Monday, January 8, 2018
Oprah for President in 2020?
Well... why not? Who else have the Democrats got? Nancy Pelousy? Joe Hasbin? Bob Eager? Obviously they can't run Hellery Clinton again, so those wonderful folks who brought you "Hillary 2016" last night floated a trial balloon -- a large one -- for a run by one of the World's Richest Women. She war born in the USA -- no "birther" problem there -- on the wrong side of the tracks (check) and is 100% black, not just black-when-necessary-but-not-necessarily-black, like the last Democrat to occupy the Oval Office.
Oprah is also a certified ["certifiable"? Ed.] gliberal, with hyuge media exposure, just like the other one... Whoopie something-or-other. She's also a member of one of America's most bullied minorities -- the chronically overweight. Of course she's never held elected office, but just over a year ago President Trump proved that needn't be a hindrance. In fact, in an interview with Larry King some years ago, The Donald said Ms Winfrey was a great woman, yada yada yada, and might make a good running mate for Himself.
The idea of Oprah Winfrey running for the presidensity sounds to me like a Hollywood liberal dream. I watched the enraptured crowd at the Golden Globes [I always thought that referred to part of a leading lady's anatomy. Ed.] last night, and that's what I saw -- the Hollywood liberal establishment. Lots of (((Jews))) (but no (((Harvey Weinstein)))) and lots of empowered women, but almost no persons of colour (that I could see) or California Republicans (an endangered species).
The people practically wetting themselves when the heavily bespectacled Queen of Spades ["Queen of Daytime TV", shurely! Ed.] started ranting about revolution are the same people who told Americans to vote for Hellery Clinton, and threatened to move to Canada if she lost. She did; they didn't. That's all ye know and all ye need to know.
Don't know where this one (above) originated, but I saw it on Blazing Cat Fur, always good for a laugh at the lefties' expense.
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