Saturday, January 16, 2010

Observations on Haiti

If you think Walt was hard on Michaƫlle Jean, have a look at the comments sections in online stories in the press in which her connection with Haiti is mentioned. It's not just me. There is a lot of anti-Jean sentiment out there. Anti-monarchy sentiment too.

Granted, Her Jeanness managed to shed some tears on TV. She is an experienced TV presenter, remember? Cue the sobs and choked voice. But has she given Dollar One to the Haitian relief effort? Not publicly, at least.

Stephen Harper ought to be glad the earthquake struck Haiti, if only because it's pushed his campaign against democracy in Canada off the front pages. And he can say "See? If I'd done something really bad by suspending Parliament it would have been Ottawa!"

Finally, Walt notes that the refugee industry has gone straight from first to fourth gear with an alacrity greater than Mr. Harpoon's padlocking of the doors to the Centre Block. I saw a suggestion that Haiti be "temporarily" recognized as a province of Canada so all the dispossessed could come here without having to bother about nasty old immigration. A big thumbs down to that one.

Ditto the idea that the 1000s of refugee applications pending should be fast-tracked. I say that because I can't see the sense of moving Haiti's problems, which have existed for centuries, to Canada. We do not have the capacity (nor, I dare say, the will) to absorb 1000s of poor, uneducated and unskilled victims [vizmins? ed.] all in one fell swoop.

One more cynical thought. Once man finishes nature's job of levelling Port-au-Prince, there should be more room and lots of opportunity for the survivors. Let the dispossessed stay where they are and throw themselves into the job of reconstruction and development...with foreign aid that you and I pay for of course.

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