Sunday, March 31, 2024

Cardinal Müller calls for American bishops to excommunicate Biden

Most Rev. Gerhard Cardinal Müller, the former prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (the Vatican’s highest doctrinal office), condemned American President Joe Biden’s support for abortion, saying it is "infanticide" and that those promoting "infanticide" should be "excommunicated".

"The word ‘abortion’ is too much a soft word," said the prelate. "The reality is killing, murder of a living person,” said Gerhard Cardinal Müller. "There’s no right to kill another person. It’s absolutely against the Fifth Commandment."

The cardinal made his comments condemning President Joe Biden during an extensive interview with LifeSiteNews in Rome. Click here to read the original article, which contains links to the video of the interview.

His forthright critique of Mr Biden's very public and consistent pro-abortion stance came shortly after the President [pro tem. Ed.] used his 2024 State of the Union Address to promise to "restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again."

Cardinal Müller likened the killing of the unborn and the elderly to the Nazi times, saying that "it’s absolutely unacceptable that you can say you are a Catholic and promote and justify killing of human persons, human beings [from] the beginning in the mother’s womb, until the last respiration [with] euthanasia… Killing of ill people, like in the Nazi times, is euthanasia."

Mr Biden is very public about his self-professed Catholic faith, but Cardinal Müller suggested that while Biden is "nominally a Catholic, in reality he is a Nihilist. It’s cynicism and absolute cynicism."

The prelate contrasted Mr Biden with Catholics and other Christians throughout America who "know and accept as everybody also, the nonbelievers, with their own mere reason, they can understand that it’s not possible that one human being has a right to kill another one."

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Happy Easter

Walt Whiteman [and Ed., Ed.] wish all our readers
Truly He is risen! Alleluia!

Going electric requires electricity. Who knew?

The headline is that of an article by Lionel Shriver, which appeared today in The Spectator. The cartoon, however, appeared on one of Walt's favourite blogs, Blazing Cat Furwho we thank for the lead.

The lede quotes the leftist rag which is the New York Times: "'Something unusual is happening in America. Demand for electricity, which has stayed largely flat for two decades, has begun to surge.' Personally, I’d have headlined that article 'Well, duh!"

Walt's choice for the subhead would be, "Imagine that!" You can click on the link to read the article for yourself. It's amazing to me that none of the geniuses who made up the greenscam ever asked (or thought the public would ask), "But where is the electricity going to come from?" Amazing.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday, A.D. 2024

Reading: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ 
according to Saint Matthew, 26: 36-75 and 27: 1-54 (DRV)

File:Dali Crucifixion hypercube.jpg

Stabat mater dolorósa
juxta Crucem lacrimósa,
dum pendébat Fílius.

Good Catholic friends... If you attend the Good Friday Liturgy at a mainstream Roman Catholic church today, you will hear only a "reformed", politically correct version of the Solemn Prayers which were said in all our churches, on every Good Friday for centuries, until the disorientation caused by Vatican II. Here are the traditional prayers -- note numbers 8 and 9 in particular -- in a translation bearing the imprimatur of Francis Cardinal Spellman. 

1. For Holy Church. Almighty and eternal God, who in Christ hast revealed They glory to all nations: preserve the works of Thy mercy; that Thy Church, spread abroad over the whole world, may with a steadfast faith persevere in the confession of Thy Name. Through the same our Lord... 

2. For the Supreme Pontiff. Almighty and eternal God, by whose judgment all things are established, mercifully regard our prayers, and in Thy goodness preserve the Chief Bishop chosen to rule over us: that the Christian people who are governed by Thine authority, may under so great a Pontiff increase in the merits of their faith. Through our Lord... 

3. For all orders and degrees of the faithful. Almighty and eternal God, by whose Spirit the w hole body of the Church is sanctified and governed, hear our supplications for all the orders thereof; that by the gift of Thy grace, they may all in their several degrees faithfully serve Thee. Through our Lord... 

4. For the rulers of the state. Almighty and eternal God, in whose hands is all power and authority: look with mercy on those who govern us, that Thy right hand protecting us, integrity of faith and security of country may be preserved. Through our Lord Jesus Christ... 

5. For catechumens. Almighty and eternal God, Who dost continually enrich Thy Church with a new offspring; increase the faith and understanding of our Catechumens; that being born again in the waters of Baptism, they may be joined to the children of Thine adoption. Through our Lord... 

6. For the necessities of the faithful. Almighty and eternal God, the Comfort of the sorrowful, the Support of the weary, let the prayers of them reach Thee that cry to Thee in any affliction; that all may have reason to rejoice that in their need Thy mercy hath come to their aid. Through our Lord... 

7. For the unity of the Church. Almighty and eternal God, Who saves all men, and desirest not that any should perish: look down on such souls as are deceived by the wiles of the devil; that laying aside all heretical perverseness, the hearts of those who are in error may be converted, and may return to the unity of Thy truth. Through our Lord... 

8. For the conversion of the Jews. Almighty and eternal God, Who art ready to extend Thy mercy even to the Jews, hear the prayers which we offer for the blindness of that people; that by acknowledging the light of Thy truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same our Lord... 

9. For the conversion of infidels. Almighty and eternal God, Who dost ever desire the life, and not the death, of sinners: mercifully receive our prayer, and deliver them from the worship of idols, and join them to the flock of Thy holy Church, for the praise and glory of Thy Name. Through our Lord...

Recommended viewing: Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Business News: Trouble at Boeing Boeing

Guess we don't have to tell you that this is from the Babylon Bee? Click here to read the article. You're welcome.

Funniest name of the year, so far

Although some of my best griends are Jewish [Really? Ed.] OK, start again... Although some of my best friends were Jewish... [Do you mean they used to be Jewish or they used to be your best friends? Ed.] OK, never mind...

My pool of knowledge of the religion of the Chosen People could be deeper. For instance, I was unaware that yesterday was Purim, a holy day in the Jewish calendar. Seemed to some of the looney left pro-Hamas types like a good day to stage a demonstration in support of calls for a ceasefire (read: We're losing so let's have a time-out) in Gaza.

This was in mid-town Toronto, the city that thinks it's world-class but is actually Democratic-American-class. Such demonstrations are almost daily occurrences in the Little Green Apple. They are marked by the shouting of anti-Semitic slogans, and the display of Palestine flags mingled with pro-queer, union, and indigenous banners.

There's occasionally a little violence, when Toronto cops try to separate the SWINE (Students Wildly Indignant about Everything -- Hello to Al Capp, wherever you are) from the pro-Israel types. Weapons are occasionally produced and sometimes (not often) the storm troopers make an arrest for littering or somesuch.

[Sorry to interrupt, but when are you going to get to the "funniest name"? Ed.] 
Hey, I'm coming to it!

Yesterday, the Toronto police said they received a complaint that a man at the demonstration had a knife concealed on "their" [sic - this is Toronto the Gay. Ed.] person. They then investigated, eh, found a large knife under "their" clothing, and took "him" into custody. 

In a news release, Toronto police said "Sodapop Liptrott" [sic], 25, of Toronto, has been charged with carrying a concealed weapon, and is schedule to appear in court on May 2nd. 

I hope Agent 3 can get to the courthouse to find out if that's the accused's real name, or just something he told the cops. If it's his real name, what part of Ireland do you suppose he was from? And whose side do you think he's on? Will he change his name to "Mohammed" to get a slap on the wrist and be back on the streets in time for the next demo? Stay tuned.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Answer to yesterday's quiz

The foot pedals [Is there another kind of pedal?] from a late `40s car, are, L-R: high-beam toggle switch; clutch; brake; accelerator, starter. If you got all five, you're a true geezer!

And now for something not altogether different....

Thanks (for the second day in a row!) to Agent 6.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Saturday photo quiz for geezers

Can you identify the function of all five of these controls?

Answers tomorrow... bwuahahahahahaha.
Thanks to Agent 6.

Friday, March 22, 2024

VIDEO: "Allahu akbar!" in Moscow?

Looks like last night wasn't a good time to go out to pubs, clubs and concerts in Moscow, the capital of the Russian Empire (including Ukraine - NOT!) You've probably seen this video already, but just in case...

This happened at Crocus City Hall, a well-known Moscow region shopping centre and concert venue. [When I first saw "Crocus City", I thought of Crocus SK, just down the road from Lilac, made famous by George Bain. Ed.]

At least three gunmen, possibly as many as five, dressed in combat fatigues, burst into the concert hall and fired automatic weapons, injuring dozens of patrons and killing a significant number of them, according to Russian media. Russia's Federal Security Service(FSB), the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, said about 40 people were killed while a regional ministry, quoted by the Tass news agency, said 145 were wounded. 

The death toll made it one of the worst attacks on Russia since the 2004 Beslan school siege, when Islamist militants took more than 1000 people, including hundreds of children, hostage. Children were reported to be among the dead and injured at the concert. Dozens of ambulances arrived at the Sklifosovsky emergency care institute in Moscow.

In a post on Telegram, Islamic State (aka ISIS) said its "fighters" attacked on the outskirts of Moscow "killing and wounding hundreds and causing great destruction to the place before they withdrew to their bases safely." 

A spokesthingy for the Russian Foreign Ministry called it a "bloody terrorist attack" that the entire world should condemn. The United States, European and Arab powers and many former Soviet republics expressed shock, condemned the attack and sent their condolences. Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak denied any Ukrainian involvement. 

Two weeks ago, the American embassy in Russia warned that "extremists" -- notice they didn't say "Muslim fanatics" or "Islamic extremists" -- had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow. The embassy issued its warning several hours after the FSB said it had foiled an attack on a Moscow synagogue by a cell of Islamic State. "While events continue to unfold, we strongly recommend that U.S. citizens in Moscow avoid the area, follow the instructions of local security services and keep an eye on local media updates," the US embassy said today.

To Vlad "the Impaler" Putin and his military advisors, Walt sez: Ya see? It's not Ukrainian nationalists you should be worrying about. It's those damn Islamists. What're you doing attack the Ukrainians? Swivel your guns about 220 degrees and send the jihadis to Paradise!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

VIDEO: Fact-checking the media's "Trump calls for 'bloodbath'" hysteria

"WTF?!?", said I to myself, said I, when I heard something like the stories (word chosen carefully) on the early AM news. 

I didn't listen to President Donald Trump's speech last night, but couldn't believe he would be so careless in his choice of words as to predict, let alone call for, anything like an insurrection or revolution or a "bloodbath".

For years now, as the divisions in the American society get more and more pronounced, pundits and SJWs and others with political and social engineering agendas have talked about cultural wars, political wars, and even "civil war", but almost no-one believes there could be an actual shooting war, let alone a "bloodbath". 

It turns out that, at the Buckeye Values PAC rally, the once-and-future POTUS was talking about the financial "bloodbath" that awaits the U.S. motor industry if he is not elected, so that China would be enabled to swamp the country with their tinker-toy EVs and other cheap products.

Here's what the once-and-future POTUS actually said:


For the hard-of-hearing [or hard-of-understanding. Ed.], here's a transcript:

"If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now … you’re going to not hire Americans and you’re going to sell the cars to us, no. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it … It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it...."

The usual critics -- Democrats, RINOs, and the lickspittle media -- jumped on the "bloodbath" word, only, toick to infer scary intentions, even after Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung made clear that Mr Trump had clearly been talking about the impact of offshoring on the country’s auto industry and his own plans to increase tariffs on foreign-made cars. 

What lesson do we learn from this, campers? Always listen carefully to what is being said, and give the words...all the words...their plain meaning. Just as judges should do with the Constitution of the US of A. Just read it. Don't "interpret" it! End of lesson.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

UPDATED 20/3: Saint Patrick's Day greetings to ye all!

Here we are again, another Saint Paddy's Day gone by and Eire still divided. Not that it matters as much as it did when you and I were young, Magee. Today's Ireland bears little resemblance to that for which our ancestors fought. 

Faith, didn't they elect a prime minister who's not only a brown furriner, but gay to boot! And didn't his very woke government just bring forward a prooposal to change the Republic's constitution away from traditional Christian family values? On March 8th, the government called on citizens to vote in two referendums called "the Family Amendment" and "the Care Amendment".

The first of these proposals asked to remove a reference to marriage as the basis "on which the family is founded" and replace it with a clause that says families can be founded "on marriage or on other durable relationships". Like "gay marriage", you see.

The care amendment proposed to remove women's role in the home, by deleting a statement that says "mothers shouldn't be obligated by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their home duties" and adding a clause saying the state will strive to support "the provision of care by members of a family to one another".  

Thanks be to God and the Blessed Virgin, the Plain Peepul of Ireland still have enough of the Faith to reject the proposed amendments. 67.69% of voters in the referendum said "NO" to the first amendment. The second, anti-family amendment, was rejected by 73.93%! Did the wokesters in Dublin really think the Irish were going to vote against motherhood?! 

Well, enough politics. To all the Irish -- including those who identify as Irish, those who feel like they're Irish, and those who wish they were Irish [and who doesn't?! Ed.] -- wherever they are -- in Derry, Sligo, Coleraine, Tullamore, Adjala Township and/or south Boston -- HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY TO YEZ. 

Recommended reading: na Gopaleen, Myles (pseudonym of Flann O'Brien): The Best of Myles, Picador 1977. 

In particular, Walt likes the chapters titled "The Brother" (how could yez not laugh?) and "The Plain People of Ireland". 

Many denizens of the auld sod won't be able to read the parts written in Irish Gaelic. [Faith now, I can't read it meself! Ed.] But the Irish are still the Irish, even if they live in a part of Ireland separated from the rest by the foreign (read: English) oppressors. God bless all of them, and haste the day that the Six Counties will be reunited with the rest of the country.

GREAT UPDATE added 20/3/24: "It's a long road that has no turnings." (Auld Irish saying.) Glory be! Ireland's "progressive" (read: woke as all get out) Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has announced he is resigning for "personal and political" reasons. 

This news comes less than two weeks after he was soundly defeated on a referendum (see above) to redefine marriage and the role of women in the nation's constitution. Click here to read the whole story on Breitbart News. St. Patrick must indeed be smiling on his people.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

USA, Canada no longer in Human Development Index top 10

There was a time, way back in the 20th century, when the US of A and Canada ranked in the top 10 countries on the United Nations Human Deveopment Index. In fact, for something like five years in a row, Canada was No. 1 [Wut? Ed.] with the US around No. 5. Citizens (word chosen with care) of North America (excluding Mexico) were healthier, wealthier, and better-educated than those of any other region.

Sadly, those days are gone forever. Since the triumph of "liberal progressivism", North American standards of living have fallen below those of northern Europe. 

It's true that the HDI for the whole world have declined, particularly since 2020, due to Covid, climate hysteria, the greenscam and other factors. However, the Europeans are recovering, whereas under the terminally woke governments in Washington and Ottawa, things just get worse and worse.

The Human Development Index is one of the most widely used measures of countries' development. It gauges progress in terms of societal outcomes, including life expectancy at birth, expected and average years of schooling and gross national income per person. The latest figures, released yesterday, show that the global HDI is rising again, but progress has been slow and uneven. 

The countries shown in darkest squa are those which score highest on the HDI. The Economist has published a table showing how the 194 countries tracked by the UN compare. The left column shows the HDI score (1.00 would be perfect). The middle column shows life expectancy at birth. The right column shows expected years of schooling. We don't have room to show the whole table or even the top 20 countries, so have excerpted just Nos. 16 through 22.

Embarrassing, isn't? [Not to Brandon or Blackiie McBlackface, evidently. Ed.] The country with the highest Human Development Index, for the second year in a row, is... wait for it... Switzerland! Cue cries of "They're Number One! They're Number One!"

The Swiss score is boosted by high incomes and long life expectancies. Other countries in western Europe have some of the highest scores. Some parts of Asia also do well, with Hong Kong and Singapore making it to the top ten. 

Elsewhere on Turtle Island -- especially in South America, the Middle East and Africa -- things are worse. Countries such as Peru, Colombia, Libya and Lebanon have made little progress since the global HDI started to fall in 2019. Living standards in Ukraine (100th) and Russia have also dropped. War-torn Yemen, poor and indebted Belize, and Micronesia, an island country at risk of being swallowed by rising sea levels, all peaked in 2010 and have declined every year since. Here are the Bottom 10.

Walt notes that 9 of the bottom 10 are in sub-Saharan Africa. The 10th is Yemen, at the south end of the Arabian peninsula, where a Muslim civil war has been going on for years. That's where the Houthis come from. Have you heard that name recently?

We return now [Quickly, please. Ed.] to the Excited States of America, which is fighting its own cultural and political civil wars. The War on Poverty, however, is over. We lost! Here's how the American HDI looks, county by country.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 46.2 million American people were living in poverty in 2010, and the poverty rate reached 15.1%, the highest in 52 years. In 2020, the year in which Senile Joe was (allegedly) elected, the poverty rate climbed by 0.9 percentage points to 11.4% from 10.5% in 2019. Do you really think that, as Joe claims, things have gotten better since then? Really?! 

Ask yourself: What would it take to get the US of A back into the Top 10 on the Human Development Index? How can we Make America Great Again? Well, there's your answer... right there!

Lest we forget

I was going to write something clever here, but I forgot what I was going to say.

Facebook sez Vatican stamps "adult content", vs "community standards"

Our Agent 78 is a philatelist [= stamp collector, Ed.] as well as a Catholic. A couple of days ago, 78 listed a small collection of stamps from the Holy See [= Vatican, Ed.] on Facebook Marketplace. Here's what happened next.

Our agent appealed, and the appeal was denied. Apparently the Karens at FB -- owned by (((Mark Zuckerberg))) -- Think there's something about these little bits of art that violate their woke "community standards". What could the problem be? Look closely!

I don't see anything naughty there. Do you? But, as Vince Offer used to say: wait, there's more! the collection includes this postcard.

By George, Holmes, I think you've got it. The wokesters at Facebook aren't anti-Catholic. They're anti-Michaelangelo! Funny, though. You'd think their biases in favour of all that is encompasssed by the liberal queer agenda would welcome publication of depictions of the beauty of the male body. Apparently not.

Anyone who's had similar experiences with ridiculous censorship on Facebook Marketplace is encouraged to share them in the Comments section. Click on the headline and the window will open underneath the text.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Brandon, Trump cinch nominations... big deal... change subject

Looks like we're in for a rematch - repeat, not a repeat! - of the stolen 2020 election. Surely American patriots won't let the biggest, riggedest fraud in history happen again! Walt will have more to say on that subject as the next eight(ish) months pass. 

Then comes R-Day -- "R" for "revenge". For today, let's change, let's change the subject and think for a bit about greenscam. An article on the state of China's economy reveals that the CCP's biggest market for wind turbines and solar panels is... the US of A. 

While the Chinese keep building more and more thermal power plants (powered by coal, oil and natural gas), they're selling billions of dollars worth of this junk to followers of Al Gore, Deluded Joe et al who keep telling us to "Go electric, go green!" 

Here's the latest green craziness.

ICYI: Why did Walt call wind turbines etc "junk"? See the VIDEO in "Is wind power really the way to a clean, green future?", WWW 19/10/23.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Brandon apologizes, then doesn't apologize, then... ???

Walt will have something to say tomorrow, after today's primaries.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

"Could you say that again? I didn't get it..."

That's for all our Canadian readers and friends, with the possible exception of Agent 2. Seen today on Blazing Cat Fur. Thanks to Agent 3 for passing it along.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Laken Riley Act passes House , but Brandon still can't say her name

Yesterday afternoon, 7 March 2024, the United States House of Representatives passed a bill that would require the detention of any illegal immigrant who committed burglary or theft.  The Laken Riley Act was named for Laken Riley -- Say her name! -- a 22-tear-old nursing student at the University of Georgia at Augusta, who was killed [You'd better say "allegedly". Ed.] by José Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old from Venezuela who entered the USA illegally.

The measure cleared the House by 251 votes to 170, with 37 Democrats joining all Republicans present in voting "aye". It was the latest move by GOP lawmakers to put a spotlight on the crisis at the pretty-much-open southern border, which has emerged as a key issue in the 2024 campaign, and a serious liability for President Brandon.

Until last night's anti-Trump State of the Union (SOTU) tirade, Demented Joe Biden had carefully avoided any mention of Ms Riley's tragic death, refusing even to mention her name in public. But last night, addressing dozens of legislators and others wearing "Say her name!" pins and buttons, he rose to the challenge... and blew it! Here's the video.

Among those giving the gears to to the soon-to-be-former President last night was Marjorie Taylor Green, the Republican who represents Georgia's 14th district. All those in favour of Donald Trump choosing her as his running mate, raise your hands!

Meanwhile, Sr Ibarra has been charged with felony murder, false imprisonment, and kidnapping. No date has been set for his trial, as Fani Willis, who is expected to lead the prosecution, is otherwise occupied.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Trump wins 14 of 15 states - libs getting hysterical already

You don't need me to tell you the results, eh. Super Tuesday was (as he said) really Super for President Trump, who already has something like 1000 of the delegate votes he needs to win the Republican nomination.

Nikki Haley didn't congratulate him though, much like offer support. Having spent some $117 million (of other people's money) to win 20 delegates (from Vermont and the Swamp), she now has the chutzpah to say The Donald nees to reach out to all those who voted for her. Yeah... sure...

I watched the results on the Big 3 for a few minutes last night. I started with NBC but had to change channels after about 5 minutes because I could feel my dinner coming up. CBS and ABC weren't much better. The common theme was that the End of Democracy in America is getting near, and all right- ["left-". surely. Ed.] thinking people must do whatever it takes (now that weaponizing the courts has failed) to stop the Orange Man.

Here are two samples of the kind of unbiased commentary featured in the lickspittle media yesterday. One is actual, and one is satire. See if you can tell which one is the real libtard hysteria.  

Mainstream Media Warn If Trump Is Elected He Might Indict His Political Enemies, Imprison Detractors, And Rig Elections In His Favor

Mainstream media outlets warned this week that if former President Trump is re-elected, he might indict his political enemies, imprison opposing journalists, and change the voting rules of future elections to favor his party. 

"If none of the Democrats' 73 indictments against Trump work, Trump might gain the power to have political opponents indicted," warned MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow. "It's terrifying to think what could happen if a President were to wield the power to bankrupt opponents with bogus charges or intimidate journalists with legal threats. We are talking a danger the likes of which we have never, ever seen." 

Other outlets were reportedly quick to also sound the alarm, with CNN running a four-hour segment on how the DOJ must jail Republicans in order to keep Republicans from gaining the power to jail political opponents. CBS News, having recently seized confidential records from a journalist, called for the imprisonment of any journalist who does not write what the government tells them to write. 

"It's the only way to stop Trump from threatening journalists," explained CBS News President Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews. "We have to bend or break every moral and ethical rule in existence to keep Trump from breaking the rules." 

As of publishing time, Trump had been indicted for mass murder after telling his supporters that he promised to drain the D.C. swamp and get rid of all the corruption in the federal government. SOURCE

The New York Times is facing backlash over its coverage of Donald Trump and the 2024 election

The New York Times is facing a sustained wave of backlash. The Gray Lady has for several weeks been in the crosshairs of a vocal set of critics and readers who believe that Donald Trump poses a grave threat to American democracy and that the influential news organization isn’t adequately conveying those stakes to the public. 

Criticism of The Times is nothing new, but as it appears with each passing day that Trump has a real shot of recapturing the White House, the expressions of disapproval have become particularly pronounced. In the view of its critics, The Times has been far too distracted as of late by worries over President Joe Biden’s age, allowing it to steal attention away from the larger and far more serious danger posed by a second Trump administration. 

Critics have also argued that The Times covers Biden and Trump with disproportionate standards, placing false equivalence on issues surrounding the current president to those of the former president, who is facing 91 criminal counts and fantasized about being a dictator on “day one.” 

The latest salvo in the now weeks-long stream of criticism against The Times burst into view over the weekend when the newspaper published a poll it conducted with Siena College that found a majority of Biden voters believe he is too old to be an effective president. That poll touched off a torrent of angry commentary directed at the outlet, with some readers even declaring on social media that they had decided to cancel their subscriptions. 

“That they even asked this question is evidence of the bias — the agenda — in their poll,” Jeff Jarvis, the Leonard Tow Professor of Journalism Innovation at the CUNY Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, posted on Threads. “Who made age an ‘issue’? The credulous Times falling into the right-wing’s projection. This is not journalism. Shameful.” “NY Times, did you ask your random voters whether Trump is too insane, doddering, racist, sexist, criminal, traitorous, hateful to be effective as President?” Jarvis asked, adding, “This is not a poll. It is your agenda.” 

Bill Carter, a media critic who spent the bulk of his career as a media reporter for The Times, suggested on Monday that the newspaper is, of course, imperfect. Carter conceded that “there are occasions when the paper’s coverage seems less attuned to the changing realities of our political dynamic” and that “not enough is made of the fact that one side treats things like truth and science as opponents to be fought and denounced.” 

“There might be some point to the accusation that the media have not sufficiently rung the alarms to alert the nation to an existential threat to democracy,” Carter said. “But if Democrats lose to Trump after all THAT coverage, the fault will not be in the media, but in themselves.” SOURCE

If you can't guess which one is "real", click 'SOURCE' to go to the actual article. You'll see a lot more of that bullshit in the coming weeks, as the lickspittle media, as well as their "progressive" masters, are quaking in their boots. I love it!

Canuckistan to get new holiday

Seen by Agent 3 on the CTV News Toronto landing page this morning.

And these are the people who we're supposed to trust for accurate reporting?

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Monday, March 4, 2024


The Supreme Court of the United States ruled today that Colorado cannot disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 ballot. The ruling was unanimous, including all three liberal justices. 

SCOTUS said only Congress can disqualify a candidate from the ballot using the Fourteenth Amendment's "Insurrection Clause". 

Their ruling overturned December's 4-3 opinion of the Colorado Supreme Court that the provision prohibits President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot for the presidency in 2024. 

As well, today's ruling partially reversed a prior ruling in November that President Trump is not an officer of the United States as defined by the Fourteenth Amendment and that the Amendment therefore cannot be used to disqualify him from appearing on the Colorado primary ballot. 

The court wrote: 

Proposed by Congress in 1866 and ratified by the States in 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment expanded federal power at the expense of state autonomy and thus fundamentally altered the balance of state and federal power struck by the Constitution. […] 

Section 3 works by imposing on certain individuals a preventive and severe penalty—disqualification from holding a wide array of offices—rather than by granting rights to all. It is therefore necessary, as Chief Justice Chase concluded and the Colorado Supreme Court itself recognized, to ‘ascertain what particular individuals are embraced’ by the provision. […] 

Chase went on to explain that to accomplish this ascertainment and ensure effective results, proceedings, evidence, decisions, and enforcements of decisions, more or less formal, are indispensable. […] 

The Constitution empowers Congress to prescribe how those determinations should be made. The relevant provision is Section 5, which enables Congress, subject of course to judicial review, to pass “appropriate legislation” to “enforce” the Fourteenth Amendment. […] 

The court went on to note that Congress did so by passing the Enforcement Act of 1870. 

This case raises the question whether the States, in addition to Congress, may also enforce Section 3. We conclude that States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But States have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the Presidency. […] 

Granting the States that authority would invert the Fourteenth Amendment’s rebalancing of federal and state power. […] 

Nor have the respondents identified any tradition of state enforcement of Section 3 against federal officeholders or candidates in the years following ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. Such a lack of historical precedent is generally a telling indication of a severe constitutional problem with the asserted power. […] 

The patchwork that would likely result from state enforcement would sever the direct link that the Framers found so critical between the National Government and the people of the United States as a whole. […] 

The liberal justices referred to above -- Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson -- filed a separate opinion concurring in the judgment that no state can disqualify a federal candidate from the ballot.

And that, my dear liberal friends, is that. Your effort to get the courts steal the 2024 election for you has failed. That's all ye know and all ye need to know.

I'll return on the Day After Super Tuesday.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

"Allahu akbar!" in Zurich

Ed. here to repost the first three paragraphs of a report which appeared today on the Breitbart News website. The only edit I've made is to "bold" the last eight words.

An Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed multiple times in Zurich on Saturday evening by a knifeman who reportedly shouted out “death to all Jews” and “Allahu Akbar” during the attack.

A 50-year-old man of Orthodox Jewish faith was left with life-threatening injuries after being stabbed multiple times in Switzerland’s largest city at the Brandschenkestrasse/Selnaustrasse junction in Zurich District 2. 

According to the German-language Swiss newspaper Neue Zùrcher Zeitung, a 15-year-old suspect was arrested at the scene of the attack. Police are currently investigating the potential motive for the attack, including the possibility that it was inspired by antisemitism

Ya think?! Click here to read the rest of the Breitbart News report. If, when the name and identity of the knifeman are revealed, he turns out not to be a follower of the Prophet, we'll let you know. Don't bother to stay tuned.

Economist warns: the bicycle is the slow death of the planet

According to the General Director of Euro Exim Bank, the bicycle is the slow death of the planet.  

The noted economist got other economists thinking when he said, "A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy: he does not buy cars and does not borrow money to buy. 

"He does not pay for insurance policies. He does not buy fuel, does not pay for the necessary maintenance and repairs. He does not use paid parking.
"He does not cause serious accidents. He does not require multi-lane highways. He does not get fat. Healthy people are neither needed nor useful for the economy. [Cyclists] don't buy medicine. They do not go to hospitals or doctors. Nothing is added to the country's GDP (gross domestic product). 

"On the contrary, every new McDonald's restaurant creates at least 30 jobs: 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietary experts and nutritionists, and obviously, people who work at the restaurant itself." 

So choose carefully: bicycles or McDonald's? It's worth thinking about!

Afterthought: Walking is even worse. Pedestrians don't even buy bicycles. 

Thanks to Agent 6, who, to the best of our knowledge, has never been seen riding a bicycle.

Footnote: Did you notice the name of the manufacturer of this fine penny-farthing bicycle. Here all this time I thought Popes were elected by the princes of the Church... for better or (in the case of the incumbent) worse.

Friday, March 1, 2024

"Here's what you do next..."

Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of All Canuckistan from 1984 to 1993, used to say, "Every day when I wake up, I stretch out my hands. If I don't feel a box, it's a good day!" Yesterday was not a good day for Lyin' Brian, who is reported to have died peacefully, surrounded by his family, not one of whom was seen with knife in hand. A stake will be driven through his heart in a ceremony on Parliament Hill this weekend.

During his lifetime, Mr Mulroney became infamous for "rolling the dice" with his country's future. He lost. He also earned his reputation as Canada's most corrupt PM since Sir John Eh Macdonald. Few will forget his testimony at the Oliphant Commission of Inquiry into Certain Allegations Respecting Business and. Financial Dealings Between Karlheinz Schreiber and the Right Honourable. Brian Mulroney [sic] that he had said nothing about having received an envelope containing $1000 bills [since demonetized] because "No-one asked me!"

In recent years, the turd -- the burnished by regular polishings by the Globe and Mail and the Notional Pest -- occupied the position of eminence grise to current Prime Minister Blackie McBlackface. The two are seen here planning discussing the future of Canuckistan and the world at... wait for it... the World Economic Forum. That's all ye know and all ye need to know about Canadian politics.

Memo to Ed.: I am well aware of the adage "De mortuis nil nisi bonum." I just can't do it. No "Ave arque vale" from me.