Friday, October 2, 2015

Synod on the Family: the Pope's fix is in

The 2015 installment of the Roman Catholic Bishops' Synod on the Family will unfold in Rome later this month. Walt predicts (lifetime pct .981) that Pope Francis and the Gay Mafia in the Vatican, having failed to get their agenda -- welcome homosexuals, let divorced Catholics remarry, "be inclusive -- approved by the required two-thirds majority last year, will succeed this year.

Why do I say that? To begin with, at least one major issue -- the status of Catholics who have divorced and remarried -- has been defused by the Pope's relaxation of the rules and process for annulment -- the so-called "Catholic divorce".

A petition for a decree of nullity can now be approved by the local bishop, and the grounds can be just about anything from infidelity to separation to lack of proper intent right down to "etc". I'm not kidding about "etc". That little abbreviation has actually been added to the list! So a divorced Catholic wishing to get back into communion with the Church need only get the OK from the local bishop, et voilĂ !

When it comes to more contentious issues -- the acceptance of gay "marriage", for example -- the pro-queer modernists in the Vatican are nailing the puck to their sticks [croziers? Ed.] by changing the rules! New rules for the Synod will include elimination of both an interim report and a final message from the bishops, according to an article by Edward Pentin in the National Catholic Register.

In "Critics Sound Alarm Over Possible Changes to Synod Process", Mr. Pentin reports that the new rules -- which are being unveiled by the Vatican even as I write -- will leave Pope Francis to deliver the final message on the Synod’s discussions. Citing "informed sources", he writes that the Pontiff Francis wants "nothing in writing" from the Synod fathers, leaving it to His Holiness to take from the deliberations exactly what he and his modernist cronies want.

Another rumored change is that the rule on propositions having to pass by a two-thirds majority might be eliminated and a simple majority take its place. This would favour controversial proposals, such as those put forward by Cardinal Walter "the Friendly Ghost" Kasper, because his thesis only received a simple majority at the last synod. It should have therefore been rejected under the rules in place, but the Holy Father insisted that it, and the paragraph on a new approach to same-sex relationships that also failed to achieve a two-thirds majority, remain in the lineamenta (guidelines), for this October’s synod.

As the Synod on the Family nears, Catholics need to be aware of what is at stake. If the indissolubility of marriage can be rejected, along with the Church’s teaching that homosexual acts are intrinsically evil, then no doctrine is safe, no moral teaching beyond questioning. This is a moment of unprecedented crisis. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit, Who Our Lord told us would protect His Church from error, will move the bishops to stand up to the pressure being exerted by the modernists, and hold fast to the Traditional Catholic Faith.

Further reading:
"'Unacceptable.' The Base Document of the Synod 'Compromises the Truth'" On the verge of the Synod, three theologians critique and reject the "Instrumentum Laboris". Complete text of their charges, reported by Sandro Magister, in Chiesa, 29/9/15.
"2014 Vatican Synod's 'Welcome gays!' moment was rigged!" (WWW 2/9/15)
"'Church must include, not exclude' says chief Synod rigger" (WWW 18/9/15)

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