Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I had a dream

Last night I had a dream. Just like Martin Luther King. Well, not the same dream, of course. But a pretty good dream. And I thought, in a waking moment, wouldn't it be great if I could "save" this so I could watch it again. Why can't I just plug a flash drive into my ear and download it. But not being a droid (in spite of my R2D2-like shape), I couldn't do that.

That got me thinking about the complexity of the life forms we call human beings. Doctors and scientists still don't fully understand how our brains function. They don't know exactly how we dream or why we dream. But we do.

There are those -- Stephen Hawking is the latest -- who tell us that God had nothing to do with the creation of such complex creatures. It just kind of happened. Just by accident a couple of simple cells swimming in the primordial soup just happened to meet, and billions of years later, voilĂ , homo sapiens.

Yet even genii like Dr. Hawking can't figure out how to replicate a human. You can clone a sheep, but not a person. Perhaps it has something to do with what religous people call "the soul". Which brings us back to God.

I'm not a "creationist", in the sense of believing that God created the world in exactly six 24-hour days, and made man, fully-formed in the shape and image we call "man" today, out of mud. But I do believe in intelligent design.

Maybe, since Hawking and others are intelligent enough, we should call it "super-intelligent design". That's "super-intelligent", a close cousin of "supernatural".

The Bible tells us that God made man. It doesn't give the recipe -- the one that intelligent, 21st-century men are still looking for.

The Bible was written in simpler times, for simple people. It does not tell us how God made us. If you want to believe He did it in a day, that's fine. If you prefer to think that it took a complex evolutionary process, over millions of years, that's fine too.

The important thing is to remember that there is a Higher Power which/whom we call God. Let's not deny Him.

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