual acts committed with adolescent young men. There was a studied attempt to either overlook or to deny this," he said, referring to the lamestream media cover-up of the homosexual nature of the abuse as well as such denial within the church itself. "Now it seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root."
What do you think are the chances of the clergy and hierarchy being purified? Walt sez: somewhere between slim and none. Lifetime pct .992.
Further reading: "Cardinal Burke: U.S. Catholic Church in 'possibly the worst crisis that it's ever experienced'", by Claire Chretien, LifeSite News, 16/8/18.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
MSM - The truth is not out there! The truth is HERE!
Trust in the lamestream media is at an all time low. There are heavy agendas at work, and people have noticed. Much of the "news" purveyed by the likes of the Clinton News Network, MSNBC, Canadian Broadcorping Castration and even ESPN is either fake or so biased it might as well be fake. Conservative/Republican/alt-Right BAD!
Liberal/Democrat/antiFa/SJW/"progressive" good. Just compare the coverage of the same story -- any story -- on (for example) CNN and Fox News. Are they reporting on the same event? Are they living on the same planet?
More problematic, in terms of getting the truth, is what the lamestream media don't tell us. Anything that doesn't fit the liberal narrative, or makes the "progressive" flavour-of-the-month look bad, is suppressed. In a lame effort to show that it is fair and unbiased (as it should be, since it's taxpayer-funded), the CBC allows comments on its news site. But only sometimes. And only some comments! Two of Walt's readers have been having fun trying to post disparaging words about Canada's SJW "Minister of Global Affairs". They are competing to see who can get more comments "pinked" (= disabled). One of them, who I'll identify only as "JU" is currently in the lead, having been banned from the boards for three week. The words "hate crime" were used in the notice of his punishment.
Here's another example. This week I put up a post on the latest terror attack in London, in which "someone" drove a car into a crowd outside Westminster, the British parliament building. It took two days for the London police and the state-owned BBC to provide any information about the attacker. When the facts could be suppressed no longer, they finally admitted the would-be killer was "a British citizen", to which they added, almost in a whisper "born in another country". Turns out the other country was Sudan, a predominantly Muslim country in Africa.
But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more. From Breitbart News (a source routinely disparaged by the LSM) we learn that Salih Khater "came to Britain after spending two years in Libya, and was granted asylum by the British government. Just weeks before what police are treating as an attempted terror attack, Khater was granted full British citizenship. And yes, he's a Muslim. (To be fair, Breitbart cribbed their report from the Times of London, one of the least worst mainstream sources.)
The media, academia and the clever folks in Hollywood still can't get over the fact that Donald Trump won the election in spite of their strenuous efforts. Alleged people like Joy Behar jsut can't get over it! They rail against POTUS for every supposedly evil deed, word or even thought committed since his election, or before it, or expected to be committed in the future (e.g. starting a war with Iran).
At the moment they're consigning him to hell for having supposedly used the word "nigger" -- notice I didn't wimp out and refer to it as "the N-word" -- a decade or so ago. And for calling a woman of colour a "dog", even though the Donald has used the same epithet, recently, to describe a number of white men. Honestly, dear reader, who amongst us has never in his life called people names like that... or worse?
Fortunately, it doesn't matter. Outside of the chattering classes on the coasts, no-one cares. No-one is even listening! Last week, more viewers tuned in to the history channel and HGTV than CNN. Fox news is still the most-viewed news channel. In the (((controlled media))) you'll find all the "truth" that (((George Soros'))) of Jeff Bezos' or can buy, or that the liberal democratic governments of Canada and Britain will allow. But the real truth is over here, in the wonderful world of blogs and independent media.
Here, as a public service, is my highly selective list of blogs and websites which present real news and alternative opinions. I won't embed URLs because I know my readers are intelligent enough to use a search engine to find the ones they're looking for. Most of these have been quoted or mentioned on WWW, so you can also use the search window in the top right corner to find them.
Bill Whittle; Blazing Cat Fur; Breitbart News; Canadian Times; Dr Rich Swier; Lew Rockwell; Michelle Malkin; The Occidental Observer; People's Cube; Post Millennial; Rebel Media; The Remnant (great site for traditional Catholics!); Ron Paul Liberty Report; Small Dead Animals; Steyn Online; Taki's Magazine; White Genocide Project.
Liberal/Democrat/antiFa/SJW/"progressive" good. Just compare the coverage of the same story -- any story -- on (for example) CNN and Fox News. Are they reporting on the same event? Are they living on the same planet?
More problematic, in terms of getting the truth, is what the lamestream media don't tell us. Anything that doesn't fit the liberal narrative, or makes the "progressive" flavour-of-the-month look bad, is suppressed. In a lame effort to show that it is fair and unbiased (as it should be, since it's taxpayer-funded), the CBC allows comments on its news site. But only sometimes. And only some comments! Two of Walt's readers have been having fun trying to post disparaging words about Canada's SJW "Minister of Global Affairs". They are competing to see who can get more comments "pinked" (= disabled). One of them, who I'll identify only as "JU" is currently in the lead, having been banned from the boards for three week. The words "hate crime" were used in the notice of his punishment.
Here's another example. This week I put up a post on the latest terror attack in London, in which "someone" drove a car into a crowd outside Westminster, the British parliament building. It took two days for the London police and the state-owned BBC to provide any information about the attacker. When the facts could be suppressed no longer, they finally admitted the would-be killer was "a British citizen", to which they added, almost in a whisper "born in another country". Turns out the other country was Sudan, a predominantly Muslim country in Africa.
But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more. From Breitbart News (a source routinely disparaged by the LSM) we learn that Salih Khater "came to Britain after spending two years in Libya, and was granted asylum by the British government. Just weeks before what police are treating as an attempted terror attack, Khater was granted full British citizenship. And yes, he's a Muslim. (To be fair, Breitbart cribbed their report from the Times of London, one of the least worst mainstream sources.)
The media, academia and the clever folks in Hollywood still can't get over the fact that Donald Trump won the election in spite of their strenuous efforts. Alleged people like Joy Behar jsut can't get over it! They rail against POTUS for every supposedly evil deed, word or even thought committed since his election, or before it, or expected to be committed in the future (e.g. starting a war with Iran).
At the moment they're consigning him to hell for having supposedly used the word "nigger" -- notice I didn't wimp out and refer to it as "the N-word" -- a decade or so ago. And for calling a woman of colour a "dog", even though the Donald has used the same epithet, recently, to describe a number of white men. Honestly, dear reader, who amongst us has never in his life called people names like that... or worse?
Fortunately, it doesn't matter. Outside of the chattering classes on the coasts, no-one cares. No-one is even listening! Last week, more viewers tuned in to the history channel and HGTV than CNN. Fox news is still the most-viewed news channel. In the (((controlled media))) you'll find all the "truth" that (((George Soros'))) of Jeff Bezos' or can buy, or that the liberal democratic governments of Canada and Britain will allow. But the real truth is over here, in the wonderful world of blogs and independent media.
Here, as a public service, is my highly selective list of blogs and websites which present real news and alternative opinions. I won't embed URLs because I know my readers are intelligent enough to use a search engine to find the ones they're looking for. Most of these have been quoted or mentioned on WWW, so you can also use the search window in the top right corner to find them.
Bill Whittle; Blazing Cat Fur; Breitbart News; Canadian Times; Dr Rich Swier; Lew Rockwell; Michelle Malkin; The Occidental Observer; People's Cube; Post Millennial; Rebel Media; The Remnant (great site for traditional Catholics!); Ron Paul Liberty Report; Small Dead Animals; Steyn Online; Taki's Magazine; White Genocide Project.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
UPDATED: VIDEO: Black man drives car into crowd near UK parliament, cops "suspect terrorism"
I'm not going to spend too much time one this because it's all becoming so depressingly familiar, besides which no-one was killed... this time.
In London today, at 0737 local time, a man drove a car at high speed along the road in front of Westminster, the seat of the Mother of Parliaments [Notice he didn't say "Mother of ALL Parliaments"? Ed.], hitting several pedestrians and cyclists before crashing into barriers outside the Houses of Parliament.
A black man in his late 20s was arrested at the scene on "suspicion of terrorist offences", according to Inspector Knacker of the Anti-Islamophobia Command of the Metropolitan Police. Yes, we have video showing a man in a puffy black jacket being surrounded by officers, handcuffed and led away from a silver car.
Two people were taken to local hospitals, but authorities said their injuries aren't believed to be life-threatening. Witnesses, however, were shocked, shocked by the "incident", which was reminiscent of a similar occurrence near the same place a year ago, when four people were killed and at least 50 were injured after a man, later identified as Khalid Masood, a follower of the Prophet, drove an SUV into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge.
Some witnesses went so far as to suggest that today's "incident" was deliberate. The Counter-Terrorism Command of the Metropolitan Police is now in charge of the investigation, but are keeping the usual politically correct silence about the suspect. "He was arrested on suspicion of terrorist offences," the bobbies said in a statement. "There was nobody else in the vehicle, which remains at the scene and is being searched. No weapons have been recovered at this stage." Nothing to worry about or even talk about, then.
UPDATE ADDED 14/8/18 at 1055: We now have a photo of the "suspect" dragged out of the car by the police.
Doesn't look like an Arab, does he. But that doesn't mean he's not an Islamist. Latest reports say the "suspect" lived in Birmingham. His identity has not yet been revealed -- mustn't provoke Islamophobia, you know -- nor has his status in the UK. Mustn't provoke xenophobia or anti-immigrant backlast either!
UPDATED ADDED 15/8/18 at 0440: The suspect now having his collar felt by London police has been identified as Salih Khater, a 29-year-old "British citizen of Sudanese origin". He was living in public housing about 10 minutes from the former home of Khalid Masood, the Islamic terrorist responsible for last year's London bridge massacre. Diffident British "authorities" still haven't used words like "Muslim" or "Islam", but no-one is being fooled by the cover-up.
In London today, at 0737 local time, a man drove a car at high speed along the road in front of Westminster, the seat of the Mother of Parliaments [Notice he didn't say "Mother of ALL Parliaments"? Ed.], hitting several pedestrians and cyclists before crashing into barriers outside the Houses of Parliament.
A black man in his late 20s was arrested at the scene on "suspicion of terrorist offences", according to Inspector Knacker of the Anti-Islamophobia Command of the Metropolitan Police. Yes, we have video showing a man in a puffy black jacket being surrounded by officers, handcuffed and led away from a silver car.
Two people were taken to local hospitals, but authorities said their injuries aren't believed to be life-threatening. Witnesses, however, were shocked, shocked by the "incident", which was reminiscent of a similar occurrence near the same place a year ago, when four people were killed and at least 50 were injured after a man, later identified as Khalid Masood, a follower of the Prophet, drove an SUV into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge.
Some witnesses went so far as to suggest that today's "incident" was deliberate. The Counter-Terrorism Command of the Metropolitan Police is now in charge of the investigation, but are keeping the usual politically correct silence about the suspect. "He was arrested on suspicion of terrorist offences," the bobbies said in a statement. "There was nobody else in the vehicle, which remains at the scene and is being searched. No weapons have been recovered at this stage." Nothing to worry about or even talk about, then.
UPDATE ADDED 14/8/18 at 1055: We now have a photo of the "suspect" dragged out of the car by the police.
Doesn't look like an Arab, does he. But that doesn't mean he's not an Islamist. Latest reports say the "suspect" lived in Birmingham. His identity has not yet been revealed -- mustn't provoke Islamophobia, you know -- nor has his status in the UK. Mustn't provoke xenophobia or anti-immigrant backlast either!
UPDATED ADDED 15/8/18 at 0440: The suspect now having his collar felt by London police has been identified as Salih Khater, a 29-year-old "British citizen of Sudanese origin". He was living in public housing about 10 minutes from the former home of Khalid Masood, the Islamic terrorist responsible for last year's London bridge massacre. Diffident British "authorities" still haven't used words like "Muslim" or "Islam", but no-one is being fooled by the cover-up.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Top Conservative says diversity will destroy formerly Great White North
Cazart! Maxime Bernier, runner-up to Andrew Scheer in last year's contest for leadership of Canada's so-called Conservative Party, showed this weekend that he had the cojones to say -- OK, to tweet -- what his party won't even imply. See "Canuck 'conservatives' wimp out, pull anti-border jumpers ad", WWW 18/7/18.
In a thread of six tweets posted yesterday, the Québec MP accused Canuck Prime Minister Just In Trudeau of fostering a "cult of diversity" that he believes will destroy the country. He said that more diversity (which he described as "cultural balkanization") will "divide [Canada] into little tribes" and bring "distrust, social conflict, and potentially violence."
Walt is pleased to share the entire six-part thread. Note especially #4. Truer words were never spoken, and they apply not just to Canada but to all the AABC countries and the ultra-liberal democracies of western Europe as well.
1/ Trudeau keeps pushing his “diversity is our strength” slogan. Yes, Canada is a huge and diverse country. This diversity is part of us and should be celebrated. But where do we draw the line?
Diversity is what makes Canada strong: Trudeau https://globalnews.ca/video/4382393/diversity-is-what-makes-canada-strong-trudeau …
8:28 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
2/ Ethnic, religious, linguistic, sexual and other minorities were unjustly repressed in the past. We’ve done a lot to redress those injustices and give everyone equal rights. Canada is today one of the countries where people have the most freedom to express their identity.
8:29 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
3/ But why should we promote ever more diversity? If anything and everything is Canadian, does being Canadian mean something? Shouldn’t we emphasize our cultural traditions, what we have built and have in common, what makes us different from other cultures and societies?
8:31 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
4/ Having people live among us who reject basic Western values such as freedom, equality, tolerance and openness doesn’t make us strong. People who refuse to integrate into our society and want to live apart in their ghetto don’t make our society strong.
8:32 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
5/ Trudeau’s extreme multiculturalism and cult of diversity will divide us into little tribes that have less and less in common, apart from their dependence on government in Ottawa. These tribes become political clienteles to be bought with taxpayers $ and special privileges.
8:34 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
6/ Cultural balkanisation brings distrust, social conflict, and potentially violence, as we are seeing everywhere. It’s time we reverse this trend before the situation gets worse. More diversity will not be our strength, it will destroy what has made us such a great country.
8:36 PM - Aug 12, 2018
In a thread of six tweets posted yesterday, the Québec MP accused Canuck Prime Minister Just In Trudeau of fostering a "cult of diversity" that he believes will destroy the country. He said that more diversity (which he described as "cultural balkanization") will "divide [Canada] into little tribes" and bring "distrust, social conflict, and potentially violence."
Walt is pleased to share the entire six-part thread. Note especially #4. Truer words were never spoken, and they apply not just to Canada but to all the AABC countries and the ultra-liberal democracies of western Europe as well.
1/ Trudeau keeps pushing his “diversity is our strength” slogan. Yes, Canada is a huge and diverse country. This diversity is part of us and should be celebrated. But where do we draw the line?
Diversity is what makes Canada strong: Trudeau https://globalnews.ca/video/4382393/diversity-is-what-makes-canada-strong-trudeau …
8:28 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
2/ Ethnic, religious, linguistic, sexual and other minorities were unjustly repressed in the past. We’ve done a lot to redress those injustices and give everyone equal rights. Canada is today one of the countries where people have the most freedom to express their identity.
8:29 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
3/ But why should we promote ever more diversity? If anything and everything is Canadian, does being Canadian mean something? Shouldn’t we emphasize our cultural traditions, what we have built and have in common, what makes us different from other cultures and societies?
8:31 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
4/ Having people live among us who reject basic Western values such as freedom, equality, tolerance and openness doesn’t make us strong. People who refuse to integrate into our society and want to live apart in their ghetto don’t make our society strong.
8:32 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
5/ Trudeau’s extreme multiculturalism and cult of diversity will divide us into little tribes that have less and less in common, apart from their dependence on government in Ottawa. These tribes become political clienteles to be bought with taxpayers $ and special privileges.
8:34 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Replying to @MaximeBernier
6/ Cultural balkanisation brings distrust, social conflict, and potentially violence, as we are seeing everywhere. It’s time we reverse this trend before the situation gets worse. More diversity will not be our strength, it will destroy what has made us such a great country.
8:36 PM - Aug 12, 2018
Sunday, August 12, 2018
RIP V.S. Naipaul: he said what white men couldn't
So, farewell then, V.S. Naipaul -- racist, misanthropist and Nobel Prize winner. Another Trinidadian writer, C.L.R. James, said that his views on the world -- "The world is what it is" -- and its human inhabitants simply reflected "what the whites want to say but dare not." That explains why I, being Whiteman by name and white man in fact, have underlined so many passages in his books, of which I've read (and recommend) almost all.
Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul was born five days shy of 86 years ago in Trinidad, a descendant of impoverished Indians shipped to the West Indies as coolies -- bonded labourers. "I was born there, yes," he told an interviewer in 1983. "I thought it was a great mistake." In 1950, Mr Naipaul was awarded a scarce government scholarship to study in Britain, and left his family to study English literature at University College, Oxford. He never really returned.
Mr Naipaul saw himself as a lone, stateless observer, free of ideology, politics and illusion. From his base in England, he travelled for extensive periods to pen journalistic essays and travel books. He flew three times to India, the land of his ancestors, to write about its culture and politics, which he disliked intensely. He spent time in Buenos Aires to write about Eva Peron, the former First Lady of Argentina. And he went to Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia to research and write books about Islam, which he condemned.
That Sir Vidia Naipaul (knighted in 1990) was a great writer -- a master stylist and story-teller with a cold, clear eye for the ironies, tragedies and sufferings of mankind -- is beyond doubt. But he is one of those authors who one either loves or hates. To his detractors, he was essentially political, bearing witness against the post-colonial world with great writing but shielded from criticism by virtue of being "one of them". His many critics called him "troubling", even "bigoted". They saw him as a "hater", a purveyor of stereotypes, wallowing in loathing of the world from which he came.
His supporters, however, found in his fiction merciless comic clarity, and in his travel writing a terrifying honesty. He refused to glamorise or idealise the developing world, but delivered original, scorching critiques, devoid of political correctness. He was fearless and unbiased in his criticism, attacking the cruelty of Islam, the corruption of Africa and the self-inflicted misery he witnessed in the poorest parts of the globe. The Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk said that Mr Naipaul represented third-world people "not with sugary magic realism but with their demons, their misdeeds and horrors -- which made them less victims and more human."
"There probably has been no imperialism like that of Islam and the Arabs", he once declared. He was scornful of the Caribbean, predicted that Africa would revert to bush (as indeed it has, IMHO) and often veered towards unapologetic misogyny. Indian women, he once wrote, wear a coloured dot on their foreheads to say "My head is empty."
V.S. Naipaul had little time for idealistic westerners who romanticised India and looked to it for a spiritual awakening. In the land of his ancestors, he saw only ugliness and a smug refusal to recognise the horror of the "narrow, broken lanes with green slime in the gutters, the chocked back-to-back houses, the jumble of filth and food and animals and people, the baby in the dust, swollen-bellied, black with flies, but wearing its good-luck amulet."
He was even more contemptuous of Islamic fundamentalism, which he decried long before 9/11 in The Believers (1981). One New York Times writer observed that it bore an antipathy to Islam so naked "that a book taking a comparable view of Christianity or Judaism would have been hard put to find a publisher" in America. An academic, Edward Said, said he found it hard to believe any rational person would attack entire cultures on such a scale.
Sir Vidia Naipaul will be remembered as a magical craftsman of English prose. He leaves behind a complex, challenging library of work which captures the complexities of the modern world in a unique blend of imagination, travel writing and autobiography. RIP.
Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul was born five days shy of 86 years ago in Trinidad, a descendant of impoverished Indians shipped to the West Indies as coolies -- bonded labourers. "I was born there, yes," he told an interviewer in 1983. "I thought it was a great mistake." In 1950, Mr Naipaul was awarded a scarce government scholarship to study in Britain, and left his family to study English literature at University College, Oxford. He never really returned.
Mr Naipaul saw himself as a lone, stateless observer, free of ideology, politics and illusion. From his base in England, he travelled for extensive periods to pen journalistic essays and travel books. He flew three times to India, the land of his ancestors, to write about its culture and politics, which he disliked intensely. He spent time in Buenos Aires to write about Eva Peron, the former First Lady of Argentina. And he went to Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia to research and write books about Islam, which he condemned.
That Sir Vidia Naipaul (knighted in 1990) was a great writer -- a master stylist and story-teller with a cold, clear eye for the ironies, tragedies and sufferings of mankind -- is beyond doubt. But he is one of those authors who one either loves or hates. To his detractors, he was essentially political, bearing witness against the post-colonial world with great writing but shielded from criticism by virtue of being "one of them". His many critics called him "troubling", even "bigoted". They saw him as a "hater", a purveyor of stereotypes, wallowing in loathing of the world from which he came.
His supporters, however, found in his fiction merciless comic clarity, and in his travel writing a terrifying honesty. He refused to glamorise or idealise the developing world, but delivered original, scorching critiques, devoid of political correctness. He was fearless and unbiased in his criticism, attacking the cruelty of Islam, the corruption of Africa and the self-inflicted misery he witnessed in the poorest parts of the globe. The Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk said that Mr Naipaul represented third-world people "not with sugary magic realism but with their demons, their misdeeds and horrors -- which made them less victims and more human."
"There probably has been no imperialism like that of Islam and the Arabs", he once declared. He was scornful of the Caribbean, predicted that Africa would revert to bush (as indeed it has, IMHO) and often veered towards unapologetic misogyny. Indian women, he once wrote, wear a coloured dot on their foreheads to say "My head is empty."
V.S. Naipaul had little time for idealistic westerners who romanticised India and looked to it for a spiritual awakening. In the land of his ancestors, he saw only ugliness and a smug refusal to recognise the horror of the "narrow, broken lanes with green slime in the gutters, the chocked back-to-back houses, the jumble of filth and food and animals and people, the baby in the dust, swollen-bellied, black with flies, but wearing its good-luck amulet."
He was even more contemptuous of Islamic fundamentalism, which he decried long before 9/11 in The Believers (1981). One New York Times writer observed that it bore an antipathy to Islam so naked "that a book taking a comparable view of Christianity or Judaism would have been hard put to find a publisher" in America. An academic, Edward Said, said he found it hard to believe any rational person would attack entire cultures on such a scale.
Sir Vidia Naipaul will be remembered as a magical craftsman of English prose. He leaves behind a complex, challenging library of work which captures the complexities of the modern world in a unique blend of imagination, travel writing and autobiography. RIP.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
While Canuck minister plays SJW, USA and Mexico near NAFTA deal
Canadian investors and businesspeople are chewing their nails, waiting and hoping for their federal government (Just In Trudeau, Prop.) to get serious about reaching a deal with the Paranoid States of America (and maybe Mexico) to renew the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The economies of the Land of the Somewhat Free and the Great No-longer-white North are so intertwined that a reversion to the status quo ante would be disastrous for Canada, less so for the USA. Canucks are worried about the possible failure of negotiations, Americans... not so much.
Chrystia Freeland, Canada's silver-spoon liberal Minister of Global Affairs [sic], announced as negotiations got under way that her Liberal government's priorities would be: aboriginal rights, gender equity and climate change. The American negotiators replied, "Huh? Don't you want to talk business?" Months of dithering have passed with Canada and the USA failing to even get on the same page, while the Mexicans look on in puzzlement.
So tired are the Americans of having to deal with the fragrant Ms Freeland and her SJW agenda that they resorted to holding "lower level" meetings without her. See "Canuck foreign minister Freeland skips 5th round of NAFTA talks", WWW 16/11/17. Mr Socks responded by putting former Conservative Prime Minister Lyin' Brian Mulroney and cabinet minister Rona Ambrose on the negotiating team, but everyone knew that was just for show since Ms Freeland won't talk to anybody who doesn't agree with the liberal orthodoxy. "These people are impossible to deal with! I'm going home!" was how she responded to questions from the Belgian government during negotiations for a Canada-European Union trade deal.
The Americans' next ploy was to let it be known, through "back channels", that they would be happy to sit down with someone more business-minded. That led to a clandestine visit to the White House by Stephen "Call Me Steve" Harper, the Conservative who Junior defeated in October of 2015. See "Mysterious meeting between WH bigshots and former Canadian PM", WWW 28/6/18. Unfortunately, word of the visit leaked out, and the Liberals can't afford politically to follow up on any progress which might have been made.
The state of play at the moment is that, absent the distraction of Ms Freeland and her SJW demands, the USA and Mexico are having productive talks, getting down to where the rubber meets the road. Reports this week suggest they're getting close to a deal, including an agreement on the contentious auto sector. That a deal is imminent was confirmed by none other than POTUS himself, who sent out this tweet on Friday.
Because of tariffs and trade barriers, President Trump said, "Canada must wait." Bad news for the Canucks, but not unexpected. Two days earlier, Breitbart News reported that former New York Stock Exchange President Tom Farley said expected Trump to reach a trade deal with Mexico before the midterm elections. "Likely not Canada. China will be the bogeyman," he said. "You’ll see China continue to struggle. And then the idea will be can we get a big trade deal prior to [Donald Trump's] next election" in 2020.
Before the NAFTA negotiations got underway, many predicted that President Trump would have the hardest time working with Mexico because of his promise to erect a wall along the border. Instead, American negotiators have discovered they have a lot of common ground with the Mexicans, and talks have gone well. The stumbling block in renegotiating a tripartite NAFTA is... wait for it... Canada!
Chrystia Freeland, Canada's silver-spoon liberal Minister of Global Affairs [sic], announced as negotiations got under way that her Liberal government's priorities would be: aboriginal rights, gender equity and climate change. The American negotiators replied, "Huh? Don't you want to talk business?" Months of dithering have passed with Canada and the USA failing to even get on the same page, while the Mexicans look on in puzzlement.
So tired are the Americans of having to deal with the fragrant Ms Freeland and her SJW agenda that they resorted to holding "lower level" meetings without her. See "Canuck foreign minister Freeland skips 5th round of NAFTA talks", WWW 16/11/17. Mr Socks responded by putting former Conservative Prime Minister Lyin' Brian Mulroney and cabinet minister Rona Ambrose on the negotiating team, but everyone knew that was just for show since Ms Freeland won't talk to anybody who doesn't agree with the liberal orthodoxy. "These people are impossible to deal with! I'm going home!" was how she responded to questions from the Belgian government during negotiations for a Canada-European Union trade deal.
The Americans' next ploy was to let it be known, through "back channels", that they would be happy to sit down with someone more business-minded. That led to a clandestine visit to the White House by Stephen "Call Me Steve" Harper, the Conservative who Junior defeated in October of 2015. See "Mysterious meeting between WH bigshots and former Canadian PM", WWW 28/6/18. Unfortunately, word of the visit leaked out, and the Liberals can't afford politically to follow up on any progress which might have been made.
The state of play at the moment is that, absent the distraction of Ms Freeland and her SJW demands, the USA and Mexico are having productive talks, getting down to where the rubber meets the road. Reports this week suggest they're getting close to a deal, including an agreement on the contentious auto sector. That a deal is imminent was confirmed by none other than POTUS himself, who sent out this tweet on Friday.
Because of tariffs and trade barriers, President Trump said, "Canada must wait." Bad news for the Canucks, but not unexpected. Two days earlier, Breitbart News reported that former New York Stock Exchange President Tom Farley said expected Trump to reach a trade deal with Mexico before the midterm elections. "Likely not Canada. China will be the bogeyman," he said. "You’ll see China continue to struggle. And then the idea will be can we get a big trade deal prior to [Donald Trump's] next election" in 2020.
Before the NAFTA negotiations got underway, many predicted that President Trump would have the hardest time working with Mexico because of his promise to erect a wall along the border. Instead, American negotiators have discovered they have a lot of common ground with the Mexicans, and talks have gone well. The stumbling block in renegotiating a tripartite NAFTA is... wait for it... Canada!
Friday, August 10, 2018
By the company they keep shall ye know them
Canada's Liberal Party, which presently forms the federal government (but just till October 2019!) and ruled the province of Ontario for 15 years until a fed-up public turfed them out in June, has often been accused of cozying up to Muslims. Putting the welcome mat out for Muslim refugees, M-103 (which prohibits saying anything bad about Islam), a Somali-born Muslim as Minister for Refugees -- it's all part of the irreversible browning of Canada. Not to mention Isalmization [M-103! Ed.] and adding 1000s of Mohammeds to the Liberal voter base.
Every once in a while a story emerges to prove that what the liberal progressives claim is a nutty conspiracy theory is actually true. Here's an interesting photo, taken in 2013, showing John Fraser (second from left), a member of the Ontario legislature and now leader of the Liberal Party in that province, and David McGuinty (second from right), a Liberal member of the federal parliament (and brother of the second-last Liberal premier of Ontario) at the Assalam mosque in Ottawa, the capital of Canuckistan.
The Assalam mosque is notable for having just been stripped of its status as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency (the Canadian version of the IRS). Why? Well... errr... because of "activities that promote hate and intolerance". ☪ Hate and intolerance. In a temple of the Religion of Peace™. Can you imagine ?!?!™
Losing its charitable status means the mosque no longer benefits from the tax advantages enjoyed by government-registered charities. Even better, it can't collect money to support Islamic terrorism and allow donors to claim their contributions as income tax deductions.
The CRA took the action against the Ottawa Islamic Centre and Assalam Mosque following audits that raised concerns about the Islamic extremists who appeared there as guest speakers. In a letter to the mosque's executive, a CRA bureaucrat wrote, "Many of the views expressed by the organization's speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence." Again... imagine that!
The CRA also expressed concern that "radicalized individuals" had attended the mosque. One such jihadi-wannabe, Ashton Larmond, is now doing time in the federal rock hockey arena for attempting to join ISIS.
Canada's Global News published documents detailing the results of the CRA audits. The agency admitted being unable to determine exactly what the various speakers said while rousing the rabble at the mosque, but found views publicly expressed elsewhere by a number of the speakers and found them to be at odds with the "public benefit| required of charities under Canadian tax law.
The documents singled out Abu Usamah At-thahabi, Bilal Philips, Hakkeem Quick and Saed Rageah, all of whom had spoken at the Assalam mosque one or more times. According to the CRA, Mr At-thahabi has called women "deficient", said Christians and Jews were enemies (no surprise there), spoke about throwing homosexuals off a mountain, and said apostates -- people who leave the Islamic faith -- should be killed.
Mr Philips has been denied entry to several countries (but not Canada, thanks to the Liberal open border policy) and has been described as "anti-Semitic, intolerant and 'contrary to integration'", whatever that means. In a video described in the CRA documents, he said Islam was opposed to terrorism but "does not shrink from using violence to gain some of its ends, to establish itself in certain areas/to gain control of Muslim lands."
Mr Quick had "advocated for the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to be liberated from the filth of the Jews" and was condemned by the New Zealand Broadcasting Authority in 2004 for what was termed "hate speech" towards homosexuals, the CRA said. Mr Rageah runs a Toronto Islamic centre. The CRA quoted an Australian newspaper report that said he had been denied entry to the country and "displayed anti-Western and homophobic attitudes."
According to the documents, the CRA also has concerns with regard to Mr. Rageahès relationship with the Al-Magrib Institute, and his role as founder and leader of the Journey of Faith conference, which has afforded individuals known for their extremist opinions an opportunity to address thousands of gatherers in Toronto.
Walt is shocked, shocked, not by the list of provocations and offences committed by these apostles of militant Islam, but by the fact that the Assalam Mosque and Ottawa Islamic Centre are actually being punished (albeit mildly) for hosting them. You'd think with Liberal friends like Messrs Fraser and McGuinty they'd be able to preach hatred with impunity.
Every once in a while a story emerges to prove that what the liberal progressives claim is a nutty conspiracy theory is actually true. Here's an interesting photo, taken in 2013, showing John Fraser (second from left), a member of the Ontario legislature and now leader of the Liberal Party in that province, and David McGuinty (second from right), a Liberal member of the federal parliament (and brother of the second-last Liberal premier of Ontario) at the Assalam mosque in Ottawa, the capital of Canuckistan.
The Assalam mosque is notable for having just been stripped of its status as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency (the Canadian version of the IRS). Why? Well... errr... because of "activities that promote hate and intolerance". ☪ Hate and intolerance. In a temple of the Religion of Peace™. Can you imagine ?!?!™
Losing its charitable status means the mosque no longer benefits from the tax advantages enjoyed by government-registered charities. Even better, it can't collect money to support Islamic terrorism and allow donors to claim their contributions as income tax deductions.
The CRA took the action against the Ottawa Islamic Centre and Assalam Mosque following audits that raised concerns about the Islamic extremists who appeared there as guest speakers. In a letter to the mosque's executive, a CRA bureaucrat wrote, "Many of the views expressed by the organization's speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence." Again... imagine that!
The CRA also expressed concern that "radicalized individuals" had attended the mosque. One such jihadi-wannabe, Ashton Larmond, is now doing time in the federal rock hockey arena for attempting to join ISIS.
Canada's Global News published documents detailing the results of the CRA audits. The agency admitted being unable to determine exactly what the various speakers said while rousing the rabble at the mosque, but found views publicly expressed elsewhere by a number of the speakers and found them to be at odds with the "public benefit| required of charities under Canadian tax law.
The documents singled out Abu Usamah At-thahabi, Bilal Philips, Hakkeem Quick and Saed Rageah, all of whom had spoken at the Assalam mosque one or more times. According to the CRA, Mr At-thahabi has called women "deficient", said Christians and Jews were enemies (no surprise there), spoke about throwing homosexuals off a mountain, and said apostates -- people who leave the Islamic faith -- should be killed.
Mr Philips has been denied entry to several countries (but not Canada, thanks to the Liberal open border policy) and has been described as "anti-Semitic, intolerant and 'contrary to integration'", whatever that means. In a video described in the CRA documents, he said Islam was opposed to terrorism but "does not shrink from using violence to gain some of its ends, to establish itself in certain areas/to gain control of Muslim lands."
Mr Quick had "advocated for the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to be liberated from the filth of the Jews" and was condemned by the New Zealand Broadcasting Authority in 2004 for what was termed "hate speech" towards homosexuals, the CRA said. Mr Rageah runs a Toronto Islamic centre. The CRA quoted an Australian newspaper report that said he had been denied entry to the country and "displayed anti-Western and homophobic attitudes."
According to the documents, the CRA also has concerns with regard to Mr. Rageahès relationship with the Al-Magrib Institute, and his role as founder and leader of the Journey of Faith conference, which has afforded individuals known for their extremist opinions an opportunity to address thousands of gatherers in Toronto.
Walt is shocked, shocked, not by the list of provocations and offences committed by these apostles of militant Islam, but by the fact that the Assalam Mosque and Ottawa Islamic Centre are actually being punished (albeit mildly) for hosting them. You'd think with Liberal friends like Messrs Fraser and McGuinty they'd be able to preach hatred with impunity.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Winnie the Pooh film banned in China
Are you looking forward to taking the kiddos to see Christopher Robin, the new Disney film based on A.A. Milne's famous Winnie the Pooh books? Lots of Chinese were hoping to see it, but Agent 88 sends word that they're SOL, as the film has been banned in China.
No official reason has been given for the film's having been "denied release" (as a spokesthingy for The Mouse put it), Winnie the Pooh has become a symbol of resistance to the Communist Party that rules China after bloggers started to compare Chinese President Xi Jinping to the friendly but clumsy, slow-witted and tubby toy bear.
The new film tells the story of a now middle-aged Christopher Robin, whose mundane life takes a turn when he is unexpectedly reunited with Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and other animals from his childhood. Coming soon to a cinema near you. (Not you, Chen!)
Further reading: Winnie the Pooh has been mentioned before on WWW, just once. See "Fired on the first day of work", 7/4/14, one of Walt's most-read posts!
No official reason has been given for the film's having been "denied release" (as a spokesthingy for The Mouse put it), Winnie the Pooh has become a symbol of resistance to the Communist Party that rules China after bloggers started to compare Chinese President Xi Jinping to the friendly but clumsy, slow-witted and tubby toy bear.
The new film tells the story of a now middle-aged Christopher Robin, whose mundane life takes a turn when he is unexpectedly reunited with Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and other animals from his childhood. Coming soon to a cinema near you. (Not you, Chen!)
Further reading: Winnie the Pooh has been mentioned before on WWW, just once. See "Fired on the first day of work", 7/4/14, one of Walt's most-read posts!
VIDEO: Is the death penalty really "inadmissable" or "unacceptable"?
Last week, Pope Francis sowed a great deal of confusion amongst faithful Catholics -- especially traditional Catholics like yr obdt servant -- by declaring that capital punishment -- the death penalty -- is "unacceptable in all cases". Until now, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) taught that the death penalty was acceptable if it was "the only practicable way" to defend lives and protect society.
On Thursday, the Pope said that executions are "an attack on human dignity", and that the Church would work "with determination" to abolish capital punishment worldwide. Abolishing the death penalty has long been one of the Francis's top priorities, along with saving the environment and caring for immigrants and "refugees". That tells you all you need to know about the man who apparently wants to go down in history as "the SJW pope".
The Holy Father seems to have overlooked (or ignored) the fact that making this radical change to what the Church has always taught is likely to challenge Catholic politicians, judges and officials who have argued that their Church was not entirely opposed to capital punishment. And let's not forget the millions of "ordinary people" like Walt who understood from many right-to-life events that the Church was opposed to capital punishment, in any circumstance, as Pope Francis is now saying.
"Thou shalt not kill." Period. I was dimly aware that there were exceptions to that commandment -- a just war, for example -- but didn't realize that an exception might apply in certain criminal cases. Had I thought about it, I would have wondered what sort of crimes deserved that punishment, other than murder. Would treason, for example, be rightly punishable by "Off with his head!"? It certainly wasn't justifiable in the case of Saint Thomas More. How about abortion? Should we kill the baby-killers? How about rape? How bad would it have to be? Would the age of the victim be a factor? There are those who think that execution is too good for someone who rapes of a child of tender years. (St Matthew 18:6)
There is a further point of concern. The president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization (whatever that is) said that the revision of the CCC's teaching on the death penalty is an instance of "true dogmatic progress...that has gradually matured to the point of making us understand the unsustainability of the death penalty in our day." That's the official Vatican line. It's all part of that "hermeneutic of continuity" that Pope Benedict XVI talked about while making a series of radical breaks with the past.
Writing in L'Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican organ, Abp Rino Fisichella said Church tradition "is not representable as an insect imprisoned in amber, to say it in a colorful English expression. If that were the case, we would have destroyed it. The teaching of the faith of the Church, rather, is an announcement, a word that remains alive..."
But that's Newspeak (vide 1984) It's just wrong! A diocesan priest wrote to me his thoughts on "a very bad move by Francis. I still think that the Holy Spirit knew that it would be a severe test of the faith of many good conservative Catholics; or that maybe Satan got permission from God to 'inspire' the Pope to do this, sure that it would do a lot of harm....
"Catholics in general were not against total mercy, not against dealing with crime other than [by] capital punishment, but...against total condemnation of it because of Scripture, the Church, and tradition. Commendable faith. But the teaching has always been justifying capital punishment, not commanding it....
"On so many levels Francis seems wrong. In order to agree with him I might have to double down and go with the assumption that God in the Old Testament (and even in the New) has catered to man's weakness. That would explain why He allowed polygamy in the O.T. On the other hand, Christ decreed the end of polygamy but did not do the same for capital punishment.... Does that mean there is a difference between changing a teaching that specifically allows something (e.g. capital punishment in some circumstances) and changing a teaching that specifically condemns something (e.g. homosexual practices)?
"I'm also concerned that the Church is taking the necessary tools away from the civil authorities to exercise their responsibility to control crime in some times, places and conditions. These circumstances prevailed in the past, probably exist to some extent even now, and could return again in the unforeseeable future."
That's one priest's opinion. Here's another, the latest in the "Sunday Sermons from South St. Paul" series on The Remnant TV. In what surely must be one of the most courageous sermons of 2018, this diocesan priest (from a different diocese) takes the gloves off and asks: "What's it going to be? The constant teaching established by Scripture, doctors and fathers of the Church, sainted popes and God Himself? Or that which rests on the whim of Pope Francis, who seems to think the Catholic Church’s binding teaching is whatever his opinion happens to be." God help us, what is this man thinking, that in the middle of the most outrageous clerical sex scandal to date he decides it’s time to go after capital punishment.
Further reading:
"The Absolute 'No' To the Death Penalty. A Victory For the Gospel, Or For 'Secular Humanism'?", by Sandro Magister, in Settimo Cielo, his blog in L'Espresso, 6/8/18.
"Le non absolu à la peine de mort. Victoire de l’Évangile ou de 'l’humanisme séculier'?" The same, in French, in Diakonos.be: Regards sur l'Eglise catholique.
"The Death Penalty, Instituted by God Himself (The Biblical Basis for Catholic Teaching on Capital Punishment)", an older piece by Solange Herts (RIP), reprinted in The Remnant, 6/8/18.
On Thursday, the Pope said that executions are "an attack on human dignity", and that the Church would work "with determination" to abolish capital punishment worldwide. Abolishing the death penalty has long been one of the Francis's top priorities, along with saving the environment and caring for immigrants and "refugees". That tells you all you need to know about the man who apparently wants to go down in history as "the SJW pope".
The Holy Father seems to have overlooked (or ignored) the fact that making this radical change to what the Church has always taught is likely to challenge Catholic politicians, judges and officials who have argued that their Church was not entirely opposed to capital punishment. And let's not forget the millions of "ordinary people" like Walt who understood from many right-to-life events that the Church was opposed to capital punishment, in any circumstance, as Pope Francis is now saying.
"Thou shalt not kill." Period. I was dimly aware that there were exceptions to that commandment -- a just war, for example -- but didn't realize that an exception might apply in certain criminal cases. Had I thought about it, I would have wondered what sort of crimes deserved that punishment, other than murder. Would treason, for example, be rightly punishable by "Off with his head!"? It certainly wasn't justifiable in the case of Saint Thomas More. How about abortion? Should we kill the baby-killers? How about rape? How bad would it have to be? Would the age of the victim be a factor? There are those who think that execution is too good for someone who rapes of a child of tender years. (St Matthew 18:6)
There is a further point of concern. The president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization (whatever that is) said that the revision of the CCC's teaching on the death penalty is an instance of "true dogmatic progress...that has gradually matured to the point of making us understand the unsustainability of the death penalty in our day." That's the official Vatican line. It's all part of that "hermeneutic of continuity" that Pope Benedict XVI talked about while making a series of radical breaks with the past.
Writing in L'Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican organ, Abp Rino Fisichella said Church tradition "is not representable as an insect imprisoned in amber, to say it in a colorful English expression. If that were the case, we would have destroyed it. The teaching of the faith of the Church, rather, is an announcement, a word that remains alive..."
But that's Newspeak (vide 1984) It's just wrong! A diocesan priest wrote to me his thoughts on "a very bad move by Francis. I still think that the Holy Spirit knew that it would be a severe test of the faith of many good conservative Catholics; or that maybe Satan got permission from God to 'inspire' the Pope to do this, sure that it would do a lot of harm....
"Catholics in general were not against total mercy, not against dealing with crime other than [by] capital punishment, but...against total condemnation of it because of Scripture, the Church, and tradition. Commendable faith. But the teaching has always been justifying capital punishment, not commanding it....
"On so many levels Francis seems wrong. In order to agree with him I might have to double down and go with the assumption that God in the Old Testament (and even in the New) has catered to man's weakness. That would explain why He allowed polygamy in the O.T. On the other hand, Christ decreed the end of polygamy but did not do the same for capital punishment.... Does that mean there is a difference between changing a teaching that specifically allows something (e.g. capital punishment in some circumstances) and changing a teaching that specifically condemns something (e.g. homosexual practices)?
"I'm also concerned that the Church is taking the necessary tools away from the civil authorities to exercise their responsibility to control crime in some times, places and conditions. These circumstances prevailed in the past, probably exist to some extent even now, and could return again in the unforeseeable future."
That's one priest's opinion. Here's another, the latest in the "Sunday Sermons from South St. Paul" series on The Remnant TV. In what surely must be one of the most courageous sermons of 2018, this diocesan priest (from a different diocese) takes the gloves off and asks: "What's it going to be? The constant teaching established by Scripture, doctors and fathers of the Church, sainted popes and God Himself? Or that which rests on the whim of Pope Francis, who seems to think the Catholic Church’s binding teaching is whatever his opinion happens to be." God help us, what is this man thinking, that in the middle of the most outrageous clerical sex scandal to date he decides it’s time to go after capital punishment.
Further reading:
"The Absolute 'No' To the Death Penalty. A Victory For the Gospel, Or For 'Secular Humanism'?", by Sandro Magister, in Settimo Cielo, his blog in L'Espresso, 6/8/18.
"Le non absolu à la peine de mort. Victoire de l’Évangile ou de 'l’humanisme séculier'?" The same, in French, in Diakonos.be: Regards sur l'Eglise catholique.
"The Death Penalty, Instituted by God Himself (The Biblical Basis for Catholic Teaching on Capital Punishment)", an older piece by Solange Herts (RIP), reprinted in The Remnant, 6/8/18.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Canada's SJW foreign minister irks Saudis; diplomatic spat ensues
Canada used to have a Ministry of External Affairs, as opposed to "internal affairs", the kind that no-one else has any business sticking their nose into. Later the Ministry was renamed "Foreign Affairs", and the person in charge was called the Foreign Minister (as opposed to "foreign ministers" like Canada's Somali-born Minister of Refugees). The nomenclature changed when liberal one-worlder Just In Trudeau was elected in the fall of 2015. Now Canada has a Ministry of Global Affairs, to show that Canada is now a post-national state, part of the world community, yada yada yada.
The minister Mr Socks put in charge of Global Affairs Canada, as it's now called, is a dimunitive but vociferous SJW feminist named Chrystia Freeland, mentioned here before (use the search tool), notably for breaking into tears and stomping out of the room during negotiations over a proposed Canada-European Union trade deal. In a change from the customary language of diplomacy, the fragrant and emotional minister cried (literally), "These people are impossible to deal with. I'm going home to my children!"
No-one, except Hairboy and the state-owned CBC takes Ms Freeland seriously. The Canada-EU trade deal was signed, but remains in limbo, not having been ratified by all the EU governments. A more urgent piece of unfinished business is the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Ms Freeland is in charge of the file, which is too bad since the Americans want to talk business, not issues of "climate change" and "gender equity". See "Canuck foreign minister Freeland skips 5th round of NAFTA talks", WWW 16/11/17, and "Mysterious meeting between WH bigshots and former Canadian PM", WWW 28/6/18.
Left with nothing to do while the Americans and Mexicans meet in Washington, Ms Freeland found some other business into which to poke her prominent nose. A few readers [probably very few. Ed.] may remember the story of Raif Badawi, a Saudi Arabian blogger who was tried and convicted of having "insulted Islam through electronic channels". He was condemned to seven years in prison and 600 lashes, later raised to 10 years in prison, 1000 lashes and a monetary fine. His wife, Ensaf Haidar, fled to Canuckistan along with her three children, and celebrated last Canada Day by becoming a citizen.
That's the kind of sob story that tugs on the heart strings of SJWs like Chrystia Freeland, even though Ms Haidar has called for a burqa ban similar to that now in force in Denmark and other sensible countries. So Ms Freeland has thrown her support into the campaign to release Mr Badawi, and has instructed her minion to "make representations", as the dips say, to the Saudis.
It hasn't worked. Not only is Mr Badawi still in jail, but his sister, Samar Badawi, has now been arrested. Ooooooooh!!! that just made Ms Freeland's blood boil, so much so that she forgot that she's supposed to be Canada's top diplomat, and on August 2nd tweeted her displeasure with the evil Saudis for the whole world to see.
Foreign Affairs Canada [sic] (@CanadaFP) put out a similar tweet at almost the same time, and to add fuel to the fire, repeated it in Arabic. The Saudis were not pleased, and treated Ms Freeland's interference as something more than a minor diplomatic gaffe. The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs (not Global Affairs) accused Canada of making false statements and interfering with Saudi internal affairs, and gave Canuck ambassador Dennis Horak 24 hours to get out of Dodge [Riyadh, surely! Ed.] They also recalled their ambassador to Canada for consultations. And for good measure, they put an immediate freeze on all new trade and investment transactions with Canada.
Well done, Chrystia Freeland! The Israelis and Iranians will certainly be pleased, as will every human rights activist and social justice warrior in the liberal world.
But the fight has only started. What we've seen so far is only the official Saudi government response to Ms Freeland's egregious meddling. (There has been no comment yet from her boss, who was busy preaching diversity and marching in a Pride parade out in British Columbia.) Direr [more dire? Ed.] warnings have come from "other quarters", including this poster created by the Saudi Arabian social media creative group @Infographic_KSA.
Like the Global Affairs (or Foreign Affairs or whatever it is) tweets, versions of this appeared in Arabic, French and other languages. The message, clearly intended as a warning, doesn't specify what would not please Canadians, but the image of an Air Canada jet heading for Toronto's iconic CN Tower/Tour CN is plain enough for even a Canadian liberal to understand.
@Infographic_KSA describes itself as a project "managed by a group of Saudi youth who are interested in technology and social media facts backed by numbers & evidence." They do not say anything about any connection to any "faith-based organization". They don't need to... EH.
Footnote: The Canuck government's spin on SNAFU was clear from initial reports on the CBC, which referred consistently to tweets "from Global Affairs Canada", barely mentioning Chrystia Freeland, who apparently was unavailable for comment, let alone an apology for any offence caused. See "Questioning the CBC's love affair with Chrystia Freeland", WWW 8/10/17.
The minister Mr Socks put in charge of Global Affairs Canada, as it's now called, is a dimunitive but vociferous SJW feminist named Chrystia Freeland, mentioned here before (use the search tool), notably for breaking into tears and stomping out of the room during negotiations over a proposed Canada-European Union trade deal. In a change from the customary language of diplomacy, the fragrant and emotional minister cried (literally), "These people are impossible to deal with. I'm going home to my children!"
No-one, except Hairboy and the state-owned CBC takes Ms Freeland seriously. The Canada-EU trade deal was signed, but remains in limbo, not having been ratified by all the EU governments. A more urgent piece of unfinished business is the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Ms Freeland is in charge of the file, which is too bad since the Americans want to talk business, not issues of "climate change" and "gender equity". See "Canuck foreign minister Freeland skips 5th round of NAFTA talks", WWW 16/11/17, and "Mysterious meeting between WH bigshots and former Canadian PM", WWW 28/6/18.
Left with nothing to do while the Americans and Mexicans meet in Washington, Ms Freeland found some other business into which to poke her prominent nose. A few readers [probably very few. Ed.] may remember the story of Raif Badawi, a Saudi Arabian blogger who was tried and convicted of having "insulted Islam through electronic channels". He was condemned to seven years in prison and 600 lashes, later raised to 10 years in prison, 1000 lashes and a monetary fine. His wife, Ensaf Haidar, fled to Canuckistan along with her three children, and celebrated last Canada Day by becoming a citizen.
That's the kind of sob story that tugs on the heart strings of SJWs like Chrystia Freeland, even though Ms Haidar has called for a burqa ban similar to that now in force in Denmark and other sensible countries. So Ms Freeland has thrown her support into the campaign to release Mr Badawi, and has instructed her minion to "make representations", as the dips say, to the Saudis.
It hasn't worked. Not only is Mr Badawi still in jail, but his sister, Samar Badawi, has now been arrested. Ooooooooh!!! that just made Ms Freeland's blood boil, so much so that she forgot that she's supposed to be Canada's top diplomat, and on August 2nd tweeted her displeasure with the evil Saudis for the whole world to see.
Foreign Affairs Canada [sic] (@CanadaFP) put out a similar tweet at almost the same time, and to add fuel to the fire, repeated it in Arabic. The Saudis were not pleased, and treated Ms Freeland's interference as something more than a minor diplomatic gaffe. The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs (not Global Affairs) accused Canada of making false statements and interfering with Saudi internal affairs, and gave Canuck ambassador Dennis Horak 24 hours to get out of Dodge [Riyadh, surely! Ed.] They also recalled their ambassador to Canada for consultations. And for good measure, they put an immediate freeze on all new trade and investment transactions with Canada.
Well done, Chrystia Freeland! The Israelis and Iranians will certainly be pleased, as will every human rights activist and social justice warrior in the liberal world.
But the fight has only started. What we've seen so far is only the official Saudi government response to Ms Freeland's egregious meddling. (There has been no comment yet from her boss, who was busy preaching diversity and marching in a Pride parade out in British Columbia.) Direr [more dire? Ed.] warnings have come from "other quarters", including this poster created by the Saudi Arabian social media creative group @Infographic_KSA.
Like the Global Affairs (or Foreign Affairs or whatever it is) tweets, versions of this appeared in Arabic, French and other languages. The message, clearly intended as a warning, doesn't specify what would not please Canadians, but the image of an Air Canada jet heading for Toronto's iconic CN Tower/Tour CN is plain enough for even a Canadian liberal to understand.
@Infographic_KSA describes itself as a project "managed by a group of Saudi youth who are interested in technology and social media facts backed by numbers & evidence." They do not say anything about any connection to any "faith-based organization". They don't need to... EH.
Footnote: The Canuck government's spin on SNAFU was clear from initial reports on the CBC, which referred consistently to tweets "from Global Affairs Canada", barely mentioning Chrystia Freeland, who apparently was unavailable for comment, let alone an apology for any offence caused. See "Questioning the CBC's love affair with Chrystia Freeland", WWW 8/10/17.