Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Before you succumb to the "global warming/climate change" hysteria...

...consider this meteorological history.* The world (or at least England's "green and sceptred isle") was warmer 1000 years ago than it it a lot!

Archaeological evidence indicates that the years 950 to 1300 were marked by noticeably warmer temperatures than we experience today, even in the age of "global warming". Meteorologists describe this medieval warm epoch as the "Little Optimum", and they cite it as the explanation of such phenomena as the Viking explosion into Russia, France, Iceland, and the northwestern Atlantic.

The northerly retreat of icebergs and pack ice under the impact of warmer temperatures is a plausible explanation of why Lief Eriksson was able to sail round the top of the Atlantic as far as Newfoundland in or about the year 1000, and why he found vines there. (He didn't name the are "Vinland" as a joke!)

During the "Little Optimum",  Edinburgh enjoyed the climate of London, while3 London enjoyed the climate of the Loire Valley in France, a difference of 2 to 4 degrees Fahrenheit -- the equivalent in modern American terms of San Francisco's climate moving north to Seattle.

*Source: Lacey, Robert & Danny Danziger: The Year 1000. Little Brown & Co., London, 1999.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

VIDEO: Dr Jordan Peterson faces Oppenheimer-style persecution

Earlier this morning we posted "'OPPENHEIMER', a cautionary tale", a review of the movie which revealed the travesty of justice which was the 1954 hearing of the US Atomic Energy Commission, which revoked the security clearance of Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer, "the father of the atomic bomb", because (the AEC found) he was, if not a Communist, then at least a fellow-traveller and comsymp.

After watching the movie, Mrs Walt likened the persecution of Dr Oppenheimer to the poresent-day string of indictments and politically motivated prosecutions launched against President Donald Trump, for the purpose of keeping him off the ballot in the 2024 presidential election. Canadians may smugly say that kind of thing could only happen in the Paranoid States of America. They would be wrong. The same thing is happening today, in the Great No-longer-white North, to Dr Jordan Peterson. 

Last wednesday, Ontario's Divisional Court upheld a ruling ordering the eminent but controversial psychologist to undergo "social media training" or risk losing his licence, following complaints about his controversial online posts and statements.

The court said it was undeterred by Dr Peterson's claims that his public statements were "off-the-clock" activities -- not part of his practice as a psychologist. Even if that were so, they declared, Dr. Peterson is a psychologist, and his activities were therefore "harmful to the public and damaging to the profession of psychology" and his statements "threatened to erode public trust."

The court dismissed Peterson's appeal against the College of Psychologists' order,  and directed him to pay C$25,000 (over $18,000 in real money), noting that the training "is not disciplinary and does not prevent Dr. Peterson from expressing himself on controversial topics." 

In the video below, Dr Peterson says that's ridiculous! If he hadn't expressed himeself in the so-called social media, why would he have been hailed before the College and the courts? He became famous in 2016 after criticizing Bill C-16, claiming that the bill would enforce speech codes and harm free speech. This earned him a reputation for being "transphobic"/

He came under court scrutiny again last year as a result of complaints filed against him for his online commentary on issues like climate change, gender transitioning, and Covid policy, and against key members of the Canadian government like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who he called the worst prime minister Canada ever had. [Just stating the obvious. Walt]

It was statements like that, made and reposted on multiple Twitter accounts, that were submitted to the College and later the court, not by any of his patients, but by "progressive" wokesters who felt and said that saying (or even thinking!) such things is "unacceptable". What they really meant is that Dr Peterson must be silenced, cast into outer darkness. Just like President Trump.

Here, then, is Dr Peterson's analysis of and response to the court's decision. Note his promise to take the matter all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. But there's more. He promises (or threatens, the lefties would say) to make the "retraining" (if it happens!) public, so the world can see the "retraining" for the woke brainwashing that it really is. "If you think that you have a right to free speech in Canada, you're delusional. I will make every aspect of this public and we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule. Bring it on."


Further viewing: "Ontario College of Psychologists Have Asked Me to Re-Educate Jordan Peterson!". Psychologist Gad Saad reviews the 16 points which Dr Peterson is supposed to embrace in order to keep his licence. I had to listen very carefully to be sure Dr Saad wasn't serious about the "re-education lobotomy". Highly recommended!

Movie Review: "OPPENHEIMER", a cautionary tale

The screenwriteres strike offers some respite from the steady stream of crapulous drivel coming out of Hollywood in the Age of Woke. So bad has it been that Walt hasn't been to the cinema/theater in something like five years. But Mrs Walt talked me into going to see Oppenheimer because (she said) it says something about the persecution of people who offend the powers that be (read: Deep State, liberal elites, etc) in today's America (and Canada, aka Little America). 

Here's the first trailer, the official one.


And here's the second one.


You would think, from the trailers, that the movie is all aqbout the making of the atomic bomb. It is not. We'll come to the real story, and its relevance to the politics of 2023, in a moment, but first a capsule review: 

Oppenheimer - Directed by Christopher Nolan. Written by Christopher Nolan, based on the 2005 biolgraphy American Prometheus by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin. 
Starring Cillian Murphy (as J. Robert Oppenheimer), Emily Blunt (Kitty Oppenheimer), Robert Downey Jr. (Lewis Strauss), and (IMHO) Florence Pugh (as Jean Tatlock, Oppenheimer's sometime paramour).

Oppenheimer is the story of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, his role in the development of the atomic bomb, and his subsequent persecution by the Atomic Energy Commission and other instruments of Deep State in the anti-Communist mania of the McCarthy era.

Running time: 180 minutes, comprising approximately 170 minutes of dialogue, and (to wake you up) about 10 minutes of Very Loud Noises. All the same, Walt gives it 4 1/2 stars out of 5. Academy Award nominations expected for Cillian Murphy as the protagonist Robert Oppenheimer, and Robert Downey Jr as his antagonist, Lewis Strauss (factoid: He prounced it "Straws", so it wouldn't sound so Jewish). 

I thought Mr Downey was the better of the two, but he'll have to settle for Best Supporting Actor since Mr Murphy plays the hero, a good guy hounded almost to death for his naïveté in daring to hold and voice opinions contrary to those of the stablishment. Florence Pugh gets my Wally for Outstanding Nubility and Cuteness. Her face reminds me vaguely of that of Shaye Cohn, leader of Tuba Skinny, the best New Orleans jazz band going. But I digress...

The story predominantly focuses on Dr Oppenheimer's studies, his direction of the Manhattan Project during World War II, and his eventual fall from grace due to his 1954 security hearing. The Atomic Energy Commission hearing, directed from behind the scenes by Lewis Strauss, was a classic kangaroo court. The movie shifts back and forth between it and the Mr Strauss's later confirmation hearing in the Senate (he was up for Secretary of Commerce) in which his vindictiveness toward Oppenheimer was exposed, resulting in his homination being rejected.

The scenes of the AEC hearing provide the lesson to which I alluded. Dr Oppenheimer's counsel were not allowed enough time to prepare properly, or to see or hear much of the evidence against him. The prosecutor was malicious and unfair in the extreme. If he couldn't prove the scientist was a card-carrying Communist -- he wasn't! -- he was determined to show that he was a "comsymp" and "fellow traveller". The result was what you would expect. Dr Oppenheimer's security clearance was revoked and he went into exile in disgrace.

Mrs Walt, who comes from a country in which kangaroo courts and persecution for one's politics are the norm, said she was reminded of nothing so much as the current prosecutions of President Trump. "They're trying to destroy him," she said, "and will stop at nothing to do that." Indeed. 

Just yesterday, US District Judge Tanya Chutkan orderered the federal trial over President Trump's alleged illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 election to start on 4 March 2024 -- one day before "Super Tuesday" in the GOP presidential primary.

In so doing, she rejected both an expedited timeline requested by special presecutor Jack Smith (which would have had the trial start even earlier) and a request from Mr Trump\s lawyers to delay the trial until 2026. Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance called her ruling "straight up election interference." 

A GOP consultant said, "You're starting the trial the day before the biggest primary day? It's called Super Tuesday for a reason. It's the biggest day of primaries. That's when you start the trial?" Well, that's what the Democrats [sic] and Deep State want -- to keep President Trump off the 2024 ballot since they know in a head-to-head contest he would trounce Dementia Joe, the puppet President. 

They're out to get him, if not in New York, then in Washington, and if not Washington, then Georgia. That's how the rule of law and principles of fair play and justice work in Brandon's America. And not just in America. Watch this space for more persecution news from the Great No-longer-white North.

Further viewing: Walt recommends Atomic Cafe. This 1982 cult classic juxtaposes Cold War history, propaganda, music and culture, seamlessly crafted from government-produced educational and training films, newsreels and advertisements. It's an absurdist blast from the past that would be downright laughable if it weren’t so eerily relevant to our fake news present. Click here to watch it. Running time: 1:26:37.

Further reading (highly recommended): "Donald Trump’s Trial For Election Interference Set To Begin In Time To Interfere With Election", Babylon Bee (of course), 29/8/23.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

VIDEO: "Woke Vatican: Millions Resist Pope’s 'Hostile Takeover'”

The latest video from our dear friend Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, has just dropped on YouTube. Here's what's included:
  • It’s coming back this fall, but are the Covid lockdowns absolutely necessary to keep you safe? Well, it depends on how you score on the Asch Conformity Experiment. 
  • Padre DJ “pumps up the jams” for young people in devil’s horns and witches’ costumes. But Pope Francis blessed his headphones, anyway, and then invited him to World Youth Day.
  • Resistance is futile. Tell it to Oliver Anthony, a no-name musician who just blew up the music charts worldwide and took his protest anthem to a hundred million people. 
But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more.
  • There's is a new book out with a foreword by Raymond Cardinal Burke. It is all about the Synod on Synodality, and His Eminence delivers a dire warning to Pope Francis. 
  • Finally, The Vigano Effect. . . what is it, and could it change the future of the Catholic counterrevolution  
WARNING: If you watch on YouTube, you won't see everything, because the PC censors have their feet -- well, only one foot, at the moment -- on Mr Matt's neck. Here is the full, uncensored version, from Remnant TV.   

God bless you as you heed Mr Matt's exhortation to speak up, speak out...and never surrender to the Woke Vatican and the Church of Francis!

Friday, August 25, 2023

Space race fail! Sinister plot uncovered!

 Have you heard? The Indians (Bombay type, not those now referred to as "First Nations") have landed some equipment near the south pole of the moon! Why are they doing that? Pictures taken by the Hubble-Bubble telescope right here in Fort Mudge show their devilish plan.

Yes, folks. The idea was to carve the moon up into smaller pieces and transport them back to Earth, where India is desperate for more land to accommodate its burgeoning population. Too bad for them they only build tiny little cars, so it's going to take longer than they thought.

Memo from Ed. to Walt: That's really lame. Leave the humour to the Babylon Bee.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

We celebrate! Cлава Україні!

Cлава Україні, героям слава!

ZANU-PF wins 187th straight Zimbabwe election

Q. When to the Chinese have their elections? A. Just before bleakfast!

Q. When do Zimbabweans have their elections? A. Elections? Wozzat?

Walt's agent in Ha-ha-harare, the fun capital of Africa, sends word that the results of today's presidential election have been announced, to save voters the bother of standing in line to cast their ballots, as well as the embarrassment of being seen by army poll watchers voting for the wrong party.

And the winner is... (drum roll, please)... Comrade Emerson (aka "ED") [no relation. Ed.] Mnangagwa, seen here having a friendly chat with an unnamed mentor.

Mr Mnangagwa's ZANU-PF party (aka the Perpetual Governing Party) received 98% of the vote. The opposition Vasina Tariro received 1%. The bodies of the remaining 1% of the voters have not yet been found.

In Harare for today's festivities was "Doctor" Jill Biden, the wife of... errr... I forget. She is seen here being welcomed by Auxillia Mnangawa, ED's wife, who is understood to have passed along some advice for the Democrats on how to certain of re-election, no matter what (aka Hunter). 

Mrs Mnangagwa should know. Her husband's party has been in power continuously since Zimbabwe won its independence from the evil Rhodesians in 1980. 

True fact: Some years ago, Walt auditioned for a job reading the news on ZBC (the Zimbabwe state broadcaster), but stumbled over ED's name and wasn't hired. Being a white murungu (foreigner) didn't help either!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Canada's CTV: All the news that fits... the liberal agenda

Here is the news. On August 15th, in the rather sketchy Moss Park area of downtown Toronto, a 54-year-old white man named Douglas James Macdonald, got into a fight with another man on the sidewalk near the corner of Sherbourne Street and Queen Street East. 

Mr Macdonald tried to run away, but was chased by the man into the middle of the street, where he fell to the ground. The suspect allegedly continued attacking him while he was down. Police said the suspect fled the scene on a bicycle, leaving Mr Macdonald, who appeared to have been incapacitated, lying in the middle of the street. 

A short time later, a car travelling north hit Mr Macdonald, but did not stop. Emergency crews later arrived on the scene and pronounced the 54-year-old dead. 

CTV is Canada's largest privately-owned (by Ma Bell) TV network. The largest overall is the CBC (Canadian Broadcorping Castration), owned by the Canada's Liberal government (Just In Trudeau, Prop.) The CBC epitomizes progressivism, political correctness and general wokeism. 

Because CTV would like to be in first place, they try hard to out-liberal the CBC. As witness their coverage of yesterday's announcement by Toronto's Finest (TM) that they had made an arrest in the case. It wasn't the hit-and-run driver, who is considered only a witness, but the 19-year-old man who did the stompin'. Wenzile Ndlangamandla was taken into custody yesterday and charged with second-degree murder. He is scheduled to appear in court Sunday morning.

The name of the accused was published on the CTV News website. There was no mug shot or other picture, and it was the Toronto Sun which identified Mr Ndlangamandla as a "Toronto man". For some reason -- time limitations, perhaps -- CTV's televised version of the same story made no mention of the name.

Also omitted was the fact that Mr Ndlangamandla, is from the Dark Continent, and likely one of the 1000s of bogus refugees/asylum-seekers who crossed over the welcome mat thrown out by M Trudeau and is now being housed, clothed and fed by Canadian taxpayers. One may suppose CTV left this out not because the newsreaders can't pronounce his name, but because they don't want to stoke the flames of anti-immigrant backlash, already roaring through the Great No-longer-white North.

UPDATED: VIDEO: Victor David Hanson on the demise of California

Two news stories related to the decline of America, particularly the Left Coast, and more particularly California, keep bubbling to the top of the tank from time to time.

Item: A number of counties in eastern Oregon and Washington states are thinking seriously about separating from the western parts of those states and joining Idaho. See "'Greater Idaho' movement to absorb rural counties from Oregon gains momentum" and "The Greatear Idaho Movement". (The second article includes insstructions on how to join!)   

Why do you suppose that is? [Suppose, hell! They know this. Ed.] That's right. They're tired of living in states where scabrous "homeless encampments" such as this Bidenville* are spreading across the landscape like great pus-filled cancer lesions, while the state governments -- misruled by Democrats -- stand [sit, shurely. Ed.] idly by.  

Item: Forbes Home reports in "10 States People Are Leaving" that, according to USPS change-of-address data, more people are fleeing than any other state. Not to be racist but let's call them "white flees". 

The Golden State [more like fool's gold. Ed.] saw a net loss of over 101,000 households despite a mostly pleasant climate and robust tech industry. Rising housing costs, rising taxes and politics seem to be driving many people to look for opportunities elsewhere. 

Other factors that emigrants have cited are the rising threat of wildfires and the constantly increasing cost of living. Forbes, being politically correct, passes over the fact that California's cities have become not just livable, but downright dangerous, thanks to the proliferation of Bidenvilles, like this one on Oakland's Wood Street. 

In this video, Victor Davis Hanson, an American classicist, historian, farmer, and political commentator, details the deliberate process by which the standard of living for Californians has deteriorated over the past decades, and points the bony finger of indignation toward those responsible.


* In America, in the Dirty Thirties, collections of shacks and shanties like today's "homeless encampments" were known as "Hoovervilles", after then President Hoover. Nowadays, in France and North Africa, they are called "bidonvilles". 

Wikipedia: Un bidonville est la partie défavorisée d'une ville caractérisée par des logements très insalubres et construits par les habitants avec des matériaux de récupération, une grande pauvreté et sans aucun droit ou sécurité foncière. 

In short (and in English) a shanty town built of oil drums or other metal containers, especially on the outskirts of a city, with great poverty and without right or basic security. In Europe and Africa, bidonville. The Electric Company's Letterman changes just one letter to get Bidenvilles, which is what they're called in Brandon's America.

Further reading (added 21/8/23): "Actually, Joe, all your 'objectives' were failures", by Victor Davis Hanson, on the American Greatness site. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

How Brandon can get rid of the Three Witches

Double, double toil and trouble; 
Fire burn and caldron bubble. 
Cool it with a baboon's blood, 
Then the charm is firm and good. 

 As a young lad [back before the earth's crust cooled. Ed.] I was compelled to read Macbeth. The only part that sticks in my mind is the first two lines of this quattrain (IV.i 35-38), uttered by the Three Witches.

In his quest for re-election -- Joe Brandon needs to deal with his own Three Witches (three Democratic witches) who are queering his already slim chances. They are (in order of repulsiveness) Senator Dianne Feinstein, presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton, and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

In "An unlikely solution to the problems with Harris and Feinstein" (LA Times, 14/8/43), columnist George Skelton, outlines Senile Joe's problems with Ms Finesteing and Ms Harris, to wit:

"President Biden has a problem. So does Vice President Kamala Harris. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is a problem. There’s a solution for all of this. Biden’s problem is Harris. She’s a burden — a drag on his reelection prospects. 

"Feinstein, 90, is a problem for California because she’s no longer capable of fully representing the nation’s most populous state — a world-class economic power — in the Senate. 

"A reader emailed me with the remedy: Feinstein could resign from the Senate and Gov. Gavin Newsom could appoint Harris to replace her. Biden then could find a more popular running mate, one more acceptable to voters as a potential successor."

Wow! What Mr Skelton has given us is 2/3 of a brilliant plan to keep Brandon and the Dumbocrats [sounds like 50's singing group. Ed.] in power. But the pundit hasn't pushed his idea to its logical conclusion. He should have read "Waiting for Hellery" (WWW 10/8/23).

In that little essay, I mooted the possibility that Mrs Bill Clinton is waiting for Crooked Joe to founder further in the public opinion polls, getting set to primary him as soon as the starting gun is heard. I said that she has two chances -- slim and none -- of ousting Brandon. What I failed to consider was the possibility that, if Ms Harris can be pushed back into California (as Mr Skelton suggests), Mr Biden could than appoint La Clinton as his "new" Vice-President!

How brilliant is that?! In one swell foop, Brandon could remove the threat of a Clinton challenge to his nomination. Not only that. Some voters worried about his failing health could be reassured by the prospect of Mrs Bill succeeding them. 

But wait (as Vince Offer used to say), there's more! Suppose Brandon tells Hellery that she wouldn't have to wait for him to expire of old age, as he would retire voluntarily shortly ("a decent interval") after his re-election. 

He could put his guarantee in writing -- if he can still write more than his name -- and with that in her pocket Mrs Clinton could hit the campaign trail at Joe's side, confident that she will at last become America's first female feminist President. 

So there you are, Dumbocrats, the solution to all your problems. Don't bother to thank me. Watching a rerun of Clinton vs Trump will be thanks enough!

Footnotes: Report seen on Global TV News this morning:
"Hurricane Hilary grew rapidly to Category 4 strength off Mexico’s Pacific coast on Friday and could reach Southern California as the first tropical storm there in 84 years, causing “significant and rare impacts” including extensive flooding."
Just a coincidence, no doubt...

The Babylon Bee's take: "Deaths Caused By Hurricane Hilary To Be Labelled Suicides", 18/8/23.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

VIDEO: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains why the Swamp is out to get him

WALT REGRETS that the Swampmeisters have been removed from YouKnowWhoTube.

Last night's Tucker on Twitter (aka Tucker Carlson Tonight) featured a long (1 hr 22) interview Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the man who dares to challenge President Joe Brandon for the Democratic nomination in 2024. When he was with Fox, Mr Carlson couldn't do in-depth interviews like this, where the interviewee can just talk. Thank goodness he's on his own now.

Mr Kennedy is hard to listen to. I'm not sure what's wrong with his voice, but trying to get past it is a challenge, and his style, even in conversation has a certain soporific effect. But listening to him is worth the effort because what he has to say explains why the Dumbocrats are so afraid of him that they won't even give him Secret Service protection. Letr that sink in. Are they secretly hoping that he will make the same fate as his father? Listen up!

Walt wishes Mr Kennedy well in his quesst to supplant Senile Joe... but I won't be putting any money on him, nor will I stand behind him... or in front of him... literally.

Footnote: Please, sir... it's "nu-cle-ar", not "nu-cu-ler"! If Homer Simpson can get it right, so can you!

VIDEO: Michael Matt: WYD & the New Lockdowns - UNCENSORED

Only 15 minutes of this video talk, by Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant newspaper, can be seen on Y0uTube. The rest is on the PC censor's cutting room floor. 

What YT lets you see is: World Youth Day in review; Pope Francis says the oceans are boiling, Greta Thunberg cracks up laughing, and Canada's little weasel gets a divorce. But the original version, from Remnant TV (running time 45:03) offers a lot more.

There's a great compilation of liberal politicians and their lickspittle media telling us we have to get vaccinated to save the world, then saying "errr, maybe not." To top that, you'll hear Cardinal Timothy "the Laughing Cow" Dolan, admit that he and almost all our other leaders were wrong to "follow the science." Yes, and he praises Christopher Columbus too. 

And there's still more. Mr Matt explains that just because he quotes Bill Marr and Donald Trump doesn't mean that he's stupid and believes they're daily communicants! [For non-Catholics, that means devout Catholics who receive Holy Communion every day. Like President Brandon... NOT! Ed.] It means only that we believe they're on our side in the political wars. We should amplify the voices of reason ... which is what WWW is trying to do, right now.

Further viewing: You can find all of Michael Matt's videos, and much more, on Remnant TV. Bookmark the channel so you'll be able to find it when Y0uTube shuts it down completely and permanently.

Brandon is dependable

Not to be construed as an endorsement of anybody or anything. Walt

Monday, August 14, 2023

"Who asked?!", asks Canuck blogger

Let's start with the first five paragraphs of an article which appeared today in the Wall Street Journal under the headline "Canada Tests the Limits of Its Liberal Immigration Strategy

High levels of immigration made Canada the second-fastest growing developed-world economy in recent years, trailing only the U.S., as it competed to attract high-skilled workers from around the world.

Now, the newcomers are starting to strain the country’s ability to absorb them, putting at risk an important engine of the country’s growth. The country of 40 million people last year welcomed more than one million permanent and temporary immigrants, Statistics Canada said. That influx generated a population growth of 2.7%; the increase of 1.05 million people was nearly equivalent to last year’s increase in the U.S., a country with more than eight times Canada’s population.

In the next two years, Canadian officials say they will boost the number of permanent newcomers by almost a third, with most being skilled migrants such as carpenters, computer scientists and healthcare workers who qualify under a merit-based points system.

The system, touted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government but first developed in the 1960s, has helped drive economic growth, attract entrepreneurs and fill vacancies for skilled positions. It has been broadly supported across the Canadian political spectrum, with the goal of attracting the world’s best and brightest to Canada.

But the intake of newcomers is increasing so rapidly that analysts and newly arrived immigrants say it is adding fuel to an overheated housing market, straining a stressed healthcare system and clogging up roads in cities unaccustomed to traffic jams. 

The problems listed in the fifth paragraph are there, to be sure, but the WSJ neglected to mention the greater problems of race, crime and the degradation of Canada's cities, with the Toronto and Vancouver areas now resembling Mumbai and Kingston, Jamaica in every respect but the climate.

The creator of Blazing Cat Fur (a daily read for Walt and Ed.) dipped his pen in vitriol and wrote this answer to the WSJ's blinkered analysis: 

Canada is known for its embrace of immigrants? Submission to mass immigration is more like it. Romanticized views of immigration in Canada are the domain of politicians selling snake oil nowadays.

No one signed on for an inundation of incompatible cultures or to have their own government dismiss their heritage and nation as so much racist garbage. Multiculturalism was weaponized and the smear of racism was used as a bludgeon to smash dissent and ensure Canadians clapped like trained seals in approval whenever the topic of immigration was raised. Ethnic disaporas possessed of little in common with Canadian values are catered to by our political class who tolerate the intolerable for votes.

Who asked that hiring decisions be made on the basis of government ordained victim status? 
Who asked that being white be considered a virtual hate crime and Canada be turned into a low trust society? 
Who asked for “racialized sentencing guidelines” for criminals as if the average Joe who just wants to be left alone is somehow responsible for the alleged historic oppression of predators? 

No one asked for a balkanized society where foreign ethnic conflicts spill out into our streets. 
Who asked for an immigration policy that does not benefit citizens? 
No one asked because it was imposed upon us and its true purpose is to benefit the corporate and political classes at our expense. 

No one asked because divide and conquer works best when its victims are forbidden to talk about it until it’s too late. This so called “embrace of immigration” is better described as a choke hold. 

Couldn't have said it better myself.

VIDEO: Why Catholics MUST pray the Prayer to St. Michael NOW

In "Now they're coming for the Catholics" (WWW 11/8/23) we urged our Catholic readers to keep praying to Saint Michael the Archangel. Today we offer proof that doing so is a most important part of keeping the True Faith. How so? Because Cardinal Blase Cupich, Pope Bergoglio's bumboy (maybe not literally), banned the public recitation of the Saint Michael Prayer in his Archdiocese of Chicago! 

In this video you'll hear comments from Dr Taylor Marshall, including some simple and practical advice on how to save yourself and your family.  


If the evil men who have infiltrated the hierarchy of the Church are afraid of the Saint Michael Prayer, it must be very powerful indeed. Keep praying!

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

The cause of global warming?

As anyone who tries to milk this animal will find out, it's actually a bull. It turns all that plant material into bullshit, just like vegans. Point taken.

Friday, August 11, 2023

VIDEO: Now they're coming for the Catholics... sez who? WHO?!

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a socialist. 
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a trade unionist. 
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Jew. 
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

(German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller, from a 1946 post-war confessional speech) 

In this video, our old friend Dr Taylor Marshall looks at the testimony of Attorney-General Merrick Garland, when he was questioned by Senator Josh Hawley in the hearings into the weaponization of the FBI. 

Brandon's A-G tried to distance himself from "the Richmond product", a report from the FBI's office in the capital of the Confederacy (and there were others) into the "dangerously extremist views" being expressed in Catholic churches, particularly those traditional Catholic churches which resist secular humanism and the Soros/Francis/Biden New World Order.

Dr Taylor shows and discusses clips from the speech given by President Trump last Saturday in Montgomery AL, at the Alabama GOP Summer Dinner. What the Donald said, very plainly, was that "they" are coming for Catholics, particularly "Rad Trads" like yr obdt servant. . 


You don't need to be told who "they" are... right? If you're in any doubt, click on the link above to hear Mr Trump's speech in full starting at the 43-minute mark), before it gets pulled down.

As Dr Marshall (and Fr Edward Meeks, Michael Matt, Anthony Stine, and many others) say, you should take heed and join the resistance, even if you're not Catholic. Because if you believe in the values that built western (i.e. Christian) civilization, you're next!

Let us keep praying to Saint Michael the Archangel: 
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Footnote: A few hours ago Merrick Garland -- yes, the one mentioned above -- appointed David Weiss as special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe. David Weiss is the federal prosecutor who cut the plea deal with the Boy Hunter which was rejected by the judge as being a sweetheart deal that would never have been given to anyone else. Click here to watch commentary by constitutional lawyer and Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Waiting for Hellery...

It's been a quiet day on Lake Kashagawigamog. Walt has been The Choice, Wapo Bob Woodward's account of the run-up to the 1996 presidential election. It's a pretty even-handed account, published a couple of months ahead of polling day, so Mr Woodward's liberal bias wouldn't be mocked in the event that Bob Dole won... which he didn't.

The book is interesting and relevant this year, though, because there are some parallels to be drawn. The mid-term elections of 1994 had gone badly for the Democrats, who lost control of both the House and the Senate. Slick Willy Clinton had been revealed as a vision-less liar and a philanderer, incapable of setting a course for the nation and sticking to it.

He was "under water" in the polls, on everything from trust to competence. There were murmurings of dissent within his own party, even talk of his being primaried. The Republicans were on the attack, led by Newt Gingrich with his "Contract with America". Bob Dole was quietly -- too quietly, some said -- making the way of the Democratic transgressors hard in the Senate.

As Mr Woodward tells it, as 1995 faded to black, the smart money was on the Republicans to win in 1996. The big question was who would lead them to victory, and unlike in 2023 the answer wasn't obvious. 

Senator Dole was seen as the most likely, but he was old, with all the charisma of a bed of kelp. [Woodward didn't write that. Bob did! Ed.] And he didn't seem to have the fire in his belly, compared with Angry Newt. Several others were testing the waters, and a surprising number, including California Governor Pete Wilson and General (Retd) Colin Powell decided that discretion was the better part of valour. 

This year is different. Today's poll on the landing page of Breitbart News lists no fewer than 14 candidates (13 men and 1 real woman) who would like to make sure that when Senile Joe Biden next falls down, he won't get up again. President Trump leads the Republican race by a country mile, but there are those who say that while he may win the GOP nomination, he'll lose the election. Walt says "In your dreams!"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, not many have gone public with their desire to supplant President Brandon. Jumping into a campaign against an incumbent president takes a lot of jam (or the feminine/trans equivalent). So far there are just two. Though their campaigns may be considered long shots, his opponents argue that the country is heading in a bad direction, and it’s time for change.

Foremost (of the two) is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The notorious anti-vaxxer and environmental lawyer launched his campaign in April, saying he wanted to "end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power." Although the 2024 cycle is in its very early stages, Mr Kennedy appears to be doing better in the polls than previously anticipated. His stature grew considerably during the recent hearings on the weaponization of the FBI, when many viewers stopped noticing his odd voice and paid attention to the truths he had to tell.

First out of the gate was writer and speaker Marianne Williamson. The self-help author and motivational speaker ran unsuccessfully for the Dumbcratic nomination in 2020, coming up short and dropping out before the Iowa caucuses. She's running again on the premise that "this country is on the wrong track." Who could argue with that?!

I mention Ms Williamson because she epitomizes the kinf of ultra-liberal, feminazi Karen who finds a natural home in today's Democratic Party. In Chapter 9 of The Choice, we read that Hillary Clinton was that way inclined herself.

Having found the first 2 1/2 years of Bill's presidensity more than challenging, his spouse reached out to Jean Houston and Mary Catherine Bateson, two New Age nutjobs who were into things like spiritualism, along with their feminism. Ms Houston encouraged Hellery to have spiritual conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi, but Mrs Bill declined to try communicating with Jesus.

Apparently a lot of this stuck somewhere in Mrs Clinton's alleged mind, for she continued to "channel" Eleanor Roosevelt through the 2008 primary loss to the Prez and the 2016 election loss to the Donald. Sources say it was hard to dissuade her from trying again in 2020, until it was pointed out to her that she was already 73 years old and should make way for someone younger... or older!

Mrs Bill has been strangely silent so far this year. But it seems to Walt that she's like a firehorse... a very old firehorse. When she hears the bell, she wants to run. There are those who would prefer Hellery to AOC or any member of the squad, or the Pretendian Elizabeth Warren. 

Not many Democrats truly like Hillary Clinton. They can understand why Slick Willy looked outside his marriage for comfort and sex. But they are afraid of Hillary. She knows where the bodies are buried, and I mean that both figuratively and literally.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Funeral of +Fr Roman Galadza - Final Kiss/Procession/Burial

The final kiss and interment of +Father Roman Galadza took place at midday on 7 August 2023 at Saint Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church, in Brampton, Ontario,Canada.


Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Indicting President Trump: what could possibly go wrong?

Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith, a noted critic of former President Donald Trump, answered that question in a guest essay, published today in the New York Times. He warned NYT readers [Sid and Doris Bonkers, of Camden NJ. Ed.] that while they might enjoy the idea of Trump being indicted and possibly imprisoned, the other half of the country did not see it that way, and would seek revenge. 

Walt won't pay to read the Times, so these excerpts (but not the cartoons*) are taken from the Breitbart News report.

This deeply unfortunate timing [of the indictments] looks political and has potent political implications even if it is not driven by partisan motivations. And it is the Biden administration’s responsibility, as its Justice Department reportedly delayed the investigation of Mr. Trump for a year and then rushed to indict him well into G.O.P. primary season. The unseemliness of the prosecution will most likely grow if the Biden campaign or its proxies use it as a weapon against Mr. Trump if he is nominated.

… And then there is the perceived unfairness in the department’s treatment of Mr. Biden’s son Hunter, in which the department has once again violated the cardinal principle of avoiding any appearance of untoward behavior in a politically sensitive investigation. Credible whistle-blowers have alleged wrongdoingand bias in the investigation, though the Trump-appointed prosecutor denies it. And the department’s plea arrangement with Hunter Biden came apart, in ways that fanned suspicions of a sweetheart deal, in response to a few simple questions by a federal judge.

… The prosecution may well have terrible consequences beyond the department for our politics and the rule of law. It will probably inspire ever more aggressive tit-for-tat investigations of presidential actions in office by future Congresses and by administrations of the opposing party, to the detriment of sound government. 

BN passes on an report, also published today, that the "shock value" of successive indictments — he has faced three thus far, and could soon face a fourth — has dropped, even as the once-and-future President has solidified his position at the top of the Republican presidential primary polls.

* The cartoons are by Gary Varvel, a Christian, conservative, cartoonist and speaker. Mr Varvel's Views From The Right newsletter includes his cartoons, links to conservative commentary and his essays on current events from Biblical worldview.

+Fr. Roman Galadza - Requiem Divine Liturgy + Order of Burial (Part II)

+Father Roman, beloved of countless family, parishioners and friends,
has fallen asleep. 
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord: and let perpetual light shine upon him. Amen.

 Saint Elias the Prophet Ukrainian Catholic Church
Brampton, Ontario, Canada - 7 August 2023


The final kiss and interment took place immediately after this service.
Video has not yet been edited.

Monday, August 7, 2023

VIDEO: Wokeness is as old as the Bible itself; so is the remedy

This homily was given by Father David Wilton, C.P.M. of the Fathers of Mercy at the Chapel of Divine Mercy in Auburn KY. on 24 July 2022.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Headline of the YEAR (Canadian division)

Ed. here. Walt will return next week, but there are some things that won't wait, such as this:

From the Babylon Bee (of course), 2/8/23. It is unlikely that Walt will have anything to add.


Saturday, 5 August 
10am - Requiem Divine Liturgy with Father Roman’s family and parishioners of Saint Elias, with visitation for them from 9am 
7pm - Great Vespers with Lytia for the Feast of the Transfiguration, with visitation after the service until 10pm 

Sunday, 6 August – Feast of the Transfiguration 
8am - Festal Matins 
10am - Divine Liturgy 
6pm - Visitation 
7pm - Order of Burial of a Priest, First Part 

Monday, 7 August 
8am - Requiem Divine Liturgy 
11am - Order of Burial of a Priest, Second Part (includes the Final Kiss and Internment) Lunch, fellowship, and singalong to follow 

Father Roman will lie in the church for most of the above services. Please bring your musical instruments for the singalong after the burial on Monday. 

In lieu of flowers, Father Roman has asked that donations be made in his memory to Saint Elias Church. 

The money collected will be allocated according to his wishes: to the parish mortgage, the Ukrainian Catholic University, and the formation of priests and care of orphans in Ukraine.


Субота, 5 серпня 
10:00 - Заупокійна Божественна Літургія (для родини та парафіян), з відвідуванням з 9:00 
19:00 - Велика Вечірня з Литією на свято Преображення Господнього, з відвідуванням після служби до 22:00 

Неділя, 6 серпня -- Преображення Господнє 
8:00 - Празнична Утреня 10:00 - Божественна Літургія 18:00 - Відвідини 19:00 - Чин Похорону Мирських Ієреїв (перша частина) 

Понеділок, 7 серпня 
8:00 - Заупокійна Божественна Літургія 11:00 - Чин Похорону Мирських Ієреїв (друга частина, включає Послідне Цілування і Погребення) 
Тризна, з спілкуванням та співом 

Впродовж більшості вищезгаданих богослужінь тіло отця Романа лежатиме у храмі. Будь ласка, принесіть з собою свої музичні інструменти для співу після Погребення в понеділок. 

Замість квітів отець Роман попросив складати пожертви в його памʼять на Церкву святого пророка Ілії. 
Відповідно до його бажання зібрані кошти будуть спрямовані на сплачування парафіяльних довгів за побудову нового храму, на Український Католицький Університет, а також на формацію священників та опіку над сиротами в Україні.

For further information, please visit

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

+ Father Roman Galadza, RIP

With great sorrow, we pass along this message just received from the family of + Father Roman Galadza, past of Saint Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church in Brampton, Ontario.

Dear Parishioners and Friends, 

+Father Roman fell asleep in the Lord early in the morning of August 1, 2023. His passing was very peaceful, surrounded by family. 

We sang to him for much of the day on Monday, we napped at his side, and he listened to the livestream of Vespers. 

Father’s burial will take place on Monday, August 7th. Details of services will follow shortly. 

Thank you for all your prayers.