Friday, May 4, 2012
No Christian tees, please, in Canuck public schools
"Life is wasted without Jesus!" That's the belief of William Swinimer, a sometime Grade 12 student at a so-called public school in Chester Basin. That's on the south shore of Nova Scotia, one of Canada's "down east" provinces. [Somewhere near Chester Shower and Chester Memory? Ed.]
At some point in his progress through school, Bill got the idea that he had the right to free speech. That would be so in the USA -- the First Amendment guarantees that -- but not in Canada, where your right to say what you think stops at the door of a human rights commission. Or in this case, the South Shore Regional School Board.
Perhaps it would have made a difference had Mr. Swinimer chosen to wear a tee-shirt proclaiming his belief in Allah or the New World Order. Instead, his tee-shirt carries the pro-Christian message shown. And for sporting said tee, Bill got suspended from school. His shirt might offend non-Christians, dontcha see. And in Canada, minority rights trump the rights of the majority every time.
Walt is pleased to report that at least some of the Chester Basin's majority decided to be silent no longer. As a result of popular pressure, the SSRSB has gone to the liberal educator's default. Yep, they're bringing in a facilitator, who will facilitate (or whatever) a forum (or whatever) to discuss the issue, which has now been defined as "how to ensure students’ rights are not violated, while protecting other students from criticism". Everyone clear on that?
Ed. thanks Agent 6 for the lead on this story.
PS - If you would like to contact the South Shore Regional School Board to voice your support for their fearless stand in favour of secularism and political correctness, this link will take you to their contact page.
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