Monday, November 25, 2013
Latest fashion for Muslim policewomen... guess where???
Here's the latest in police uniforms designed with political correctness in mind. These two policewomen [female police officers? lady cops? Ed.] are seen on foot patrol, but it's not because they're in Saudi Arabia, where women aren't allowed to drive cars. Noooo... they are in London, England, where the Muslim tail continues to wag the Christian/secular dog. [Must be some kind of mixed breed. Ed.
But the UK is not the only once-Western country where daughters of Islam in the forces will be authorized to cover their hair. Again, noooo.... Police in Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) -- once a bastion of redneck conservatism -- will this week unveil (`scuse the pun!) their own version of the uniform hijab.
According to the Notional Post, the head covering is designed to be worn under a standard uniform cap, so it won't be so noticeable as to give offence to men who think it's bad enough to have female cops in the first place.
The hijab will also be attached to something or other with snaps or velcro, so that it can be torn off easily in a fight. Walt can only speculate about what sort of charges would be laid against someone who assaulted a hijab-wearing copwoman. Would they be prosecuted under the Criminal Code or the Human Rights Act... or both?! The mind boggles.
Edmonton city councillor Scott McKeen [a keen Scot? maybe not. Ed.], called letting Muslim PWs wear the hijab a "gesture of inclusion" toward the local Muslim community which, he said, "can feel a little skittish at times" about Islamophobia. "One of the perceptions about Edmonton and Alberta is that we’re kind of redneck.... [Now we're] sort of saying we want to have a diverse police service that reflects the diversity and multicultural aspects of Edmonton. I’m proud of us."
Note from Ed.: Walt was unable to add a further comment, as he had to leave the room to avoid being sick on the keyboard.
Further reading (and another lovely picture): "Hijab, niqab, burqa -- what's the difference?"
"Arab woman faces whipping for refusing to cover hair with hijab"
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