Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Is it too soon to jump to the usual conclusion?

This is a screen grab from a video seen on newscasts worldwide today. This bearded man, wielding a large sword, allegedly attacked several people in the east London suburb  of Hainault this morning, killing a 14-year-old boy and injuring four others. 

"A 36-year-old man" -- maybe not the man pictured? -- was arrested at the scene and is in the custody of the Old Bill. [Will non-Brits know what you mean? Ed.]

Police received calls around 0700 local time reporting that a vehicle had been driven into a house, and that people had been stabbed. 

The video shows a man wearing a yellow hoodie holding a long sword walking in the residential area. The attacker was tasered and apprehended within 22 minutes of the first call to police. Unfortunately,  within those 22 minutes, someone -- maybe the man in the video, maybe not -- stabbed five people. 

A 14-year-old boy was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries but, a police spokesthingy said, he "sadly died shortly afterwards," (Walt can't imagine anyone dying in any way but "sadly".) Two other members of the public were injured and are currently in the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Two cops were also stabbed and suffered "significant injuries requiring surgery."

What shall we make of these facts? The same police PR person made haste "to reiterate that at present we do not believe there is any ongoing threat to the wider community.” He added that police do not believe the attack to be terror-related. 

No doubt that is why they have refused to provide any information about the man who had his collar felt [Will non-Brits know what you mean? Ed.] except his age. They said nothing about any words or shouts -- such as "Allahu akbar!" -- which may have been uttered by the attacker.

So we won't say anything about the use of a curved sword, aka a scimitar -- "a single-edged sword with a convex curved blade associated with Middle Eastern, South Asian, or North African cultures." Nor will we run the usual meme. Not yet....

Monday, April 29, 2024

"Project Déjà Vu" proves Greater Toronto a truly multicultural city

This is the third in what promises to be a long line of posts, with identical headlines, about black crime and brown crime in the "Greater" Toronto Area of Canuckistan. We'll get to theat in a moment, but first.... 

Yesterday was Khalsa Day, a celebration of the Sikh religion combined with mostly peaceful demonstrations in support of the Free Khalistan movement. It's a must-attend event for Canadian politicians, including Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface. He's the one on the extreme left [Geddit? Ed.], holding what appears to be a sword.

M Trudeau (for it is he) endeared himself to non-Sikh Indians and real Canadians by promising that he would always be there to defend Sikh rights. 

So impressed was the government of India that they summoned Canada’s Deputy High Commissioner Stewart Wheeler to explain "separatist slogans" shouted at the parade where Mr Sox gave his customary laudatory remarks. 

The leaders of Canada’s two major opposition parties — the Cuckservatives' Pierre Poilievre and the National Democratic Socialists' Jagmeet Singh, Canada's Most Important Sikh (TM) — also spoke at the event. 

All three pols agreed that Sikhs are wonderful people and have enriched the social fabric of Canada, especially Toronto and Vancouver. with their truck-driving schools, pro-Khalistan mostly peaceful demonstrations (such as the bombing of Air India flight 182), and political acumen that has seen them elect scores of turbaned politicians at federal, provincial and municipal levels. 

Of course the 1000s of Hindus and Muslims -- especially those who came to Canada as "refugees" and asylum-seekers -- have made their own Very Important Contributions, to be sure, but the Sikhs are Very Special Indeed, as Messrs Trudeau, Poilievre and Singh never tire of telling you. Got it? 

OK, now we come to the story of Project Déjà Vu, or Project Deja Vu, as it is known west of the Ottawa River. The project began in October of 2022, when Toronto police finally began investigating a synthetic-identity credit fraud scheme that had started some six years earlier. Right on the ball, guys!

Synthetic-identity fraud is a form of financial fraud where fictional personal information is used to open accounts in banks, financial institutions and other businesses. "But," said a spokesthingy for the TPS financial crimes unit, "this isn’t just about fraud. Accounts obtained under synthetic-identity are known to facilitate other serious criminal offences, including the laundering the proceeds of human trafficking, drug trafficking and armed robbery among other serious crimes

"The fraudulently obtained credit accounts were then drawn upon by way of in-store and online purchases, cash withdrawals, or electronic fund transfers. In many cases, fraudulent payments were made into the credit account to allow them to be drawn beyond their defined limits. To date, this scheme has resulted in confirmed losses of approximately $4 million."

The perps are alleged to have created more than 680 unique synthetic identities used to open hundreds of bank accounts. The boys in blue [black, shurely. Ed.] have executed more than 20 search warrants and 80 production orders to investigate this case and seized several dozen synthetic identity documents, electronic templates to create false identifications and false documents, hundreds of payment cards associated with bank/credit accounts obtained under synthetic identities, and approximately C$300,000 in cold, hard, Canadian cash.

12 Canadians (???) have been charged with 102 offences, including laundering proceeds of crime, fraud over $5000, and uttering forged document. Here are their names. Hasnain Akram, 28, of Brampton; Muhammad Hamza Baig, 31, of Ayr; Zelle Ali Choudary, 34, of Brampton; Rashad Iqbal, 41, of Caledon; Ranafayysal Masood Khan, 38, of Mississauga; Anmol Khurana, 27, of Markham; Fahad Ben Mofeez, 30, of Brampton; Muhammad Usman Saif, 32, of Brampton; Ali Sana, 26, of Brampton; Mian Muhammad Saud, 35, of Belle River [Where dat? Ed.]; Sibt Hussain Syed, 60, of Brampton; and Mueed Tanveer, 27, of Brampton.

A perusal of the list reveals three "Muhammads" and an "Ali" but not one "Singh" so it would be wrong to say that this is totally a Sikh thing. But there's not a single Irish or Scots or even English name in the lot. That proves my point, as stated in the headline, that Project Deja Vu demonstrates once again the benefits of mass immigration and government-mandated multiculturalism. Marvelous, isn't it?

Previous examples of the fruits of multiculturalism: "'Project Kraken' proves Greater Toronto a really multicultural city" (WWW 29/6/19); "'Project 24K' proves Greater Toronto a really multicultural city" (WWW 17/4/24).

Sunday, April 28, 2024

What 30 years of black power have done to South Africa

As Walt's friends and regular readers know, I called Zimbabwe -- known in earlier, better days as Rhodesia -- home for some years in the 1990s. Zimbabwe (aka the Land of Bambazonke) was one of the last African countries to achieve independence from their colonial masters, in this case "Great" Britain. Today, 44 years after independence, Zimbabwe is an economic basket case, an effective one-party state ruined by its government's ignorance, incompetence and kleptomania.

While I lived there, I often visited RSA, the Republiek van Suid-Afrika, or Republic of South Africa, which was on the verge of overthrowing the National Party and its apartheid régime of racial separation. The 1994 elections, held for the first time under a one-man-one-vote system, brought to power the African National Congress, led by Nelson Mandela. The ANC has ruled South Africa ever since.

In the run-up to the handover of power to the black majority, my friends and colleagues told me, "You just watch. The blacks are incapable of running a country. In a few years, it'll be just like 'up north'." 

This weekend, the people of South Africa are celebrating -- sort of -- the 30th anniversary of freedom from the rule of the white settlers. In the week leading up to the anniversary, countless South Africans were asked what three decades of freedom from apartheid meant to them. 

The dominant response was that while 1994 was a landmark moment, it is now overshadowed by the joblessness, violent crime, corruption and near-collapse of basic services like electricity and water that plague "the new South Africa" today.

The 1994 election changed South Africa ("Republic" has been dropped from the official name) from a country where black and other non-white people were denied not just the right to vote, but many basic freedoms. Apartheid laws controlled where they lived, where they were allowed to go on any given day, and what jobs they could have. 

After the fall of the apartheid system, the country's new constitution guaranteed (supposedly) the rights of all South Africans regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual preferences. However, it doesn't give all those "marginalized" folks the white houses, white cars and white women they coveted. 

Nor has it brought about freedom from want. Quite the opposite. The black majority -- more than 80% of the population of 62 million -- are still overwhelmingly affected by severe poverty. The official unemployment rate is 32% --, the highest in the world -- and more than 60% cent for young people (aged 15 to 24).

South Africa is still the most unequal country in the world in terms of wealth distribution, according to the World Bank, with race a key factor. More than 16 million mostly black South Africans (a quarter of the country's population) rely on monthly welfare grants for survival. 

Seth Mazibuko, an anti-apartheid activist in the 1970s, sums things up, thus, "Let us agree that we messed up." So they did. Things are worse now than when the Afrikaners were in charge, and the chances of returning to those not-so-bad-after-all days are slim and none.

What are the chances of the next Pope being Catholic?

Thanks and a tip o' the biretta (the hat still worn by some Roman Catholic priests) to the good folks at Blazing Cat Fur for posting "The Scandals Haunting Pope Francis", about the travails of true believers to find a Catholic pope -- as in "Is the Pope Catholic?" -- to succeed the apostate Francis, whose papacy is coming to an end. 

"Scheming cardinals are sharpening their knives", the BCF squib says. "The cardinals are already meeting to discuss who should be the next pope. Some of the liberal ones, who feel safe because they're in favour with the ailing Pope Francis, can be seen comparing notes in a bar near the gates of the Vatican. The conservative cardinals are more nervous: they gather at suppers in each other’s apartments or — if they can trust the fawning waiters not to betray them — in a favourite restaurant."

The link at the end of the BCF article takes you to an excellent article by Damian Thompson, writing in UnHerd, analysing the pros and cons of the many cardinals -- liberal and traditional, left and right, unworthy and worthy -- who might be elected in the next conclave.

Mentioned near the end of Mr Thompson's article is Cardinal Pietro Parolin, presently the Vatican's Secretary of State. A lot of damage has been to Holy Mother Church by recent Secretaries of State, including Cardinals Casaroli, Sodano, and Bertone, who held the position under Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Jorge Bergoglio, who calls himself "Pope Francis".

In "'Peter the Roman' ready to take over from Pope Francis" (WWW 14/1/18), I wrote about Cardinal Parolin, already notorious for orchestrating the Vatican sell-out to Communist China, condemned by Joseph Cardinal Zen Zi-Kiun. The agreement to sell out Chinese Catholics was supposed to be a trial, but has now become permanent, because Cardinal Parolin wants it so. 

Cardinal Parolin seems poised to finalize the sell-out of the Church to the New World Order and its New World Religion now "progressing" (word chosen carefully) under Pope Bergoglio. Let us pray earnestly the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel: Defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Thanks to BCF commentator Canucklehead for the very apt illustration. But, Walt hears you ask, where is Cardinal Parolin in the picture? Answer: He made and served the tea! 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Sydney attack on Christian bishop WAS Islamic terrorism

The attempted murder of His Grace, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, while he was preaching the homily during the Sunday liturgy at Christ the Good Shepherd Assyrian Orthodox Church in the Sydney suburb of Wakely, Australia, has caused some dissension in our cabin in the woods. 

Some readers on Disqus amd elewhere pounced on Walt's first post, accusing me of jumping to the conclusion that the assailant was yet another jihadi wannabe. I was told I had a terminal case of Islamopbia, and criticized me for reposting this meme.

Ed. told me we the Aussie cops weren't disclosing the name of the teenage assailant or saying anything about his religious or other motivation, so maybe (Ed. said) just this one we jumped to the wrong conclusion. [We weren't alone! Ed.] So we edited the first post, and duly apologized the very next day (WWW 14/4/24), before all the facts were in.

The following day we posted the video, and I reiterated my suspicions. See  "For real, this time: 'Allahu akbar!' in Sydney", WWW 15/4/24. At that point, New South Wales still refused to say anything more than they were investigating what appeared to be a "lone wolf" attack by someone with emotional problems. And they still refused to utter words like "Islam" or "Muslim".

Now, almost two weeks after the dastardly attack, we have additional news about who the dastard was and who was behind him. Apparently he did not act alone, and his attempt on the life of the prelate did have some connection with some unspecified religion. Here is the report from AP. Please read it carefully and think about what's not being said, which we've indicated with [???].

Five teenagers accused of following a violent extremist ideology have been charged with a range of offences in an investigation that began with the stabbing of a bishop in a Sydney church, police said Thursday.

The five, aged from 14 to 17, were among seven boys arrested across southwest Sydney on Wednesday in a major operation by the Joint Counter-Terrorism Team. 

The team includes federal and state police as well as the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, the nation’s main domestic spy agency, and the New South Wales Crime Commission, which specializes in [???] extremists and organized crime.

Two boys, ages 16 and 17, have been charged with conspiring to engage in or planning a [???] terrorist act, a police statement said. The older boy was also charged with carrying a knife in public, it said. Two boys aged 14 and 17 were charged with possessing or controlling violent extremist material accessed online, police said. All five remained in police custody and were scheduled to appear before a children’s court Thursday. 

Two other boys arrested Wednesday had not been charged so far, police said. Three other juveniles and two men were being questioned by police but were not under arrest, police said. 

More than 400 police officers executed 13 search warrants Wednesday at properties across southwest Sydney and one in Goulburn, a city about 200 kilometers (120 miles) south of Sydney. New South Wales Police Deputy Commissioner David Hudson alleged Wednesday that the arrested boys "adhered to a religiously motivated, violent extremist ideology." [???]

That's all she wrote. Now ask yourself... What "religiously motivated, violent extremist ideology" do you suppose they're talking about? Once again, the woke police forces and the lickspittle media are censoring themselves, carefully refusing to use wordes like "Islamic", "Muslim", "jihad" or "jihadis", or anything that might fuel the fires of Islamophobia. 

But seriously now... do you think the "religiously motivated, violent, extremist ideology" could be anything other than The Religion of Peace (TM). C'mon now... Really??!! Dear infidel (non-Muslim) readers, please remember the old saying, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to kill you."

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The real, true, honest-to-Pete [Buttgag] story of Uncle Bosie

And here's another one.

Remember in November that Dementia Joe appears to believe these tall tales about himself and him family... including the boy. Either that or he knows he's lying but can't stop himself from gilding the lily.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Suggested reading: "The Unprotected Class", i.e. White Americans

According to the website of the Claremont Institute, of which he is a senior fellow, Jeremy Carl's primary focus is on immigration, multiculturalism, and nationalism in America. 

Prior to joining Claremont, Mr Carl worked for a decade as a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, serving as a policy advisor to many national political figures. While at Hoover, U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz praised his "mastery of subject matter" and "ability to write comprehensively and with clarity." 

He is the author and editor of several books on energy policy, most recently, Keeping the Lights on at America’s Nuclear Power Plants, lauded by Nobel-Prize Winning nuclear physicist Burton Richter and former Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre. His political writing and commentary has been featured in the National ReviewNew York Times, Wall Street Journal, T, National Review, and the Economist, among others.

Jeremy Carl's latest opus, The Unprotected Class (Regnery 2024), makes a strong argument that anti-white racism, undisguised and unembarrassed, is now official policy in America. 

One class of citizens -- whites -- is openly discriminated against in every sphere of public and private life. The Unprotected Class is a comprehensive explanation of how we got here and what we must do to correct a manifest and dangerous—injustice. 

Launched with an appeal to justice for all, the civil rights movement went off the rails even as it achieved its original goals. Soon its excesses and failures were exploited to justify discrimination against whites in business, education, law, entertainment, and even the church. With the death of George Floyd and the shedding of all pretense of racial justice, vindictiveness, resentment, and hatred were unleashed in America.

The Unprotected Class is available directly from the publisher (a lot cheaper than Amazon!) in hardcover or e-book form. Tell `em Walt sent ya! I haven't actually read it yet [That's a hint, dear reader! Ed.], but if Victor Davis Hanson recommends it, that's good enough for me.

First official photo of jury for Trump's NYC trial

From The Patriot Post. Walt suggests you bookmark their site. Any organization that has a Latin motto -- Pro Deo et libertate -- in its banner has my support.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Brazilian woman tries "Weekend at Bernie's" trick to get bank loan

Walt loves stories about stupid criminals, and this is the best one I've heard in a looooong time. Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes, a resident of a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, has been arrested after she brought her uncle, Paulo Roberto Braga into a bank to co-sign for a loan. Unfortunately, Mr Braga, who was brought in in a wheelchair, was determined to be dead.

The Rio newspaper O Dia reports that, in a CCTV video, Ms Nunes is heard calling Braga her uncle as she speaks to the body and props up his head. "Uncle, are you listening?" she says. "You need to sign [the contract]. If you don’t sign, there’s no way, because I can’t sign for you."

She then grabs a pen and forces it into the hands of the corpse, saying, "Sign so you don’t give me any more headaches, I can’t take it anymore." According to the video, she replies "He doesn't say anything, that's just how he is," before turning to the dead body and adding: "If you're not okay, I'm going to take you to the hospital." 

Bank staff soon became suspicious as the man's head kept falling back so they called the police who arrested Ms Nunes. The cops allege that Mr Nunes, who was 68, had died just hours before, while ly ing down. "She knew he was dead," said the investigating officer. "He had been dead for at least two hours."

Ms Nunes now faces charges of violating a corpse and attempted theft through fraud. Her lawyer says that Mr Braga was alive when he entered the bank. "The facts did not occur as has been narrated. Paulo was alive when he arrived at the bank. All of this will be cleared up. We believe in Érika’s innocence."

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

"Project 24K" proves Greater Toronto a really multicultural city

Today, 17 April 2024, is the first anniversary of the Great YYZ Gold Heist. (Regular readers will know that YYZ is the airport code for Toronto's Pearson airport.) This was the largest theft of gold in Canadian history, and possibly the sixth-largest in the history of the world. Here's a CCTV image of (police say) the robbery in progress.

According to the Peel Regional Police, the take was 6,600 gold bars, valued at over C$20 million ($14.5 million in real money) and roughlyC$2.5 million in folding money. The gold and currency was ordered from a refinery in Zurich, Switzerland, then transported in a container through an Air Canada flight that landed at YYZ at 1556.EDT.

The cargo was then offloaded to an Air Canada cargo facility, where, a couple of hours later, a suspect arrived at the facility with a "fraudulent airway bill...for a legitimate shipment of seafood that was picked up the day before." A police spokesthingy told the meeja today, "This duplicate airway bill was printed off from a printer within an Air Canada cargo facility." 

Shortly thereafter, a forklift arrived with a container of gold and foreign currency and was loaded into the rear of the suspect’s truck. He then hauled ass with the haul. [You're not quoting the copper, right? Ed.] Almost six hours after the plane landed, Brink’s Canada employees arrived at the Air Canada cargo site to collect up the shipment of gold and currency, only to be told it had already been picked up. Everyone had a good think overnight, and called the cops the next morning.

An investigation dubbed "Project 24K" was launched right away... kind of... and has now identified nine suspects, who have been arrested, charged or had Canada-wide warrants issued against them. Let's see who they are.

Durante King-Mclean, a 25-year-old resident of Brampton ON, has been identified as the driver who allegedly stole the cargo from the airport. It was his bad luck to be stopped last September by a Pennsylvania state trooper, who found dozens of illegal firearms inside his rented car. 

Police say the driver ran away but was arrested shortly after. He appeared to be illegally in the United States, and when they checked him on the police database, it flagged him as wanted by Peel police. 

When troopers opened the Nissan’s trunk, they didn’t find gold bars, but 65 guns instead, that were destined to be smuggled into Canada, according to an indictment filed in the US of A. Besides the guns, American investigators found messages between King-Mclean and Prasath Paramalingam, 35, another Bramptonian. Paramalingam sent King-Mclean a photograph of large amounts of Canadian currency wrapped in stacks with rubber bands. 

Paramalingam and another unnamed person from Toronto flew from Toronto to New York City to deliver money to King-Mclean. Five days later, Paramalingam flew back to Toronto via Miami. King-Mclean stayed in Fort Lauderdale, where he allegedly took several photos of guns and large amounts of real money. He left Florida in August 2023 in a rental vehicle and drove north. That's when he was stopped just outside Washington DC by Pennsylvania state troopers. 

In today's presser, Peel police named nine people identified and/or charged as a result of  Project 24K. Arrested in Canada were: 
Parmpal Sidhu, 54, of Brampton [Again? Ed.] who was named as an Air Canada employee. He is charged with theft over $5,000 and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence; 
Amit Jalota, 40, from Oakville, charged with possession of property obtained by crime, theft over $5,000, and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence; 
Ammad Chaudhary, 43, from Georgetown, charged with accessory after the fact; 
Ali Raza, a 37-year-old jewelry store owner from Toronto, charged with possession of property obtained by crime; and 
Prasath Paramalingam, charged with accessory after the fact.

Durante King-Mclean, the alleged getaway driver, is formally listed as wanted by Peel police, although he is in custody in the United States.

Peel police are also searching for:
Simran Preet Panesar, a 31-year-old Brampton man who was an Air Canada employee at the time of the theft but resigned after the heist. He is wanted for theft over $5,000 and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence.

Archit Grover
, 36, from Brampton, pictured at right [Sorry, Walt, this is the only photo I could find. Ed.] is considered a fugitive in Canada and the United States. In Canada. He is wanted for theft over $5,000 and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence. In the US. he is accused of helping King-Mclean after his roadside arrest and hindering the investigation, including removing possible evidence from the Floridea Airbnb where King-Mclean stayed, and arranging a $1000 payment to the car rental agency for an amended rental agreement. 

Arsalan Chaudhary, 42, from Mississauga, wanted for theft over $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime and conspiracy to commit and indictable offence.

Reading through that list of names, Walt is struck by the apparent ethnicity of the suspects. Not an Irishman among them! With the exception of "Jimmy" Durante King-Mclean, they all appear to be... errr... south Asian. Paramalingam is a Lankan name. The rest are probably Indians, some of them Sikhs. By their turbans ye shall know them, and large numbers of them work in and around Pearson Airport.

I mention this because I'm reminded of Project Kraken, about which I wrote in "'Project Kraken' proves Greater Toronto a really multicultural city", WWW 29/6/19 -- one of our most-read articles. Project Kraken had to do with drugs and guns. I've asked Ed. to find out if any of the same names appear in the list of those charged in that case, but he hasn't got back to me yet. [Don't hold your breath. Our readers got the point already. Ed.]

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Another stabbing in Sydney. Walt was right, this time!

We took quite a bit of flak over our post about the First Sydney Stabbing, which was the work of a demented "incel", not an Islamic terrorist. Ed. thought it better to remove a meme which was included in "'Allahu akbar!' in Sydney, Australia", WWW 13/4/24, and we did apologize for jumping to conclusions.

However, we didn't promise not to do it again. Good thing, because before the weekend was out, there was another stabbing in Sydney, when a man with a beard attacked Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel of the Assyrian Orthodox Church and stabbed him right in the middle of his homily! All this was captured on video. Click here to see the clip, which we posted yesterday.

At first, a spokesthingy (Constable Bruce Constable) told the meeja the motive for the attack on a Christian cleric was "unclear", but everyone jumped to the same conclusion anyway. We make no apology for running this meme again.

And so it was! And so it is, and (unless Santiago Matamoros intervenes) so shall it ever be!

Today, police arrested a 16-year-old boy who they allege (LOL) is the one shown in the video. Constable Constable's boss, New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb, said the suspect’s comments pointed to a religious motive for the attack. She did not name the religion, but anyone who wants to bet (100-1) that it's not the Religion of Peace (TM) should just send me a cheque.

Said the boss cop, "We'll allege there’s a degree of premeditation on the basis that this person has travelled to that location, which is not near his residential address, he has travelled with a knife and subsequently the bishop and the priest have been stabbed... They’re lucky to be alive."

Commissioner Webb said the teenager was known to police but was not on a terror watch list. Notice the implicit bias there. He was only a kid, never known to be a terrorist, a good boy trying to turn his life around. Where have we heard that before?

The Australian Security Intelligence Organization, the nation's main domestic spy agency, and Australian Federal Police had joined state police in a counter-terrorism task force to investgate who else was potentially involved. ASIO director-general Mike Burgess said the investigation had yet to uncover any associated threats. "It does appear to be religiously motivated,: he said "but we continue our lines of investigation." 

But wait, Mr Burgess had more to say. “Our job is to look at individuals connected with the attacker to assure ourselves that there is no-one else in the community with similar intent." Walt says, oh really? No-one else? This kid was the only jihadi wannabe imported into the woke land of Oz in the last few years because the Aussie politicians don't want to be labelled as Islamophobes?

Mr Burgess then contradicted himself by adding that the risk of a terrorist attack in Australia is rated at "possible" -- the second lowest level on the five-tier National Terrorism Threat Advisory System after "not expected". 

He didn't actually say "Don't worry. Be happy." What does Walt say to his Aussie readers and friends? "Don't be surprised!"

Monday, April 15, 2024

VIDEO: For real, this time: "Allahu akbar!" in Sydney

Walt has already apologized (see below) for suggesting that the late Joel Cauchi (note the initials) was a fanatical follower of the Religion of Peace (TM). Turns out he was merely an "incel". His father told the meeja he killed all those innocent people because he wanted a girlfriend. Seems like a funny way to go about getting one, but there ya go.

However, there's no mistake about this one. His Grace, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, was preaching the homily during the Sunday liturgy at Christ the Good Shepherd Assyrian Orthodox Church in the Sydney suburb of Wakely, when this happened.

Ahe man dressed in black -- so far unidentified -- approaches the bishop, and stabs  him repeatedly in the head and upper body. Members of the congregation, including a nun, can be seen screaming and rushing to the bishop's aid. Amidst the commotion, the assailant can be heard shouting "Allahu akbar!" as he is wrestled to the floor. The bishop and three congregants, including a priest, were injured.

Sydney police, who are got a lot of practice dealing with this kind of thing this weekend, arrested a suspect, whom they have so far declined to name. Don't be surprised if it's "Mohammed". They are also saying that his motive is "unclear". Well, some people can't recognize a blackberry in a saucer of milk.

An ironic sidelight to this story is that, according to AFP, the neighbourhood is a hub for Sydney's small Assyrian Christian community, many of whom have fled persecution and war in Iraq and Syria. We know the religion of those who are fighting a civil war in the Middle East, don't we. The trouble is that the Muslim Civil War, and the Islamic jihad against "infidels", is being fought all over the world. No place, not even remote Australia, is safe.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

When you're wrong, you're wrong. I admit it.

Following up yesterday's story, the BBC reports that the murderer was one Joel Cauchi (no, not "Mohammed" or "Abdul"), aged 40, whose home state was Queensland. He was "known to police" but never arrested or charged. Authorities have been unable to find any evidence of a terrorist motivation, and believe that the attacks were "related to the mental health of the individual."

Like millions of others, I jumped to the Muslim terrorist conclusion. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. This might have been avoided if the police had released the attacker's ID right away, instead of "waiting for verification." But it shows you the world we live in, doesn't it.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

UPDATED! "Allahu akbar!" in Sydney, Australia

A meme has been removed from the original version of this post, and some text deleted. Ed. 14/4/24.

Let me remind those of you who think Israel is being a bit hard on the Hamas of the ideology underlying the jihadis' attacks on Jews and other non-Muslims. Militant Islamists are enjoined by their Religion of Peace (TM) to kill all infidels -- that means us, fellow Christians, as well as Jews -- "wherever they may be found."

Many infidels may be found in the AABC countries -- America, Britain, Canada, and... oh yeah... Australia. It was in the wonderful woke Land of Oz that a man fatally stabbed six people at a Sydney shopping centre. The dead included men and women, one of whom was the mother of a 9-month-old baby who has not yet died.

According to the BBC, the "suspect", who was known to police and shot dead by police, acted alone, so there's "no ongoing public risk". So that's OK then. In an unsurprising fit of political correctness, the Aussie authorities have refused to name the "suspect", because they are "waiting for formal identification.

The Aussie authorities also say it's "too early to speculate" about Mohammed's motives. Could be he was just exacting revenge for the Jews' killings of 33,000 (and counting) of his co-religionists. Or maybe he's just calling attention to the need for a "two-state solution" in Israel, so Muslims and Jews can live side-by-side, happy forever after. Yah. Sure.

UPATE ADDED at 0910: Suspicions confirmed! We now have a picture.

 Still waiting for the name so I can pay off/collect the bets. Lifetime pct .991.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

"Mirror, mirror on the wall..."

Mr and Mrs William Clinton were A-list guests at last night's White House state dinner, which honoured Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. A spycam in one of the ladies rooms caught Hellery checking her makeup in the mirror.

Originally posted to X by @realCarola2Hope, and reposted on Breitbart News.

Funny Canadian headline

There seems to be considerable interest in the funny headlines we post here from time to time. Perhaps it's because nothing else is funny any more. Anyhoo, Agent 3 sent us this one, seen yesterday on Canada's Global TV website. 

Non-Canuck readers will be forgiven for thinking that the accompanying story is about the rumour that Blackie McBlackface and his wife separated because of his affair with a toothsome staffer, but it isn't. Oh, this works on soooo many levels! LMAO

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

How the liberal media deals with stories about black crime

The Eclipse Day celebrations of Mother Earth, the climate crisis and suchlike nonsense were eclipsed [Geddit? Ed.] in the Florida panhandle by a news story about someone who was so moonstruck or sunstruck or whatever that she decided to go on a shooting spree. Here's a photo of a car which was damaged in the incident.

That's the photo chosen by Canada's Global TV to illustrate the report on their website's landing page. And here (below) is the first three paragraphs of their report.

"A 22-year-old woman from Georgia was arrested for allegedly going on a shooting spree on the day of the solar eclipse and telling people that God told her to do it. Taylon Nichelle Celestine faces charges of attempted murder and aggravated battery for the Monday shootings. 

"She is accused of injuring two people after opening fire on vehicles travelling Interstate 10 through northern Florida. One victim was shot in the neck and is currently in the hospital receiving treatment. The other was grazed on the arm by a bullet. 

"Before the incident, Celestine allegedly checked out of a local hotel and told staff there that she was 'going on a shooting spree, directed by "God" in relation to the solar eclipse,' Florida Highway Patrol wrote in a statement. No other details about motives were provided in the statement."

Based on that information, a lot of readers might have jumped to the conclusion that Ms Celestine is a crazy black woman, but of course the liberal mainstream media wouldn't want to confirm any such suspicion. 

That is likely why they refrained from publishing the mug shot at the left, which found its way into the not-very-liberal New York Post.

Why wouldn't they show us what the accused looks like? For the same reason that the lickspittle media don't (unless forced), identify criminals with "black names", e.g. Velveeeta Taneesha Jones.

What really burns my ring, though, is when the story gives a description of a wanted person like "Female, 5", 150 lbs, with dreadlocks" -- omitting any reference to colour -- and then concludes, "Anyone with further information about the identity or whereabouts of the suspect is asked to call the Police or Crimestoppers." LMAO.

Monday, April 8, 2024

VIDEO: The moment is coming

No, not today. November 5th is MAGA day!

Originally published on Truth Social, 8/4/24.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Another funny headline

Ed. here. While Walt and I wait for the eclipse (see yesterday's post), I've been digging through the electronic slushpile, and found this, submitted by Agent 34.

Keep `em coming folks. In times like these we need all the laughs wew can get!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Going to Niagara Falls to see the eclipse? Read this first

Walt [and Ed.! Ed.] are in Niagara Falls ON to see the solar eclipse this coming Monday. Niagara Falls is reckoned to be the best place in the world to see it, being right in the middle of the path, so there should be 100% totality around 1518 EDT. 

The only hitch could be the weather. Local Indians First Nations have been persuaded to do an anti-rain dance, just in case.

We chose the Canadian side of the river for reasons anyone who has visited Niagara Falls NY will know. The best views of the falls are from the Canadian side, and a US dollar will get you $1.35 in funny money -- but it'll be all coins. Canuckistan have no paper notes of less than five dollars.

Warning! If you're farther away than you can manage in a day trip, and haven't got a guarantee place to stay, forget it! The hotels, motels and inns on the Canadian side are 100% full... and have been for some time. 

Tourists who thought they had a hotel room booked months ago are being told by some hotels their reservations are cancelled because "a large group of people have decided to extend their stay." See "Screwed by Wyndham Garden Niagara Falls--they cancelled our prepaid rooms for the eclipse. What can we do?" on Reddit.

How come? What the lickspittle media are not telling you is that Niagara Falls hotels are full of "refugees" and asylum-seekers, sent there over a year ago by Canada's Liberal government (Blackie McBlackface, Prop.) See "Thinking of visiting Niagara Falls? Think again!", WWW 25/3/23. 

The supposedly temporary arrangement was, of course, anything but. The real reason for the "state of emergency" declared last week by the Region of Niagara is that the unwelcome "visitors" refuse to leave. 

Last wee, over 100 of them -- from shitholes like Nigeria, Pakistan, and Mexico -- who had their claims approved [Really? Ed.] were told to find other accommodations. But if they leave the hotels, they'll have to pay for their own lodgings, food, etc. So they're still there. 

They were given a check-out deadline of 22 April, but everyone knows it won't be enforced. Bad optics for the Trudeau government and wokesters in general. The hoteliers don't care, as they're still getting paid. Better a month of illegals @ $200/night than two days of tourists @ $1000, eh!

That's the news from Down by the Falls. Canada... or Niagara Falls at least... is full up. Stay home.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Funny headlines department

It's hard being an editor. Sometimes you really have to think about possible alternative interpretations of what the ink-stained wretch puts on your desk.
Thanks and a tilt of the eyeshade to Agent 34.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

VIDEO: "Climate change": the TRUE story of the greenscam HOAX

Here it is, folks, the film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the "climate consensus". Watch this (running time 1:19:53) and learn how an eccentric environmental scare grew into a powerful global industry.

Spoiler aleret: There is no consensus. The science of climate is not settled. There are lots of skeptics who are now being labelled as "deniers". 

In this powerful video Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson, these eminent scientists debunk the hoax that is being perpetrated by the liberal "progressive" elites and their lickspittle media each and every day.


Trivia: The music at about 9 minutes (where the dynosaurs appear!) is from Modest Mussorgsky's "Night on the Bare Mountain".

Thanks once again to Agent 6 for passing this along.

Monday, April 1, 2024

April Fool

What? Not funny? Walt didn't think so either. I haven't seen the customary April Fool's Day jokes in the lickspittle media this year, because -- let's be honest -- the biggest April Fool of all is pranking America, and we are not amused!